God of Destruction

Chapter 4431: Festival Hunyuan Road

Chapter 4437: Hunyuan Road

"Come on, let everything explode, let me see how many enemies are still hidden in the dark, how many enemies are hitting my idea, how much influence the world of the Netherworld has brought, my enemy As much as there is, let me end them in this great catastrophe!” After the soul was sublimated, the Taoist Yin and Yang sighed indifferently, and the whole person relaxed a lot, because of what was brought by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The impact has also dissipated a lot, and the pressure to end the road has also been reduced a bit.

There is no retreat in the catastrophe. No matter how dangerous there is, it must be broken with one effort. When the soul is sublimated, the shackles entangled on the yin and yang Taoist are cracked, allowing the yin and yang Taoist's mind to be washed and let him feel When I arrived at the power of the Great Tribulation, I felt the so-called opportunity, and this discovery was very important to the cultivation of Yin and Yang Taoists.

Originally, the Yin and Yang Taoist thought that he had already found the way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, as long as he followed the correct method to practice, he would be able to succeed and gain something, but this time the discovery made him understand that he was wrong, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao. It is more powerful and difficult than I thought. Every creature born in the wild world has the shackles of the world on his body, and the first step of the Golden Immortal Hunyuan Dao is to break all the shackles on his body. A shackle is the power of the rules of the world. It can be said that every practice, every shackle cut is a confrontation with the origin of the world.

To cut off the shackles entangled on one's body, only in the great calamity of heaven and earth, because Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's way is to break free from the shackles of the world, go against the sky, and detachment from the world can only cut off the shackles of oneself, or in the great Break through the self in the calamity, or be destroyed in the heaven and earth calamity, and return to the heaven and earth in one body, and life and death only need a thought!

"It's a pity that Donghuang Taiyi didn't understand the true Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's way. He walked on a dead end, a dead end without a future. He wanted to integrate the practice of the Chaos Gods and Demons into his original inheritance. The avenues of the gods and demons of the robbery are integrated into the inheritance of Pangu. This simply does not work, because the two avenues are not his own avenues. The most suitable for him is the avenue of stars, which is the avenue of the sun from the sun to the sun. The important thing is that the Primordial World repels the Chaos Gods and Demons. At this time, there is only one dead end for the forced clearance, but for the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, it is already deadly, and there is only one way to go!"

After Hunyuan Daluo’s practice of the Golden Immortal Way, Yin and Yang Taoist also saw the truth of Donghuang Taiyi, and understood that this is a dead end, a dead end, unless he can break the rules of the world. Able to cut through the origin of the prehistoric world in one fell swoop, or else it would only be wiped out by the power of the world, and the origin would return to the prehistoric world, turn into the nutrients of the predominant world, and nourish the origin of the predominant world, but now the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is begging for death, Yaozu sacrifice.

Of course, for Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, this is also a life-and-death situation. Whether they can succeed depends on their own abilities, and whether the demon clan can unite and work together. If the monsters can be united like the Witch clan, they will also have a ray of vitality, even if this vitality is small, but everything in the world has a ray of life, at most the price paid is a bit high, perhaps these monsters powerhouses themselves will be cut off from the proof. Road to the road.

Hunyuan Avenue, this is a great temptation for all the strong. After all, the sages of the heavenly path have limited fruit status, and humanity and tunnels are not easy for them to get involved. For the great powers, they have something in front of them. There is only Hunyuan Avenue, but they don’t know much about Hunyuan Avenue. Who allowed Hunyuan Avenue to be concealed by Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao intentionally? Under such circumstances, for the entire prehistoric powerhouse, there is naturally a path to practice. A great obstacle! Of course, this kind of thing also has a great hindrance to the development of the entire prehistoric world. It is a pity that all this is not taken care of by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. For them, they all have selfish intentions and have their own calculations. Whether the development will be hindered or not is not under consideration. Just as they calculated the Lich race, now the Wu race has jumped out of the calculation, and only the Monster race is trapped in it.

With strong people who are concerned about, they have hidden dangers for their future. If they can't let go of their attachments, they become their biggest demon, the biggest obstacle to their own practice, they are also the monster race, and the monster race is defeated. The true portrayal of Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, in contrast, the demon master Kunpeng does not have so much pressure. Although he also has the demon master’s status and is also affected by the demon clan’s luck, his heart is not He didn't really tie himself to the monster clan. For him, if the big ship of the monster clan was broken, he would definitely not advance and retreat together with the monster clan, and would inevitably leave the monster clan.

In fact, in the entire Monster Race, how many strong people are willing to advance and retreat together with the Monster Race. It is really hard to say. When the Monster Race is strong, they will advance and retreat together with the Monster Race, but when the Monster Race is in desperation. , These people are afraid that they will have different choices, and there will be many strong men who betray the demon race and escape from this big ship that is about to sink!

Although Yin Yang Dao has grievances and hatreds with the demon emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi, they still admire the two demon emperors and the Yin and Yang Dao people. Not all strong people can achieve their level. Not all races are civilized. The emperor can truly sacrifice himself for his own race, and it is precisely because the Yin and Yang Taoists can see everything from a fair and just side, they can see the true situation of the demon clan, and can also see part of the primordial heaven and the Hongjun Taoist ancestor Calculate!

At this time, the human race has become an unimportant supporting role. The action of the saints directly resolved the crisis of the human race. At least before the heavenly saints fall, the human race will not be destroyed by the demon race, but this battle no matter how successful it is. , Human race also owes all the saints great cause and effect, and this great cause and effect needs to be repaid by the human race in endless years. After all, this is the great cause and effect of the extinction disaster, and it is the existence of this cause and effect. The **** of the saint has also become the **** of heaven.

auzw.com If it weren’t for Yin and Yang Taoists who had past experience, they would not be able to see this cause and effect. Now Yin and Yang Taoists can clearly feel the erosion of human luck, but in such a big environment, Even if the Yin and Yang Taoists have the intention to stop them, they are also powerless. After all, this is the general trend of the world. With personal power, it is arrogant to want to shake the world. It can only be said that the Yin and Yang Taoists are not arrogant to such a degree, knowing that they cannot do anything. If you know that there will be no results, you have to do it forcibly.

The more they understand, the more the Yin-Yang Taoists have more insights about the prehistoric world and their own practice. The difficulty of Hunyuan Dao is much greater than one’s own imagination. The cause and effect of the prehistoric are also layered, letting It is difficult for a person to break free, and this cause and effect is his own shackles, and the shackles that he has now cut off are just the cause and effect eliminated by participating in the calamity.

Cutting off one's own shackles is only the first step of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and this step does not know how many strong people will be stumped, even the Yin and Yang Taoists, but also feel the heavy pressure, staring at the sages and the monster race, Daoist Yin and Yang hesitated in his heart, whether he should continue to participate in this great war, should he go deep into the great calamity of heaven and earth, if there is still a chance to retreat from the whole body, after all, in today's big environment Changes have taken place, and it is amazing. The madness of the monster race has made this world catastrophe even more cruel and more dangerous. A little carelessness will kill you. Those strong who fell in the war are a lesson. You must make a decision carefully, after all, this is related to your own survival!

In such a crazy and terrifying tribulation of heaven and earth, when you understand how terrible this tribulation is, and understand how terrifying the danger hidden in the dark, even the Daoist Yin and Yang who has always been fearless have to be cautious. Prevent yourself from accidentally falling into the calculations of the Dao of Heaven, falling into the calculations of the Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and being obliterated by the tribulation of the heavens and the earth!

Regarding Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, no matter how cautious it is, it is the right choice. Don’t look at Hongjun Daozu who has not taken any action now. It seems that he has forgotten this earth-shattering battle in the prehistoric world, but the Yin and Yang Daoist It seems that the more so, the more dangerous it is. If Hongjun Daozu stands on the bright side, the danger will be much smaller, and the more hidden in the dark, the more dangerous it is, because you don’t know what Hongjun Daozu will do next. Go out and kill yourself personally.

"What a great ancestor of Hongjun Dao, what a heaven, the longer time drags on, the more beneficial it is for them, and the more dangerous it is for people like me. In the midst of a catastrophe, you have to be involuntarily involved. During the weighing calamity, I was affected by the weighing robbery. Although I have the heart to get out of it, it is not an easy task. After all, I am in the air of weighing calamity, and the demon race has not fallen. This battle between the human race and the demon race Before it is over, it is impossible to turn around and leave, otherwise this cause and effect, this calamity will always be entrenched in my body, pulling myself into the calamity!"

Regret it? No, Daoist Yin and Yang never regretted it. When he was involved in the disaster, Daoist Yin and Yang planned for the worst. Although the current situation is very dangerous, it is not at the worst level. At our point, there is still room for advancement and retreat in everything, and I still hold the initiative, and I am not deeply trapped in the calamity and unable to extricate myself.

This is the danger of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian’s road, every step must be carried out in the amount of calamity. If oneself is not burdened with the three avatars, without the pressure of the King of Ending avatar, you may be able to easily cut off all your shackles. , I can withdraw, and now I need to deal with it carefully. The catastrophe is a crisis and an opportunity, not only for the deity, but also for the clone of the King of End. Although Donghuang Taiyi is in a desperate situation, although the Yaozu is in crisis However, they are not without their merits. They still have the shining points they need. If they can understand their reality and their essence, perhaps they can go further on the road to the end, Go smoother.

I was thinking and thinking about everything in my heart. The expressions of the Taoists of Yin and Yang were constantly changing. They were throwing themselves into the calamity, and everything was involuntary. Although there were all the saints participating in the war, the saints of the heavens were not as beautiful as everyone thought. , Is not so kind as expected. For this big battle between the human race and the monster race, their participation is only aimed at the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the demon Emperor Jun, which can outburst powerful enemies that the saints must be treated with caution. For the general The killings of the demon race and the human race, the heavenly sages did not care, as if it was not worth mentioning to them, but it is precisely because of this that people continue to fall, whether it is the strong human or the strong opportunistic. All are constantly falling under the attack of the monster race army, the power of the human race is weakening, the power of other forces in the prehistoric world is weakening, and the power of the monster race is also weakening.

This confrontation between the human race and the monster race seems to be controlled by the saints, constantly using the power of life and death to weaken the power of all parties, damage the origin of human Tao, and the power of human Tao is wiped out bit by bit, and The weakening of the origin of humanity will naturally give Heavenly Dao opportunities, which will make Heavenly Dao corrode humanity more, and let human Dao completely fall under the control of Heavenly Dao.

What is the authentic power doing? At this time, the Taoist Yin and Yang couldn’t help thinking why the tunnel remained silent. Neither the Houtu ancestor witch in the six reincarnations nor his own clone of the king of cause and effect were affected by the tunnel, and they did not participate in this battle. I didn’t even feel the trace of authenticity. Could it be said that the authenticity did not respond to the humanity at all, or the connection between the authenticity and the humanity is not as important as I thought?

"What is the secret behind all this? Did tunnel and heaven reach some kind of agreement?" Facing such a situation, the Taoist Yin Yang thought to himself, not that the Taoist Yin Yang is too suspicious, but the current situation. The situation is indeed unbelievable. After all, all this is a bit too weird. In this battle, so many creatures were killed and wounded, and the power of the two races of humans and monsters was so severely damaged. There were so many dead on the ancestral land of the human race, but there was not a trace of the tunnel. The response is too unreasonable.

Although there are many doubts in his heart and I want to clarify the truth of the matter, the Taoist Yin and Yang understands that the more at this time, the more cautious he must be, not the slightest carelessness, or he will only trap himself in it and let himself fall into it. In the desperate situation, although I am an innate **** and demon bred by the tunnel, this does not mean that the tunnel is really my own dependence. When I am in danger, the tunnel will show up to help me, and my own strength is everything. The fundamentals of this, nothing else can't be relied on!


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