God of Destruction

Chapter 4426: Festival crisis

Chapter 4432: Crisis

Compared with the benefits gained from this adventure, the loss I have suffered is not worth mentioning. For the Taoist Yin and Yang, there is joy and excitement in his eyes. This adventure has completely confirmed his own thoughts. Let yourself understand the power of the cause and effect of the prehistoric world, understand that you are not as perfect as you imagined, the deity is still so, affected by the origin and tunnels of the Netherworld, will your three clones not be corroded by it?

No, this is impossible. The clone must have been affected, just a little bit, especially the King of Karma clone. I am afraid that it has the greatest impact. It is not possible to eliminate this hidden danger in one day. After all, three The big clone is different from the deity. There is no such opportunity. With the help of the hand of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the powerful attacking power of the innate treasure of the'Chaotic Clock' can eliminate its hidden dangers. For the clone, it is still gestating As far as the clone is concerned, it can only rely on time to wipe out the Nether Origin and the Tunnel Origin in itself little by little!

"Emperor Taiyi, is this your power? It seems that you really got me right. You have not been able to break free from the shackles of the'Chaotic Clock'. Maybe you should give it up, or else you will have to cultivate I can’t take this final step, I can’t make Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, because my way is bound by it. You are not as powerful as you think!" Looking at Donghuang Taiyi with a shocked look, Daoist Yin Yang said calmly. There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes!

Everyone understands the truth. Donghuang Taiyi is the same. It’s just that not everyone can be as crazy as the Yin and Yang Taoist, from the original "Xing Tian" under the calculation of the time **** and demon to the current Yin and Yang Taoist. , Step by step, keep advancing, stepped out of a road of his own, and saw the direction of his own practice. For Donghuang Taiyi, although he understood that he was trapped by the innate treasure of the'Chaotic Clock', he really had to let him He put it down, he couldn't do it. Cheng Ye's "Chaotic Clock" and defeated "Chaos Clock". Let him put it down at this time. In the eyes of Donghuang Taiyi, he is letting himself die. The enemy will not let go. The chance to kill yourself, not to mention the saint’s greed for the “Chaos Clock” in his hand in the dark. Perhaps when he puts down the “Chaos Clock”, it is the moment of his own death. This is the idea of ​​the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the most true idea. .

Facing the ridicule of the Yin-Yang Taoist, Donghuang Taiyi smiled calmly: "Hehe! I know my own situation better than you. If you can see through it, will I not be able to see through it? The'Chaotic Clock' has indeed bound me, but I don’t regret it. I’m not living for myself. I’m different from you. You are a lonely person with nothing to worry about. You are a truly single congenital **** and demon, but there is still a huge monster race behind me that needs protection. I can’t do your madness. , I am responsible for the monster race, even if this is a dead end, I will never regret it!"

Never regret it. This is the attachment of Donghuang Tai to the demon clan. Of course, it is also the life and death of the demon emperor Jun. He can't let go of the demon emperor Jun, nor can he let go of the demon clan. He also understands in his heart that the demon clan's luck is to himself. How big is the influence of him, knowing that he can't let go of all this and wanting to achieve'Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian' is just an illusion, but he is still insisting, insisting without regret.

Who among the entire monster race can have Donghuang Taiyi so persistent, to the monster race, and loyal to the monster race? No, even if the Demon Emperor Jun did not do this, because the Eastern Emperor Taiyi gave up the path of preaching in front of him, and chose to guard the demon clan and guard the Demon Emperor Jun. Perhaps this is brotherhood. At this point, the demon master Kunpeng did far from doing enough. He only had benefits in his heart. When the danger came, he chose himself the first time, the most betrayal of the demon race.

Taoist Yin and Yang sighed softly: "What a great East Emperor Taiyi, a very persistent belief, but unfortunately your attachment will only become an obstacle to your own practice. Perhaps it is the attachment in your heart that will keep you from practicing as you wish. This innate treasure'Chaos Clock' in the hands of Hua Hua has prevented you from taking the final step. There are too many causes and effects in you!"

There are really too many causes and effects on Donghuang Taiyi. Many of them have become the shackles of his own breakthrough, which firmly locks his road. Of course, this does not mean that Donghuang Taiyi's Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao will be because of this. Cut off, everything has a ray of life, if the East Emperor Taiyi can smash a blood path in the great calamity, with the help of the power of the calamity, there will still be a ray of life, and this is the strongest way, but this road is incomparable It's dangerous, and if you are careless, you will die!

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi fell into the catastrophe and chose this craziest and most dangerous path. The Yin and Yang Taoists also made such a choice. Therefore, the Yin and Yang Taoists understand the feelings of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi at this moment. Unfortunately, they are enemies, endless enemies. Otherwise, the Yin and Yang Taoists have a kind of experience to communicate with them, but unfortunately this is destined to be impossible.

"The power of time, your yin-yang avenue merges with time. Although you have the origin of the sun and the moon, but your sun and moon origin is lacking, your yin-yang avenue is not as powerful as it is, and it is not balanced. You want to borrow it from me. It’s really crazy to recast one’s own companion treasure by hand. If I’m not wrong, the companion treasure in your hand is the original treasure of the time **** and demon, the “time clock”. You have the inheritance of the time **** and demon, but you I don’t want to walk on the Avenue of Time. You want to walk on your own. You have to use my hand to get rid of the imprint of the Time God and Demon among the Accompanying Treasures, so that it belongs to you completely, unlike the “Chaotic Clock” in my hand that has been unable to Completely refined!" Although it was only a little time and it was just a confrontation, Donghuang Taiyi also saw some calculations of the Yin and Yang Taoists, saw the essence of the'Yin Yang Bell', and understood the crazy ideas of the Yin and Yang Taoists!

Facing Donghuang Taiyi’s inquiry, the Taoist Yin and Yang laughed and said, “Yes, that’s right, I just want to use your hand to eliminate all the hidden dangers in the companion treasure. Only by truly breaking it can all the hidden dangers be eliminated. , Do not break or stand, break and then stand, only when it is truly broken, I can truly get a companion treasure that belongs to me, the original treasure, which can carry my own avenue without being bound by it, and truly master everything about it! The clock doesn’t belong to you, it doesn’t belong to you from beginning to end. He only belongs to Pangu. You can know the'time clock' in my hand. It seems that you have got the inheritance of Pangu left in the'chaotic clock', but unfortunately you didn't get out of your own Dao, you did not break the shackles on your body!"


Not everyone can do the yin and yang Taoists so crazy, can ignore a congenital treasure, can give up the congenital treasure in order to practice the road, destroy it with the hands of others, and then regenerate it by oneself, in the entire prehistoric world No one did it, and only he, a lunatic, was doing it and daring to do it.

"Crazy, really crazy, this lunatic actually destroyed an innate treasure, and it is the original treasure of the Avenue of Time, carrying the original treasure of the Avenue of Time Gods and Demons, and this lunatic has also abandoned the Avenue of Time!" During the conversation with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, all the strong were shocked. They never expected that the Yin and Yang Taoists would be so crazy. If they were replaced by them, they would not do it at all. They would not give up the Tongtian Avenue that they had obtained. The Avenue of Time was three. Heaven-defying Avenue among Thousand Avenues!

"What a yin and yang Taoist, this is his Dao practice, abandoning the time Dao that is only available to him, and choosing the Yin-Yang Dao that belongs to him alone, this is his Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao, I don’t know what the teacher will think at this moment. , What do you think!" At this time, the heart of the saint Zhunti was ups and downs, and he was eager to know the thoughts of Daozu Hongjun.

Although it's just a conversation, from this conversation, only normal people can understand the direction of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Tao from these words, but whether anyone dares to practice this is another matter, but With these words of Yin and Yang Taoist, the impact on the prehistoric world is unparalleled, and it has caused a huge impact on all those who want to prove the Tao.

Heavenly Dao Saints have limited fruit status. Both humanity and authenticity have no hope, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao they have hope. If they can achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they can surpass the prehistoric world. It is also a huge for them. The temptation is just the preamble. They can withstand this test, can withstand the pressure from the predecessors, the pressure from heaven!

The Yin and Yang Taoist's expression condensed, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Continue to fight, you want to protect the monster race. If you want the monster race to seize the opportunity in this calamity of heaven and earth, you must face the calculations of heaven and earth, now We are all in the disaster, I want to see your true power, want to see the extreme of your great road, don’t have any reservations, take out all your power, we will die all our lives, I am not afraid of death, you What else does the Emperor Taiyi have to consider? It is useless to preserve your strength. If you don’t prove the Dao, you will definitely be suppressed by the Heaven’s Dao. If you can kill me and take away my roots, you will have the opportunity to prove the Dao. !"

Crazy. At this time, the Yin-Yang Taoists were extremely mad. They used Proving Dao to stimulate the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, allowing Eastern Emperor Taiyi to burst out of his greatest strength, and let himself face the most terrifying attack, not breaking or standing, breaking and standing, just from In terms of their own changes, the Taoists of Yin and Yang understood that the calamity of heaven and earth is the coexistence of death and opportunity, and the associated treasure is completely stabilized, but they have many problems themselves. Taoists of Yin and Yang cannot help but want to use the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to eliminate their own hidden dangers. , To clear all the calculations of oneself, so that the two avatars that are still gestating can be equally intact and can not be calculated.

Perhaps this seems too crazy and dangerous to many people, but to Yin and Yang Taoists, they don’t think so. There is not much time left for them. If you can’t do it before Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu make a move. , His own practice will inevitably be affected next, and it will inevitably be affected by the tunnel and the nether world. A avatar of the King of Causality is unable to account for all the causality between itself, the tunnel, and the Netherworld, and the stronger the avatar of the King of Causality, the more you can feel the weight of its own cause and effect, and the more you can understand that the world is right. How much its own influence.

I have inherited the name of Yin and Yang Dao, and I also endured the cause and effect of Yin and Yang Dao. I have seized the origin of Time God and Demon, and I must bear the cause and effect of Time God and Demon. All of this will have a great impact on the prehistoric world, I think To achieve the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan Daluo, you must face all of these. This is the cause and effect of the Chaos God and Demon, and it is also the most hidden cause and effect. The cause and effect to face!

"War? Humph, do you still have that ability? With your current strength, you are not qualified to argue with me anymore. Let's step back and stop provoking my bottom line. That is a consequence that you cannot afford!" The challenge of the Taoist Yin and Yang, Dong Huang Tai snorted disdainfully, did not put the Taoist Yin and Yang in his eyes at all, judging from his expression, he dismissed the Taoist Yin and Yang!

Of course, this is only the surface of Donghuang Taiyi, but it is not in his heart. Although the strength of Yin Yang Taoist is indeed inferior to him, Dong Huang Taiyi understands that it is not easy to kill Yin Yang Taoist, even himself. I'm not sure to do it. The most important thing is that if you have been constrained by the Yin and Yang Taoists, it will be very detrimental to the Yaozu's next actions. He is unwilling to continue to waste energy on the Yin and Yang Taoists, and he is unwilling to give the Yin and Yang Taoists to sharpen his own way. !

Donghuang Taiyi is not stupid. He has already seen the intentions of the Yin and Yang Taoists. The so-called immortality and the so-called liquidation of cause and effect are just excuses. There is only one true purpose. He uses his own hands to continuously sharpen his own way and dare not use it. One's own pressure looks for one's own shortcomings, makes up for one's own shortcomings, and perfects one's own Dao practice.

"Haha! Even if I face death, I am not afraid of death, nor afraid of death. If you really can give me death, maybe it will be a better opportunity for me. Today you have to fight without fighting. You have no choice, as long as I don’t fall down, don’t die, you can’t leave Donghuang Taiyi in front of me, you can’t help the demon race, let’s fight, let’s fight again, and give I'm burning!" With a deep drink from the Yin and Yang Taoist, endless fighting intent emanated from him, turning into a fire in fighting intent and rising into the sky, making his whole person very crazy. The fighting spirit burned, and the formed invisible power made the Yin and Yang Taoists more crazy, as if they were a mad God of war, with endless fighting intent, and their dedication to war reached the extreme. They really forgot everything. There was only war in his eyes. This made the Eastern Emperor Taiyi very distressed and unwilling!

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