God of Destruction

Chapter 4421: Fate

Chapter 4427 Chance

When he changed his mind, Taoist Yin and Yang's mood also changed, and his thoughts were also different: "Perhaps this is also an opportunity. If Hongyun is not dead, at this time he has not appeared in the catastrophe, and he will not participate in this killing, even Zhen Yuanzi Without any action, perhaps Hongyun is about to prove the Dao, and want to take this opportunity to break through his own bottleneck, can I take this opportunity to seize the Chaos Clock in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and refine this innate treasure into my companion treasure. "

Crazy, for an instant, the Yin-Yang Taoist also had a crazier idea in his heart. He started the idea of ​​the innate treasure "Chaos Clock" in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. If it succeeds, this is a great thing, and it can make his companion treasure. Get endless potential and enhancement, and even hope to see a chance for Chaos Lingbao to transform.

If the Wu Clan did not leave the prehistoric world, it would be difficult for the Yin and Yang Taoists to make this innate treasure idea, after all, they are the Queen of Pangu. Once the Eastern Emperor Taiyi falls, the Wu Clan is the most suitable "Chaotic Clock". Master, and now that the Wu Clan has left, Chaos Clock has no master. Sanqing cannot carry all the luck of Pan Gu Axe. This is his own opportunity, and he has the origin of Chaos God and Demon, which is also the most suitable for refining. Candidate for'Chaos Clock'!

Of course, the "Chaotic Clock" is also the most suitable choice for Yin and Yang Taoists. After all, the innate treasure of "Tai Chi Tu" has fallen into the hands of Taishang Laojun. I want to go further on Yin and Yang Avenue. If you want to integrate a stronger original treasure, among all the innate treasures, only the'Chaotic Clock' is suitable!

The more you think about Yin and Yang Taoist people, the more they feel that they can succeed. This is my great opportunity! Of course, this may also be the trap of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu calculating their own traps. If this is a trap, the trap is definitely oneself, because in addition to themselves, the Yin and Yang Daoist could not think of someone who would let Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu act together. Only oneself has this qualification. After all, in the eyes of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, he is the innate **** and demon bred by the tunnel, and he has perfected the tunnel and the nether world by himself. It has also formed a relationship with Tiandao and Hongjun Taozu. The hatred of hindering the way is greater than anything!

"Regardless of the outcome, you need to prepare for the worst. If the worst does not happen, everything is easy to say. If it happens, you can't prepare at all. Now the power of the King of Cause and Effect cannot be used. As long as the King of Cause and Effect is still in the Nether World Among them, as long as they still hold the authority of the Netherworld and the origin of the tunnels, they will be restrained from the heavens. The power that Hongjun Daozu can mobilize is limited, and the pressure on himself will be much less. If things are true In the worst case scenario, only the clone of the King of End was used, and the gestational mill was used. Even if there was only a trace of the power to destroy the world, it would be able to give a fatal blow to the Dao of Heaven and the Dao Ancestor Hongjun. Self, let yourself retreat under the worst situation!"

Of course, if the treasure of the'destroying the world' is really used, there will be huge pressure on the Taoists of Yin and Yang. The exposure of the King of End clone will surely lead to the suppression of the heavens, the tunnels, and the humanity. The deity of Shi had to endure tremendous pressure and be rejected by the world. After all, the Great Way of Ending and the Great Moment of Destruction were too threatening to the world.

"The background is still too small, and there is no strong enough background. In the face of sudden crisis, when faced with big opportunities and big dangers, the range of choices you can choose is also very small, and you have to repeatedly expose your hole cards. The exposure is an impact on oneself, an impact on one's own safety, so that one has to be distracted by others, and has to waste time and energy. This time I hope everything will go smoothly and achieve my wish without revealing more secrets. !"

The three avatars have now exposed the King of Cause and Effect avatars in the eyes of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and of course they are also exposed to the eyes of the authentic. If the avatar of the King of End is exposed again, it will not be good for oneself. The more exposed, the more it will be to oneself. The more dangerous it is, once the three avatars are completely exposed, perhaps even the tunnel cannot tolerate oneself! Heaven has selfishness, and authenticity has selfishness. Only one more hole card can give life to it and have a greater chance of survival when danger comes.

Now that the Monster Race has already started, what should I do is to take the initiative to kill the Monster Race by surprise, seizing the opportunity to seize the innate treasure "Chaos Clock" in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and get away before the saints have time to react. Go, or continue to wait, wait for the decisive opportunity to appear, wait for the saints to take action, and then take the advantage of the fisherman? If it is the latter, after the saint takes action, does he really have a chance to seize the innate treasure of ‘Chaotic Clock’? He still has a chance to retreat all over, flee under the eyes of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, and cut a **** path?

"War, I shouldn't be afraid of it. The road of practice has always been smooth sailing. If I don't have the heart to fight decisively, and I don't even have to fight Donghuang Taiyi with all his strength, what right do I have to seize from Donghuang Taiyi's hands?" Chaos Clock’s innate treasure, if you take it one step earlier, you will have one more chance and one more chance of winning!” Soon, the Yin and Yang Taoist made a decision, and his fighting spirit was instantly ignited, and his eyes flashed with the terrible meaning of killing, Yin and Yang. The aura of the avenue is surging, as if it will break through the bottleneck of oneself in the next moment, achieve the quasi-sage in one fell swoop, and stand above the quasi-sage.

auzw.com"Kill, Taiyi of the East Emperor, your opponent is me, open it to me, the avenue of yin and yang appears, the division of yin and yang, the sun and the moon appear!" With a deep cry, the yin and yang Taoist directly took Killed out of the void, directly facing the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, facing the attack on the innate treasure of Chaos Clock, the power of Yin Yang Dao turned into a big sun, a bright moon, and the reincarnation of the sun and the moon condensed a powerful The avenue of Yin and Yang directly blocked the power of the innate treasure of the'Chaotic Clock' and directly set it in the void!

"Damn it, it's you ant. You dare to walk out of the nether world and stand in front of me. No one can save you today. Without the blessing of the tunnel and the authority of the nether world, you are an easy-to-kill ant! "When he saw that his power of attack was blocked by the Yin and Yang Taoist, the anger in Dong Huang Taiyi's heart was once again ignited, and the killing intent on his body was even more crazier and more terrifying. It was brought about by the defeat of the Yaozu in the Nether World. The humiliation made him even more terrifying.

"Hahaha! Come on, let me take a look at your Donghuang's ability, dare to be so arrogant, I hope you don't back down!" Facing Donghuang Taiyi's provocation, the eyes of Taoist Yin and Yang also flashed terrible The killing intent, the killing intent of the whole body can no longer be suppressed, and it instantly broke through its own blockade, and burst out frantically above the human ancestral land. The pure killing intent made all the strong in the human ancestral land do it. Shocking, if they didn't know the origin of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and did not see the powerful Yin and Yang Dao erupted by the Yin and Yang Daoist, they thought that the Yin and Yang Daoist was an innate **** and demon who practiced the avenue of killing.

"What a terrible killing intent, such a pure killing intent, how did such a crazy and terrifying innate **** and demon bred in the world of the underworld? Is he practicing Yin Yang Dao, Slaughter Dao, or Karma Dao! "Those hidden predecessors are all mumbling in their hearts, and they are all shocked by this terrible change. Such pure killing intent makes many people think of the ancestor of the river in the sea of ​​blood. However, this killing intent appeared on Yin Yang Taoist, the innate **** and demon who had just been born, and this innate **** and demon also has a more powerful Yin and Yang Dao origin, which has a shocking avenue of cause and effect!

"Could it be that the innate gods and demons conceived in the Netherworld will have such a powerful and terrifying killing intent. After all, the Netherworld is the world of the dead, and it is normal to have a pure killing intent, but if that is the case, is it? It means that this newly born innate **** and demon can take charge of the avenue of killing, can replace the ancestor of the river, and even he may be the person who should be robbed of the world, the person who should be robbed of this calamity!" Yes, in this one! In an instant, many people thought of those who should be robbed. For those truly ancient giants, strong men who have survived from ancient times, they all understand that in every epoch, there are people who should be robbed for the first time. The people of the robbery are the most terrible and terrifying enemy in the robbery. To be enemies of the people who are to be robbered is to be the enemy of the whole world, and is to perish and destroy himself!

Who should be robbed? No, the Yin and Yang Taoists are not, at least not yet. After all, as Tiandao and Hongjun Taoist ancestors, they have not seen the fortune of the people who should be robbed from the Yin and Yang Taoists. The reason why this situation occurs is because of the appearance of the tunnel. Qi Yun blessed, and today the prehistoric world is not under the control of the tunnels, and is still under the control of the heavens, even if it is the Wu Clan who jumped out of this world, the general trend of the prestige is still under the control of the heavens.

If the Yin and Yang Taoists are the ones who should be robbed, it is impossible for the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors who are in charge of the predominant world to be unclear. It can only be said that the predecessors think too much. It was Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun. There were originally the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Now the Twelve Ancestral Witches have escaped from the shackles of the prehistoric world. Of course, if the Demon Race can win the final victory in this battle, they too Can break free from the shackles of the prehistoric world.

"Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi, I didn't expect that when I just fought with the Eastern Emperor Tai, I was impacted by such a huge Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi. It seems that being in the calamity is really a great opportunity. If such a huge Tribulation Qi can be completely ended. The king’s clone refining, perhaps his own clone can be bred ahead of time, and his own'destroying the world' will be even more powerful!" In just a confrontation, the Yin and Yang Taoists felt their own changes, and felt the world's Influence, the influence of the great disaster on oneself!

Refining Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi is very beneficial to the King of Ending. Under the nourishment of Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi, it is of great benefit to the breeding of clones. Heaven and Earth Tribulation is a danger and opportunity. This discovery made the Yin and Yang Taoists more convinced. My choice is right. I am sure that participating in this catastrophe is my best choice. Only when you are in the catastrophe can you truly feel the greatness of the heaven and earth catastrophe, and you can feel the opportunities in the calamity. Able to see the way forward.

At this moment, the Taoist Yin and Yang had forgotten his original goal,'Chaotic Clock', the treasure of origin. In contrast, the breeding of clones is more important. Speeding up the breeding of the King of Ending clone is the best choice. After all, the King of Ending clone is the best choice. It is the most affected and the most difficult to conceive in the prehistoric world. It only takes too long to be bred by relying on its own origin, and it is also difficult for oneself to persist to the end. After all, the breeding of the king of the end clone is at the end. The greater the need for the power of the original source, as having the most powerful lethality and impact, in the normal world, what is more powerful than the aura of heaven and earth.

For the birth and growth of the deity's companion treasure, the innate treasure'Chaos Clock' is just a choice, but it is not necessary, but for the King of End clone, it is different. The aura of heaven and earth is the most important thing, with such a huge amount. The tribulation of heaven and earth is nourishment, which can accelerate the gestation of clones and accelerate the consolidation and perfection of the avenue.

"Hehe, if Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu know my current changes, maybe they will not let me into the game so easily, let me participate in this crazy heaven and earth catastrophe, participate in the duel with the monster race , If Donghuang Taiyi understood my changes, I’m afraid he wouldn’t hate him so much as he does now, with such a crazy killing intent, which has attracted such a terrible tribulation of heaven and earth!" When thinking of this, the Taoist Yin and Yang couldn’t help but relax. With a sigh of relief, the greatest pressure in my heart is dissipating. Yes, for Yin Yang Taoist, my greatest pressure is not the practice of the deity, but the three clones, more accurately the King of Ending clones. After all, this is the most The clone that cannot be exposed is also his biggest killer!

"If in this life-and-death duel, I postpone a little time and give up the fight for the'Chaotic Clock', what kind of results will this cause? What kind of impact will this heaven and earth calamity have? What kind of expression will Jun Daozu look like? Chaos Clock is good, but for me, the birth of the clone is the most important thing. The clone is in me, it has more background, more strength, and more safety.'Chaos clock' is right. The practice of the deity is not as important as expected. If it is a'Tai Chi Tu', perhaps the deity can **** it desperately, even if it exposes some of its own cards, there is nothing to do, but the'Chaotic Clock' is not worth it, no more 'Chaotic Clock' has other innate spirit treasures, and other opportunities, but without heaven and earth, the clone of the King of End will lose the greatest opportunity!"

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