God of Destruction

Chapter 4434: Stars appear on every day of the week

Chapter 4440

For the changes in the heavens and the stars, the Yin and Yang Taoists also felt very clearly. When they saw the saints still arguing for profit, the Yin and Yang Taoists could not help but sneer again and again. The situation has reached this point. The Yaozu is very It will soon be able to wake up the laws of the stars and be able to open the'Zhou Tianxing Star Array', but these heavenly saints are arguing endlessly because of their personal selfishness and are unwilling to suffer. How could this situation prevent the Yaozu's counterattack.

Yes, it is a counterattack. In the eyes of the Yin and Yang Taoists, the Yaozu opened the'Zhoutian Star Fighting Array' at this time, and the law of attracting the stars came. It is definitely counterattack. The counterattack against the heavenly saints is also making the final struggle. , Is also self-preserving. With the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', the demon race will have a ray of life and can bargain with the heavenly saints, and if there is no'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', the demon race will be nothing. After all, now the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Tai have already been trapped in the desperate situation of the human ancestors. Without the help of external forces, they would not be able to get out of their troubles. Of course, for them, they had never thought of retreating entirely!

"The **** of Lei Ze jumped out, and now all the demon clan's background will be revealed, and the heavenly sages are still arguing. It seems that this battle is about to break out. How many people will jump out next, Zhou Tian Under the star battle formation, where will the demon race go?" Daoist Yin and Yang was thinking, with a lot of killing intent flashing in his eyes. The faster the situation develops, the more dangerous his own situation will be, and the more enemies will be in the dark. Taking this opportunity to sneak attack and plot against yourself, this is the real situation.

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed! When the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array broke out in an all-round way, the power of all the saints was restrained, and the human race was also restrained. When there were no foreign enemies, there were not many Gu Shi, how could those careerists let go of killing the yin and yang Taoists and seizing the yin and yang. The Daoist has a good opportunity, how can he continue to hide in the dark!

For all this, the Yin and Yang Taoists are very clear. It is because they are clear that the Yin and Yang Taoists know what they should do. The death of Lei Ze Zhi Lei is just the beginning. A more terrifying killing is coming soon. All he has to do is to polish it. His own knife can kill all enemies in the fastest way, no matter who he is, no matter how powerful he is.

"Zhou Tian’s star battle array, come on, let me see how many terrifying avenues of stars that the monster race under the complete explosion can attract, so that I can also feel the power of Zhou’s stars and the avenue of stars with the closest distance. The power of, feel the power of killing!" Taoist Yin and Yang muttered to himself, and the aura on his body is also fluctuating. For Taoist Yin and Yang, this is part of his plan. At this time, the change of his own aura is to the enemy. The best temptation.

As long as it is an enemy, seeing the current situation of the Yin and Yang Taoists, they will believe that the Yin and Yang Taoists are under pressure and targeted by the Monster Race above the Heavenly Court, and their power is bearing the impact of the Monster Race. At this time, the Yin Yang Taoists will be the best. Weak, this is the opportunity that I have to wait for. As long as the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array breaks out, it is when I hurt the yin and Yang Taoist to kill, it is the time to plunder the opportunity, if I don’t take action at this time, it will only let others Greedy people get a bargain!

Yes, this is the true thoughts of those who are hiding in the dark and fighting against the Yin and Yang Taoists. They are all deceived, they are all lost by the so-called temptation, they have not seen the real situation clearly, and they are all driven by their own greed. Guiding, step by step is heading towards destruction, heading towards death, for them this is self-destruction!

If the yin and yang Taoists are really right and really strangling, would the six saints of Honghuang not make a move? And at the beginning of the catastrophe, how could the two western sages who made the move easily stop, even though it was said to be in the world of the underworld , And now that the Yin and Yang Taoists appear on the wild land, it can be said that the Yin and Yang Taoists have lost the shelter of the Nether World, but were the Yin and Yang Taoists really stronger than they are now? Are the Yin and Yang Taoists really weak? I can only say that they Thinking too much!

At this time, will all the saints of heaven still care about the reaction of the yin and yang Taoists, will they care about the actions of the yin and yang Taoists in this battle? No, they don’t have so much energy to pay attention to the Yin and Yang Taoists. Their energy is invested in each other, they are holding each other, they are eager to benefit from each other, and they all want to take the opportunity to suppress other people. Let yourself get the greatest benefit from this calamity of heaven and earth, and it is their mentality that will make the situation go out of control step by step, so that the monster race can have the slightest chance to counterattack, so that the monster race can cohesive Come to life!

The power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is much stronger than what the Yin and Yang Taoists know. Previously, the Yin and Yang Taoists faced only a part of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. The Demon Race did not use the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. The power of is fully activated, because the price of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' under the full activation is too great, so big that it is unbearable for the monster race!

The'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array' is not only the star gods who need to preside over the big formation, but also the star gods who need to pay a huge price. It also requires the monsters themselves to pay a huge price, which is unbearable for the monsters. If only the Star God pays the price, the Yaozu can barely accept it, but it is impossible to make the Yaozu pay a huge price, because this price is the luck of the Yaozu, and the most important thing for a race civilization is luck. Once the exhaustion of air luck is huge, it is a great disaster for any racial civilization, it will bring destruction to the racial civilization, and put the racial civilization into a desperate situation.

In normal times, the Monster Race does not do this. As long as there is still a chance and the last resort is not reached, the Monster Race will never set off this assassin, and it will not fully explode the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, but Now the Yaozu no longer has these considerations. The most crucial time the Yaozu really gets is the time when it must make sacrifices.


At this time, in this situation, let alone the demon master Kunpeng, even all the demon clan giants must face this disaster, and they must do their utmost to deal with it, and activate the'Zhou Tianxing Star Array' to this end. The final foundation guarantees the final vitality of the monster race, and the power of this large array provokes the power of the rules of the stars, let the power of the rules strangle the enemy, and fight for that ray of life for the monster race!

With the madness of the demon race, the yin and yang Taoists can constantly feel the changes in the stars above the heavenly court, the changes in the avenue of stars, and even the changes in the rules of the stars, all of which are unreasonable to the yin and yang Taoists. Born, because all of this has never been known to me, I have never thought about the monster clan’s "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array" and such assassins, and such changes. This is the biggest heritage of the monster clan, too The last resort.

The monster clan still has such a killer. What will the witch clan look like? Is the ‘twelve capital gods’ evil formation’ mastered by the witch clan really just what he sees, really just what he thinks? I’m afraid it’s not necessarily true. Demons have such a hidden power. How could the witch tribe have no hidden power? It seems that I still underestimated the power of the prehistoric world, the power of the lich clan, and the prehistoric world. The power of everything is beyond my expectation. Their enemies may be more terrifying than they thought, and they may also have the same power and the power to threaten themselves!

I can’t blame the Yin and Yang Taoists for thinking like this and seeing everything this way, because since participating in this great catastrophe, since I walked out of the nether world and got rid of the shackles of the nether world and the tunnel, what I saw and felt Everything in the world is completely different from what I thought, the foundation of the prehistoric world, the power of the prehistoric world is beyond my imagination!

The power of the star rules is really strong. Under the twinkling of stars, the Yin and Yang Taoists can feel the power above the stars, and they can also feel the anger of the monster race. When the power is activated, all the creatures that are hostile to the monster race can feel the pressure from the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array' above the starry sky, and with the demon clan's energy as the nourishment, the power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array' With a qualitative change, it can take the initiative to target all creatures that are enemies of the monster race!

As for the feelings of the heavenly sages, the Yin and Yang Taoists do not know, but he can clearly feel the pressure from the stars, even if he has been restraining the hostility to the monster race, but the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. The power of the condensed rules is still impacting my soul, and I still have to suppress my own power. This is the foundation of the Yaozu, this is the power of the rules of the stars. I still feel this pressure, and I don’t know that I am in battle. What are the feelings of the human race in the middle, I don't know what the greedy people feel, whether they are also affected by the force of the rules of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array'!

It’s a pity that the Yin and Yang Taoists don’t know, and they don’t have time to figure out all this. After all, the current situation is not trivial, and the situation he has to face is also very dangerous. It may be that the demon race’s “Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array” will be fully exploded in the next moment. , I will endure more shocks, and those damned greedy people will also take a big shot at them. What I have to do at this time is to prepare for the battle with all my strength, instead of wasting my energy to explore other people's feelings.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", a thunder blasted in the starry sky, dominated by the sun and lunar stars. The'Stars of Zhou Dynasty' was activated, and it was fully activated. The entire Zhoutian stars burst out endlessly. The light, that thunder is the shock of the Avenue of Stars, it is the aggregation of the power of the rules. Under the guidance of the demon master Kunpeng, the power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array' is fully deployed, and the terrifying pressure falls from the starry sky to the wild land. Directly point to the heavenly saints who are fighting against the monster race, and the human race.

For the demon master Kunpeng, he did not expect to take advantage of the power of the "Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array" to kill the sages of the heavens. His main goal is the human race. In the view of the demon master Kunpeng, the demon race wants to make a comeback. Self-preservation, the first target to be destroyed is not the saints, but the human race. If the human race is completely destroyed, the monster race will devour the human luck to make up for the consumption of this battle, and may not let the monster race become the protagonist of the prehistoric world. , But was able to protect himself and seize that gleam of life, so the power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' was directed against all the human races in the human race ancestors.

"Damn it, stop the demon race's madness, and you can't let the power of the stars fall into the human race, or the entire human race will be destroyed!" Seeing the monster race's Zhoutian Star Fighting Array fully opened, it launched against the human race At the time of the fatal blow, the old monarch was furious and horrified at it. This was a result he did not expect. In his opinion, even if the demon clan wanted to make a move, it was aimed at the six saints of heaven. After all, they were stopping the demon. The strangulation of the human race by the clan is the biggest obstacle to the demon clan's dominance of the prehistoric world, but the old monarch is wrong, the demon master Kunpeng is targeting the human clan, not the saints like them.

"Damn, this is all caused by you Nuwa. It is your connivance to the monster race, your ignorance, and your greed that caused this terrible situation, and the human race has fallen into such a crisis. All this is responsible!" Yuanshi Tianzun was also yelling angrily, and couldn’t wait to transfer all the responsibilities to the Nuwa Empress, as if all this was caused by the Nuwa Empress alone, and had nothing to do with their Sanqing. All the mistakes are the selfishness and greed of Empress Nuwa.

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, Empress Nuwa’s eyes flashed with endless anger. Is this my responsibility? I do have selfishness, but Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun do not have selfishness? Are there no selfishness in the two sages in the West? They both have them. If they are responsible, they are all together, not alone. Yuanshi Tianzun is like this at this time. Blaming yourself frantically is not because you are selfish, or because you want to take this opportunity to throw dirty water at yourself, so that everyone is hostile to yourself, so that your luck in the human race is weakened, so that he can be in the luck of the human race. To get more shares in it.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you said everything was my fault, then I want to ask you, what did you do, you do nothing, but you want to accuse me, who has always guarded the human race, hehe is really ridiculous, if you But with a little effort, this will not happen. You are in charge of the most powerful innate treasure among all the saints, "Pangu Banner", but you have not made any achievements. Now you have to push all the responsibilities to Don’t you think you’re too mean to me?” Now that you have torn your skin, Nuwa Empress has nothing to keep, she directly attacked Yuanshi Tianzun, and pointed the finger at Yuanshi Tianzun so that Yuanshi Tianzun knew that she was not. It's so annoying, let Yuanshi Tianzun also bear the taste of being accused!


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