God of Destruction

Chapter 4429: Resentment

Chapter 4435: Resentment

"Oh! I knew that the **** of the monster clan were so crazy that they really shouldn't let the witch clan leave. If there was a witch clan, how could the monster clan be so arrogant and presumptuous!" At this time, under the threat of death, those involved were involved. The strong of the war couldn’t help thinking of the goodness of the witch clan. In the past, the witch clan was confronted by the witch clan. They did not have too much pressure, but now there is no witch clan. Under the madness of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, many strong men were killed in a flash, and the gods were all killed and strangled in the ancestral land of the human race, completely losing their vitality.

Death in the Great Tribulation is complete death. This is the cruelty of the Great Tribulation. Faced with such a crazy monster race, the fate of those who only want to make opportunities is conceivable. Now they are in a dilemma. Continue Staying and cooperating with the human race, they have to face the killings of the monster race, they can't see the vitality, if they leave, but this kind of disaster is also a big problem, not to mention if they want to leave, they have to ask the monster race to give them this. opportunity.

The Monster Race now hates these powerful people who are strong and powerful, how can they make them retreat under this situation, it is impossible to leave from the ancestral land of the Human Race, this is all of the Monster Race Obsession! Yes, under the influence of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, the hearts of the monster army have changed. For them, when the monster Emperor Jun gave the order, they wanted to end the war, and only one side would fall. Otherwise no one can leave alive.

What is Hongjun Daozu doing now? When such an earth-shattering event had happened, why didn't he worry at all, and didn't worry at all that Eastern Emperor Tai Yi would bring disaster to the prehistoric world? Now that even Taishang Laojun has taken action, all the saints will be swept into this battle, but as a holy saint, Hongjun Daozu is nowhere to be seen.

Suppress the tunnel, suppress the humanity? No, Daozu Hongjun did nothing. To suppress the tunnels has the way of heaven. Humanity does not need to be suppressed in the catastrophe. At this time, suppressing the humanitarianism will only cause more terrible consequences. Hongjun Taozu is starting from the subtleties. Feel the changes in the prehistoric world a little bit, feel the changes in the prehistoric great world, and feel the world avenue.

The arrival of the calamity of heaven and earth, the arrival of the killing of calamity, although it is the cruelest and most terrifying crisis in the entire prehistoric world, there are also great opportunities in the crisis. At this time, because the calamity of heaven and earth erupts, it is the easiest time to enlighten the world. The rules of the world will be Because the power of heaven and earth measuring the calamity has emerged, and now Hongjun Daozu is enlightening the Dao and the Great Dao of the World.

Don’t Hongjun Daozu worry about the lives and deaths of all the saints? He is not afraid that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi will really condense the heart of destroying the world and turn into the world’s robber who presides over the killing, causing the entire prehistoric world to fall into greater disaster. Let the entire prehistoric creatures face a catastrophe? Or does Hongjun Daozu already have arrangements for all this?

No one knows what Hongjun Daozu is thinking and what he is going to do. Hongjun Daozu who fits the heavenly way is no longer the original him. Now he is calculating what he is doing. Only he knows what he thinks. Perhaps his thoughts are better than Donghuang Taiyi, more demon. Emperor Jun is even crazier than Yin and Yang Taoist, but he hides it well, and no one knows how high it is!

Although he was unwilling, the second sage of the West reluctantly joined the fight against the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. With the second sage of the West, as well as the shots of the Sanqing and the Nuwa Empress, the ancestral land of the human race is finally saved. As the Virgin of the Human Race, The Demon Sage’s Nuwa Empress was in a dilemma in this battle. For her, she could not attack the Demon Race, nor could she stop the war. The only thing she could do was to protect the creatures who lived in the Human Race’s ancestral land. Rescue the eroded human race!

At this time, the Yin and Yang Taoist who caused the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's madness have gone. He has avoided him. Now the opponent of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is no longer him but the saints. The Yin and Yang Taoist is watching with cold eyes, carefully looking at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's. Change, feeling the Dao of Tribulation performed by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Compared with the road of its own end, it is deciphering the greatness of Eastern Emperor Taiyi’s Tribulation. This comes from the inheritance of the God and Demon of Tribulation, allowing oneself to be in the Dao of Tribulation. The comprehension of the origin has gained something.

The more careful you observe, the heavier the Yin-Yang Daoist's mood will be. The Dao of Tribulation is even more terrifying and dangerous than I thought. Especially when the world is weighing the Tribulation, the origin of the Dao of Tribulation is extremely dangerous. This Qia Qia was also the most powerful time of the Dao of Tribulation, and also the time when I had the most opportunity to prove the Dao, but it was a pity that Donghuang Taiyi had concerns in his heart and did not fully embark on this Dao to practice cultivation. There are many hidden dangers in the source. , Also caused the current situation.

"The Great Way of Tribulation can indeed increase the strength of any negative law, especially in the tribulation of heaven and earth. If we can understand the Great Way of Tribulation, we can accelerate the growth of our own negative law power. It is only when we strengthen our own law power. Withstanding the backlash from the Dao of Tribulation, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has the innate treasure "Chaotic Clock" and still hasn't suppressed all the calamity. My "Destroying the World" that has not been fully conceived is even more unacceptable. Be careful and be careful. , Can’t let yourself fall into desperation because of temporary greed. Although this road of practice is very powerful and fast, it also carries great danger. It’s such a power to get angry and burn your body.” When thinking about this, the Taoist Yin and Yang sighed again. In a sigh of relief, I don't know if it was my arrival that changed the prehistoric world, or the original prehistoric world is like this. In short, the Yin and Yang Taoists felt heavy pressure.

The war has already begun, and even if it is too late to regret, everything is a foregone conclusion. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi is completely crazy, and so is the Demon Emperor Jun. The entire prehistoric trend is developing in an unknown direction, but Hongjun Daozu has not appeared, and there is no way of heaven. All this made the Yin and Yang Taoist feel more pressured, but he didn't dare to let go.

Temptation, I am testing the reality of the heavens, the bottom line of the heavens and the Hongjun Daozu, and the bottom line of the prehistoric world, and the other party is also testing myself. At this time, if I fear and shrink, the consequences will be unthinkable. After all, now His own is not without flaws, nor invincible, let alone the ability to be immortal.

auzw.com is enough. This is what the Yin and Yang Taoist gained from Donghuang Taiyi. They can’t absorb it indefinitely because of the trivial qi of heaven and earth easily. Even if they have a little bit of qi erosion, they must do their best Obliteration, do not give it a chance to develop and grow, let alone suppress it with the innate treasure. After all, the power of suppression cannot always exist. Once an accident occurs, the consequences will be unthinkable. Just like the current Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the whole person has become the world. The puppet, or he is now the master of the robbery who is in charge of the heaven and the earth, but unfortunately he has no consciousness, everything is controlled by the road of robbery, controlled by the obsession of the **** and devil of robbery.

Destroy the world! Not to mention a divine demon that has already fallen a long time ago, even a few more will not be able to do it, after all, this is a prehistoric world, a world created by the great **** Pangu, but Zhoushan has not fallen, and the blood of the Wu clan has not been cut off. , No one knows what kind of assassin is hidden in the wild land. As the Pangu God who can open up the wild world, even if he falls, he cannot be unprepared. It is impossible to be completely destroyed. You must know that the time gods and demons are all With the ability to protect himself, would Pangu Great God not have such a back hand? Would he not plan for the worst? It is precisely with this kind of thought in his heart that the talents of Yin and Yang Dao can face everything in front of them so easily, and can look at them wisely. All problems are not affected by the qi of heaven and earth!

Not reconciled! Many powerhouses who are in crisis see the relaxed appearance of the Taoist Yin and Yang, and resentment in their hearts. In their opinion, all this is caused by the Taoist Yin and Yang. If it were not for him to force the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the situation would be too. Such a change will not happen, and everyone will not fall into a crisis, but when everyone is fighting for it, the Yin and Yang Taoists stepped out and watched all this with cold eyes. How can this not make these powerful people angry!

It’s a pity that no one dared to stand up and accuse the Yin and Yang Taoist, but they can only hold hate in their hearts. They all understand that the Yin and Yang Taoist in front of them is a madman, a madman who has no bottom line when he is crazy. If this lunatic is targeted at this time, he will definitely end up. It is ten deaths without life, no matter how big the resentment is in the heart, these strong men can only endure it.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally someone couldn’t bear the ease of the Yin and Yang Taoist. This person is the Nuwa Empress. She said in a deep voice, "Brother Sanqing, Zhun mentioning and leading fellow Taoists were originally It was caused by the **** of the Taoist Yin and Yang. Now he easily hides aside to watch the play. Let us bear the crazy impact of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. We have to teach him a lesson and let him know what the calculation of the saint is going to be. Otherwise, let this lunatic develop. Going down, there is a great threat to all of us!"

When they heard the words of Empress Nuwa, they frowned and frowned. They were a little unwilling to participate in this battle. Now Empress Nuwa came up with such a crazy idea. They are even more disturbed. At this time, fighting against the lunatic Taoist Yin and Yang is not the work of wise men. You must know that they are already struggling to resist the violent actions of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. One more enemy will make everyone more stressed. .

Jiuyin and Zhunti looked at each other, and they could see the sneer in each other's eyes. They nodded silently, and did not respond. After all, they were unwilling to forge a life and death enmity with the Yin and Yang Taoist, and on the surface all of this. All happened because of the Yin and Yang Taoists, but in fact, all of this could happen without the Yin and Yang Taoists. After all, under the environment of the world today, it will force the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to have to work hard. As long as you work hard, the war will naturally be indispensable, and everyone Must also be on the Yaozu.

The Taishang Laojun seemed to feel the small movements under the two sages in the West, so he said: "I don’t know what your thoughts are in your mind. After all, we can’t let him Staying here all the time threatens our safety, right? If the two are willing to cooperate, we might be able to deal a devastating blow to the Taoist Yin and Yang!"

As soon as Taishang Laojun’s words fell, a faint joy flashed across the face of Empress Nuwa. This is a good suggestion. If the two sages of the West can be pulled into the game, the Yin and Yang Taoists will be even greater, and they can even be Its pitfalls are in the dynamics of this world.

The leading saint sighed and said: "Our current enemy is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Although the Yin and Yang Taoists are threatening, they are not too big for us, and the teacher has not said that the way is opposed by the way of heaven. There is no need to provoke new troubles at this time. Although we are taking over the yin and yang Taoists, this matter itself is what we have to face. The monster race is terrible and ferocious enough, and we don’t need to provoke it again. A madman!"

In the face of temptation, the introduction of the saint directly refuses. For the West, the existence of Yin and Yang Taoists is not very important. There is no need to take risks at this time. In this case, not to mention that even if things happen, the worst will not be. The West, but Sanqing, is the Nuwa Empress, and there is no need to take risks for others. It doesn't make sense for the West to do so.

When she heard the words of the enticed saint, Empress Nuwa's expression changed. Her refusal to enticed directly cut off her thoughts. The most important thing was that after she spoke, she formed a cause and effect with the Yin and Yang Taoist. This is heaven and earth. As a saint of heaven, every word and deed can represent the way of heaven. This is not a good thing for the Nuwa Empress, and it is not even a good thing for the Yaozu!

Compared with the excitement of the Nuwa Empress, Taishang Laojun said indifferently: "Well, since the introduction of the younger brother is unwilling to have trouble, then we will put this matter down for the time being. For now, it is better to take care of the demon race first, and put the east first. Huang Taiyi, Demon Emperor Jun’s crazy counterattack was suppressed. They should not be allowed to be so arrogant, otherwise the entire human race would be destroyed because of their madness. The human race is the foundation of the prehistoric land, there can be no mistakes, and it is also the foundation of our preaching! "

In order to be able to win over the two sages of the West and allow them to contribute their efforts to a better performance in this battle, the Supreme Lord directly pointed out the importance of the human race, and directly pointed out that the human race is the foundation of their sage inheritance. From the eyes of the Taishang Laojun, as long as there is this, there is no fear that the Western Two Sages will not do their best to pay. After all, the Western Two Sages owe a huge cause and effect to the heavens, and they must rely on preaching to repay them, and the human contact has become a reality. The root of the two holy self-help in the West!

The Terran has become the **** of all the saints unknowingly, and is used by all the saints. For all the saints, they have never considered what the Terran thinks, and they don’t care what the Terran thinks. For all the saints, the Terran It's just a chess piece, just the object of his own preaching, and everything else can be ignored!


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