God of Destruction

Chapter 4436: The danger of the six reincarnations

Chapter 4442: The Six Paths of Reincarnation

The situation has developed to this level. This is something that Hongjun Daozu did not expect. Of course, it is also a result that the entire predecessor sentient beings did not expect. No one thought that the situation would become uncontrollable under the eruption of the monster race. All the saints of the primordial realm failed to stop the madness of the monster race, and did not relieve the situation. On the contrary, it made the situation more dangerous and terrifying, and the human race was plunged into a terrible crisis, facing the possibility of being destroyed at any time. Danger!

Can the human race be destroyed? Can Primordial World be able to withstand this impact? As a human education based on Human Race, can the Nuwa Empress of the Mother Mother of Human Race bear the consequences? No, it’s impossible. If the human race is really destroyed in this battle, the entire prehistoric world will usher in a terrible upheaval, and the entire prehistoric world will go to unknown or even destruction. The human race’s brand has been deeply imprinted. Incorporating into the prehistoric world, it is also affected by the heaven and earth. If this time, this great catastrophe destroys the human race, it will be a devastating disaster for the heaven and the prehistoric world, and even the underground is unwilling to accept this. As a result, the destruction of humanity will also bring a devastating blow to the tunnel, after all, the existence of humanity in the six reincarnations!

"Damn, the six reincarnations are trembling, and the humanity is in danger of being shattered. What are the saints of the heavens doing, what does the Supreme Lao of the lord of the human education want to do, and what does the Nuwa of the Mother of Human Race want to do?" When the crisis of the human race appeared, The Houtu ancestor witch, who is in the six realms of reincarnation, felt the crisis, felt the changes in the tunnel, and also felt the trembling of the six realms of reincarnation. As the master of the six realms of reincarnation, if there is a problem with the six reincarnations, it will be a disaster for her. Sexual harm.

At this time, the Houtu Zuwu finally understood what the Yin and Yang Taoist had repeatedly reminded him before, and he has repeatedly focused on the importance of the six Taoist reincarnations. If someone in the humanity suppresses the overall situation, perhaps the situation will not be so dangerous. , But now there is no suppression in the humanity at all, and even in the entire six reincarnations, there is only witch humanity. There is a Taoist who suppresses air luck and suppresses the general trend. Once the six reincarnations are in crisis, the first affected is naturally the Houtu ancestor witch. .

Preventing this disaster from coming, preventing the changes in the six realms of reincarnation, and stabilizing the humanitarian situation are things that the Houtu ancestor witches urgently need to do, but it is not an easy task to do all of this. After all, the humanity of the six realms of reincarnation There is a close connection with the human race, the crisis of the human race is not lifted, and the crisis of the six reincarnations will not disappear.

"Tunnel, now the power of the tunnel is there, why didn't the tunnel take action to prevent this change, so there is the safety of the stable six reincarnations?" For the first time, the Houtu Zuwu thought of the tunnel, but it is a pity that the force of the tunnel cannot stop this. All, the power of the tunnel cannot penetrate above the humanity, let alone affect the changes of the wild land, let alone prevent this natural and man-made disaster!

There is no hope for the tunnel. The Houtu ancestor witch thought of the Yin-Yang Taoist of the Lord of the Nether World, more precisely, the King of Cause and Effect who is now sitting in the Nether World. As the Lord of the World, the King of Cause and Effect also has the responsibility to help him stabilize the six reincarnations. , It’s just that now Houtu witch can’t do it to invite the king of cause and effect. She needs to sit in the six reincarnations and stabilize the overall situation of the six reincarnations. Only the ancestor Xuanming can see the king of cause and effect, the lord of the nether world, who is in charge of cause and effect. Lord of the world on the avenue!

Facing the arrival of the Xuanming Ancestral Witch, the King of Cause and Effect was not surprised. All this was also in his expectation. In the expectation of the Yin and Yang Taoist, when the human race had a devastating disaster, he took the lead. The gods and devil, the Yin and Yang Taoists with many experiences, naturally understand how much pressure the six reincarnations are in the nether world at this time. You must know that this shocking change is not just as simple as the surface, and it is not the same as the previous attempts to erase the six reincarnations. The Dao Master’s behavior is a danger of extinction of racial civilization, and a human danger that will soon become the protagonist of racial civilization in the prehistoric world.

Although there is some expectation in my mind, the king of cause and effect will not take the initiative to ask, and will not let himself fall into passiveness. You must know that this cause and effect is not so easy to bear, even if you are practicing the path of cause and effect, you are not willing Easily contaminated with this cause and effect, but the king of cause and effect understands in his heart that he cannot stay out of the matter anyway, because the Netherworld will not give him such an opportunity, and the tunnel will not allow himself to do so. After all, the six reincarnations are the foundation of the Netherworld. , Is the root of the tunnel, can not bear the danger of the destruction of humanity, can not bear the destruction of the six reincarnations!

Seeing the calm look of the King of Cause and Effect, Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming couldn't help but sighed slightly. She knew in her heart that the King of Cause and Effect at this time had already fully understood her intentions, but the other party was unwilling to contaminate this cause and effect, and was unwilling to do it anymore. Under the impact of this heaven and earth tribulation, I didn't take the initiative to speak, and didn't want to speak, waiting for my request!

Taking a deep breath, Xuanming Ancestor Witch smiled calmly and said: "Lord of the Netherworld, you must know the purpose of my trip in your heart. My intention is very simple. I hope you will see the same as the Netherworld One. The friendship of the elements helps us stabilize the six realms of reincarnation, stabilize the humanity, and can not let people be shattered, and can not let the six reincarnations. Although this seems to be only a matter of the six reincarnations, the existence of the six reincarnations also affects the world of the netherworld!"

Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch did not use the name of the king of cause and effect, but directly used the title of Lord of Nether, the Lord of the World. This is to indirectly tell the king of cause and effect that the current situation is bad, and also to tell the king of cause and effect. He couldn't retreat, he had to face it.

auzw.com Upon hearing this, the King of Cause and Effect nodded gently and said: "I understand what the ancestor Xuan Ming means, and I know I can’t avoid this, but you should understand. Even the Houtu ancestor witch should understand that although I am the Lord of the Nether and the Lord of the World, the Six Paths of Reincarnation are not in my control and should not be controlled by me. The Lord of the World is responsible for the origin of the world. Heavy responsibility, not the responsibility of the six reincarnations. More precisely, the six reincarnations do not belong to the nether world. I, the lord of the nether, should not bear this heavy responsibility, but since the ancestor witch speaks, I will certainly help and just repay it. The cause and effect of the Six Paths of Reincarnation at the beginning, but the ancestor witch should know that the root of this great calamity is not in the Nether World, nor in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but in the prehistoric land, in the ancestral land of the human race, if the human race cannot resist the demon race In the end, the six reincarnations still have to be impacted by it. This is something that none of us can stop. I can only promise the ancestor witch to suppress the humane luck in the six reincarnations with all his strength, to ensure that the luck of the human race will not be terminated, and the human race There is a glimmer of life, as to what the final result will be, I don’t know!"

At this time, in this situation, the King of Karma did not conceal his thoughts in his heart, nor did he need to conceal it. This is all true. The current situation is like this. The root of everything is not in the Netherworld, and he can’t help himself. Calling the shots, the real destiny is in the wilderness, whether the saints of the Tao can keep the human race from being destroyed that day!

Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch nodded lightly and said: "I can understand and understand. Actually, when this catastrophe comes, whether I am or later, it’s all clear. Perhaps this is the cause and effect of the Witch Clan. At the beginning, with the help of fellow daoists, we escaped from the prehistoric world and got rid of the calamity of the world, but in the end the cause and effect remained. Now the changes in the six realms of reincarnation are the impact that we must endure. The responsibility that must be assumed is precisely because without the restraint of our witch race, the monster race can be so arrogant and so crazy that it can drive the human race to a desperate situation. The human race protects our witch race from disasters, so this cause and effect We witches must bear it, and must accept it!"

In the hearts of Xuanming Ancestral Witch and Houtu Ancestral Witch, the changes of the six reincarnations and the changes of the human race are all because of the departure of the witch race, so the witch race should bear this cause and effect, and must keep the last ray of life for the human race. But they all think too much. Although all this has something to do with the Witch Clan, there is no cause and effect. Even if the Witch Clan does not leave the wild land, the battle between the Human Race and the Monster Race is inevitable, but it is not as dangerous as it is right now. I will do my best!

Although the king of cause and effect understands in his heart, the ancestor Xuan Ming and the ancestor witch of Hou Tu are willing to put the responsibility on the witch clan, and there is no need to interfere, let alone change, so the king of cause and effect gently clicked He nodded and said, “It’s good for Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming to understand. Since the two of you are already prepared, everything will be much easier. Let’s go to the Six Paths of Reincarnation. I will take the humanity and ensure that the human luck will not be affected. Destroy, let the human race have the last chance!"

If you change to the humanity in which other people sit in the six reincarnations, they don’t have the confidence to make such a statement, but the king of cause and effect is different. As long as he is willing, he can do it as long as he is willing, because he is the king of cause and effect. Mastering the Great Way of Cause and Effect, also because he is the Lord of the Nether World, mastering the origin of the Nether World, can truly intercept a trace of human luck, can ensure that humanity is not destroyed, and can guarantee the last vitality of human luck!

"It's a pity that the deity is not in the nether world right now. Otherwise, with the power of the deity, I can take this opportunity to feel the power of the Great Dao of Good Fortune, so that the deity can have a deeper understanding of the Dao of Good Fortune. Although I can also feel the Dao, but After all, there is no practice of the Great Way of Good Fortune, and I have to do my best to suppress the humanity. There is not much energy to understand the Great Way of Good Fortune among the six reincarnations. The feedback that can be given to the deity is very limited. I missed this great opportunity for nothing! "Think of this, cause and effect. The king sighed involuntarily in his heart, it was a pity for the deity, and sad for the deity.

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. It is not always possible to feel the unique path of good fortune among the six reincarnations. Now that the six reincarnations are impacted, the origin of the six reincarnations will fully emerge. If you miss this opportunity, it will be in the future. It is the Yin and Yang Taoists who have personally descended into the six reincarnations, and it is difficult to feel the complete road of good fortune among the six reincarnations!

Of course, there must be gains and losses. Everything has two sides. If the deity wants to enter the wild world, take the opportunity to make the King of Ending clone successful and increase the power of the Great Way of Ending. This must be a choice, and unless it is the deity’s general three The big avatar is completely cut out, otherwise you need to make a choice at any time. This time, this is the case. The Yin-Yang Taoist who is the deity has no regrets at all for such a situation. In contrast, ending the Dao is the most important. It is also the most difficult. The Great Way of Good Fortune is much easier, and there will be enough opportunities to appear, and the Great Way of Ending will only be revealed in the catastrophe!

When the king of cause and effect agreed, the witch Xuanming sighed with relief. She really worried that the king of cause and effect would refuse. After all, this is not a trivial matter. Fortunately, the worst did not happen. Everything went smoothly. The king of cause and effect was in the ancestor Xuanming. Under the guidance of the witch, she quickly came to the six reincarnations. At this time, the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the lord of the six reincarnations, could no longer be cloned, and could not allocate energy to welcome the arrival of the king of cause and effect. She must devote herself to the right Under the suppression of the six reincarnations.

When seeing the situation of the Houtu ancestor witch at this time, the King of Causality couldn't help but sighed slightly, and his mood became very heavy. This is the pressure brought by the Attainment Status, and this is the responsibility that the Attainment Status must face. When the crisis comes, you must assume your due responsibilities and accept the shock of this terrible disaster.

"You must improve your own cause and effect earlier, and you must do your best to perfect the world of the Nether, so that you can escape from the shackles of the world, and bear the Lord of Nether's fruit status for one day, and you will have more pressure. A crisis, the deity can escape because of my appearance, and I must also find a replacement as soon as possible, and be able to make all preparations in advance!” After seeing what happened to the Houtu Zuwu, the King of Karma wanted The idea of ​​getting out is more intense, but now he can't do it, and even now he hasn't even thought of how to get out. After all, he has only recently taken over the Nether World, and he is not familiar with the Nether World, let alone how to get out of the world. The shackles, let yourself retreat!

If the powerhouses in the prehistoric world knew the thoughts of the king of cause and effect at this time, they would all yell at them. They all wanted to seize the power of the nether world, and they wanted to take over the status of the lord of the nether, but the king of cause and effect. Assholes have to give up, how can they not let them hate things that they can’t get by any means, but in the eyes of the king of cause and effect, they don’t value them at all, and they even want to use all means to get out of it. Heaven and Earth are too unfair to them!


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