God of Destruction

Chapter 4419: Causality

Chapter 4425: Cause and Effect

The king of cause and effect smiled indifferently, and she did everything that should be pointed out. Whether the Houtu Ancestral Witch can perfect the six reincarnations and master the road of reincarnation depends on her own good fortune. If the Houtu Ancestral Witch cannot do it, it can only It shows that she lacks her own air luck and cannot blame others. If she can master it, it can be regarded as a crucial step in her practice. Whether she can get rid of the shackles of the tunnel and the shackles of the tunnel fruit status depends on her own good fortune and whether she can see through everything. The essence!

Regarding the practice of the Witch Clan, the King of Cause and Effect, the Yin and Yang Taoist, has already said that whether the Houtu Ancestor Witch can listen to her depends on her own choice. Outsiders cannot help. If the Houtu Ancestor Witch has this Opportunity, it is natural to be able to walk out of a great road to the sky, if you can't see through, you can only choose the authentic saint status, even if you go further, you will only be bound by the tunnel! Following the footsteps of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, influenced by the tunnel, freedom is rare.

The opportunity has already been given to the Houtu Ancestral Witch. As for the result, I don’t need to worry about it. It must be hers if it is the Houtu Ancestral Witch. If it is not hers, no matter how you fight for it, you will have nothing. When you let go of everything in your heart , The king of cause and effect is extremely relaxed, and the path of cause and effect is much clearer. This is the understanding of the mind.

The king of cause and effect puts aside everything and devotes his body and mind to his own practice. The Dao of Causality matches the trend of the vast world and the changes in the Netherworld, so that his Dao is constantly strengthened, just wanting to completely nurture his original treasure. In order to further evolve the deity's supreme treasure, the source of this need is beyond the imagination of the king of cause and effect, and the source of the source of its own causal avenue needs so much source that the king of cause and effect is shocked.

"What has happened to my causal avenue? Why does it require such a huge source of power to carry the original treasure of my own avenue? Could it be that this is the difficulty of the accompanying utmost treasure? Or is it my origin that affected the birth of the original treasure?" No matter how you think about it, the King of Cause and Effect cannot figure out this problem. Fortunately, the King of Cause and Effect has not wasted his energy on this. No matter what the result is, he must work hard to accumulate. This is the result that he must accept.

How much you give, there will be so many gains. The king of cause and effect believes that his companion treasure needs more and stronger sources, and the more sources he accumulates, the longer the gestation period, and the more powerful he is in the end! In fact, when pointing to the Houtu Ancestor Witch, the King of Karma did not think about taking this opportunity to **** the idea of'Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus' from the Old Ancestor of Styx, but he quickly gave up, Ah Dao Master Shura has the best fruit position, but it is very difficult for the ancestors of Styx to pay the "Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus". After all, the "Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus" is the ultimate innate spiritual treasure!

Of course, the King of Karma is unwilling to intervene in the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the cultivation of the Hou Tu Zu Wu, and even less willing to owe him the cause and effect of the Hou Tu Zu Wu because of an innate spiritual treasure, so that he will bear a lot of money. Causality, as the king of cause and effect, you don't want to be restricted by cause and effect, and you don't want to be restrained by cause and effect to restrict your practice!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation is the focus of the Netherworld. If such a cause and effect are formed because of an innate spiritual treasure, it is not worth it for itself. The Karma Fire Red Lotus will have time to calculate in the future, but the cause and effect is not so easy to repay Yes, especially as the Netherworld becomes more perfect and stronger, it will be more difficult for oneself to repay the cause and effect. The King of Causality does not want to be trapped in the Netherworld all the time, and has been restricted by the Netherworld. Live free!

The more you understand the avenue of cause and effect, the more you have a deeper understanding of the avenue of cause and effect, the more you can understand the horror of the avenue of cause and effect, and the horror of cause and effect, especially the world-class cause and effect, is not so easy to repay. Without grasping the authority of the Netherworld, he did not know the terrible world of cause and effect, but now the king of cause and effect deeply understands the horror of world cause and effect, so the king of cause and effect is not willing to be contaminated with world-class cause and effect.

"The deity needs to speed up and settle its own cause and effect quickly. If you wait for the demon race to be targeted by the saints, and then settle the cause and effect when you are in a desperate situation, I am afraid that when the cause and effect of the demon race is settled, it will also be with the desolate saints. Forging cause and effect, or even forging cause and effect with heaven, I don’t know if the deity can liquidate everything in advance!” When thinking of this, the king of cause and effect could not help but sighed, and there was a faint uneasiness in his eyes. After all, the deity had to face it. It's not just the monster race, but also the calculations of the prehistoric saints, Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao. A slight difference will result in unimaginable consequences. Unfortunately, all of this must be faced by the deity. My clone cannot help, even if I have mastered it. The road of cause and effect, dare not act rashly.

The calamity of heaven and earth is a crisis and an opportunity, and this opportunity is time-limited. After the equivalent calamity is over, there is no chance or luck, especially the cause and effect formed by the demon race and the predecessors of the world is too heavy, not just Only the Yin and Yang Taoist is his own enemy. I don’t know how many powerful people are waiting to fight against the Yaozu, not to mention the predecessors. They just go to the Yaozu alone to settle the cause and effect. Even the Yin and Yang Taoist dare not dare. main idea!

"Human race, I didn’t expect me to return to the human race again. It’s a pity that I am no longer in the human race, and I don’t have any human luck. All I want is peace of mind, I just settle the cause and effect, and hope everything goes well, Yao race Will appear, will launch the killing of the Human Race, and let me end the cause and effect of the Monster Race, but I don’t know how this battle will end!" The Yin Yang Taoist who quietly came into the Human Race revealed a faint nostalgia. And killing intent!

When entering the prehistoric world, the yin-yang Taoist realized that he was affected by the heaven and earth calamity, and his body was affected by the calamity, because he abandoned everything in the nether world, abandoned all external forces, and lost the protection of the nether world and the tunnel. , The aura of heaven and earth measuring calamity naturally eroded itself, making Yin and Yang Taoists also trapped in the calamity, becoming a part of the calamity.


When entering the human race, the Taoist Yin and Yang can feel that there is not only him as an outsider in the human race today, but there are more powerful people hidden in the dark. It seems that they all understand the importance of the human race and want to rely on the human race. The power of the monsters fights against the monsters, trying to resolve their own crisis in the duel between the humans and the monsters.

Taoist Yin and Yang shook his head slightly and sighed: "Is this the method of the Primordial Saints? Use the human race to lure these strong men out, so that they can become the cannon fodder of the world and the world. The strong are eliminated together. Is the great world really unable to tolerate these strong? Is it that the heavens cannot tolerate them, or the Hongjun Dao ancestors cannot tolerate them, or the saints cannot tolerate them? If these giants fall here, Yaozu If it is destroyed again, the entire prehistoric world will be respected by the human race, and the human race will become the protagonist of humanity, occupying humane luck, and the authority of humanity will be difficult to perfect!"

Although I understand in my heart, the Taoist Yin and Yang do not have the idea of ​​stopping. The path of humanity has been set. It is not something that he can stop or change. Moreover, he has no such strength. The Majestic Land is not a ghostly world. Without the help of the real way, what can I use to fight against the heavens, against the saints, the power of humanity has already been eroded!

Taoist Yin and Yang shook his head lightly and sighed: "Come on, the monster army finally appeared in the ancestral land of the human race. It seems that the pressure on them by the saints is so great that they are unbearable. To complete the conquest of other races in the wild land, they have to take action against the human race. They are worried that the human luck will be affected by the saints and will be out of control. It is a pity that the demon race is still acting too late, and it is too late to target the human race. It's too late, if the Monster Race settles the Human Race in the first place, maybe they still have a chance to live, but now their last chance is gone!"

Yes, if the demon race can ignore it, target the human race as soon as it launches the killing of the creatures of the prehistoric world, and destroy the human race before the heaven and the ancestor of Hongjun have made arrangements, they will still have a ray of life and can swallow it. Terran Qiyun strengthens the Demon Race's Qiyun to become the lord of humanity, but because of their fear of the two saints behind the Human Race, they did not make a move at the first time, and now it is too late to make a move. They missed the best time!

"Human race surrender, as long as you are willing to surrender, as long as you give up resistance, my monster clan will let you have a way of life. If you continue to resist, there is only a dead end waiting for you!" In the eyes of the demon emperor Jun standing at the forefront of the monster army Illuminating endless murderous intent and sipping to the Human Race Ancestral Witch, the monster army behind him is even more murderous!

The demon's edge is directed at the ancestral land of the human race, it is to defeat the human race in one fell swoop, devour the human fortune, do not want to waste their time, do not want to give the sages the opportunity to intervene, but they still overestimate their own strength, also overestimated Under their own influence, the strong human race, the third ancestor of the human race, will not surrender because of their threats!

Without waiting for the third ancestor of the human race to stand up, in an instant, a powerful aura erupted in the sky above the ancestor witch of the human race, and the other powerful people who were hidden in the secret of the ancestor witch of the human race jumped out one by one and shouted angrily: "Demon King, you are too arrogant. , You monsters are killing countless creatures and destroying countless races in the prehistoric world, and now you are delusional to use this ridiculous lie to deceive the human race. What do you think of us people, what do you think of the strong human race, is it a fool? Fight as soon as you fight, our strong survivors from the great famine will stand on the side of the human race and work together with the human race to stop your monster race's crazy killing!"

Hearing this and seeing such a change, Demon Emperor Jun showed endless murderous intent in his eyes. Such a situation was something he did not expect. He did not expect that there would be other powerhouses besides all saints in the prehistoric world. Dare to fight against the monsters, dare to stand on the opposite side of the monsters, stop the expansion of the monsters, and stop the plans of the monsters.

"Damn, this group of **** **** dare to be an enemy of my monster race. If they can't be killed quickly, the saints will definitely stop the monster race after a long time. Once the pairs appear, the last chance of the monster race disappears. When thinking of this, Demon Emperor Jun's eyes burst with murderous intent, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Kill, kill this emperor. Anyone who dares to stop my demon clan's great cause can kill you~"

At this time, Demon Emperor Jun could no longer bear the anger in his heart, unable to stop the soaring killing intent in his heart. As soon as this killing order was issued, his whole person was affected by the crazy killing intent, and he was affected by the qi of heaven and earth. , And the monster army behind him also broke out instantly, endless killing intent rushed into the sky frantically, the monster army was also completely affected by the heavens and the earth's tribulation, the entire monster army has turned into the killing in the heavenly calamity The authority to kill gods will destroy all living beings! At this time, the monster race has completely turned into the killing gods of the prehistoric world. Killing is everything to them. In this killing, either they laugh to the end and kill all the enemies to take away the luck of the prehistoric world, or they are killed by the enemy. Destroyed.

At this moment, the look of the demon master Kunpeng above the heavenly court changed drastically. When the demon emperor Jun and the many demon-magnifying forces changed at the moment, he felt the change of the demon clan’s luck and the change of the heavenly court. And this change made him feel a little threat, and made him feel fear. At this moment, this demon master was born with a retreat, retreated from the heavenly court, and separated from the demon race. Unfortunately, he can only think about it in his heart. , I dare not implement it at all. Once I leave the Monster Race at this time, I still can't get rid of the calamity of heaven and earth. It will only become cannon fodder for the first time and be strangled by those prehistoric and powerful people who are hostile to the Monster Race.

Although there have been many powerful giants in the ancestral land of the human race at this time, it is not all of them. There are more powerful people in the prehistoric world staring at the demon race and staring at the heavens. At this time, they withdraw. It will only make himself die faster. Although the demon master Kunpeng is also in the qi of heaven and earth, he is not controlled by the qi of heaven and earth, and he has not lost his reason. He knows what he should do at this time, and knows how he can be Bao, eager to make a choice is not the work of the wise, and even if the war begins, the heaven will only be affected at the end. At the end, maybe everything will turn for the better, which will make you wait for a glimmer of life, from this terrible and crazy The whole body retreats in the calamity of the world. Of course, the most important thing is that there is still a demon queen in the heaven. It is impossible for Kunpeng to escape, so he can only continue to endure it!

Patience is the most painful, especially under this situation, the suffering of the demon master Kunpeng is astonishing. Every minute and every second is like a year for him, making the soul bear a huge impact. , Let yourself constantly face the terrible pressure, if you have a slight lack of xinxing, you will be crushed by this pressure, and you will fall into a more terrifying calamity!

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