God of Destruction

Chapter 4432: God of Razer

Chapter 4438: The God of Lei Ze

The war is getting closer and closer to oneself, and the danger is getting closer and closer to oneself. I don’t know how many enemies are lurking in the dark, waiting for me to make mistakes, and I don’t know how many enemies are calculating themselves. The Taoists of Yin and Yang understand themselves deeply. How dangerous is the situation, and I deeply understand that it will not take long before he will be dragged into the war. Heavenly Dao will do this, Hongjun Daozu will do it, and all the saints of Hongjun Heavenly Dao will do it, even the demon race. It is possible to do so.

Looking at the battle in front of me, I feel the fluctuations of heaven and earth, feel the fluctuations of the World Avenue, and the crisis is slowly rushing to me. In the understanding of the heaven and earth Avenue, under my own understanding of the Hunyuan Avenue, Yin and Yang The Taoist obviously felt the arrival of danger. Yes, from the invisible fluctuations, the aura of heaven and earth was rushing to him frantically. This was not because he took the initiative to absorb it, but came from the impetus of heaven and earth. Someone was rushing towards him. Kill.

"Here, this moment is finally here, Hongjun Daozu finally couldn't bear it, come on, let this battle come more violently, let this confrontation come more crazy, I really want to know what means you will use to come. Push me into the game, what force can I use to pull me into the game!" Feeling the changes in the surrounding environment, the eyes of the Yin and Yang Taoists transmit endless killing intent. The battle of the great road has never been smooth sailing. It will be accompanied by endless killing. When the killing comes.

"Hand over the authority of the tunnel, hand over the authority of the Netherworld!" A low voice resounded from the void, and a flash of thunder flashed directly towards the Yin and Yang Taoists. This is the power of the sky thunder, this is the thunder punishment. The enemy used the power of thunder punishment to mobilize the power of Heavenly Dao. This was the method of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu.

"Huh! Sky Thunder, Thunder Punishment, what a Thunder God, I didn't expect you to be the first to jump out. Now that you are here, stay here today. I will use your blood to tell the great creatures what killing is! "Faced with thunder punishment, the eyes of the Yin and Yang Taoist flashed with endless killing intent, because the enemy turned out to be the **** of Lei Ze, the innate thunder **** who holds the avenue of thunder, a powerful man who can be compared with the ancestor witch of the Wu clan. A strong man standing on the top of the prehistoric man.

Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu use such innate thunder gods to push themselves into the game. It can be seen how fierce the opponent's calculations are, and they don't give themselves a chance to retreat. Although they don't have the idea of ​​retreating in their hearts, they feel from this calculation. When it comes to the intense murderous intent, I feel the lore of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu towards him!

It’s impossible for Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu to know whether he has the authority of the tunnels and the authority of the Netherworld, but the enemy used this reason to kill himself. This shows how dangerous the situation he is facing. How crazy!

Although the power of Thunder Punishment is powerful, it is not a fatal threat to Taoists of Yin and Yang. All this is just the beginning. A **** of thunder has not yet made Taoists of Yin and Yang feel the threat of life and death, even if he is just a big Luo Jinxian, and The enemy is a quasi-sage, but it is not important to the Yin and Yang Taoist, he has enough power to fight against it!

"Kill, the yin and yang rotate, the yin and yang are worn out, and everything is wiped out!" With a deep cry from the yin and yang Taoist, the avenue of yin and yang is vertical and horizontal, the big sun and the bright moon are visible, the two qi of yin and yang are transformed into one side and the big mill that obliterates time and space is bombarded against Thunder Go, this is the power of the Yin-Yang Taoist, this is the power of the Yin-Yang Dao, the time and space are trembling when the yin and yang are sharpened.

If you don’t make a move, it’s a deadly killer move. The yin and yang Taoists don’t want to give the enemy any chance to breathe, or they don’t make a move. They must be the killer of the life and death duel. It is the killing power of the Yin and Yang Dao, under the rotation of Yin and Yang. All power will be obliterated by the Yin-Yang law, even the power of the Heavenly Dao's thunder punishment is no exception.

"Hey, damn, how could this madman make such a quick counterattack? Could it be that this madman has been preparing for a decisive battle, everything before is just a fake!" When he saw the mad counterattack from the Yin Yang Taoist, Xian Tian Lei Shen Dumbfounded, he didn't expect that his sneak attack would get such a terrible response. He didn't expect his sneak attack to become a joke, and he slammed into the trap that Yin Yang Taoist had already prepared.

At this time, it was not only the **** of Razer, the innate thunder god, who was surprised, but also the enemies hidden in the dark. When those strong men who originally wanted to do it but were preempted by Razer saw such a change, their hearts were all I couldn't help but exclaimed: "Damn yin and yang Taoist, this **** is so sinister and vicious, so capable of acting. If it weren't for the **** Lei Ze to take the lead, I'm afraid I will be calculated by this bastard, and I will fall into his calculations. Among them!"

Facing the terrible counterattack of the Taoists of Yin and Yang, and the terrifying assassin of Yin and Yang Avenue, no strong man thinks he can retreat with his whole body, thinking that he can withstand this terrible blow. You must know that not all the enemies hidden in the dark are. The quasi-sage powerhouses, as well as the powerhouses of Daluo Jinxian, are reluctant to give up their current opportunities because of their greed!

Lei Ze, who originally thought it was a ten-and-one firm, was instantly locked by the assassin of Yin-Yang Dao, and instantly fell into the realm formed by Yin-Yang Dao. The mighty force of Yin-Yang Dao trapped him in the void, and the power of Yin-Yang Dao was moving. Crazyly obliterating his origin, although Lei Ze is struggling hard, but facing the yin and yang force field formed by the most rigid to yang, to the yin to soft sun, and the bright moon, all his struggles are useless. Gong, no matter how strong the power of thunder and punishment of the heavens is, all the power is wiped out under the rotation of the sun and the moon. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, he instantly fell into desperation!

auzw.com "No, I'm not reconciled!" Lei Ze was screaming frantically. Originally, in his calculations, he could hit his hand and kill the Yin and Yang Taoist directly. After all, he used it himself. The power of thunder and punishment of the Heavenly Dao, and it was a sneak attack, but the result was completely different from what he thought. The person who was really calculated was not the Yin and Yang Taoist, but himself!

The Taoist Yin and Yang snorted disdainfully: "What if you are not reconciled? When you calculate me, when you are ready to take action against me, your destiny is doomed. Don't think that you can act recklessly if you have the heaven behind you. You can succeed in the conspiracy, you are too naive, let me die, the yin and yang will explode, time and space will be shattered, extinguish! extinguish! extinguish!"

When the words of the Taoist Yin and Yang fell, the condensed great mill of Yin and Yang Dao exploded instantly, and the origin of Yin and Yang instantly turned into a terrifying storm of time and space destruction, directly pulling the unprepared Lei Ze into the time and space, and was broken by the broken one. Swallowed by the power of time and space, his origin is instantly strangled by the power of time and space. In front of the terrifying power of time and space, the **** of Razer, who has no defense, is naturally dead and lifeless, and there is no direct chance to resist. Just die!

"Hey! Crazy, it's crazy, this is the **** of Lei Ze, the quasi-sage who has mastered the Sky Lei Avenue, and he was directly obliterated under a single face. How could this lunatic have such terrifying power, could it? Said this is the power of the tunnel. This is the power of the Netherworld. It can wipe out everything. Even the innate gods and demons who have mastered the Xiantian Dao have no ability to resist. In the face of the power of the world and the Daoweili, the so-called Xiantian Gods and Demons Not worth mentioning at all?"

In an instant, all the enemies who were about to move were dumbfounded, and their eyes showed endless horror and fear. Even the predecessors were shocked by the result. It was just a few breaths of time, just once. In the confrontation, a powerful innate **** and demon was strangled cleanly. All this is incredible, all this is too amazing, this result has brought them a huge impact, making their hearts tremble!

Seeing such a result, Hongjun Daozu flashed a hint of anger in his eyes, muttering to himself: "Yin-Yang Dao, such a Yin-Yang Daoist, his Yin-Yang Dao really has to go out of his own way, the power of the Tai Yin Sun evolves the Yin-Yang Dao. , Yin Yang Dao evolves the power of destruction and swallowing, the space of destruction allows the space to explode, and the power of time and space bursts out. It is very scheming and easy to calculate. It seems that he has already calculated that someone will do it. He is already fully prepared. Everything is under his control!"

For Hongjun Daozu, this result is too bad. This is a provocation to himself. He believes that Daoist Yin and Yang knows that he is pushing behind this matter, and that he has pushed out the **** of Lei Ze to make a big shot, but he is himself. But his calculation has become a joke, this is slapped himself in the face, this is a provocation to himself, and it is also forcing himself to go from the dark to the bright side.

As a saint of heaven and a sage who fits in with his body, if Hongjun Daozu proactively stood up at this time and made a big shot at Yin and Yang under the anger and anger, then he would really fall into the calculations of Yin and Yang Daoist and put himself at a disadvantage. First of all, his prestige will be impaired, and secondly, he will inevitably alarm the Dao, because this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. As a saint who fits the heaven and earth, he can’t guide the catastrophe of heaven and earth in a fair and just manner, but is acting selfishly. Under this sorrow to his own'enemy' as a killer, this not only loses his identity, but also loses fairness, and will inevitably suffer a backlash from the Dao!

"What a cunning bastard, he has such a sinister heart in just a short time since he was born, and he can count on me. It is a good method and a good plan. It is a pity that you are still too naive. All this is just the beginning. Lei Ze’s death just opened the prelude to this catastrophe. Lei Ze’s death will only make the situation more dangerous, and your real crisis is yet to come!” Soon Hongjun Daozu will not care about the success or failure of this time, Lei Although the death of the God of Ze was outside of his own plan, it was not the worst result. Daoists of Yin and Yang had prepared in advance, and how could Dao Zu Hongjun only have this little calculation.

What is Hongjun Daozu's killer? The God of Lei Ze is just the opening pawn. Although he was a bit surprised to die, this will not affect Hongjun Daozu's calculations, and it will not affect this world catastrophe. Everything is just the beginning.

The killing has begun. Under the temptation of interest, everyone's ambition and everyone's greed will be induced. Just killing Lei Ze alone, what impact will it have? There is no influence, it will only stimulate those greedy **** even more, and it will only make them crazy about the authority of the Yin and Yang Taoist. Who can refuse such a powerful authority, the force that can retrograde attack, the force that can defeat the strong with the weak, Whoever is not moved, as long as the heart is moved, there will be killings, and there will be wars.

Would the Yin and Yang Taoist who strongly suppressed the God of Lei Ze not know all this? Would he not understand that his actions might bring greater danger and greater crisis to himself? No, the Taoist Yin and Yang understands that it is precisely because of that that he will hurt the killer, be so overbearing, so crazy, because he wants more pressure and wants to take this opportunity to cut off more of his shackles. , The catastrophe is a crisis and an opportunity. The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. If you can cut off more shackles and more cause and effect in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, it is the best choice for your own practice. Crisis, this will not become the fear of Yin and Yang Taoists.

The road of practice has never been smooth sailing, and there have always been endless dangers. If you can't face this danger, you can talk about breaking free from all shackles, and talking about the way of the golden fairy. For Yin and Yang Taoists, I'm afraid The pressure I am facing is not strong enough, I am afraid that the pressure is not enough to stimulate my greater potential, and I will never fear the danger brought by pressure.

If the Yin and Yang Taoists are afraid of danger and fear of danger, they will not take the initiative to participate in this war, and they will not take the initiative to provoke the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and make the situation so earth-shattering, even though the former predecessors have been in secret. , But for the Taoists of Yin and Yang, I don’t dare to truly guarantee that the Primordial Saints will take action to block the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, or that Eastern Emperor Taiyi will not let go of his life and death enemy. You must know why Eastern Emperor Taiyi will explode, The reason why he is crazy is that he has driven him to this point step by step. The crazy Donghuang Taiyi can do everything. It is not impossible to strangle himself at all costs. To the Taoist Yin and Yang. Say, from the beginning, you have made the worst preparations, and you are not afraid of danger!

The death of the **** of Lei Ze will make more greedy people go crazy. This is as early as the Yin Yang Taoist's expectation, and everything is also in his calculations, or if you don’t do it, you must do it more thoroughly. Some, since you have enemies and dangers, you must bring out all the dangers and enemies in one fell swoop, let all crises burst out, and solve them all in this catastrophe, and then you can devote yourself to it. In the new practice!


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