God of Destruction

Chapter 4428: Dying out of the world

Chapter 4434

"No, we can't let Donghuang Taiyi go crazy anymore. This lunatic seems to be aimed at the yin and yang Taoist, and wants to die with the yin and yang Taoist, but in fact this lunatic wants to drag us all into the water, but let him swallow it unscrupulously. With a lot of tribulations, his power will continue to expand, and eventually will cause huge damage to the entire prehistoric world, and we, as heavenly saints, have to bear a huge cause and effect!" In an instant, the expression of Taishang Laojun changed drastically. He thought of Donghuang Taiyi's conspiracy, and he also understood why Donghuang Taiyi wanted to let go of everything so madly, this was aimed at the entire prehistoric world.

"It's not just the prehistoric world, but once this **** is allowed to continue, I'm afraid the human ancestors will be destroyed directly, and then the entire human race will be extinct. This is the calculation of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. He wants to pull the human race as a demon. To bury all of us as the burial of the demon clan, we must not let his conspiracy succeed!" Yuanshi Tianzun, a saint who has always been talking about obedience to the way of heaven, also felt threatened and understood Taiyi’s thoughts. This is to sacrifice himself as a demon. The clan strives for a ray of vitality, uses his own life as the price to bring all the creatures involved in this battle to an end, and even destroy the entire prehistoric world!

"The killing intent, the robbery qi began to condense the killing intent, and the killing intent condensed by the purest tribulation between the heavens and the earth, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi will completely lose control!" As the most killing master of the heavens in the Three Qings For the first time, I felt the change of Eastern Emperor Taiyi, that terrifying killing intent was condensing in the heaven and earth's robbery, and condensing in Eastern Emperor Taiyi's body.

"What? How is this possible? No matter how powerful the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is, it is impossible to condense the qi of heaven and earth into the meaning of killing. Could it be that he is the person who should be robbed of this calamity, and is also the center of the tribulation of heaven and earth?" The Supreme Lord is not calm at the moment. If the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is completely out of control, it will be a catastrophe for them, and they can no longer stand on the sidelines.

"Why doesn't the teacher take action yet? If you don’t restrict the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, I’m afraid that the whole prehistoric situation will have another storm!" At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun thought of Daozu Hongjun, thinking that such an abnormal change should be stopped by Daozu Hongjun, and It was not their heavenly saints. After all, at this moment, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had the terrible killing power, and even the killing power capable of killing the saints. Facing such power, the saints did not dare to confront it.

This is the power, the power of measuring the calamity, and this power is in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. It is a pity that now the Eastern Emperor Taiyi’s spiritual consciousness has been dusted, and it has been corroded by the heaven and the earth. He cannot act normally, and can only listen to the heaven and the earth. His desire and desire to act, the powerful force gave him endless thoughts of destruction and the thought of destroying the vast world.

Destroying the sky and destroying the earth, this is the persistence left by the chaos gods and demons. It has been inherited by the gods and demons of the robbery, and integrated with the origin of the gods and demons of the robbery. Naturally, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi will inevitably bear this impact, this cause and effect. , Being in the wild world, when this obsession erupts, Donghuang Taiyi is naturally unable to struggle anymore. Even with the innate treasure of the'Chaotic Clock' in hand, he cannot suppress this terrible obsession power, even if it has The Pangu inheritance couldn't be suppressed, because he himself already had the idea of ​​sacrificing himself, and this idea directly strengthened the persistence of the gods and demons of the robbery.

"Haha! I'm still hesitating at this time, the saints of heaven are extremely ridiculous!" When he felt the six looming powerful auras in the void, the Taoist Yin and Yang sneered in his heart. At this time, these saints still I was thinking about my own interests, still thinking about my own gains and losses, and forgot the vitality of the wild land!

Even the Heavenly Dao saint can ignore the blow of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the Yin-Yang Daoist can naturally ignore him, or allow this terrible shot to fall on the prehistoric land. As for whether it will bring disaster to the prehistoric creatures, This is not in the consideration of the Yin and Yang Taoists. Even the heavenly saints can give up, what they can't do, and they have done what they should do. Now the madness of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi should be borne by the heavenly saints. This is their responsibility.

I didn’t want to take responsibility, and I didn’t want to face the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Once such a situation occurred, the whole situation changed astonishingly. The Terran ancestral land was trembling, and the luck of the Human Race was dispersing. Eastern Emperor Taiyi’s attack It blasted heavily on the wild land, and the ancestor witch of the human race was instantly enveloped by the tribulation of heaven and earth, causing the entire human race to be corroded by the tribulation of heaven and earth.

The ancestors of the human race, which had ample aura of heaven and earth, suddenly became withered. All vitality was plundered by the aura of heaven and earth. The human race was on the verge of collapse in an instant. This is the lethal power of the East Emperor Taiyi under the madness. This is a statue. The horror of the inheritance of the Chaos Gods and Demons is that only one blow will destroy the ancestral land of the human race, and after the erosion of this world, the ancestral land of the human race is completely abolished, and it is no longer suitable for cultivation, and the entire human race is in a great panic. in.

The Taishang Lao Jun uses the human race to prove his Tao and establishes his religion with the human race. If the human race perishes, he will inevitably be backlashed by the luck. The Nuwa Empress also uses the human race to testify, and she also does not want to see the death of the human race. At this time, the most saints They are the two sages who are impatient. In contrast, the two sages in the West are much easier. After all, their luck is not connected with the human race. Even if the human race is destroyed, it will not affect itself. At most, it is just that the sage of the heavens has not maintained the predominance well. , But this is not the responsibility of the two of them. When it comes to responsibility, Sanqing and Nuwa Empress are the most important, after all, they are disciples who enter the house.

As the Demon Emperor, when Di Jun saw Donghuang Taiyi’s crazy sacrifice, he couldn’t help being furious. When the situation reached this point, the Demon Race really had no retreat, and soon his mind became crazy. The Dao of Tribulation in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Emperor Jun knew very well. Although he had not practiced before, he also knew that once Eastern Emperor Taiyi made such a choice, he would never look back. He would be completely plunged into the heavens and the earth. Under the influence!

"Kill! Kill the sky, kill the land, kill the common people, my demon race wants to slaughter the world!" The demon emperor Jun in anger activated his most powerful force and also stimulated his own potential. The endless aura of killing lies in the ancestral land of the human race. Dispersed in the middle, this is the killing karma accumulated by the endless years of the monster race. At this moment, it was completely detonated by Emperor Jun, to make the entire prehistoric world fall into the killing.

With the action of auzw.com the monster emperor Jun, the whole monster clan army instantly became violent, and all the strong men involved in the war were instantly suppressed by the killing and plunged into crisis. , At this time they realized that they were wrong and that they shouldn't participate in this life-and-death duel, in this battle for humanity and luck, but now they are already in the game!

"Too crazy, Dijun is also crazy, and the whole demon clan is also crazy, what should I do?" When seeing the endless karma pouring into the demon clan's luck, the demon master Kunpeng's heart trembled. Fear, such a huge karma made him feel the repulsion of heaven and earth. As a demon master, Kunpeng also enjoys demon luck, but now he has to face the backlash of luck!

The demon master Kunpeng wanted to get out and leave, but he couldn't do it, as today the court was shrouded by that terrifying karma, and at this time, if the demon master Kunpeng dared to escape, I'm afraid he would be given away by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Demon Emperor Jun. Regrettably, even one accidentally will be beheaded by these two monster emperors, after all, these two monster giants are already crazy now.

"Roar! Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi condenses the World Tribulation Heart, gather me!" When the last trace of reason was wiped out, the face of Eastern Emperor Taiyi exuded endless killing intent, and Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi completely grasped his body and was condensing. Once the East Emperor Taiyi successfully condenses the world-killing mind, his physical body will be transformed into the body of the chaos **** and devil, the body of the chaos, and then under the control of the chaos **** and devil's obsession. , The Eastern Emperor Taiyi is about to perform an act of destroying the world, to clear out all living creatures in the world, to return the entire prehistoric world to chaos, and to return everything to chaos. Returning to chaos is the obsession of the chaos gods and demons.

"It's over, I'm really out of control. Donghuang Taiyi's mentality has been completely restrained by the heaven and earth tribulation pressure. Senior brother, if you don't make a move, the entire human race will be destroyed. At that time, you and I will suffer the backlash of the human luck!" At this time, Empress Nuwa was a little unbearable. As a mother, Empress Nuwa did not want to see the destruction of the human race, but she was also a demon saint and could not easily attack the demon emperor, or she would also suffer from the demon spirit. Fortune's backlash, now she can only count on Taishang Laojun.

"Oh!" Laojun Taishang sighed. Although he didn't want to, but now he has no choice. When the situation develops to this point, Laojun Taishang must take action, otherwise the human race will really have to step into it. Destruction, and such a consequence is something he can't afford and he doesn't want to see. At this moment, Taishang Laojun must stand up and stop everything!

I saw that with a wave of the Taishang Laojun, the innate treasure'Tai Chi Tu' appeared above the human race's ancestral land, covering the entire human race. The power of yin and yang of Tai Chi began to wear away the power of the heaven and the earth, and the power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.' As soon as the Taiji Tu' came out, the void of the Terran stabilized, the Terran land stabilized, and Tuangan collapsed, but this is just the beginning of everything. Although the Taishang Laojun has taken action, it is not easy to subdue Donghuang Taiyi. Things, if you are not careful, you will die.

"Tai Chi is forbidden, Eastern Emperor Taiyi won't wake up yet!" Taishang Laojun shouted, and the power of the saint rushed directly into Donghuang Taiyi's heart like a bell, and wanted to directly pull Donghuang Taiyi out of his loss. , It's a pity that Laojun Taishang overestimated his abilities, underestimated the determination of Donghuang Taiyi, and underestimated the horror of the Chaos God and Demon.

"Get out of here, the mere ants are also delusional to shake my mind and rob the world!" Donghuang Taiyi let out a roar, the power of the saint of Taishang Laojun was directly melted, and the endless calamity was even more frantically at him Condensed, as if the action of the Supreme Master alarmed him, and he wanted to speed up the cohesion of the world’s tribulation mind, knowing that cohesiveness of the world’s tribulation mind is equivalent to condensing the cause and effect of the entire primordial world in oneself. This shows the madness of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

"No, he has completely lost his sanity. Today's Eastern Emperor Taiyi has lost his grasp of the physical body, and now it is the obsession of the God of Tribulation that holds him. We all join forces to suppress him, and we cannot let Eastern Emperor Taiyi repeatedly If this continues, otherwise the entire prehistoric land will collapse!" When his full blow was easily cracked by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the old man was very dignified and had to summon other saints to help, after all, this is not him alone. Things.

"Teacher, what are you doing? Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun have caused such a big storm, and you still haven't taken any action. Do you want to watch the prehistoric land be destroyed and watch the original origin of the prehistoric shattered?" Tai Shang Lao Jun's heart was puzzled, and the other saints were the same. They had expected their teacher to take action, but now everyone is disappointed.

"Brother, do we really have to help Sanqing? After all, this is just a matter of Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress. It is their cause and effect. We will not get anything back if we intervene!" Zhun mentioned that the saint did not want to participate in the war, and was unwilling Helping Laojun Taishang through this disaster, there is even a vague joy in his heart, wanting to use the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to test the origin of the wild world!

If the wild land is shattered, will this be an opportunity for oneself to get rid of the shackles of oneself, will it allow oneself to directly let go of the shackles of the heavenly saints? Yes, Sage Zhunti thinks this in his heart, but he dare not act rashly. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. A slight mistake will put himself in crisis and make himself dead, especially now that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is. If he truly mastered the Dao of Tribulation, if this lunatic blasted the Dao of Tribulation into himself, the consequences would be disastrous. Even if he did not die, he would be entangled in the Qi of Tribulation and would suffer heavy losses.

"It's not the time for us to break free from the shackles. Let's help. Let Donghuang Taiyi continue to develop. The situation will really be out of control. The wild land will really be destroyed. The whole monster race is crazy. I hope those above the heavens. The demon clan can still be a little sensible and able to hold his mind, or else the trouble will be big this time!" When he said this, the sage who led the sage shook his head involuntarily, and the demon queen, the demon master Kunpeng, mastered the overall situation in the heavenly court. , If they lose control again, the entire prehistoric land will usher in a terrible killing, and endless creatures will fall in this battle, because there is a'Zhou Tianxing Star Array' above the heavenly court!

Yes, at this time, when it is so dangerous, the Yao Clan’s "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array" still has not been activated. Is the Demon Emperor Jun forgetting the existence of the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array", or is he defending something, or perhaps Is there any calculation? As long as the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is not activated, pressure will always exist for everyone participating in the war.


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