God of Destruction

Chapter 4422: Festival opportunity

Chapter 4428: Opportunity

A plan is not as good as a change. No matter how good the plan is, there are times when there are mistakes. Under the current circumstances, the Yin and Yang Taoists have to make changes, but the battle will not end. The blood is on the top, and the killing intent is no longer Stop, don’t kill the Daoist Yin and Yang and swear not to stop. It can be said that the appearance of Daoist Yin and Yang directly draws the pressure of Eastern Emperor Taiyi away from the human race and those prehistoric giants, and the appearance of Daoist Yin and Yang is also what many people did not expect. Everything came so suddenly, everything was so unexpected, it brought a huge impact to everyone and all the forces, and brought new changes to this great disaster!

"What does he want to do? To confront the Eastern Emperor Taiyi with the honor of Daluo Jinxian and provoke the demon clan. Could it be that the Yin and Yang Taoists have secrets that we don't know, and have powers that we don't know, so that he dare to face Eastern Emperor Taiyi directly, The attack on the innate treasure of the'Chaotic Clock', or is it that the tunnels and the netherworld of today can't bear to erode the primordial humanity, and have a duel with the heavens in this catastrophe of heaven and earth?" The Yin-Yang Taoist who gave way, a faint horror appeared in the eyes of the leading saint. This situation made his mood more dignified. Everything was not as smooth as Hongjun Taoist said. The appearance of the Yin-Yang Taoist disrupted. With the layout of their all saints, new changes have taken place in the battle of the ancestral land of the human race!

Hearing the introduction of the saint, the saint Zhunti smiled calmly and said, "Senior brothers don’t need to worry. Since Mr. Hongjun said that the path is controlled by the path of heaven, there will be no mistakes, the appearance of Taoist Yin and Yang, and At this time, under this situation, it may only be his own intention. It is just a kind of temptation to Heavenly Dao and Hongjun teacher. Of course, this lunatic is not ruling out the idea of ​​hitting the monster clan. You must know the departure of the Wu clan Let the Monster Race become the target of the public, but the Monster Race has great benefits. He wants to share some benefits from it. It is understandable. No one will give up such a temptation, just like those predominant giants who participated in this crazy battle. Whether he can laugh to the end is hard to say!"

The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth can happen. Unimaginable changes can happen with a little bit of care. The appearance of Taoist Yin and Yang has indeed caused a huge impact on many people and many forces, but now everyone can’t figure out the true intentions of Taoist Yin and Yang. , They are all patient and continue to observe, no one actively jumps out to be enemies of Yin and Yang Taoist, disrupting Yin Yang Taoist's plan!

"I'm afraid that the teacher will miscalculate again and make the situation change again and again. It will have a huge impact on us in the West. After all, we are only the teacher's registered disciples, and when the situation reaches this point, we have even given up the qualifications. Lost, compared to Sanqing, the pressure on us is much greater, and even we have to bear more pressure and impact than Nuwa Empress! Under the current situation, we can't make a slight mistake, or it will be unimaginable !" When he said this, the leading saint sighed involuntarily, and the heavy pressure in his heart instantly radiated.

The Western Second Sage is indeed not liked by Hongjun Daozu, and it is very limited to get help from Hongjun Daozu. In this case, the sage cannot be taken carelessly, because he does not want to be Hongjun Daozu as a **** The same fiddling, don't want to pay a huge price, but in exchange for a little dispensable gain, make others wedding clothes for nothing!

Sage Zhunti took a deep breath and sighed: "We are still not strong enough, but the teacher's named disciple, if we also have the innate treasure in hand like Sanqing, how can we be as fearful as we are now? , How could we be overwhelmed by such a small change? For us, even the monster clan is not as good as the monster clan. The monster clan still has the best innate spirit treasure, the innate treasure like the'Chaotic Clock', and' Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' such a force that can fight against the saints, let alone the Witch Clan, the Witch Clan today has broken free from the shackles of the world, and has escaped from the catastrophe of heaven and earth!"

When mentioning the treasure of innateness, suddenly, the sage in Zhunti’s mind flashed, his expression condensed, and he said: "Brother, do you think the Yin and Yang Taoist will be targeting the innate in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi this time? The treasure'Chaotic Clock' is gone. After all, this is an innate treasure that is incomparable to attack, and it is also a part of the Pangu Axe. If the Taoists of Yin and Yang get this treasure, they may have the opportunity to take in the luck of the wild land, you must know Every piece of treasure left by the Great God Pangu has extraordinary powers, can suppress one's own qi luck, and can be recognized by the prehistoric world!"

At this moment, the look of the sage who was attracted was also changed, and he nodded and said: "It's not that there is no such possibility, but if the Yin and Yang Taoist really comes for the innate treasure'Chaos Clock', and he will make a big shot for this treasure, I am afraid It’s a conspiracy, it’s a calculation. This battle is not only against the Yaozu, but also against the Yin and Yang Taoists, against the tunnels and the Netherworld. If the Yin and Yang Taoists are caught in it, I’m afraid this battle will become more cruel, and if this is The fact is that the teacher has concealed all of us, our situation will be even more dangerous, and we will be involved in this duel if we are not careful!"

Sage Zhunti frowned and sighed: "If this is the case, we must not act rashly. In such a great confrontation, although we are saints, we are still ants. I don't think the teacher still cares about God at the critical moment. For our life and death, if we say that all saints have to sacrifice, the most suitable is the two of us, not the disciples like Sanqing and Nuwa Empress. We need to prepare for the worst in advance to prevent disaster. Coming!"

With more and more conjectures, the more disturbed the minds of Zhunti and the sages are. The situation is very dangerous for them. To fall into such a situation is very unfavorable for the two sages in the West. They will be trapped in this crazy trap and calculation, and they will carry terrible karma on their backs, and let themselves and the tunnels form great karma!

"Junior Brother, do you think that the power of the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi can detect this problem, and can they see through this change? If they can grasp everything, maybe the situation will not be so dangerous, we still There is a chance?" For the introduction of the saints, facing such a big temptation, they are also moved by it. If the monster race falls, the huge benefits will make it difficult for them to give up, especially the innate treasure'Chaotic Clock' makes them even more Be moved by this!

auzw.com Saint Zhunti gently shook his head and said, "I don’t know, this time we are not only moved by the demon clan’s background and interests, but Sanqing and Nuwa Empress are equally moved, but also The calculations of the teacher and the gods, even if we make a move, I am afraid it is difficult to gain anything. After all, we are the weakest among all the saints. Faced with such a change, we have limited choices~"

It’s not that the saint’s heart is wrong with the treasure, but from this conjecture, he feels a strong danger. Although the'Chaotic Clock' is good, it is almost impossible for them to succeed. Even the Yin and Yang Taoists have a chance to succeed, and they have no chance. After all, Taoist Yin and Yang can enter the game ahead of time, and there is the power of the tunnel and the Netherworld behind him, and he and his brother can only rely on their own strength, and they have to compete with Sanqing and Nuwa Empress, which is absolutely impossible to mention the saint. Miss!

With a light sigh, the Saint Zhunti sighed: "Brother, maybe we should retreat. The demon race has a huge background, but it is not only the innate treasure "Chaos Clock" in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, we can treat other innate Lingbao started, and if we voluntarily give up, we can also reduce our own pressure and increase our chances of success. After all, Sanqing and Nuwa Empress are all on the innate treasure of Chaos Clock. This is us. Opportunity!"

How solid the Yaozu’s family is, the introduction of the saints naturally knows, but he really has to give up the innate treasure that can suppress the luck of the great teachings. This is really difficult to choose, but the weak and small in the West are in front of them. To harvest, you must make trade-offs, not greed for everything, doing so will only draw a basket of water and get nothing.

"Unfortunately, all the demon races did not participate in this life and death battle. If the entire demon tribe's army is dispatched, everything will be different. We can abandon the'chaos clock' and take the opportunity to sneak into the heavens and bring the demon race's The treasure house is full!" I have to say that in the midst of the tribulation of heaven and earth, the greedy thoughts in the hearts of the saints were inspired, making him unable to face everything calmly.

I don’t know how many primordial powerhouses who want to fight against the demon clan’s heritage, and how many want to rob the demon clan’s treasury, but unfortunately now there is no witch clan’s restraint, there are still people in the demon clan’s heavenly court who stay behind, even the demon queen and the demon Shi Kunpeng stayed behind. Under this circumstance, it was impossible to sneak into the heavenly court silently. If someone could do it, only the saints.

Although the sages of the introduction and the Zhun mention want to do this very much, they also take care of it. The Monster Race is not without defense, at least so far the Monster Race's "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array" has not been activated. They don't know whether the Monster Emperor Jun is general. The power of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array stayed in the Heavenly Court, I don't know if he would be calculated by the Monster Race once he sneaked into the Heavenly Court.

Being a saint has too much care, especially in the current situation, the two sages in the West have more care in their hearts. They are not a last resort. They dare not act rashly, lest a person accidentally falls into a trap and gets involved in a terrible disaster Among them, let oneself be the Dao of Heaven, and carry the great cause and effect and karma of that day for Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

Compared with the Western Second Sage, Sanqing and Nuwa Empress are much less stressed. After all, they are the disciples of Hongjun Daozu, they are at least safe in the catastrophe, not the Western Second Sage needs to go all by themselves. Efforts, but for Sanqing and Nuwa Empress, they also feel faintly disturbed. They don't know if this battle will be the final decisive battle. After all, the power of the monster race has not fully erupted. They are afraid of intervening, maybe Will also accidentally carry a big cause and effect!

In the original trend of the Great Dao, the Monster Race is not what it is now. Instead, it fought against the Witch Race. Even the top ten princes of the Monster Race have already carried endless karma and suffered heavy casualties, but the top ten princes are still Now, this makes Sanqing and Nuwa Empress still think about it, even if the situation has changed again now, the Yin and Yang Taoists intervened in the battle, they still did not show up, did not take part in the battle, and joined this crazy battle. , Let yourself fall into the robbery! This is the difference between being in the tribulation and not being in the tribulation. The saints can still calculate everything calmly, but other powerful people can't do it, even the Yin-Yang Taoist people can't do it, and they haven't seen the current predominant world. Didn't see through the background of the Yaozu!

Among the great cause and effect of the prehistoric world, who can really see through everything, is it Heaven or Hongjun Daozu? No, no matter whether the way of heaven or the ancestor of Hongjun Dao is able to see everything, because the prehistoric world is already different at this time. The birth of the tunnel broke the original trend of the prehistoric world and broke the original trajectory. It can be said that the current prehistoric world is early He has embarked on an unprecedented path. With the three ways of heaven, earth and man, humanity is weak, but heaven and earth will not let go of disputes. As long as one is in the midst of the great calamity of heaven and earth, no one can see through the world and everything.

Unfortunately, at this time, the Yin and Yang Taoists were prepared, but did not see through the general trend of the prehistoric world. They were still in a duel with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. With one blow, the Yin and Yang Taoists successfully blocked the Eastern Emperor Taiyi’s attack, but I am under tremendous pressure. After all, I am facing a Donghuang Taiyi who is in full burst. The opponent's realm and strength are above him, and I want to win this battle. , This is not an easy task. Even if you have the intention to delay time, you have to have that strength, and you have to have that kind of combat power. Without daring to fully explode, the Yin Yang Taoist's own strength is greatly restricted. It is very disadvantageous for him.

"Come on, take out your strongest strength, I hope you can still survive under my attack!" When his aura condensed to the limit, Dong Huang Taiyi roared such a voice, this is in his heart. Real thoughts, he wanted to see through the real power of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and wanted to see through the essence of the Netherworld from the Yin Yang Taoist, even the authentic nature.

When the voice of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi fell, the'Chaotic Bell', the innate treasure, once again radiated a powerful light, and it attacked the Yin and Yang Daoist with unparalleled power. The void was destroyed by one blow, and the entire human ancestor The earth trembled again. This was the tremor of the heavens and the earth. With a full blow, the power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's offensive power could destroy the void, causing the tremors and fears of the ancestral land of the human race, and also shocked the tycoons. Fear caused them to retreat involuntarily!

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