God of Destruction

Chapter 4418: Six Paths of Reincarnation

Four thousand four hundred and twenty-four chapters six reincarnations

"Perhaps when it comes time to find the Demon Race to clear the cause and effect, but also to clear the knot of your own heart. The Human Race is still the concern in your heart. Perhaps this is the opportunity for you to dissolve one body of cause and effect, and all your heart knots. Time is the time when you break through your own bottleneck, and when you break through the Da Luo Jinxian!"

Causality, and the cause and effect of the demon race, are inevitable to the Yin and Yang Taoist. Although he entrusts everything in the Netherworld to the King of Causation clone, there is still a knot in the heart of the deity, not to mention the knot of the human race. Now, this makes Yin and Yang Taoists have to face their own hearts and have to resolve this knot in their hearts.

When the Yin and Yang Taoists are preparing to leave the nether world and enter the prehistoric world to find the demon clan to settle the cause and effect, the Houtu ancestor witch in the witch clan world has already felt the changes from the nether world, the changes in the six reincarnations, and this change It made her faintly alarmed, as the king of cause and effect grasped the authority of the nether world, the whole nether world became stronger and the source more concentrated.

"What happened in the Netherworld? How come there was such a change suddenly? Could it be said that it was just such a short time, and the strength of the Lord of the Nether has taken a step forward, and has made breakthroughs, just born in such a short time, strength It’s too terrible to strengthen again and again. If it's not for strength, then the origin of the world has changed!"

When thinking of this, Houtu Ancestral Witch sighed involuntarily, and also had the idea of ​​wanting to return to the Netherworld. Although the Witch Clan world was undergoing transformation and evolution, Houtu Ancestral Witch did not need to rely on this Comprehension enhances oneself, after all, the true power of the Houtu ancestor witch comes from the six reincarnations. Although the opportunity of the witch world is good, it is not suitable for him.

"I can't continue to waste my time. My opportunity lies in the six reincarnations. Only by perfecting the six reincarnations can I make my practice further. The six reincarnations are the foundation of myself. The world of the witches should be handed over to them. This opportunity is still It’s better to give up, the one that suits you is the best, and Xuanming should also focus on the six reincarnations. The witch human Taoist master is the most suitable for her to rely on for her practice!" After making a decision, I have also seen clearly the direction of my practice, the fundamentals of myself, and what is best for me.

When the Houtu Ancestral Witch's heart moved, the other Ancestral Witches who were in harmony with the world felt her thoughts. They could all understand the idea of ​​the Houtu Ancestral Witch. Although the world of Witch Clan is good, it is not suitable for Houtu Ancestor. Witches are not suitable for Xuanming Ancestral Witches. Only the Netherworld is a suitable place for them to practice. If they continue to stay, it will only affect their practice!

The ancestor witches of the witch clan were never selfish people. They are different from the monster clan. When they understood the opportunities between the Houtu ancestor witch and the Xuanming ancestor witch, the Emperor Jiang Zuwu, the head of the twelve ancestor witches, said : "Sister Houtu, Sister Xuanming, your chance is not in the world of the witch race, your chance is in the world of the netherworld, in the six reincarnations, you don’t need to waste your time and energy. Now the world of the witch race has been opened up. Success, the next step is just fine work and perfection. You can invest your energy on your own practice. Your own strength is the most important thing. We are enough in the Witch World!"

Dijiang Zuwu’s opening immediately received the approval of other ancestor witches. No one wants to see his two sisters wasting their practice time so much, although now it seems that the Wu clan has jumped out of the quagmire of the prehistoric world. Shang has been invincible, but is everything really that easy? Regarding all of this, Emperor Jiang Zu Wu dared not agree, and other Zu Wus did not dare to think like this. After all, it was their own strength that determined everything. When the Wu Clan’s strength was insufficient, they would have no real freedom or so-called invincibility. In this place, only its own strength is the root of everything.

"Leave the two sisters, go to where you should go. The Netherworld is your roots, and there is your hope!" As a group of ancestor witches spoke, the faces of Houtu and Xuanming ancestors There was a faint smile on it. This is the love between brothers and sisters. The Wu clan is united from beginning to end, and they live and die together. They will not sacrifice other brothers and sisters for themselves!

"So thank you brothers for your accomplishment. We will leave now. In the future, your brothers will take care of the Witch World. It’s just that you’d better not care about the luck of the great world. Now that we have made the choice to leave, we will completely To cut off everything in the prehistoric world, strength is the root of everything. We witches don’t have to fight for the protagonist of the prehistoric world and seize the human luck. Heaven will not give us such an opportunity, and the saints will not give us such a chance. Opportunity, beyond the prehistoric calamity, what we are looking for is the strength of our own strength. Only our own strength can protect the entire witch clan when the immeasurable calamity comes and protect the witch from the immeasurable calamity!" , Houtu Zuwu was still worried that his elder brother could not let go of the fate of the prehistoric world and the influence of the Pangu bloodline, so he was still thinking about seizing the fate of the prehistoric humanity!

Dijiang Zuwu laughed and said: "Hahaha! Sister Houtu thinks too much, the matter is over, we will no longer pay attention to the prehistoric world, the world of witches is our foundation, the world of witches with endless potential. As long as we are fully involved in it, continue to grow the origin of the world, let it continue to grow, and become a great world, so that the Wuzu world will not be weaker than the prehistoric land, not to mention that entering the prehistoric land at this time is not creating escape for the **** of the monster race. Chances? We won't be so stupid!"

auzw.com At this time, the Emperor Jiang Zu witch really had to put down the wild land, and put down the wild land that they and these ancestral witches had been guarding. For them, they have completely forgotten the blood. For all responsibilities, even the Heavenly Dao has been calculating the Witch Clan, and the Humanity has never given assistance to the Witch Clan. Under such circumstances, the Witch Clan still needs to protect the primordial world, and it is necessary to use their own lives to maintain the vitality of the primordial world. ? For creatures like the Witch Clan, when they really hate the prehistoric in their hearts, when they really have to make a decision, they can give up everything.

"It's so good, and I can feel at ease. Maybe we can't meet again for thousands of years. I hope you brothers will take care!" The Houtu ancestor witch did not refuse, accepting the kindness of the ancestors and directly from the Wu family world. Leaving in the middle, with the help of the power of the six reincarnations, he returned to the six reincarnations with the Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch and regained the authority of the six reincarnations.

When the Houtu Ancestral Witch entered the nether world, he felt the changes in the nether world now, and felt that the whole nether world was no longer the world he was familiar with before. The world was perfect and the source was powerful. The power of the road of cause and effect enveloped the entire nether world. Above, the power of authority is held in the hands of the Lord of the Nether. Today's Lord of the Nether possesses the aura of Causal Dao and unparalleled. Although there is only the realm of Daluo Jinxian, the Causal Dao can sweep the entire Nether World, and is in harmony with the origin of the world!

"How is this possible? In just a short time, the origin of the Lord of the Nether has undergone such an astonishing change. It was originally the Dao of Yin and Yang but now it is the path of pure cause and effect. What am I missing?" Sudden change, Houtu Ancestral Witch’s heart is extremely shocked, the transformation of the origin is not a trivial matter, a little carelessness will leave endless hidden dangers to himself, but there is no hidden danger in the Lord of the Nether, if not The breath of the Lord of the Nether is still the person she was familiar with before, and she would think that the Lord of the Nether has been replaced by someone!

It’s also correct to say that it’s a replacement. Today’s Nether Lord is no longer the Yin-Yang Taoist deity, but the King of Karma clone. Although the breath is the same, the origin is completely different. The Lord of Karma has taken over all the cause and effect and all responsibilities of the Netherworld instead of the deity. , And the King of Karma can also use the origin of the Netherworld to practice the Dao of Cause and Effect, condense the true body of the Dao of Cause and Effect, step into his Dao practice, enter the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and perfect his practice.

The Houtu Ancestral Witch felt the change of the Lord of the Nether for the first time because of the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. When the Houtu Ancestral Witch entered the Netherworld, the King of Cause and Effect as the master of the world also felt the Houtu Ancestor. The changes in the witch’s aura, the benefits brought by the world’s opening of a thousand worlds, also gave the Houtu ancestors a huge insight, and the perception of a world has great benefits for anyone who practices, but unfortunately, the latter The Tuzu Witch did not incorporate this insight into his own practice, did not turn it into his own heritage, the origin of the world is almost a panacea, which can be integrated into all cultivation.

"The breath of the world avenue, the Houtu ancestor witch is really not trivial. The avenue of earth carries thousands of mighty powers, and a trace of the witch world is condensed on her. It seems that this is the retreat of the witch world to the Houtu ancestor witch, even if it is In the end, the Netherworld is destroyed and the six reincarnations are shattered. The Houtu ancestor witch can also use the original origin of the witch world to protect it, but the power of the thousand worlds on one side is too weak. If even the six reincarnations collapse, the entire prehistoric world will inevitably enter the boundless world. In the amount of calamity, even the prehistoric world will be destroyed, and a small medium-thousand world will inevitably come to an end and will be destroyed by the immeasurable calamity!"

Speaking of this, the King of Karma clone shook his head involuntarily. The deity may not feel the original evolution of the Netherworld. He doesn't know the authority of the Netherworld to master the world's creatures, but the clone is very clear. If you master the path of cause and effect, you can master it. In the entire world, the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is also in the grasp of the Netherworld.

"Houtu ancestor witch, hurry up and perfect the six ways of reincarnation. Only when the master of the six great paths returns, can the six paths of reincarnation be truly perfected. The six paths where the master of the six great paths are seated are the strongest six paths of reincarnation, and the Dao Fellowship can be perfected. , As today’s calamity is breaking out, this is the opportunity for Daoists to perfect the Lord of the Six Paths, and it is also an opportunity for Daoists to prove the Dao!"

With the perfect six reincarnations, the Houtu ancestor witch who has the complete authority of the six reincarnations will attain the status of an authentic saint. Although there is only one step difference, there is a qualitative difference between the steps. This is different from the heavenly saints, the heavenly saints The foundation of the sage lies in the grandiose and purple energy, and the roots of the authentic saints are derived from the laws they have mastered, and the law of the Hou Tu Zu Wu corresponds to the six reincarnations, which is the law of reincarnation. If the Hou Tu Zu Wu can master the laws of the earth, it will be even more Furthermore, it's just that the Houtu ancestor witch does not have so much energy to practice the two principles. The most suitable for her now is the law of reincarnation!

The lord of the six realms, witch human realm, fortunately, Xuanming ancestor witch came to the town, but the two Taoists of the animal road and asura road were cut off by the lord of the netherworld with the "life and death thin" and the "judge pen", thinking It is not an easy task to re-establish the Taoist masters of these two realms. It requires great luck, great cause and effect, and great good fortune. Fortunately, it is now a great calamity. The entire prehistoric world has been slaughtered by the demon race. Condensed endless cause and effect, which gave the Houtu Zuwu a chance.

Seeing the hesitation of the Houtu ancestor witch, the king of cause and effect smiled indifferently, and immediately understood what the other party was thinking, so he calmly said: "Houtu ancestor witch, don’t worry, you still need to improve your road of reincarnation first. , Humanity, Heaven and Humanity, etc. Every time you perfect one, every time you add a Dao Lord to sit in the six paths, you will increase the power of the six paths of reincarnation and increase your perception of the path of reincarnation. When the six paths gather, the true path of reincarnation will be fully revealed to you. In front of you!"

For the King of Causality, he doesn’t care about the Houtu Ancestral Witch’s proving Dao. Even if the Houtu Ancestor Witch has mastered the road of reincarnation and attained the status of an authentic saint, it will not have much influence on him, and in the view of the King of Causality, if The Houtu ancestor witch can really use the Dao of Reincarnation to further master the Dao of Causality and master the origin of the Nether World. This is also a good thing. He can escape from the Nether World. The authority of the Nether World has never been the king of cause and effect. Pay attention, the king of cause and effect only attaches importance to his own causal avenue, and the original treasures that carry his own cause and effect avenue.

"Thank you fellow daoists for your guidance. I will start to perfect the way of reincarnation, so that the witch human Taoist will return, let the power of the six reincarnations grow, and relieve the pressure of the current world of reincarnation, prevent the six reincarnations from having problems, and prevent the nether world from suffering too much. Impact!” The Houtu ancestor witch also understands how much pressure is in the Netherworld today. The crazy killing of monsters is not only a pressure on humanity, an impact on heaven, but also an impact on tunnels. As the master of the six reincarnations The Houtu ancestor witch is naturally under great pressure. Previously, everything was borne by the king of cause and effect, but now she needs to bear it. This is her responsibility, as the master of the six reincarnations, naturally has to bear the reincarnation of all living beings, only the six reincarnations are unblocked. , The prehistoric world can be balanced, and the world will not be out of balance!

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