God of Destruction

Chapter 4413: Festival opens up the world

Chapter 4419: Opening the World

Dao names are not arbitrarily named. When the Lord of Nether uses Yin and Yang as Dao names, the cause and effect of yin and yang are condensed on him. It may not be clear to the saints that the yin and yang Dao names are important, but for Hongjun Daozu Different, this will mean that the Lord of the Nether will take over everything from the yin and yang gods and demons, even the air luck. If there is only the air luck of the time gods and demons, Hongjun Daozu will not care too much, and now it’s not possible, Hongjun Daozu Not paying attention, the appearance of killing intent is also his own reaction.

An innate **** and demon with the origin of time **** and demon, it can be said that half of his foot has stepped into the chaos **** and demon. Such existence makes Hongjun Dao Anxious. With the existence of the Lord of Nether, the tunnel is indeed a threat to the heaven. Interests threatened Hongjun Daozu's own interests, so Hongjun Daozu had to look at the Lord of Nether again.

Compared with the hatred of many people, the eyes of the Western Two Sages showed a hint of shock, and there was also a hint of joy in addition to the shock. What was shocked was that the Lord of the Nether was not a major in Causal Path, and what was pleased was that being the Lord of the World and Not mastering the origin rules of the Great Dao that belong to the world is a great thing for the ambitious Western Second Saints.

"It's a pity, now the Netherworld has once again attracted everyone's attention. Otherwise, this is really an opportunity for us to explore the Netherworld again. It is impossible for a world lord who has not mastered the path of cause and effect to merge with the Netherworld. As one, we may have been deceived by his previous threats!" When he said this, the saint sighed involuntarily, his eyes were full of reluctance and unwillingness, but he himself knew that he had no chance to explore again. In the Netherworld, heaven does not allow it, Hongjun Daozu does not allow it, and other saints also do not allow themselves. Today is not the time for the West to show its strength.

"Junior, don’t worry about this matter. It’s not good for us. We are just named disciples. We can even say that we are just pawns of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. We cannot intervene in the struggle between Heavenly Dao and Dao. It's good, but it's not that we can get involved, at least not now!" The Sage Sigh sighed softly, shook his head, a look of helplessness in his eyes, the previous failure deeply affected the Sage Sage.

"But I'm still a bit unwilling. I know that the opportunity is right in front of me, but I can't make a move. This is too unacceptable. If this thing keeps dragging on, we won't get anything. We can only watch the opportunity. Disappeared in front of my eyes!" Unwilling, Zhun said that the saint has too many unwillingness, but there is no way.

"Wait, we just need to wait quietly. Time is on our side. Although we are named disciples and are not liked by the teacher and the gods, there are pros and cons in everything. If the teacher is not liked by the teacher, we can also stay out of things and watch. On the contrary, Sanqing and Nuwa Empress cannot do it. As disciples who enter the room, they have to share their worries for the teacher!"

"Brother, I always feel that things are not that simple. When the Witch Clan returned from the Nether World, he immediately made a big fight and put up a stance to fight against the Monster Clan, so that the entire prehistoric world was full of evil spirits, and now the Nether World has appeared again. Change, this has to make people doubt their intentions, I think there should be a conspiracy behind this!"

conspiracy? There have never been a lot of these things. Why don’t you know how to attract a saint. It’s just that he doesn’t need to dismantle all of this in the current situation. The consequences are not the West can bear. No matter how crazy the conspiracy is, as long as the other party takes action, it will inevitably be exposed. The West also has to bear a bit of pressure, but this is nothing to the Wu people, as long as they are willing to avoid it.

"This has nothing to do with us. Whether there is a conspiracy or no conspiracy, what we have to do is protect ourselves. Only by maintaining ourselves in this catastrophe can we see more, whether it is a monster or a witch. , Their war is on the verge, and now the world of Netherworld is also changing, which is enough to prove that there has been an abnormal change, and this Qia Qia is a new opportunity for us to intervene in the prehistoric state. As long as the Lich clan goes to war, our opportunity will appear, I I believe that is our root!"

It’s too good to attract the saints to think about everything too well. When the war is together, everything is beyond their control. In the face of the general situation of the world, let alone these saints, even Hongjun Taoist ancestors are a little worried. The Lu of Destruction, the real prehistoric trend has never been affected by this, and the general trend will not succumb to any power! ·

If the leading saint wants to control the general situation of the world, he can only say that he has valued his own ability and underestimated the foundation of the prehistoric world. The reason why the Lord of the Nether can win steadily is that there is strong support behind all this. , Then authentic!

"Hahaha! The Lord of the Nether is indeed trustworthy. Although he knows that doing so will put a lot of pressure on him, he still helps us Wu Clan with all his strength. We must keep this favor in mind. Have all parts of the army united successfully? We have to guard against the monsters that may sneak attacks at any time. I believe that the most troublesome thing now is the **** of Tiandao. The power of the authenticity is growing. This is what he least wants to see. And this Qia Qia is our opportunity to speed up and let All clansmen hurry up, there is not much time left for us, we can't miss the kindness of the Lord of the Nether, if we can't seize the opportunity, we will be too incompetent!" Di Jiang Zuwu's eyes showed a trace of warfare , If it wasn't for the Wu Clan that he hadn't been fully prepared yet, he couldn't bear to make a big move. Such a situation would really be the best opportunity for the Wu Clan!

"Yes, brother is right. Our time is limited. Although the Lord of the Nether holds the authority of the world, he is not able to control such changes alone. It is absolutely impossible for him to control such great power alone. How long will this power transfer. We must hurry up and not delay for too long, or the opportunity will disappear!" At this time, the Hou Tu Ancestral Witch’s expression became extremely solemn, compared to other Ancestral Witches. The ancestor witch can best understand how strong the source fluctuations of the Netherworld are. Such fluctuations are definitely beyond the control of the Lord of the Nether. Obviously things are beyond the master of the Lord of the Nether!

It’s just that Houtu Ancestral Witch didn’t expect things to be more powerful than he had guessed. It was a tunnel shot, and he took the origin of the Nether Starry Sky directly from the Lord of the Nether, and directly passed the Lord of the Nether and forcibly changed the essence of the Nether Starry Sky. , Heaven has selfishness, and tunnels are also selfish. When tunnels are not consummated or strong, they need the help of the Lord of the Nether, but it does not want the Lord of the Nether to be stronger, threatening their safety, and the tunnel is not willing Seeing the Lord of the Nether continue to grow his grasp of the Nether World, and eventually become a strong man who breaks away from the tunnel, making the tunnel threatened!


"Time waits for no one. Since we are running out of time, it is better to start acting now. Let us take the position of the God of Four Seasons first. With this power, we can be invincible first?" Zhu Rongzu Wu said his thoughts. In his opinion, if he can win the position of the God of Four Seasons first and receive the blessing of the prehistoric humanity, they will be able to take the initiative!

The Houtu Ancestor Witch shook his head lightly and said: "No, this is not possible. When the God of Four Seasons' fruit position comes out, Tiandao will immediately notice our Witch Clan, and Hongjun Daozu will also watch our Witch Clan, and even take action personally. Come to interfere with us. At that time, will everyone still have the power to open up the world of the Witch? There is only one chance. We can't be careless. For us Witch people, we cannot afford to fail. If we want to act, we must have absolute certainty. We cannot overestimate our own strength!"

Emperor Jiang Zuwu nodded and said: "Sister Houtu is right. We can't care about it. Now we are introducing the weaker clansmen into the Pangu Temple and protecting them with the power of the Father God. This can save us a lot. Time, even if there is a crisis, we will not be distracted by their safety, and we can face all dangers wholeheartedly."

War is not a trifling matter. Everyone knows this. When a war occurs, the Wu clan will inevitably be impacted by the forces of all parties. At that time, the ancestor witch would not have the energy to take care of those weak clan members. If they act now, they will be included in the Pangu Palace. , Everything is different, the worries of the Wu clan are gone. Although this will expose the existence of the Pangu Temple, but for the sake of big plans, this is nothing. As the Queen of Pangu, how can there be no treasure to suppress the Wu clan's luck!

After hearing the words of Emperor Jiang Zu Wu, the other Ancestral Witches all nodded and agreed that preserving vitality is the most important thing. During the war, their Ancestral Witches really cannot take care of all the tribesmen. If they can bring those tribesmen with insufficient strength into the Pangu Hall, it is true. It can let them have no worries, can resolve the weakness of the Witch tribe, so that the Witch tribe army can do their best.

"Damn, the Wu Clan is moving again. They are really going to go to full-scale war with the Yao Clan, and they started to gather the weak clansmen. They are eliminating their worries. What gives them such confidence and makes them so crazy? "The Nuwa Empress who has been paying attention to the Wu Clan has a trace of doubt in her eyes, and there is also a trace of shock.

Yes, this is really incredible. The Wu Clan dared to violate Daozu Hongjun’s decree and dared to go to war with the Monster Clan at all costs. This made her sacred heart shake, and the sage’s idea of ​​invincibility appeared cracks. Madness made her understand that saints are not invincible, saints also have life and death crisis, and there are disasters, at least the Wu clan has such power.

"It's a space treasure, a space treasure that can contain living creatures. It seems that the Wu Clan finally used its own background. Is this their background? Is it their Yiyi?" The Nuwa Empress soon noticed the existence of Pangu Temple, but When Empress Nuwa explored this treasure with all her strength, she found that she could not discover the essence of this treasure with the power of her saint!

"The Supreme Treasure, the Innate Supreme Treasure exists. The Witch Clan actually has the Innate Supreme Treasure to suppress the luck. I underestimated the Witch Clan. Everyone underestimated the Witch Clan. No wonder they dare to fight the Monster Clan at this time. The Pangu atmosphere, it seems that the Great God Pangu left them with a powerful background!" Empress Nuwa frowned and muttered to herself, her eyes gleaming with terrible light.

Tell the demon emperor Jun? No, Empress Nuwa shook her head slightly. There is no need for this. The Wu Clan has made such a big movement. Naturally, it has already been known by the demon emperor Jun’s disposition, and the sudden appearance of the Wu Clan’s treasure will inevitably be explored. Then, with the protection of the treasure, the Wu Clan can really do its best, and can have a life-and-death duel with the Monster Clan without worries.

It seems that the Wu Clan is here to be true, to fight the monster clan to the death! When thinking of this, Empress Nuwa couldn't help but smile. Such a situation is a great threat to her. You must know that your luck is connected with the monster clan. Once the monster clan is destroyed, your own monster saint will Under the huge impact, most of the luck will be dispersed.

At this moment, not only the Nuwa Empress was shocked, but worried, all the saints were worried. The madness of the Wu Clan made them believe that the Lich War was about to break out, and the Wu Clan would take the Monster Clan at all costs. Perhaps this situation is precisely because of the intervention of his teacher, which broke the last bottom line in the hearts of the Wu clan, making the Wu clan desperate!

Yes, many people think of Daozu Hongjun the first time, because they all know that Daozu Hongjun has never treated the Lich clan fairly, and has always suppressed the Witch clan, and when the Witch clan is suppressed to the limit, they must Desperately, this is a normal choice for a group of barbarians without a soul, and they are an inevitable choice.

When life is threatened, the first thing that comes to mind for a group of violent and powerful barbarians is war, killing, no matter how great the price is paid, this is the inevitable outcome, perhaps This is also one of Hongjun Daozu's calculations. The Witch Clan’s choice is exactly what Hongjun Daozu wants. As for the Yaozu, there are others, it is not worth mentioning!

Although I think that the black hand behind all this is likely to be his own teacher, all the saints dare not say anything. They can only silently mourn for the monster race and the witch race, and they are also worried that they are afraid that one day they will be too. Stepped into the footsteps of the two families of Lich, became the abandoned son of Heaven, was destroyed by Heaven, and ended in a dead end.

"I hope that the Wu Clan can break free from this calculation, to break free from the shackles of the body!" Unknowingly, this thought was born in the hearts of all saints. When this thought appeared, everyone was shocked, and then It was shocking. Although this was their voice, the impact on them was so great that it was too big for them to accept and shocked their minds! Such thoughts appear in their hearts, which means that they themselves are fearing their teachers and worrying about their teachers' persecution. This is too much pressure for them!

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