God of Destruction

Chapter 4435: Responsibility

Chapter 4441 Responsibility

When Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress had a dispute, it was a huge crisis for all the sages of the heavens. Although they had not worked together before, they still maintained a normal state, and now the split is inevitable. When Yuanshi Tianzun’s instructions appeared, it was also doomed to split between the saints. This is the influence of interests. It is difficult for saints to maintain a calm attitude in the face of interests, and when their split comes out, the suppression of the monster race will naturally be small. A lot!

"Enough, when are you going to make trouble, what place is this, you have time to argue, why don't you think about how to resolve the current crisis, the monster clan’s Zhoutian star battle array has been activated, and the power of the rules of stars has come to the wild land. We have all been suppressed by the rules of the stars. How to continue this way, it won't take long for everyone's power to be suppressed even heavier, and the monster race really has a chance to turn over and completely destroy the entire human race in this battle! "Faced with the sudden outbreak of conflict, Taishang Laojun had to stand up and stop him, who made him a big brother, who let him preside over the overall situation, but at this time, he can't be biased towards Yuanshi Tianzun, otherwise it will only let the situation. Even more out of control, making everything more out of control!

"Brother, it's not that I want to make trouble, but that all of this is Nuwa's fault. If it wasn't that she was too selfish, if she was willing to obey your command to stop the demon clan before, there would be no such thing happening in front of her, demon. The clan can’t start the'Xiantian Star Fighting Array'!” At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun still did not want to compromise with the Nuwa Empress, and still had to put all the responsibilities on her. This shows that Yuanshi Tianzun’s heart is at this time. There are multiple private thoughts, and this shows the horror of the struggle for luck.

"Haha! Everything is my fault, I really don’t know what I’ve done wrong? I must obey the words of the master, Yuanshi Tianzun, are you too self-righteous? I am also a saint and a teacher’s disciple. Why should I? You must obey the orders of your senior brother. Why should I sacrifice my luck to help you? You are too arrogant!" When she saw Yuanshi Tianzun still clinging to herself, Empress Nuwa did not have the patience. She started to counterattack directly, and once again broke her face. If she was a little calm before, she did not turn the topic to the old gentleman, but now she has no such consideration, she will directly take care of Taishang. The big brother Shang Laojun also pulled the water into the water, and directly pointed out the relationship of interest!

"Nuwa, you are presumptuous! How dare you ignore the majesty of the big brother so much!" Facing the counterattack of Nvwa Empress, Yuanshi Tianzun's face showed endless anger and resentment. If Nüwa was only targeting herself, Yuanshi Tianzun It’s not so angry yet, but now Nuwa Empress is talking about Taishang Laojun, which makes Yuanshi Tianzun unable to bear it, because this will greatly damage the relationship between himself and the big brother, which is unacceptable for Yuanshi Tianzun. of.

At this time, without waiting for Empress Nuwa to fight back, Taishang Laojun said in a deep voice: "Enough, shut up. You take the teacher's order as something. What are we doing here? We haven't taken the monster race yet. However, you are arguing because of your interests. Are you worthy of the teacher's teaching? Do you still have the teacher in your heart?"

For the old gentleman Taishang, I also feel dissatisfied with the Empress Nuwa, especially the unscrupulous counterattack of Empress Nuwa, which makes the old gentleman extremely hated in his heart, but now he can't do too much, only Can use Hongjun Daozu to suppress Nuwa Empress, because only in this way can one take the initiative and master the general trend.

Now that she has torn her skin, Nuwa Empress has already prepared for the worst, and since she has already offended Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, there is no need to have more jealousy, Nuwa Empress look. Calmly said: "The teacher's order is naturally in my heart, but the teacher never asked me to sacrifice myself as a stepping stone for you, let me sacrifice my luck to help your future preaching, all responsibilities, all cause and effect. It is impossible for me to bear it, and I cannot agree to it. Even if the teacher is here, I will still say this. I cannot sacrifice my luck for you!"

Now that there is no way out, Empress Nuwa directly said what she was in her heart and her own decision. There was no hesitation or consideration in her eyes. This is her truest voice, and this is her final decision!

Hearing the words of Empress Nuwa and seeing her unbridled counterattack, the two western sages looked at each other and saw shock in their eyes. They were all shocked by Empress Nuwa's decision. It can be said that it is the split between the Nuwa Empress and the Sanqing, and also the split between the true disciples. Although everything does not point to the Master of Tongtian, but now the Three Qings are one, the Nuwa Empress is against the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, and against Tongtian It is also a huge impact for the leader!

At this time, stand up and persuade Empress Nuwa to stabilize the situation, at least not to let the internal fighting continue? No, such a thought flashes through the minds of the Western Second Saints. Although the current situation is very important to them and the suppression of the demon clan is very important to them, the confrontation between the disciples of the same truth is even more important, if It is not good for the West to prevent the conflict between the Nuwa Empress and the Sanqing, and for the West, it should be known that the tiger is really beneficial, and it is far from being compared with the Sanqing, so they decided to continue to sit on the mountain. Tiger fight, still not going to stop all of this.

What is the battle between the saints of the heavens, it is luck, what is the reason why they took action to stop the madness of the monster race? It’s still luck. In this case, it’s impossible for Nuwa Empress to sacrifice her own luck to fulfill them. Nüwa Empress’s counterattack also explains all this, no matter how much pressure it puts on. , Is not enough to make Nuwa Empress compromise!

Taishang Laojun sighed and said, "Well, Junior Sister Nuwa, we all understand your determination. Since you are unwilling to accept, then the matter will stop here, but whether you like it or not, we must find The way to resolve the crisis, otherwise all of us will be deeply involved in this catastrophe, and will pay a heavy price. I think this is not the result you want to see, and it is also not what I want to see. As a result, we need to communicate with each other and compromise with each other. We can't sacrifice more of our subordinates just because of our personal interests, and make it impossible to put the situation back!"


Is Taishang Laojun's persuasion useful? No, it’s of no use at all. At this time, the Nuwa Empress couldn’t listen to his persuasion. In Nuwa Empress’s view, the Taishang Laojun said this at this time, it was aimed at himself and wanted to Push yourself into the kang, and bear the big cause and effect of the demon clan, making it difficult for you to get out!

Empress Nuwa said calmly: "Resolve, how to resolve it. Nowadays, the monster race has used all the cards, and there is no possibility of negotiation. If you want to resolve the crisis, you can only face confrontation, but who of us can confront the madness? The power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, under the rules of the stars, even the Saints of Heaven will be suppressed by it. Don’t say that you don’t understand that the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array has the power to slaughter the saints under the full eruption. Under the burning of the luck of civilization, the saints of heaven will also retreat and cannot confront directly. In this case, what can we do?"

The undisguised words of Empress Nuwa embarrassed Taishang Laojun, but this is the truth. Under the crazy burning of the demon race's luck, the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is too terrifying, it is just the beginning This power makes the heavenly sages fear, not to mention that Nuwa Empress is unwilling to confront directly, and the Western two sages are unwilling to speak, lest the responsibility fall on themselves, but if the Sanqing is allowed to fight, whether it is too old Jun, or Yuanshi Tianzun was unwilling.

"It would be great if there was a Witch Clan. Without the control of the Witch Clan, the Monster Clan would not have taken care of it. This is too much an influence on the world!" At this time, Sanqing couldn't help but think of the Witch Clan. , No matter how powerful this'Xiantian Star Fighting Array' is, you don’t have to worry, everything will be borne by the Witch Clan, and the Witch Clan also has its own assassin. There is a'Twelve City Gods and Swords Array' to summon Pan Guzhen The body can give the Yaozu a fatal blow.

"Perhaps we should contact the teacher. If we procrastinate in this way, we will inevitably fall into a crisis. Now we have to target Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, as well as this army of demon tribes. All the power has been consumed. Now that the Monster Race’s “Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array” has erupted, we have no other choice, unless someone is willing to stand up and sacrifice himself, which is obviously impossible, not to mention that the situation has now exceeded. Our grasp!” Although there is some unwillingness in my heart, but the situation has reached this point, no matter how much consideration is in the hearts of the two sages in the West, they must stand up and take part of the responsibilities. Hongjun Daozu body!

Empress Nuwa nodded gently and said: "This is a good way, but how do we contact the teacher now, and after the war for so long, there is no reason why the teacher could not notice the changes in the demon heaven, but until now, the teacher There is still no movement, which has to make us think in the worst direction!"

Although Empress Nuwa also agrees with the suggestion of attracting the saint, she dare not put everything on Daozu Hongjun. After all, her teacher has not reacted at all after the war for so long. This is too abnormal and weird. , So that Empress Nuwa also had a lot of worries and fears, and a lot of fears and doubts in her heart.

At this time, the sage Zhunti turned his attention to the old man, and said in a deep voice: "This depends on the ability of the senior brother. I think the senior brother must have a way to do it. Now it is time for us to make a decision!" , The sage Zhunti directly transferred all the responsibilities to Laojun Taishang. Who made Laojun Taishang be a big brother, a disciple of Daozu Hongjun, even if he contacted Daozu Hongjun, he should be the master of the room. The disciples do it, not on their named disciple in the West.

For Saint Zhiti, this is to shirk responsibility. Whoever allows oneself to be a named disciple will not be taken seriously by Daozu Hongjun. Under such circumstances, it is natural to pick oneself out of this disaster in the first place. Let all these responsibilities fall on a disciple like Sanqing, who can relax and watch the changes with him and his senior brother!

Hearing Zhunti’s words, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Guru, and Taishang Laojun were angry, but they could not find any words to refute. As Zhunti said, who made Taishang Laojun a big brother Naturally, this responsibility should be borne by his senior brother, and the meaning of this statement is also clearer. Even if this battle fails, they will not bear the responsibility in the West. All responsibilities should be borne by the disciple Sanqing. , The West can stay aloof.

Sinister and vicious, this is Sanqing Zhiti’s first feeling, but no matter how much they hate in their hearts, they must face them, and they must bear this responsibility, even if they are unwilling to bear it, this is entering the room. The responsibility of the big disciple. But for the grandmaster, he didn't know how to contact Hongjun Daozu, and how to get his teacher to stop all this, let everything return to the original trajectory, and let the storm calm down!

In fact, Taishang Laojun thought too much. When the situation reached this point, Daozu Hongjun was no longer able to solve it alone. After all, the monster race was already desperate and had already used the luck of its own ethnic civilization as a killer. Under the circumstances, the Daozu Hongjun who fits the heavenly way is what I can do. After all, he needs to maintain fairness on the surface. It is impossible to make a big move because of the madness of the monster race. If Daozu Hongjun has to forcefully stop all of this, he first To withstand the backlash of the demon clan's luck, after all, the demon clan is also part of the prehistoric world, and one of the protagonists of this calamity. As a sage who fits the heavens, Hongjun Daozu cannot target it!

If the sages of Heavenly Dao understand Daozu Hongjun’s consideration at this time, they will not say such a thing, and it is impossible to pin everything on Daozu Hongjun. If Daozu Hongjun can act unscrupulously, this world The catastrophe is over long ago, and there will be no repeated and repeated changes, which will cause the situation to break away from one's control and the path of heaven. Now Hongjun Daozu is also very embarrassed, and he doesn't know how to solve the demon. The tribe’s big trouble, I don’t know how to quell this catastrophe, so that the tribe can survive it! If the human race can't survive this catastrophe, the whole world will collapse, the entire prehistoric situation will be out of control, and everything will become terrifying and dangerous!


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