God of Destruction

Chapter 4424: Enlightenment

Chapter 4430 Enlightenment

"It’s better to start from a new beginning, and to rely on the kindness of Heaven’s Dao for our lives and deaths. After all, we are not Sanqing, and we don’t have that huge open-day merit to protect our bodies. We are just sages of the Heavenly Dao who are opportunistic to prove the Dao. The saints of the heavens who understand the huge cause and effect of the heavens cannot help themselves!" When he said this, Zhun mentioned the saints and sighed. For him, he felt the calculations of the heavens and the Hongjun Dao ancestors since the great changes happened. The saint mentioned has been unable to feel at ease!

The leading saint also sighed and said: "Yes, no one wants to put their life and death on others, but we have no choice, at least for us now, we have no choice, we cannot act rashly, and cannot be given by God. If we don’t wait for success, we will suffer the backlash of the heavens, and we will die! Junior brother, we need time, we need to wait for the time to come, only the time, the right place, the people and the three appear on us We can act at the time, otherwise we will only lose our lives for nothing. Don’t take our identity too seriously. In the eyes of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, we are just pawns, and not irreplaceable pawns. We must cautious!"

Be cautious, this is the feeling of receiving a saint. Under such a big environment, I cannot help being cautious. After all, the world has changed so much today that it is too big for the receiving saint to withstand its impact, even if it is Seeing a glimmer of hope, I didn't dare to act rashly or risk a battle. After all, the pressure between Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu was too great.

Saint Zhunti gently shook his head and said, "No, brother, I don’t think we need to endure this way all the time. If we keep pursuing the so-called time, place, and harmony of people, then we can never wait for what we want. Timing, because it does not exist, at least for the two of us, it does not exist. Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu will not give us this opportunity. We can only create opportunities and create the future by ourselves. Daozu manipulation!"

At this time, the leading saint raised his head to look at the saint Zhunti, and sighed softly: "Why don't I understand this, but we have no chance to take action. Don't be lost by the illusion in front of you. Everything is not necessarily true. Although the general situation of the world has changed, it is not as crazy as imagined. We still need patience and time to wait. At this time, we don't see a chance of victory at all."

When talking about this, the enticed saint sighed again, then shook his head slightly and continued: "Don’t think that all this is just for the Yin and Yang Taoists. We are also in this calculation. If we get involved in this Calculating, there is only one dead end, no matter how the Dao of Heaven, Dao Zu Hongjun will not care about our life and death, just like the original Zixiao Palace, Dao Zu Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven do not care about the gains and losses of the Hongyun Daoist, do not care about our use of means Hong Yun seized everything about chance."

When mentioning Hongyun, Saint Zhunti’s gaze condensed. He has been regretting this matter. He had known that the world would become so fast and everything would come so suddenly. There was no need to waste effort, or even accompany him. Taking the huge cause and effect to seize the opportunity of the heavenly saint, he plunged himself into a dilemma.

Calculations, this is still calculations. It is the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. Everything is to repay the cause and effect of the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation. It is a pity that Zhunti and the introduction of the saints did not notice this calculation in the Zixiao Palace. I bumped into it, letting myself be controlled by Heaven's Dao and Hongjun Daozu, lost freedom, and also lost the opportunity for further progress.

Feeling the change of the saint Zhunti, the leading saint sighed again and said: "Junior brother, don't indulge in regret, even if everything we suffered before was due to the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Teacher Hongjun, we have nothing to say. It is said that who made us lack of strength, who made us lack of xinxing, did not resist the temptation of the saints of heaven, all of this is ultimately our own fault, now we need to face everything calmly, not to act rashly because of temporary gains and losses. Ming, let yourself sink deeper and make yourself unable to jump out of this trap anymore. We need patience. Patience is the pressure we must face!"

Patience. As a saint, you have to be subjected to such pressure and impact, and to bear such a cause and effect. This has too much influence on the Western two saints, causing their hearts to be eroded all the time, and they are a little cautious. It is possible to be involved in the great calamity, leaving oneself with the unrecoverable evil result, who makes them leeway is that level of terror.

"Forget it, brother, let's not argue. What should we do? It depends on the chance and the development of the situation. I believe that there must be the result we want in the Yin and Yang Taoist. We will definitely be able to find the opportunity from him. Breaking free from the shackles of heaven on us, and being able to walk our own path, even if it pays a great price, it is worth it!"

Yes, the sage Zhunti is right. As long as he can break free of his own shackles, no matter how great the price is, it is worth it. After all, not everyone has the opportunity and the ability to break free from the shackles of this body. If anyone can do it, This majestic world will not be so terrible, so terrible, and the situation will not change again and again!

It is a kind of gambling to pin everything on the yin and yang Taoist. It is inappropriate for the saint to gamble with one's own life, but it is true that the saint has made up his mind, even if the saint is persuaded, he will not listen. , He believes in his own judgment, he believes in his intuition, it can be said that he put everything about himself on the Yin and Yang Taoist!

auzw.com"Well, since you insist on doing so, then we just let go, we don’t do anything, quietly observing the every move of the Taoist Yin and Yang, from his behavior Find the result we want in the process!” At this time, the introduction of the saint also made up his mind, and was also affected by the dedication of the quasi-sage. For them, this is the best choice, even if the quasi-sage is wrong. It is also the best choice, because the enticed saint understands that no matter what the circumstances, they will not separate!

For the Western two sages, there is no such confidence as Sanqing. They have great luck and great merit. If they are separated, they will not be as good as the Nuwa Empress. The separation will only dissipate the last luck in the West. As a saint, this is What they don't want to see, let alone they still have such a huge cause and effect to be repaid, it is even more impossible to separate!

Saint Zhunti nodded solemnly and said: "Okay, we will stare at the Yin and Yang Taoist, see what he does, find the result we want from him, and find our way to break the game. If we still can't find it, then we must It is the law of avatar and the law of opening up a world. The big deal is that the world we opened up will be directly handed over to the Dao of Heaven, and given to the great world to repay our cause and effect!

ruthless! It is true that the sage is cruel enough to open up the world and repay the cause and effect. This is something other sages cannot do. After all, the importance of one world is self-evident. Even sages are unwilling to pay such a big deal. The price of a small thousand world, the luck that a small thousand world can bear is amazing. It can be seen that the sages of Zhunti have gotten rid of the heavens in their hearts, and how amazing they are to get rid of the attachments controlled by Hongjun Daozu. There are multiple hatreds.

Perhaps it is for Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu that I don’t care about the feelings of the two sages in the West now, but once they succeed in mentioning and attracting saints, it is a huge impact for Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, even It will impact their origin. After all, this is the resistance of the two saints, the counterattack of the entire West, even if it is a fit and heavenly path, it will have to withstand a huge impact.

Daoist Yin and Yang didn’t know that everything he did would bring such a big impact to the Western Second Sage and cause so many influences. At this time, Daoist Yin and Yang was all involved in the battle before him, relying on the pressure of Eastern Emperor Taiyi. And threats, bit by bit, polished his own origin, polished his own avenue, absorbing new insights bit by bit, and re-thinking the avenue practice bit by bit, this time the harvest let him see Another piece of heaven and earth.

Dao practice lies in enlightenment. If there is no pressure from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, if you do not stand up and actively participate in this great catastrophe, you will not be able to see the evolution of the Great Dao Dao, or your own. Disadvantages, and now the Taoists of Yin and Yang have seen them, and have clearly seen their own past mistakes. For Dao practice, there is a hidden danger that will have a great impact on their future, although they have been reborn and washed again and again. I thought I had already jumped out of the original prison, but with the emergence of this opportunity, the Taoist Yin and Yang realized how ridiculous his previous thoughts were and how insufficient his knowledge was. Perhaps this is because he has absorbed the time, the gods and the devil. The impact of the knowledge left over on oneself makes oneself self-righteous and feel good about oneself unconsciously.

Dao practice is more valuable than truth. After all, the experience of others belongs to others, not one’s own. Moreover, the experience of the time gods and demons comes from the chaotic period. The most important thing is that the experience left by the time gods and demons is not complete, and the current ones The Primordial World is no longer the time of chaos. Today’s Primordial World has its own rhyme and its own origin.

"Perhaps the Eastern Emperor Taiyi took a crucial step and found his own way. It is just that he is now affected by the monster clan and is exhausted by the demon clan's luck. If the Eastern Emperor Taiyi can abandon the monster clan, maybe he It is really possible to break free from the shackles of the world, to transcend oneself, and to break through one's own shackles to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!" In an instant, this thought came into the mind of Taoist Yin and Yang, and the reason was due to the attack of Eastern Emperor Taiyi, although it was only After a brief confrontation, the Taoists of Yin and Yang felt the difference in the origin of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and felt the changes of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

In a real confrontation with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the Taoists of Yin and Yang could deeply feel the pure and terrifying origin of the sun. This sun origin is different from the sun origin of the prehistoric sky. It belongs to the origin of Eastern Emperor Taiyi alone, and in this pure origin. The origin of Yin and Yang Taoists is a kind of power to suppress the time and space and the supreme edge of the world. Perhaps this is the Pangu Avenue that Donghuang Taiyi has realized from his companion treasure, the chaotic clock, and it is truly integrated Dao Yun into oneself!

Being able to integrate the Dao of Origin contained in the'Chaotic Clock' into his own practice shows how strong Donghuang Taiyi's practice is, but unfortunately he did not fully refine the'Chaotic Clock' and did not really master the'Chaotic Clock'. It is a treasure of innate, and it is restrained by the demon's luck. Otherwise, such a powerful force can absolutely ignore the suppression of the heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, and can directly prove the Dao with strength, and prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, standing in the predominant world in one fell swoop top!

This is the way of the eastern emperor Taiyi, and what is my way, what is my path of yin and yang, the cycle of sun and moon, and even the source of the sun and the yin to the sun The soft Taiyin origin condenses the origin that belongs to me alone, or abandoning the ultimate of Yin and Yang, and integrates the time origin of the sun and moon into the avenue of Yin and Yang, and walks into my own origin power, which kind of power is most suitable for me What is your own way?

When thinking about what his avenue is again, the body of the Yin-Yang Taoist is changing, the origin of his innate chaotic **** and demon's real body is changing, and the traces of ghostly aura and authentic origin are being refined bit by bit. , Being abandoned, the body is instinctively being washed, all the power that does not belong to oneself is being refined and abandoned little by little!

Dao practice is more expensive than true, and a single word of "true" does not know how many people are blocked, how many powerful paths of practice have been blocked, fortunately, the current Yin and Yang Taoists have not broken through Zhun Ti, and have not taken the most critical step. If the Yin-Yang Taoist at this time has become the quasi-sage, it will be even more difficult to wash oneself and the origin of the avenue. At that time, all the avenues have been completely integrated into themselves, and the avenues are also left behind. The power that does not belong to itself.

"Enlightenment, you **** ant dare to sharpen your avenue in the fight against me, perceive the avenue, you are looking for death, give me annihilation!" When I saw the Taoist Yin and Yang had a sense of understanding in the battle with him, The killing intent in Donghuang Taiyi's heart became stronger, and the "Chaotic Clock" in his hand burst out with terrible power once again, carrying the power of the world and killing the Taoist Yin and Yang. On this blow, the "Chaotic Clock" evolved. Out of the true meaning of chaos, this power made the world tremble, and all the inspirations of the ancestral land of the entire human race were trembling from blood, and fear from the soul!

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