God of Destruction

Chapter 4423: Heart Shake

Chapter 4429: Dao Heart Shakes

"Pangu Kaitian, such a Donghuang Taiyi, has not obtained the authentic inheritance of Pangu, but can understand the power of Pangu Kaitian from the'Chaotic Clock'. Although there is only a trace of power, it is matched with the unmatched power of the'Chaotic Clock' , Still has the power to open up the world, can suppress Daqian, this is the power of Pangu!" Facing such a terrible blow, the eyes of Yin and Yang Taoist flashed with a crazy look, under the impact of such a terrifying attack, the endless world The tribulation qi rushed into his body frantically, allowing the Yin and Yang Taoists to see more hope and opportunities, and also to see the opportunity of the'destroying the world'.

Through the attack of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, through this confrontation, the Yin-Yang Taoist learned a lot from Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and this is what he has never felt in the world of the time **** and demon, and the end of the road is also Well, the'Destroying the World', the ultimate treasure that carries the ultimate avenue, does not necessarily have to be limited. To limit the integration of the source, it is not necessarily all destructive power to condense the most powerful avenue of termination. Conquering the most precious treasure, the avenue of fusion is not as simple as what he had practiced before!

In the world of time gods and demons, all powers are under the control and influence of time gods and demons. That is not a truly perfect world. There are defects in the world, and now I am in a prehistoric world. This is true A perfect world possesses the original power of the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man, and the origin of the Great Dao. Therefore, there is a fundamental gap between the Three Thousand Great Dao that I face now and the perception accumulated in my previous life. If I still follow the accumulation of my previous life Practicing, maybe oneself still can't walk out of one's own path, one's own practice is still bound, unable to truly see the essence of the prehistoric world, and see the essence of practice!

The Dao of Fusion is a path that is stronger than I imagined. The Great God Pangu may have walked this path, and it is precisely because of this that he will be so powerful and able to open up the world and evolve into the wild world, and Hongjun Daozu also embarked on it. this road!

In an instant, the Taoists of Yin and Yang thought of the time gods and demon again. Perhaps the time gods and demon created the world and evolved the world, and they are also taking the road of fusion. The fusion that he unintentionally embarks on is the most correct road and the most suitable road. Own avenue!

For a moment, the Taoist mind of Yin-Yang Taoist was shaken. When Taoist's mind was shaking, Yin-Yang Taoist felt that his soul was trembling, his own Dao was trembling, and his own Taoist heart was flawed. The hidden danger below is the impact caused by the calamity of heaven and earth to oneself. During the calamity, the mind is shaken, the heart of the Tao is shaken, and the impact of the calamity of heaven and earth will naturally cause harm to oneself. This is because this is not the world that Yin and Yang Taoists used to be familiar with. The Primordial World is a truly perfect world. If you look at the Primordial World from past experience, you will only suffer in the end!

I was shaken by Dao Xin, and in an instant, the Yin and Yang Daoist was awakened. In the midst of the catastrophe, I was actually shaken by the Dao Xin in the battle, and all this was caused by the shaking of my heart, which deeply deeply affected the Yin and Yang Daoist. I understand that I am still arrogant. The waters of the prehistoric world are very deep, even if it is the help of the tunnels, the nether world, and even the plan to make the witches jump out of the original trajectory and out of the shackles of the world, but they are against the prehistoric world. The understanding of Taoism is still very weak, and you cannot be arrogant because of temporary success, or you will eventually face death and destruction. Now the shaking of the heart is a lesson!

"The yin and yang avenue moves, the yin and yang dao bell, suppress the soul, the dao heart is town!" With a deep cry in my heart, the companion treasure of yin and yang bell immediately suppresses my own mind and its origin, so that my mind will not be shaken by the shaking of mind. Shattered, let yourself fall into desperation, let your own Yin-Yang Avenue completely shattered.

When the mind is suppressed and his own crisis is suppressed, the eyes of Yin-Yang Taoist flash with a crazy look. Under pressure, he can stimulate his greatest potential, and he can make himself further and stronger, Donghuang Taiyi When I attacked with all my strength, what else could I have to retreat? The origin of Yin Yang Dao surging frantically, and many origins quickly condensed in front of him into a "Yin Yang Dao Picture", blocking the attack of the "Chaotic Clock". As soon as the "Yin-Yang Avenue Picture" came out, the Yin-Yang Avenue evolved into a terrifying extreme, madly swallowing all the impact of external forces, even the attack of the "Chaotic Clock" could not destroy it, and it was impossible to destroy this one for the Yin-Yang Avenue Dao map condensed in origin, this is the evolution of the Dao of Yin and Yang Taoists!

When seeing such an amazing avenue of Yin and Yang, Saint Zhunti couldn’t help sighing: “What a yin and yang avenue picture, there is already a trace of the true meaning of'Tai Chi’, and it has the ability to transform yin and yang to swallow everything. Dao has already walked out of his own way along the way. Fortunately, this lunatic did not get the innate treasure of Tai Chi Tu. If he is allowed to master Tai Chi Tu, it is not easy for a saint to suppress him. His Yin-Yang Dao has reached a state where it is in harmony with Dao. It is a pity that he was born too late, and he did not have the opportunity to entrust his own Yin-Yang Dao perception in the origin of Yin-Yang Dao. The yin and yang avenue has been occupied by Taishang Laojun!"

Upon hearing these words, the leading saint shook his head disapprovingly and said: "No, brother, you are wrong, the elder Taishang has cultivated the way of heaven, and the Taoist Yin and Yang has walked on the road of the Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, which is the chaos of the gods and demons. Lu, has the aura of chaos gods and demons in him. Although he builds the avenue of yin and yang like the old monarch, but he has cultivated the avenue, not the heavenly way, nor the authentic way. His whole country belongs to himself, and he is not free from the heavenly way. There are also humanitarian restrictions!"

"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Road, this is indeed a powerful and incomparable road, but does he really have a chance to succeed? Will Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu give him this opportunity? Even with authentic shelter, I am afraid it will not be easy! Zhunti sighed involuntarily when he said this. He didn't know the way to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he knew how much pressure it was.

auzw.com led the saint and sighed: "Perhaps the sky has changed, and since the Taoists of Yin and Yang dare to take the name of Yin and Yang, they have naturally assumed all the causes and effects of Yin and Yang Avenue. It can be said that he took over the path of Yin and Yang. All the cause and effect, but the Supreme Lord does not have it, so who will come to Yin Yang Avenue in the end is by no means what you and I can know, even Teacher Hongjun is not sure, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will jump out of the wild The **** of heaven and earth truly attributes all mighty power to itself. Perhaps this is why heaven did not inherit the practice of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Avenue in the prehistoric heaven and earth!"

When speaking of this, the voice of Sheng Yingsheng could not help but a faint loss flashed in his eyes, and then shook his head and sighed: "I don't know if our choice was right or wrong. If we didn't choose the way of heavenly saints, Maybe we also have the opportunity to step into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and we can also get rid of the many constraints of our body, without being bound by cause and effect as we are now. The more I practice the path of cause and effect, the more I understand the horror of cause and effect, and the more I understand that we used to be. How amazing is the cause and effect owed!"

When mentioning cause and effect, the saint Zhunti could not help but sighed slightly. He couldn't help being dissatisfied with the calculations of Daozu Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven. After all, he and the saint who received the introduction had a huge amount of cause and effect and owed the Dao of Heaven a huge amount. Causality, this cause and effect weighs heavily on their hearts, restricting their practice and limiting their practice.

"Fight, let them go crazy in a battle, let all cause and effect, all grievances erupt, so that we can see the prehistoric world and the future situation clearly, regardless of whether the Taoist Yin and Yang can defeat the Eastern Emperor, This battle will become the foundation of the transformation of heaven and earth, and this battle will profoundly affect the development of the world!"

Saint Zhunti nodded and said: "The brother said that, but there is one thing I don't understand. At this time of the war, why the Yin and Yang Taoists have not used their companion spirit treasures, as the first deity from the tunnel, from the Netherworld The congenital gods and demons bred from the world can’t have no companion spirit treasures. Even the witch tribe has a treasure. How could an innate **** and devil like the Yin-Yang Taoist who bear the roots of the tunnel and the nether world have no companion spirit treasures, even if they really don’t, He also has the treasure of the Netherworld!"

The leading saint shook his head gently and said, "I don't know, maybe this problem is only the way of heaven, only Teacher Hongjun knows, maybe the Taoist Yin and Yang is hiding his own strength by doing this, or maybe it is because of his lasting difficulties!" When he received the voice of the saint, he frowned and said: "Perhaps this is the Taoist Yin and Yang who is tempering himself, using the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to temper himself, and relying on the terrifying pressure of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to break through the bottleneck. If That's why his ambitions are more terrifying than we thought, and even more terrifying. If so, this battle is definitely a conspiracy and a calculation!"

"Yeah, if all of this is really too great for us, there are very few choices we can make! It is really unwilling to pay such a huge price to achieve the sainthood, but in the end it still has to Subject to many restrictions!" Zhunti Sage is very dissatisfied with his current situation, but he has no way to break free of all these constraints and can only sigh secretly.

Suddenly, the gaze that attracted the saint condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother, do you feel that there is a great opportunity in Yin and Yang Taoists to attract yourself? I thought it was the authority of the Netherworld, but after that After the war, I understood that the opportunity we were asking for was not the authority of the Netherworld. We would feel that we were affected by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, but when we jumped out again, we could still feel that the opportunity still exists."

Saint Zhunti nodded and said: "It's true, but I don't know where to start or what the so-called chance is. I don't know why this time I always feel a strange feeling in my heart. We have the opportunity to break free, but I have never found this opportunity, and I don’t know if my feeling is an illusion! Brother also feels this way. It seems that my feeling is right, but we have not found the opportunity!"

The sage was quoted and said: "I'm not afraid of not finding the opportunity. As long as we can be sure that our feelings are not wrong, as long as we don't give up, we will have a chance to find it. However, I have a guess in my heart, if we can figure out the current Yin Yang Taoist Circumstances may be able to solve our doubts, even if we are willing to go crazy and learn from the Wu clan, perhaps we can also get rid of our own shackles, but then we will face the counterattack of Tiandao and Teacher Hongjun. After all, We have inherited the Attainment Status of the Saint of Heaven, and this Attainment is not the God of the Four Seasons of the Witch Race, and the Way of Heaven is not humane, and it is not so easy to give up. Even the four great ancestors of the Witch Race have paid a share of their own origin. The price we have to pay will be staggering. Once we lose the saint status, I'm afraid Sanqing and Nvwa will not let us go!"

Betrayal requires a price. This point and the introduction of the saints understand that they all know that once they have made a betrayal, they will inevitably be attacked by the Sanqing and Nuwa empresses. After all, their western two saints are just Named disciples, while Sanqing and Nuwa Empress are disciples who enter the room, they will not be valued by the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun!

"Brother, do you think it is possible for us to cut out a clone and put the saint's status on the clone, maybe by doing so we can get rid of all the shackles?" Suddenly, the saint Zhunti said such a crazy idea. !

At this time, the gaze of the sage was condensed again, and his expression solemnly said: "This is not impossible. It is just to cut out a clone that can carry the saint's fruit status. Almost all of our origins are consumed on the clone. It is to be able to get rid of the shackles of the heavenly saints, but for us, our cultivation level will go by 90%, and even the origin will be damaged. It is a question of whether we can cultivate to the Daluo Jinxian. After all, if the origin of our innate gods and demons Too much damage is difficult to recover! Unless we give up everything we are practicing now, whether it is the origin or the law, start again, from the beginning!"

Starting from scratch, starting from the beginning, this is not a decision that can be made easily, especially for the Western two holy sages, they can hardly bear such pressure, in the midst of the catastrophe, wanting to start again, it is crazy. , It's too dangerous. If there is a slight mistake, they are all likely to die and they may be killed by the enemy! Even Zhun mentioning and receiving the saints didn’t notice it. At this time, they unknowingly shaken their Dao heart, but they are the saints of heaven, and their everything rests on the Dao of heaven, and they have not received the Dao. Heart shaking shock!

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