God of Destruction

Chapter 4427: Avenue of Tribulation

Chapter 4433

"Damn, this **** **** is unwilling to retreat. He has to force me to fight decisively and expose all of my strength. This **** is simply harming others and detrimental to myself!" Donghuang Taiyi cursed the Taoist Yin and Yang in his heart, but on the contrary There is no way to take the yin and yang Taoists, although it was only a brief verbal confrontation, Donghuang Taiyi gradually woke up from the robbery, feeling the crisis of the demon clan, and also felt his own crisis, and this crisis did not come from the Yin and Yang Taoists. , But the way of heaven!

Yes, at this moment Donghuang Taiyi deeply felt the threat from Heavenly Dao. Although Heavenly Dao hadn’t taken any action yet, the chains were crazily entwined with the demon clan’s fortune, and also entangled on himself. This yoke is the crazy and terrifying heaven and earth calamity. If it weren't for the action of the yin and yang Taoist, or the yin and yang Taoist who interfered in this battle, I am afraid that it is difficult for me to wake up so quickly, but it is a pity that now I feel it has It's too late. Heavenly Dao has completed the calculation of the monster race, and it is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who has the ability to reach the sky and is unable to break free from the shackles.

"Are you crazy? Are you still awake? Do you know what you are talking about?" At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi yelled out the anger that couldn't hold back his heart, with endless anger in his eyes. This is the most to Yin Yang Taoist Real reaction!

Facing Donghuang Taiyi’s questioning, Taoist Yin and Yang said disapprovingly: “I know what I’m doing, and I don’t need you to remind me. I’m so sober. This is my decision. Whether you accept it or not, it’s all my decision!"

"You are really crazy. As the innate **** and demon born in the tunnel, you are helping Tiandao to do things. You are crazy. It is not good for you to be hostile to my demon race. It will only benefit Tiandao in vain, and Tiandao and tunnel are real. Dead enemy, you are fighting for the dead enemy!" Donghuang Taiyi still wants to persuade the Yin and Yang Taoists to stop, after all, the current Yaozu cannot withstand more pressure and impact!

The Yin and Yang Taoist laughed and said: "Hahaha! It's ridiculous, I will only fight for myself, what is the way of heaven and me, I ask for my way, you say that I am helping the way of the monster, but you still have the monster at the beginning Emperor Jun led a group of monster clan powerhouses into the Netherworld. Isn’t he still helping Heaven? Now he is using this ridiculous statement as an example. It’s really ridiculous. Don’t try to persuade me to give up this idea. It’s impossible. This is my way, come to fight, as long as you can defeat me, you can naturally achieve your wish, otherwise you can only watch the monster race step by step towards destruction and death, the world is not on your monster race!"

The great power of heaven and earth does not belong to the demon race, even if the demon race gathers more than half of the prehistoric human luck, but as long as the human race is still there, the demon race cannot truly be recognized by the humanity, cannot take over the authority of the humanity, and has no human authority. , The fate of the Yaozu is conceivable, let alone Donghuang Taiyi is not a saint, even if he becomes a saint, it will be difficult to reverse the situation of the world, heaven and earth will not give him this opportunity, nor will the Yaozu take charge of the humanity Power poses a threat to yourself!

Dong Huangtai has been looking at the Yin-Yang Taoist, carefully observing the Yin-Yang Taoist. From the eyes of the Yin-Yang Taoist, he saw sincerity. The Yin-Yang Taoist is indeed fighting for himself. The reason why he found himself is not only for the previous monsters. Because of his cause and effect, he wants to use himself as a whetstone to sharpen himself. Although Donghuang Taiyi is not clear about the true practice of Taoist Yin and Yang, he can be sure that it is difficult for him to leave before Taoist Yin and Yang today unless he can suppress it. .

"Okay, if you want to fight, then I will fight with you. I hope you don't regret it!" When the voice fell, the aura on Donghuang Taiyi's body became mixed, and endless calamity rushed into his body frantically Among them, he was merging crazily with his body, yes, at this moment, Donghuang Taiyi was actually devouring heaven and earth tribulation energy, and as the boundless tribulation energy merged into his body, Donghuang Taiyi's breath was madly soaring. When he got up, the terrible killing intent was condensing. At this moment, the Taoist Yin and Yang felt the threat of death. At this time, Donghuang Taiyi had the power to threaten his life.

"Damn, what kind of means is this, how could Eastern Emperor Taiyi swallow heaven and earth to increase his strength?" When he saw all of this in front of him, the Yin and Yang Taoists were also shocked, and the entire prehistoric world was watching this battle. For this shock, no one expected such a shocking change. If Donghuang Taiyi swallowed it like this frantically, it would not take long before Donghuang Taiyi could directly break through his own bottleneck, directly impact the Saints Avenue, and be able to force the way. !

"No, this is the breath of the Chaos God and Demon. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi has obtained the inheritance of the Chaos God and Demon. This **** hides so deeply. If it is not for the persecution of the lunatic Taoist Yin and Yang, I am afraid that no one would know that this **** has also obtained it. The inheritance of the chaos gods and demons can madly swallow the heaven and the earth to increase their combat power. It seems that he has the inheritance of the gods and demons of the robbery! The demon clan is the protagonist of the era of the prehistoric world, and there is such a great fortune. !" When he saw the changes of Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the eyes of Taishang Laojun flashed with a gleam of light, the inheritance of a chaos **** and demon, even if he was the head of the Sanqing, he was also moved by it.

"It's the power of the Chaos Clock. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi is actually using the power of the Chaos Clock to suppress himself. No wonder he dared to do this. The Chaos Clock is really dusty in his hands. The treasure of the Father God actually falls on the inheritance of the Chaos God and Demon. Human hands!" Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but sigh at this time. Although he was despising the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, in his heart he was the same as Taishang Laojun for the inheritance of the Chaos God and Demon from Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Tempted.

Donghuang Taiyi can use the power of the innate treasure'Chaos Bell' to suppress itself, and can burst out such power. As saints, they also have the innate treasure in their hands, and they can do the same, and even do more. Okay, if you can also master this secret technique, can you get rid of all the current pressures and break free from the shackles of heaven?


The saints are also unavoidable from greed in their hearts, such as Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, not to mention the Western Second Saints. Such a shocking change has a greater impact on the Western Second Saints, and it is heavier than before. The eruption of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi deepened their resentment, and they were more eager to break free from the shackles of heaven, and even more reluctant to be manipulated by others.

"Brother, the Yin and Yang Taoists were crazy enough and powerful enough before. Now Donghuang Taiyi has finally come up with his own assassin, exposing his greatest power, and this power comes from the inheritance of three thousand chaotic gods and demons. We all I look down on the prehistoric sentient beings, maybe even Hongjun Taoist ancestor was shocked by all this. Donghuang Taiyi is amazing. If he can let go of the burden of the demon clan, maybe he can really walk out of his own way, but now he is bound by the demon clan. Now, just as we are bound by the cause and effect of heaven, we must quickly find a way to break free, and we can't continue like this!" At this time, the sage Zhunti has endless worries in his heart. The world is changing too fast. He couldn't bear it.

The leading saint nodded and said: "Yes, this world is really crazy. Donghuang Taiyi has exposed his biggest hole card for the demon clan, and the exposure of this hole card has completely wiped out his vitality. God cannot tolerate him. , Hongjun Taoist ancestor can not tolerate him, even the prehistoric world can not tolerate him, the road of robbery is one of the weirdest and most terrifying roads, this kind of power is controlled by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, no one is at ease, Eastern Emperor Taiyi Immortal, who can rest assured!"

The quote is right. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi who masters the Dao of Tribulation, even if he cannot prove the Dao and become holy, but as long as he lives, who can not worry, who can not be afraid, so Eastern Emperor Taiyi must die, and this Dao of Tribulation cannot be allowed. He came to grasp this. Many people can understand this. Donghuang Taiyi naturally understands it, but now he really has no choice. The obstacle of Yin and Yang Taoist makes him have to expose this hole card, and have to expose his own strength. Let yourself fall into this kind of crisis!

"The Dao of Tribulation, mastering the Qi of Heaven and Earth, what a Donghuang Taiyi, you hide so deep, you can control the Qi of Heaven and Earth without a sound, no wonder you dare to stand in front of such a danger, no wonder you dare When you start with the entire primordial beings, you are the most powerful in the world, but you can really master the road of the catastrophe now, and can you really master the power of the law of this chaotic god?" Huang Taiyi, the Taoist Yin and Yang spoke with a solemn expression, it would be false to say that there is no pressure in his heart. Facing such a change, the Taoist Yin and Yang also felt the terrifying pressure falling on him.

The Dao of Tribulation, this is a power that the Yin and Yang Taoist did not expect, and did not expect it to appear on the body of Eastern Emperor Taiyi. With the inheritance of Pangu and the inheritance of the God and Demon of Tribulation, Eastern Emperor Taiyi is really amazing, but Donghuang Taiyi's ambitions are too great. He deliberately wants to master the two supreme inheritances at the same time. This is not suitable for him, because each kind of avenue will leave a breath in itself, and practicing too much avenue itself is a restraint on oneself. .

Daoist Yin and Yang understood all of this, so he gathered the three clones before he was born, and used the clones to carry his own avenue and relieve his own pressure, but Donghuang Taiyi didn't know this, he was madly piled up strength. , It seems that his power is increasing crazily, but he himself has been hovering between life and death. A slight mistake will cause terrible consequences. If there is no'Chaos Clock', the innate treasure in hand, I am afraid that the Eastern Emperor is too early. Can't suppress his own crazy avenue!

"The power that suits you is the best, and the power you can control is truly yours. No matter how strong the power you can't control, it is only an external force, which will not bring you benefits, but will only plunge you into crisis. In any case, I can’t expose my clone of the King of End, or the associated treasure of the Great Moment of World Destruction!” I have to say that the situation of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi brought a huge impact to the Taoists of Yin and Yang, and made them understand. His situation is also very dangerous, and he can't expose the clone of the King of End, nor can he expose the big killer of Destroying the World.

"Take it to death, you **** bastard!" Donghuang Taiyi's provocation against the Yin and Yang Taoist finally broke out. The Heaven and Earth Tribulation turned into a sword of killing and slashed directly at the Yin and Yang Taoist, and the endless red lotus karma was burning. Compressed in this killing attack, once hit, even the saint would be entangled by the terrible red lotus karma.

"Sense, Donghuang Taiyi has lost his reason!" Although it was only a blow, the Yin and Yang Taoist in the game clearly felt something wrong with Donghuang Taiyi's breath. His reason was being robbed by the violent world bit by bit. The qi was consumed, and once the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was completely out of control, his body would immediately become the carrier of the calamity of heaven and earth, the bearer of the calamity, and the puppet of the calamity of heaven and earth. God will also completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

"How could this happen? This is the terrifying part of Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi. I don't know whether my clone of the King of End can withstand the erosion of this power, and I wonder if the companion treasure, the'Destroying the World', can preserve the clone. Safe, if the King of Ending clone is as distracted as Donghuang Taiyi, then the consequences will be serious!" From the body of Donghuang Taiyi, Yin Yang Taoist thought of his clone of the King of Ending, because his clone of the King of Ending was also working. Swallow heaven and earth to strengthen yourself!

The tribulation of heaven and earth is not something that can be swallowed by everyone. The most important reason why Donghuang Taiyi is caught in such a crisis is the monster race, or his own problem. If Donghuang Taiyi can make a choice, he can let go of the monster race. This big burden does not have to bear such a large amount of karma. The power of the'Chaotic Clock' is sufficient to ensure his soberness. It is a pity that in the midst of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, Eastern Emperor Taiyi has to bear the cause and effect of the Demon Race. For him, it was the fatal pressure.

Although I was full of emotion in my heart, this time was not a moment of impulsiveness. Facing the fatal blow of Donghuang Taiyi, Taoist Yin and Yang immediately retracted and retreated, avoiding this terrible attack, as for this sword. What kind of damage will be caused by the slashing is not in the consideration of Yin and Yang Taoists. After all, life preservation is the top priority, and everything else can be abandoned.

Of course, the Yin and Yang Taoists also have calculations in their hearts, and they also want to use the blow of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to test the reality and reality of the Tiandao and Hongjun Taozu, and see if Tiandao and Hongjun Taozu will allow this terrible blow to Honghuang The heaven and the earth have caused huge wounds. Try to test the reality of the prehistoric world. After all, the pillar of the prehistoric land, the "Buzhou Mountain", has not fallen. How much impact can the "Buzhou Mountain" bear in the predominant land. Will such an attack hurt? When it comes to the roots of the great land, this is what Yin and Yang Taoists want to know!

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