God of Destruction

Chapter 4414: God of Seasons

Chapter 4420: God of Four Seasons

"The avenue is up, Wu Jumang is willing to take charge of the deity of spring growth, and hope that the avenue will recognize it, and the prehistoric will recognize it!"

"The avenue is up, I wish Rong is willing to be in charge of the **** of summer, and hope that the avenue will recognize it, and the predecessor will recognize it!"

"The avenue is up, I am willing to take charge of the **** of autumn, hope the avenue will recognize it, and the prehistoric will recognize it!"

"The great avenue is up, Wu Xuanming is willing to take charge of the **** of winter, hoping that the great avenue will recognize it, and the great land will recognize it!"

"Father Pangu is above, Jumang, Zhu Rong, and Sushou, Xuan Ming is the **** of the four seasons, and the **** of the four seasons dominates the prehistoric humanity and controls the rotation of the four seasons!" With the unanimous shouts of the four great ancestors, the entire world An astonishing and dramatic change has taken place, the endless aura of heaven and earth circulates madly, the power of the four seasons rules emerges from the void, and the power of the rules falls on the four great ancestor witches. Heaven and earth recognizes the four great ancestral witches and recognizes them. The Wu Clan, the humanity status has fallen.

"Damn, we were fooled. The Wu Clan and the Lord Yin and Yang Daoist worked together to calculate us. The previous changes in the Nether World were just to attract our attention and create time and opportunities for the Wu Clan!" When the four great ancestor witches seized the Four Seasons God status, all the powerhouses of the Monster Race were angry and angry at such a shock. The Four Seasons God, this is the humanity fruit status. If you change it to yourself, you have a chance to succeed. , But now everything is over, and the fruit position is controlled by the Wu clan!

Demon Emperor Jun also had a sullen face at this time, angry at such a panic. He knew that the ancestors of the witch clan had no such ability. He could see through the prehistoric humanity status, he must be the innate **** and demon who was just born. The Lord of Nether, only he can use the power of the supreme authority and the power of the source of the tunnel to perceive the existence of the God of Four Seasons!

"Even an innate **** and demon who has just been born can feel the humanity status, why, as the lord of the heavens and the emperor of the demon race, I have not noticed the **** status of the four seasons. What is going on, the origin of the heavens? I can't do it with the demon race. Is it the heaven and the Daozu Hongjun that bind us?" At this time, the demon emperor Jun also suspects that everything is because of the restriction of the Daozu Hongjun, but now the Wuzu The strength of Demon Emperor Jun deeply felt threatened, as if everything was going to lose control again, Daozu Hongjun also lost his grasp of everything, and the power of the Witch Clan exceeded the range of the Monster Clan's bearing!

It’s a pity that all this is just the beginning. When the four great ancestor witches gained humane luck and were recognized by humanity, the Emperor Jiang ancestor witch and other ancestral witches all stepped forward, and even the Houtu ancestral witch appeared. , All the saints, and everyone in the Monster Race were shocked by it. They didn't even know that the Houtu Ancestor Witch had left the Netherworld and appeared in the wild land. Is it necessary for the Wu Family to make such a big fight to ensure the humanity status of the God of Four Seasons? What is their conspiracy?

"The twelve capital gods are in great formation, the father returns, and Pangu axe!" With the roar of the twelve ancestor witches, endless clouds of evil spirits gathered, and the twelve ancestor witches condensed the Pangu real body, in the Pangu real body When they appeared, the Supreme Master, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Eastern Emperor Taiyi all felt the trembling treasure in their hands, as if to respond to the call of Pangu's true body!

"The twelve capital gods are in a big formation, Pangu real body, what do the lunatics of the Wu clan want to do? Do they really have to go to war with the monster clan, but it is expected to be a decisive battle. At this time, what is the condensed Pangu real body doing? Can you smash through the defenses of the heavens with one axe on the wild land, and directly hit the heavens held by the demon pen?" All the saints sneered again and again, thinking that the twelve ancestor witch broke out at this time a bit irrational, when no enemies appeared It is unwise to consume one's own source under the circumstances!

Unfortunately, without waiting for these saints to be happy for too long, Pangu's true body yelled: "Open the world, the world of the witch race, connect to the tunnel, give it to me!" When this voice fell, Pangu's true body's imaginary sky-opening axe Cut out, cut through the void directly, cut away the chaos, and with the help of the power of the tunnel, opened up a world outside the Netherworld, and this is not a small world, but a small world. Potential Zhongqian World.

"Open the world, don't the Wu Clan want to give up the predecessor?" Seeing this situation, all the saints frowned. This is not a good thing for them, but the terrifying cut of Pangu's real body made them feel The threat of death made them afraid to act rashly. After all, even a saint might perish in the face of such a power.

"Give it to me, suppress Daqian, Tianzhu appears!" After the world took shape, Pangu's real body waved and grabbed Pangu Temple in his hand, and then threw it hard to throw it into the emerging world. In his eyes, this treasure turned into a pillar to support the world opened up by the Wu clan, while the Wu clan creatures in the Pangu Temple fell into the world like rain, bearing the washing of the world, while in the Pangu Temple The Pangu Heart in the middle blended into the world silently, and a complete middle-thousand world was completed, and at this moment the monster race was dumbfounded, and the saints were dumbfounded.

All this has not yet come to fruition, the Twelve Ancestral Witch once again shouted: "Move Daqian, let me go!" With their roar, a world channel appeared above the Witch army, and the gathered Witch army Walking into the passage of the world in an orderly manner, there was no shock or confusion at all, everything was so natural.

auzw.com When the last witch warrior left, the worries in the heart of the twelve ancestor witch finally ended. He laughed and said: "Dijun, your monsters don’t want to get the whole The prehistoric world? My Wu Clan has perfected you. Since Tian Dao doesn't like us Pangu queens and wants to suppress us, then we will give up all this and give you the Monster Clan!"

With that said, the twelve capital gods and evil spirits formed by the twelve ancestor witches have also stepped into the new world. There is no witch clan in the entire prehistoric land, and all the witch clan have retreated completely. They really gave up the prehistoric land and everything in the prehistoric land. They walked cleanly without any nostalgia, but this change made Tiandao dumbfounded and Hongjun Daozu dumbfounded. This was not the result they wanted. , Without the Wu Clan, who will fight against the Yao Clan to provoke this calamity of heaven and earth!

"How is this possible? The group of barbarians gave up the wild world and opened up the world on their own, creating a world in the middle of a thousand worlds and a world outside of the wild world. The power of Pangu's real body has exceeded the power of a saint, even a saint. It’s impossible to evolve into such a complete Zhongqian world, but the Wu Clan has done it!" The Demon Emperor Jun was also lost at this moment, and he couldn’t figure out how such **** like the Wu Clan would do this, and would give up everything so easily. The previous battles were fake?

I can’t believe what my eyes see. This is the real thoughts of the powerhouses in the entire prehistoric world. No one can believe that the 12th ancestral witch of the witch clan directly and neatly created a one-sided mid-thousand world, and directly took all the witches. Leaving the prehistoric world, directly jumped out of the calamity of heaven and earth. Without the Wu Clan, who will restrict the monster race and who will promote the calamity of heaven and earth!

After being shocked, Demon Emperor Jun soon became excited. Without the restrictions of the Wu Clan, the entire prehistoric world will be under the control of the Demon Clan. When he takes over the entire prehistoric state, how about all the saints at that time, as the Lord of the prehistoric , The saint also surrendered to the demon clan, surrendered to himself, thinking of this, the eyes of the demon emperor Jun flashed with endless ambition!

The monster race was excited and happy, but the prevalence of other creatures and other races were extremely heavy. Without the witch race, who can withstand the edge of the monster race army, who can prevent the monster race from becoming the protagonist of the prehistoric world, at this time They missed the Wu clan so much, and they couldn’t help but hate Hongjun Daozu. If it hadn’t been for Hongjun Daozu and Heaven’s Dao to do things too terribly and force the Wu clan to have nowhere to retreat, the current situation would not appear. It will make the Wu Clan directly give up the prehistoric world, leave the prehistoric world directly, jump out of this world, and directly sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and watch the drastic changes of the prehistoric!

Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy, a crazy conspiracy, everything is calculated by the Wu clan. They have prepared everything a long time ago, waiting for this moment to appear. Now many people regret it, but everything is too much. It was too late, and the Wu clan walked swiftly and neatly, without any clansman staying, which shows that the Wu clan hates the prehistoric world.

"Brother, what should we do? The Wu Clan group of barbarians jumped directly out of the heaven and earth to measure the calamity. They can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and watch the prehistoric struggle with a smile. If the demon tribe succeeds, the entire prehistoric world will be under the control of the demon tribe. In China, we in the West cannot have a prosperous day at all. We will inevitably be battered by the heavens and the earth. The consequences are beyond our tolerance!" Faced with such a situation, Zhunti Sage’s eyes revealed endless anger. To the monster race, to the witch race, to the Hongjun Daozu!

"Wait, there is only waiting for us. Although we will be greatly impacted, Sanqing is also the same. If you say that the one who is least afraid is of course Nuwa, it is just that Nuwa alone cannot protect the Yaozu, without the Wuzu. The demon race has naturally become the target of public criticism. We are watching the changes that are, no matter what calculations and plans of the gods and teachers have, we can stay out of the matter!" Yes, from this moment on, the sage should be out of the matter and don’t want to participate in this battle. Among them, the madness of the Wu clan made him see a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope that jumped out of the shackles, and the saint was a shackle to them.

"Is this Pangu's calculation or an authentic calculation? At this time, under this situation, is it Pangu's counterattack or the restriction of the avenue?" Looking at everything in front of me, feeling the changes in the world, Hongjun Daozu's A faint trace of loss and doubt was revealed in his eyes. Such a situation caused Hongjun Daozu's indifferent heart to be shaken.

When the Wu Clan jumped out of the heaven and earth, Daozu Hongjun truly understood that all previous calculations were in vain and that the plan of heaven to dominate the prehistoric failed. For Hongjun Daozu, the first thing that came to mind was Pangu, the great **** of Pangu. The foundation is given to the witches, and that’s the way it is. Only then can the witches be able to open up the world, directly open up the world of the witches, and support the world with the treasure of Pangu Temple, giving the world unlimited potential and letting the witches never fail.

The world opened up by the Wu clan is the master of the world. Unlike the lord of the world of the Netherworld, the heavens and the primordial land, this is the master who truly holds the power of the world. Even if a saint enters the world of the Wu clan, they will be suppressed by the world. Any resistance to the power, as to the power of the Heavenly Dao, will be limited by the tunnels that the Witch World depends on. Daozu Hongjun didn't think that such a big deal would come from the hand of an innate **** and demon who was just born shortly after the Lord of Netherworld!

At this time, Hongjun Daozu has given up his attention to the Netherworld and the Lord of the Nether. Even if the Lord of the Nether participates in this conspiracy, the Lord of the Nether is just a **** and is not worthy of his attention. , This is the true feeling of Daozu Hongjun towards the Lord of the Nether, of course, this is also because the Lord of the Nether has lost the mastery of the starry sky.

"The Wu Clan has succeeded, and I should also think of ways to get rid of my shackles. The avatar of the Great Path of Causality should be further bred to allow him to accept the authority of the Nether World, let him preside over everything in the Nether World, and when the Nether World is really completed, it will also It is that I have completely escaped from the shackles of the Nether World!" Feeling the changes in the world, Taoist Yin Yang, the Lord of the Nether, sighed indifferently. All of this requires detailed preparation, not too hurried, so as not to affect your own practice. .

The success of the Wu Clan proves the Nether Lord’s conjecture. It also proves that the prevalence is not unchangeable. The so-called general situation is unchangeable. It is just the way of heaven, and it is just the rhetoric of Hongjun Daozu. The general situation is never certain. Jumping out of the world and measuring the calamity, the prehistoric world can be changed, and now I should also find a way to break free from my own shackles. As for the ending of the Lich races, this is not in the thinking of the Lord of Nether.

However, if you want the deity to escape from the nether world, you need to further improve the nether world and eliminate the connection between yourself and the nether world. This requires the help of the witch clan and the return of the ancestral witch of the earth to preside over the overall situation. Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch enters the Six Paths of Reincarnation, presides over the witch humanity, speeds up the transformation and evolution of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, so that the foundation of the Witch Clan can be stabilized, and it can also stabilize the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Only by completing all this can the deity escape!

There is only one chance. The Lord of the Nether dare not be sloppy. If there is a slight difference, he will fail his plan and make all his calculations come to nothing. He has paid such a big price and made so many preparations. Arrangement, if it ends in failure, this is unacceptable and unbearable consequences for the Lord of the Nether, and all these Lords of the Nether need to be more careful and prepare for the worst to prevent accidents from happening!

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