God of Destruction

Chapter 4437: Festival Killing Reappears

Chapter 4443: Killing Reappears

"I am the king of cause and effect, I control the avenue of cause and effect, suppress the luck of humanity, cause and effect come, town!" After entering the six realms of reincarnation, entering into the humanity, the king of cause and effect did not hesitate, directly stimulating his own avenue and the origin of the nether world. , To suppress this almost collapsed humanity, you must know that the human race has already suffered a devastating blow at this moment, the ancestral land of the human race has suffered the crazy impact of the'zhoutian star battle array', and countless human races have died in this storm, Their souls were all attracted by the six reincarnations, but the humanity suffered a huge impact and couldn't bear so many souls reincarnation.

Yes, the six reincarnations are not perfect. The imperfect six reincarnations cannot respond in time to such disasters, let alone deal with everything quickly. If it were not for the emergence of the king of cause and effect, it would only rely on the Houtu ancestor witch. I can’t hold on for long. I have to insist on it. In the end, I will only wear out the origin of the Houtu ancestor witch bit by bit, causing the Houtu ancestor witch to be dragged to death in these six reincarnations bit by bit. The nutrients of the six reincarnations are the disadvantages brought about by the fruit position.

For example, the Tuzu Witch will also feel the pressure brought by the Lord of the Six Reincarnations in the future, but she is unable to withdraw now. Karma is already entangled in her body. Now the Hou Tuzu Witch can only resist the six reincarnations. The turbulence of the world allows oneself to suppress the six reincarnations and prevent them from falling apart!

With the action of the King of Cause and Effect and the blessing of the source of the Netherworld, the pressure of the six reincarnations is decreasing. The Houtu Ancestral Witch can finally breathe a sigh of relief. With the help of the King of Cause and Effect, and the help of the source of the Netherworld, the turbulence is ups and downs. The six reincarnations finally stabilized. Although there were still violent fluctuations, the six reincarnations did not collapse!

When the Six Paths of Reincarnation stabilized, the human luck changed, and the changes in the Netherworld indirectly affected the human race. With the combination of the king of cause and effect and the Houtu ancestor witch, the human luck no longer continued to slide into the abyss. There is a trace of stability in Qi Luck. At this time, the expressions of the heavenly sages were shocked. They all felt this change, and this change was not due to them, but because of the changes in the Netherworld, because of the six ways. The suppression of reincarnation.

"Damn it, this is a big trouble. The human luck is entangled with the nether world and tunnels. If this continues, part of the human luck will inevitably be affected by the nether world, teacher, what are you doing? , Why don’t you stand up and stop all of this!” Feeling the fluctuations of the human luck, the elder Taishang, who is the leader of the human education, is very anxious in his heart, but he can’t think of a solution to the problem. The most important thing is theirs. All Saints of the Heavenly Path still have internal disputes, unable to reach a total misunderstanding, how can I stabilize the general trend of the human race under such a situation!

"Damn the monster race, these lunatics have caused the current crisis, and will give the Netherworld, a great opportunity like the six reincarnations, so that their power will affect the human race and affect the general situation of the world. The monster race must be strangled. , Otherwise there will be this change, and I don’t know how many such things will happen in the future!" Yuanshi Tianzun also resented in his heart when he was serious. Such a shocking change would have a great impact on him, the master of elucidation. , Making him feel distressed!

For Yuanshi Tianzun, he didn’t care about the Yin and Yang Taoists. After all, the Yin and Yang Taoists were not far in front of him. This shocking change had nothing to do with it. Everything was the fault of the monster clan, the fault of the witch clan, in his opinion. It is precisely because of the madness of the Lich race that the current crisis is caused, and it makes oneself in a dilemma, and puts himself under such a huge pressure!

"Brother, the human luck has stabilized, and there will be no crisis of complete destruction in a short time. It is also time for us to consider our own situation. Sanqing can no longer care about the many causal karma, but we can't stop. We still have the cause and effect of proving Dao to be repaid. If we are involved in this storm, we will be really hard to get out of it in the future. Even Hongjun Daozu can ignore it and ignore this earth-shattering upheaval. What reason do we have? Keep going, let go, and let the monster race fight with Sanqing and the others!" At this time, the sage Zhunti did not conceal the thoughts in his heart, and directly expressed his thoughts and intentions to the leading sage. , Really have to leave!

I saw that after receiving a sigh, the saint shook his head and said the first one: "It's too late, it's too late. Now we can't get out of this war. Humanity doesn't want to see it, and the way of heaven is the same. We don’t want to see, and we can’t bear the terrible cause and effect. Although the situation is not good for us, we need to continue to persevere, unless there are new fluctuations and new opportunities in this catastrophe, otherwise we must always guard At the end of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, Daozu Hongjun can ignore everything that is happening here and can watch with cold eyes, but we can’t, and we can’t do all of this!"

late! It is indeed late, and it is Hongjun Daozu who caused all this. It is impossible for the Second Western Saints to escape from this catastrophe. Karma has locked them tightly, just like the Nuwa Empress. The Monster Race was dragged into this catastrophe, and the person who had the most chance of breaking free in the Three Qings was the Master Tongtian. Unfortunately, the Master Tongtian did not realize this, and he still stood with the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun. Together, Sanqing bears the impact of this catastrophe!

The sage Zhunti sighed softly: "Yes, it's too late. It can lock the luck of the human race in such a short period of time, so that the human race does not fall into a desperate situation. This can't be done by the power of the Houtu ancestor witch alone. , Although she is the master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, she still can’t do all of this unless the entire witch clan takes action, and the witch clan has not left their world at all. What can do this is the power of the source of the nether world, which is the nether world. The Lord has taken action. It seems that we all underestimated the Yin and Yang Taoists!"

auzw.com At this point, the sage Zhunti turned his attention to the yin and yang Taoists who were watching this battle with cold eyes, not just the sage Zhunti was doing this, many powerful people were watching Yin and Yang. Taoists, to all the saints, they were shocked by the methods of the Yin-Yang Taoists, while for the other predecessors, they were thinking about **** the Yin-Yang Taoists and seize the opportunities and luck of the Yin-Yang Taoists, but they did not Knowing that the current situation has become very terrifying, let alone the powerful methods of the Yin and Yang Taoists!

"Haha! There are really a group of **** who do not know how to live or die. At this time, under this situation, they have the idea of ​​hitting the Yin and Yang Taoists. Today's Yin and Yang Taoists are not what they can think of. If they can **** them, why don't we saints take action? Instead, let these **** get a chance. Sure enough, everything can happen in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and all causes and effects will erupt under the Great Tribulation. Perhaps this is the murderous intent of God, and it is God's intention to eliminate these bastards!" Said Zhunti saint again. He shook his head slightly, his eyes revealed a faint sense of loss and unwillingness, and worried that he would be bound by the way of heaven!

"Let them go. When they take action, it is when these stupid people die. Perhaps their death can eliminate the power of the great catastrophe. Their death can end this great catastrophe soon. The Yaozu is too Crazy, if you continue, the consequences are really unimaginable. Don’t look at Humans’ luck as if they have stabilized, but this is just a superficial phenomenon. The real decisive battle has just begun. Even with the power of the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Humans want to succeed. It takes a life-and-death fight to emerge from the catastrophe, and we must also face the demon race. Only when the demon race truly falls can the human race survive this catastrophe, and you see Sanqing and Nuwa Empress’ Reaction, do you think you can get through this disaster easily?" He sighed softly as he said to attract the saint. After all, such a situation is very unfavorable for him and the West!

The sage Zhunti nodded silently. At this time, it’s useless to say more. Under the conflict of interest, no one will give in. If the human race continues to slide into the abyss, no matter what the relationship between Sanqing and Nuwa Empress How big the dispute is, they all have to compromise in the end, but now with the help of the power of the Netherworld and the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the human luck has stabilized. Such a change will make the current situation even more uncontrollable, making Sanqing and Nuwa The dispute between the empresses continues!

Everyone has selfishness, this is human nature, even the saints. The two sages in the West have selfishness, Sanqing has selfishness, and Nuwa Empress also has selfishness. Everyone has selfishness. How can we work together to win the demon clan? How can we stop the madness of the demon race, how can we protect the human race from the slaughter of the demon race, how can we keep our luck from losing!

The changes in the Nether World and the Six Paths of Reincarnation have not been concealed from the Yin and Yang Taoists, even if their own King of Cause and Effect clone did not send a message to the deity, the Yin and Yang Taoists can still feel the changes in the Nether World and the changes in the tunnels. I can also feel the changes in humanity. The fall of the human luck has caused the entire prehistoric world to tremble. How can the Taoists of Yin and Yang not know the mystery, how can they not know how amazing the pressure behind them is.

"Human hearts, at this time, people's selfishness still cannot be let go, saints are no exception, if Nuwa Empress persists like this, her own luck will be more severely lost due to this battle, and she doesn't want to give up the demon race's luck and benefits. , And are unwilling to give up the luck and benefits of the human race. In this world, there are good things that have the same beauty. You can only lose if you have gains. You have to lose as much as you want. Two opposing ethnic civilizations, endless ethnic civilizations, think It’s impossible to have their luck at the same time!” For the Nuwa Empress still wanting to hold the two major races’ fortunes in her hands, the Taoists of Yin and Yang don’t understand it. Perhaps this is why the Nuwa Empress would be caught The main reason for being involved in this catastrophe of heaven and earth.

"Come on!" When the Yin and Yang Taoist was pitying for the Nuwa Empress, a low voice sounded, and finally someone couldn't bear the greed in his heart, and once again shot at the Yin and Yang Taoist, the voice was low, but the voice fell. At that time, the opponent's attack had already appeared in front of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and the sharp sword light directly penetrated the Yin and Yang Taoist's head!

"Kill!" When seeing someone preemptively take action, those strong men hiding in the dark can no longer bear it. They are all afraid that if they don’t take action, the benefits of Yin and Yang Taoist will fall on others, so this group has The ambitious **** jumped out one after another and made big shots, all frantically launching a sneak attack on the Yin and Yang Taoists.

Crazy, these predecessors are driven by the greed in their hearts. In their eyes, there is only the temptation of amazing benefits. They have not seen the terrible crisis hidden behind them, and they are all crazy. The big army of the monster race in the war seems to have been affected by the great calamity of heaven and earth, one by one they have forgotten everything, and they are madly involved in this killing, and can't wait to kill the Yin and Yang Taoists. As for the danger, they have already been thrown away. Behind the head!

"Hehe, you finally made a move. No matter, just use your blood to prove my killing, let me realize the origin of the end of the road, without your move, how can I jump out of the current crisis, how can I get rid of the human race and the monster How can you force yourself to open up this great cause and effect in the battle of the tribe!" Yes, in the eyes of the Yin and Yang Taoists, the confrontation between the human race and the demon race is a great cause and effect. Involved in it, but now with such an ignorant and stupid bastard, he can get out of this cage and get rid of all the pressure!

"Kill!" Daoist Yin and Yang shouted, and immediately turned to fight with him. This time Daoist Yin and Yang did not attack with all his strength, did not continue to kill the enemies in front of him frantically. He needed these ignorant and stupid enemies to resolve his own crisis, so he naturally refused to use it. Kill them as quickly as possible. For Yin and Yang Taoists, these enemies are their own shields. As long as they are still alive, as long as they are still alive and still attacking themselves, they have enough reasons not to participate in the human race and the demon. The big decisive battle of the clan, without being contaminated with this big cause and effect, can hide from the calamity of the human race and the monster race!

"This is the predecessor who came to help us. It is really ridiculous. For them, the so-called troublesome person is an excuse. In their hearts, they just think about **** the Yin and Yang Taoist and how to seize the opportunity from the Yin and Yang Taoist. For them, the life and death of the Human Race is not worth mentioning, and they have never taken the Human Race seriously!" Seeing such a shock, the strong men of the Human Race were extremely annoyed in their hearts, but they could not stop it. With the outbreak of this great war, under the temptation of interests, all those predominantly powerful people went mad!


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