God of Destruction

Chapter 4420: Festival killing

Chapter 4426: Killing

"War! Terran will never be a slave. There is no power to make people kneel down. My Terran will stand up to the ground and never surrender!" Faced with the threat of the demon, the third ancestor of the Terran still stood up and uttered the aspirations of the Terran, even if it was the face. Facing such a dangerous situation, even if the human race has reached the moment of life and death, as a human ancestor, it still has not succumbed. As he said, the human race will never be a slave. If you succumb to the demon race, you will no longer be able to straighten your waist. , This is unacceptable to Human Race!

With the words of the human ancestors, all those who are still hiding in the wilderness are relieved, especially those who have stood up before. They don't want to see the submission of the human race, so they are not inside and out. Humans have to face the dual pressure of the human race and the monster race. Fortunately, this situation has not happened, and everything is still under their control!

Of course, some people are cursing secretly. Those prehistoric and powerful people who have been appointed by the saints to stand up against the monsters can't help but curse in their hearts: "When will the saints appear? Now the plan has been very successful. Breaking, there is no longer the possibility of relaxation. At this time, if the saint does not show up, what the Human Race will use to fight against the Demon Race, even if the Human Race does not fear death, it cannot stop the Demon Race’s edge. I am afraid that under a charge, The entire human race will be destroyed, the demon emperor Jun, and the power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi cannot be blocked by anyone. Could it be that I was cheated by the saint!"

Naturally, the saints will not deceive them for the existence of these "ants", but the time for the saints to appear will be delayed. These people want to get luck from the human race, but they have never thought of paying too much, and never thought about being with the human race. Sincerely cooperate with the monster clan in a decisive battle, what they think in their hearts is just opportunism, but unfortunately now they are pitted by their own cleverness. They stand directly in front of the monster clan and are directly targeted by the strong monster clan. Become the demon emperor Jun and Donghuangtai in the eyes of the killer!

Not everyone can enter the game, not everyone can get benefits. There is no great fortune, great wisdom, and there is only a dead end waiting for oneself. These strong men who are persuaded by the saints to enter the game, those who think they are entering the game The strong, many of them will ruin their lives because of their greed.

"Ant, die, the bell will come out of the sky, and die!" Under the influence of the robbery Qi, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi seemed to have forgotten that he was on the desolate land and directly blasted out his strongest power, the Chaos Clock. The innate treasures broke out in an all-round way, and the power of terror raged across the whole world frantically, directly placing those predominantly strong men who jumped out on the spot, and the powerful attacks were frantically impacting the bodies of these predominantly strong men. Destroy it!

"Damn, how dare he do this?" Faced with such a crazy attack, the predecessors who jumped out were instantly dumbfounded. No one would have thought that Donghuang Taiyi would dare to be so arrogant, unscrupulous, and madly explode all of his own power. I didn't care about the damage to the wild land. This blow brought huge karma to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but he didn't care at all. There was only the crazy killing intent in his eyes, and it was just killing, without a trace of mercy!

It is irresponsible for themselves to pin their lives and deaths on others. These predecessors were wrong at the beginning, and now it is time for them to pay for their mistakes. They must face the deadly East Emperor Taiyi. Attacking, they must pay for their actions, no one can get something for nothing in the world!

You can’t escape. Now the monster army has sealed off all the void around the human race ancestor witch. There is only one way to survive, and only one blood path. It is a pity that these predecessors do not have the heart to desperately. All he thought was speculation. When faced with the crazy attack of the monster race, he was instantly caught off guard.

In just a moment, under the full blow of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, under the attack of the innate treasure of the Chaos Clock, the predecessors who jumped the most happily fell, and they were not directly attacked by the chaos without the opportunity to resist. Zhong's full blow made his soul disperse, and he didn't even have the chance of reincarnation. It can be seen how much the Eastern Emperor hated them.

Under the condition of endless death, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi naturally wanted to use the deaths of these people to warn more predecessors, and even threaten the predecessors, although under the influence of the evil spirits. Become crazy, but Donghuang Taiyi did not completely lose his mind. Under the influence of the demon race's luck, he is still doing things that are beneficial to the development of the demon race, but his methods have become cruel, and this cruelty It is intensifying the evil karma of the Yaozu.

At this time, the demon race will either succeed or be destroyed. They have no choice. This is the way of heaven. It is the ending arranged for them by the Dao Ancestor Hongjun and the Primordial Saints. This is also a weakening of the human race, breaking the demon race. The luck of the human race also cuts a bit of the luck of the human race, making it impossible to complete the luck of the human race, and the human luck cannot swallow the luck of the monster race. The prehistoric humanity will never be able to complete, and the incomplete humanity naturally cannot resist the power of heaven. .

"After being calculated, we were calculated by the saints, seduced by the ridiculous luck of the human race, forgetting that this is the calamity of heaven and earth, and we must suffer the slaughter of the calamity in the calamity. Jumping out of the catastrophe, there is only one dead end!” Soon the remaining predominantly powerful people understood their own situation, but now they understand it too late, everything has become a foregone conclusion, they are unable to break free from this catastrophe , If you want to live, you must stand with the human race, and you must fight the demon race together with the human race. Only by helping the human race survive this catastrophe can you have a ray of life.

auzw.com At this time, the human race’s situation is also very dangerous. Facing the monster race’s full attack, facing the terrible killing of Donghuang Taiyi, the human race ancestor witch’s defense was penetrated instantly. Under the attack of the innate treasure of Chaos Clock, the human defense was easily torn apart like rags, and the entire human ancestor witch appeared in front of the monster army.

When the human ancestor witch was completely exposed, the monsters’ eyes flashed with a more terrifying light, and they were unable to control their own bodies. After a roar, all the monsters rushed into the human ancestral land frantically, using lightning speed. The momentum of covering the ears directly destroyed the human race ancestor witch, knocked the human race down the clouds, and completely destroyed the entire human race.

"Kill, advance without retreat, strangle all enemies with all your strength, and stop the monster from death!" In the crazy roar of Demon Emperor Jun, the demon army rushed into the human ancestor witch frantically, endless killings were being staged, no Knowing how many human beings fall in a pool of blood, this is war, race war, there is no transmission in front of race war, and there is not much cause and effect. There are only naked and naked killings. The victor can have everything alone, just to do Getting to one point is not a simple task!

Without the saint’s action, the killing intent in the Demon Emperor Jun’s heart was even greater, and he couldn’t wait to end all the lives of the human race and destroy the ancestral land of the human race. This has almost become his obsession and his demon, and it is also him. The most terrifying crazy magical thought of the soul, once his wish is fulfilled, he may be able to directly break through his own bottleneck with the help of the power of the soul, and he can climb into the sky in one step, gain the strength of humanity in one fell swoop, and condense the status of a humane saint in one fell swoop. The honor of the saint.

"Without the Wu Clan, without the Twelve Ancestral Sorcerer, and with the Great Formation of the Dutian Gods, the Monster Clan seems to have forgotten his biggest trump card'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Formation'. If the Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi work together to operate'Zhou Tian The Star Dou Great Array does not have so much trouble at all. It can completely destroy all the creatures in the human ancestral land with the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array. Is it the influence of Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi, or the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Dao Ancestor? Restriction, if it is the latter, they have imprisoned the power of Zhou Tian's star fighting!" The Yin and Yang Taoist, who has been a bystander, calmly looked at everything in front of him, watching the changes between the human race and the monster race.

If it is the latter, the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu have imprisoned the power of Zhou Tian and the stars, which further proves that the way of the saint is undesirable. It proves the unreliability of external forces. Even the power of Zhou Tian and the stars can be imprisoned. What power is there? It cannot be imprisoned. Only one's own strength is the most reliable, and one's own strength is the root of everything. The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao is the best, and the Chaos Gods and Demons are the safest and most reliable. Even if you have lost the help of the original source, you will still not affect your own combat power, and you can still have a strong power, and you will not be controlled by the land!

In the direction of self-cultivation, the Taoist Yin and Yang has never regretted. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is his own choice, so even though he feels in his heart, Taoist Yin and Yang did not waste time on this aspect. He shook his head gently and sighed secretly. "This time, there is a slight accident. The ancestor of the Styx River and the ancestor of the earth immortal Zhen Yuanzi did not show up in the human race. It seems that they are aware of this and are unwilling to enter the calamity again. There are so many tribulations, and I don’t want to be calculated by the saints!"

The ancestor of the Styx had a body of blood and a sea of ​​blood, and it was also normal to be able to see everything clearly. The ancestor of the earth fairy Zhen Yuanzi was a little surprised to see through everything, although the ancestor of the earth fairy Zhen Yuanzi There is also great luck, but he has cause and effect with the human race and with the demon race, and being able to choose to avoid this really makes the Yin and Yang Taoists puzzled.

Cause and effect cannot be evaded. This calamity can be avoided, but one day it will explode. Taoist Yin and Yang do not know Zhen Yuanzi's thoughts and do not understand his plans. Perhaps this is why Zhen Yuanzi is difficult to prove. , In his heart there is no determination to give up his life, no determination to fight for the Tao, he possesses great fortune and great supernatural powers, even if he does not have the grandiose and purple qi, he can also walk the road of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and have the opportunity to break free from his own shackles. But without such determination in his heart, he restricted his practice.

The avenue is in dispute, not to discuss how to prove the Dao, just like the red clouds before! When thinking of Hongyun, the expression of the Taoist Yin and Yang condensed. Yes, because of his appearance, the situation in the prehistoric land has changed. Is Hongyun really dead? Could it be that Jin Yuanzi avoided fighting because he was here? Protecting the law for Hongyun, Hongyun is in Zhenyuanzi’s cave. Perhaps because of his appearance, the Yaozu did not take Hongyun as a target, allowing Hongyun to escape, but Hongyun did not prove the way, and was by a lot of powerful people. I ignored it. If this is the case, the situation is a bit weird, and I need to think about it!

Is Hongyun dead? This is something that the Yin and Yang Taoists urgently need to know. Only by understanding Hongyun's life and death can we prepare for the next step and avoid being conspired by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor. If Honghuang has one more saint, this one It is very difficult for a saint to become his own hidden danger, and he will give himself a fatal blow at a critical moment. The saint of the heaven is the puppet of the heaven, and the Taoist Yin and Yang believe that if they have the opportunity to kill themselves, the saints of heaven and Hongjun are absolutely willing to pay a price. Complete this killing.

When the yin and yang Taoists wanted to understand everything, they suddenly found that their background was too bad. There was no eyeliner or subordinates in the prehistoric world, and it was difficult to understand the general trend of the prehistoric, and the Qiaqia Wu Clan also withdrew from the predominance. However, under this situation, it is not easy for oneself to find out the truth of the matter.

"Perhaps the King of Karma should be asked about the Houtu Ancestral Witch, so that you can have a little bit of preparation in your heart. At this time, if you know a little more, you will have more preparation?" In an instant, the Taoist Yin and Yang hit Houtu. As for Ancestral Witch, after all, the Witch Clan hasn't left the prehistoric world for a long time, and may be able to understand some things that he didn't know!

However, now in the midst of the tribulation, asking the Houtu ancestor witch, it is inevitable that it will cause cause and effect, which will bring unnecessary troubles to the Babylonian King of Causality. During the tribulation, any action may cause unimaginable Causality, a little carelessness, can cause terrible harm to oneself and put oneself in crisis.

"No, I should be more cautious. At this time, if I contact the King of Cause and Effect clone, it is easy to be targeted by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and be calculated by all the saints. I can put down the Hongyun matter for the time being. My goal is to liquidate. No matter what calculations Jingtiandao and Hongjun Daozu have, I only need to complete my own plan. I don’t need to grow out of knots and form causation with the red cloud. I just need to be cautious!" Soon the Yin Yang Taoist gave up. After the previous thoughts, it’s better to rely on people than on yourself. In the midst of the catastrophe, one cannot forge more cause and effect, and cannot bring greater trouble to oneself. During the catastrophe, the more cautious and safer. , Especially in this weird situation now, you have to be more careful, and you can't be careless or make mistakes.

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