God of Destruction

Chapter 4433: Festival Demon Race Background

Chapter 4439

"How many times can he explode with such power? How many times can the power of the Netherworld and the tunnel be blessed on him? Is this power his own or external?" These questions are in the hearts of those greedy people. Constantly echoing, they are all thinking, thinking wholeheartedly, because this is related to their interests and their lives and deaths.

Compared with those greedy people, those ignorant and stupid wild ambitions, for all the saints, they are very clear in their hearts that there is no external force in the outburst of the Yin-Yang Taoist. This is the power of the Yin-Yang Dao, and this is the Yin-Yang Taoist's own power. , Why can he be able to defeat the strong, because the Taoist Yin and Yang has stepped out of his own way and has his own Tao fruit, and this is the power that the God of Lei Ze does not have, and it is this way that the Taoist Yin and Yang can do a single blow Must kill, directly slaying a powerful quasi-sage like the God of Lei Ze, directly smashing it to death, and completely disappearing between the heavens and the earth!

For the sages of Honghuang, they have the same thoughts as Hongjun Daozu in their hearts. They did not remind the greedy people. In their opinion, the result is very good and it is very beneficial to them. Let these greedy people. It is very beneficial to them to attack the yin and yang Taoists, and even to grind them to death. Even the Western two sages who have always wanted to find opportunities from the Yin and Yang Taoists have the same idea. In their opinion, the greater the pressure, the Yin and Yang. The more Daoists can show everything about themselves, the more they can get the results they want. If Yin-Yang Daoists really fall, maybe they will also have a chance to get involved in the Netherworld!

From this moment on, the greed of the human heart and the maliciousness of the human heart were madly revealed. The situation of the Yin-Yang Taoist became more dangerous, and the situation became more frantic. Although only the Yin-Yang Taoist killed the God of Lei Ze, it was because The death of the God of Lei Ze also shocked the entire prehistoric world. The death of a top congenital **** and demon drew the sorrows of the entire prehistoric world, which also made the monster race in the heavens feel terrified and made them feel Greater anxiety!

"It can't go on like this anymore. If it continues, the whole monster race may be in desperate situation. We must act, we must counterattack, and we must do everything we can to ensure the living environment of the monster race!" At this time, the demon master Kunpeng had to stand up and persuade the demon queen who was in charge of the overall situation of the heavens, and asked the demon king to organize the demon clan who stayed behind in the heavens and take out the last details of the demon clan, so as to protect the demon clan’s luck from being swallowed by the heaven and earth catastrophe. Clan can have a ray of life.

Yes, at the time of the death of the **** of Lei Ze, the demon master Kunpeng was really desperate for the general situation of the demon race. He could not see any hope of victory. For him, he only wanted to protect himself, and only wanted to be able to keep the last of the demon race. A little bit of vitality, to ensure that the final luck of the demon clan is not lost. Although the demon master Kunpeng wants to escape from the demon clan by himself, he understands that this is impossible. When being destroyed, he is still a dead end. The enemy will not let the demon master of the demon clan let him become a hidden danger or a threat. Therefore, he must try his best to persuade the demon king and mobilize the final background of the demon clan. Prepare for the worst and preserve the last luck for the monster race!

"Demon master, do you really get this moment? Does the monster race really have to fail? Is there really no room for maneuver? You have to know that once you use this last foundation, the monster's aura will drop completely, and there will be no recovery. Maybe, this is the last reliance of the Monster Race. We can't use it if it's not a last resort!" At this time, the Demon Empress was still a little bit unwilling, and she still had a faint illusion, thinking that the Monster Race had not yet reached the last moment. Be alive!

Hearing this, the demon master Kunpeng couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “If there is really vitality, I would not make such a choice. After all, this is the last order the Demon King made to me, and I also understand that doing so will affect the whole What is the consequence of the Yaozu, but now you can see how dangerous the situation of the two Demon Kings is. Now, let’s not talk about the lunatic Taoist Yin and Yang, just the shots of the six saints are enough to prove that the Yaozu really failed. , The six great saints are all on the side of the human race, and even all the forces of the prehistoric race are on the opposite side of the demon race. We have reached the end of the mountains and rivers, and we must prepare for the worst. If we still do not act at this time Get up, once the two demon kings and the demon clan army completely fall down, the demon clan will no longer have any vitality at all. We will lose the last bit of vitality and the last hope of the demon clan!"

Seeing that the Demon Empress was still hesitating, the demon master Kunpeng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Time is life. If you hesitate like this, when the power of Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun is exhausted, even if the power of Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun are exhausted, Mobilize the last foundation, our monster race can hardly protect the last vitality, I know you must be thinking that Nuwa Empress will stand on our side of the monster race, will speak for us, and will not watch the monster race go to complete destruction, but female Empress Wa is also a saint of heaven and is also bound by heaven. If we can't even control our own destiny, we still have to trust her, I am afraid that the demon clan really has no life!"

For the demon master Kunpeng, she never wanted to pin her life and death on the Nüwa Empress, because Kunpeng never believed in the demon saint, the Nüwa Empress. If she really cares about the demon race, she is really willing to advance and retreat with the demon clan, too. It would not have guarded the ancestral land of the human race in the previous battle, which is enough to show that Empress Nuwa has given up on the monster race.

"Well, let the demon master take charge of the overall situation, to mobilize the power of the stars, and I will cooperate with you!" At this time, the demon empress had to accept the demon master Kunpeng's suggestion, and had to open up the demon clan's final background. That is to say, the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, which has never appeared in the prehistoric lands. At the beginning of this catastrophe, the Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi made the worst preparations and left the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. In the heavenly court, as the last killer and the background, I hope to be able to preserve the last vitality of the monster race at the worst, and even be able to come back. Unfortunately, they did not expect that the reaction of the heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu would be so intense, no Thinking of the All Saints of the Primordial Will all take action, making the situation so dangerous to such an extent.

After getting the consent of the Demon Empress, Kunpeng was finally relieved. Without the consent of the Demon Empress, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be of no use. The origin power of the three main stars of the Array was not in his own hands at all, and had always been controlled by the Demon Emperor Jun, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Demon Empress.

"The stars start, the star gods return, and Zhou Tian star fights in a big battle!" With the demon master Kunpeng's deep cry, the entire starry sky was turbulent, and the stars shone with extraordinary light. That is the return of the stars. Position, the power of activating the origin of the stars, colluding with the origin of the stars, fully opening the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', using the ultimate background of the monster race.

auzw.com "The stars are twinkling, **** monsters, they still used the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, they are going to fight to the death with us, to the end!" Feel the void of the void When the stars in the middle of the world changed, the eyes of the Saint Zhunti revealed endless anger. Zhou Tian's star battle array moved, and the whole situation was affected. These saints also felt threatened. The power of Zhou Tian's star battle array was enough. Threatening the lives of their heavenly saints, because that is the power of the Avenue of Stars!

"Sister Nuwa, it's time for you to take action. You can't do nothing all the time. If you let the monster race's conspiracy succeed, let them start the'Zhou Tianxing Star Array', and the power that inspires the rules of the Avenue of Stars will come and come to us. It is said that it will be a huge threat, and now I need you to stop all of this!" In the face of the sudden change, Taishang Laojun kept hesitating and directly handed this important responsibility to the Nuwa Empress. In his opinion, this At that time, only Empress Nuwa could bear this heavy responsibility. After all, she was a demon saint, had a certain prestige among the demon clan, and was able to tell some demon gods to let go.

Hearing this, Empress Nuwa's expression instantly became gloomy. If she really obeyed the advice of the old gentleman, she really had to stop the demon clan in the heavens from starting the'Stars of Zhou Array', and she would completely fight the demon. The clan rupture will be hated by all the monster clan, this is a great hidden danger for oneself, and it will make oneself bear a great notoriety.

Refuse? Empress Nuwa had the intention to refuse, but she couldn't speak. After all, she was the most suitable candidate among all the saints. Although she knew that the Supreme Master was deliberately embarrassing herself, deliberately calculating herself, but she could not refuse, nor could she refuse. I can only jump into this huge trap and let myself bear this evil result.

For the human race, for the so-called general trend of heaven, it is necessary to completely break with the demon race, is it worth it? Empress Nuwa is meditating at this moment. This is not a trivial matter. Once she does it, she never has the chance to look back. Even if the demon clan will have a ray of life in the end, she will never have the slightest relationship with the demon clan. If you say there is, it is endless resentment. One's own fortune will completely break with the demon. As for the human fortune, it is impossible to gather on oneself. Whether it is Sanqing or Western Second Saints, they will **** it. It can be said that as long as oneself Do it, as long as you step into the trap, your own luck will suffer a huge loss, and the Sanqing and the Western Two Saints will have a huge gain, and in the end, only you will suffer.

Sufferings cannot be eaten on this bright side, let alone by others. Although this is a general promotion, the Nuwa Empress did not want to compromise like this. She took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I I am a sage of the Demon Race. At this time, under this situation, you let me stop the Demon Race. This is impossible. I cannot bear the serious consequences. This is not my responsibility, at least not all of me. Responsibility, I can't do this!"

Refuse! For her own sake, Empress Nuwa rejected the proposal of Taishang Laojun. Although doing so may be evil to the Dao of Heaven and Dao Hongjun, but this is only possible, and if it is really done, it will be harmful. Own, so Nuwa Empress must refuse, at least not easily agree to it, then the consequences are too serious!

Without waiting for Taishang Laojun to speak, when Yuanshi Tianzun heard these words, his expression immediately became gloomy, and he shouted angrily: "Sister Nuwa, do you know what you are talking about? This is not your responsibility, is it ours? As a sage of the Demon Race, you should be responsible for the behavior of the Demon Race. You must stand up and stop all of this. This is your duty as a Saint of the Heavenly Dao!"

For Yuanshi Tianzun, Empress Nuwa was not qualified to refuse, and she could not directly refuse the proposal of Taishang Laojun. After all, Taishang Laojun is a senior brother, and as a senior sister, Nuwa Empress should obey the arrangements of the senior brother. it is necessary.

Regarding Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, Empress Nuwa sneered disdainfully: "Hehe! This is my responsibility. I don’t remember that I have such a responsibility, and the teacher has never said that Brother Yuanshi should take care of yourself first, I I can handle my own affairs. What the Yaozu does has nothing to do with me, and it is impossible for me to betray the Yaozu at this time, under such circumstances, and bear the endless cause and effect and notoriety, so that my luck will be damaged, and you The benefits are in vain!"

Under Yuanshi Tianzun’s arrogant arrogance, Empress Nuwa didn’t want to make any reservations, she tore her face straight, she confided her thoughts in her heart, and also revealed the true situation at the moment, allowing herself to sacrifice her own interests in vain. In the end, it was the Sanqing and the Western Two Sages who got the benefits. This is impossible, and it is also unacceptable for the Nuwa Empress.

When Empress Nuwa directly spread everything out, Taishang Laojun frowned. The same is true for the Second Sage of the West. Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Empress Nuwa with anger and hatred. If not, The current situation is very dangerous, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but the anger in his heart wanted to teach Empress Nuwa a lesson!

In contrast, the Lord Tongtian did not react too violently. Although Empress Nuwa would have good benefits for herself if she agreed, the Lord Tongtian didn’t take this advantage seriously because he didn’t care about that one. A little bit of gains and losses, at least for now, in the eyes of the Master Tongtian, there is not so much thought. In the heart of the Master Tongtian is only self-cultivation, but how to go further in the way of the saints, and even how to transcend the saints of the heavens. Bondage, and the explosion of Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun gave him a lot of inspiration, allowing him to see another world.

Although the Western Two Sages’ rejection of the Nuwa Empress was a bit disappointed, they also did not react too radically. After all, they themselves were not willing to be affected by this catastrophe, so how could they reluctantly accept the Nuwa Empress, so For them, they can face this rejection calmly!


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