God of Destruction

Chapter 4439: The real enemy

Chapter 4445: The True Enemy

Yes, in the eyes of the heavenly sages, these crazy predecessors are ‘ants’, and so in the eyes of those sober predecessors! At this time, the enemies facing the Yin and Yang Taoists are just a group of ignorant and stupid “ants”. They are not worth mentioning. They are not worth watching, not worth wasting their minds. After all, these people are already dead in their eyes. , There is no value for watching. For the dead, wasting energy and time is irresponsible to themselves. What they want to watch is the change of the monster race, the change of the human race, the life and death of the Yin and Yang Taoists, but it is precisely because Such thoughts made these people not really see the situation before them, the real thoughts of the Yin and Yang Taoists, and the calculations hidden behind them!

A creature who can’t see the situation clearly, no matter how powerful he is, there is only one dead end. This is an unchangeable general trend. Under the general trend, no creature can escape. If you enter the catastrophe, you will be bound by the catastrophe and face. With regard to death, as long as there is a little mistake, there is only destruction in this catastrophe, and there is no chance of reversal, unless you can withstand the general trend of the world and fight against the world, and there is no such thing in the real prehistoric world. power.

Absolute power can ignore everything, even the tribulation of heaven and earth can do it, but in reality such power does not exist, no power can override the world, can override the tribulation of heaven and earth, perhaps back then The Pangu Great God has such power, and perhaps the true Chaos God and Demon have such power, but today’s prehistoric world does not exist, even the Hongjun Dao ancestor who fits his body will be bound by heaven and earth, not to mention These ignorant ants!

Under the rules of the prehistoric world, everything is an ant, and the saints are no exception. All saints understand the terrible nature of the calamity, and are doing all they can to avoid the harm caused by the calamity of the sky and the earth. , And it is that they deeply understand the terrible measure of the robbery, that's why they are so desperate, even at the expense of turning their faces with their companions!

"Huh!" A muffled cry sounded. Although the voice was very muffled, everyone was crazy about it when it sounded, because the voice came from the Yin and Yang Taoist, and the muffled cry sounded. At that time, Taoist Yin and Yang had a wound on his body, and he was finally injured under the siege of everyone. This was a strong shot for all the strong men who participated in the siege, making them instantly become Even crazier, the blood in their whole body was boiling over.

Opportunity, this is the opportunity to kill the Yin and Yang Taoists. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again. Under such crazy temptation, all the predecessors who participated in the war burst out of endless blood, and they were madly mobilizing all their strengths. Seeking to be able to give a fatal blow to the Yin and Yang Taoists, to be able to kill the Yin and Yang Taoists, to be able to seize the authority and power of the Yin and Yang Taoists, to be able to seize strong air luck, to be able to soar into the sky, to obtain the heaven and earth in one fell swoop, and to become a nether world. Lord!

"Damn, how come all this happened so quickly, the **** of Yin and Yang Taoist is too ignorant. He clearly doesn't know how to retreat because of his lack of strength. This is a big trouble!" When this happened, those who were still hiding in the dark, The strong who wanted to reap the benefits of the fishermen panicked. They couldn't believe that the situation would have such an astonishing change, which caught them off guard for a while and made it difficult for them to rush into the battlefield and gain an advantage.

"Can't wait any longer, the more you wait, the more unfavorable the situation is for you, the more you don't think that you will **** the benefits of the Yin and Yang Taoists, and you won't even get a little hair!" At this time, these predecessors finally endured. Unstoppable, one by one jumped out of the dark, madly participating in the siege of the Yin and Yang Taoists. This time all the predecessors lurking in the ancestral land of the human race were shot, and they were all tempted by the situation in front of them. They are all crazy about it!

"Hehe, this is the human heart, this is greed. I did not expect that there are so many prehistoric powerful people hidden in our ancestral land. They all come to help my human race through the catastrophe one by one, but they do this despicable thing. For example, such a strong person is not worthy of the name of a strong person at all!" In his heart, a person of human race despises these prehistoric strong men who are besieging the Yin and Yang Taoists. It can be said that this shocking change has occurred, and the so-called help of the human race people. Dismissively, all the predecessors who participated in this catastrophe, they all have conspiracy calculations, and they all have despicable ideas, and they are not worthy of the respect of the human race.

I have to say that when this situation arises, the performance of the heavenly saints is also seen in the eyes of the human race and despised by the human race. As the heavenly saints, as the masters at the top of the prehistoric world, they can't stop the demon race. The strangulation of the human race could not kill Donghuang Taiyi and the demon emperor Jun in such a long period of time, and it could not even stop the bombardment of the demon race's "Zhou Tianxing Dou Great Array" on the human race. All of these were unacceptable to the race. The people of the human race are doubting their true intentions, thinking that the heavenly saints also have conspiracies and calculations. They are deliberately consuming the potential of the human race and the luck of the human race!

When the human heart changes, the saints can immediately feel the changes of the human aura to themselves, and they can feel the changes of their own aura. Such a sudden change makes the hearts of the heavenly saints involuntarily angry, and as saints, They immediately understood the thoughts of the people of the human race, and understood what caused this to happen, because those **** ants, this group of ignorant and greedy ants stimulated the people of the human race, and made people’s minds against all the strong who participated in the war. Trust again!

The black pot, this is a **** pot. Although to the heavenly saints, they all have calculations and selfish intentions, but they did not intend to destroy the human race, and the reason why they did not take the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the demon for a time Emperor Jun is not as simple as it seems. The power of the monster race is far beyond the imagination of the human race. It is a pity that now because of this **** group of ants, the saints of the heaven are also despised by the human race, and they are not trusted by the human race. For All Saints, it's a **** pot!

auzw.com has such a black pot on his back, so that the heavenly sages can't get rid of these **** ants, and all their hatred, but unfortunately they can't get a hand now! Of course, even if the sages of the Heavenly Dao can withdraw their hands, they will not really do this, because the target of those ants is the Yin-Yang Taoist, and the heavenly sages also hope to see the death of the Yin-Yang Taoist.

"The storm has finally started completely. Soon you will take action. Come on, let me see who you are!" Facing such a frenzied siege, the Yin Yang Taoist's heart is extremely calm, and the more dangerous Yin Yang Taoist. The more calm and terrifying, in this situation, only calmness can seize the gleam of life, can solve one's ultimate enemy, can free oneself from the shackles of oneself, and be able to go further in the catastrophe. Let yourself go further!

A series of killing powers constantly blasted towards the Yin and Yang Taoists. In order to be able to draw out the ultimate enemy, the Yin and Yang Taoists had to make themselves a few more injuries, and also stimulated the enemies who besieged and killed them, making them even more crazy, even Let them fight inwardly. After all, under the temptation of interest, under the temptation of ambition, it is normal for these already mad enemies to do anything. Under the guidance of greed, it is normal to attack their companions. But what's more, for these people, they are just cooperating with each other to strangle the Yin and Yang Taoists. Once the goal is about to succeed, they will become enemies and rivals, and they will naturally kill the killers and kill those who compete with themselves.' companion'!

Under the expectation of Yin and Yang Dao, under the hatred of the heavenly sages, and under the curse of the human race, these prehistoric powerful men who surrounded and killed Yin and Yang Daoists finally had an internal fight, looking at the increasingly weak Yin and Yang Daoists. The evil thoughts in their hearts finally couldn't stand it, and the battlefield became chaotic and cruel. The last moment they were still cooperating with each other, but the next moment they fell their attacks on the "companion" around them and directly attacked them. Kill it and beat it to death!

"Hehe, this is the helper we are looking forward to. How can these lunatics like **** help us? Their existence will only affect the safety of our human race, and will only make us pay a heavier price. These **** should do it earlier. Dead well, if they exist for a moment, it will be more dangerous and harmful to our human race!" Faced with such a situation, bearing the shock waves that broke out under these lunatic wars, many human races are I was scolding them, because the human race has now been hurt and was shocked by the aftermath of these crazy fights, and some people even died under this shock wave!

"This group of ignorant **** can't handle even a little thing. Since they want to besieged and killed the Taoist Yin and Yang, they are still fighting. Even if they want to take advantage, they have to wait for the Taoist Yin and Yang to fall. Now they are fighting. Isn’t this self-defeating?” The Nuwa Empress, who hates Yin and Yang Taoist among all the saints, was extremely annoyed when she saw this scene in front of her. This is simply destroying her own plan. These **** attacked and killed each other directly. Increased the burden of the Nuwa Empress, every human race down, will cause the Nu Wa empress to bear a share of cause and effect, will weaken her own luck, because her responsibility is to protect the human race!

For Empress Nuwa, this kind of incident is the biggest disaster for herself. Now she has not only failed to protect the human race from harm, but the resentment in the people’s hearts has become heavier. This is not a good thing. The most important thing is The current situation is slipping into the abyss. Although these ants are not worth mentioning, their big shots have broken the overall situation. At this time, I don’t even have anyone to ask for help. Whether it’s Sanqing or the Western Second Saints, they won’t intervene. , All the pressure must be borne by yourself!

Originally, only the impact of the monster army was already very heavy for the Nuwa Empress. After all, as a monster saint, Nuwa Empress could not make a big shot at them, could not kill them, and could only passively protect the human race. Now there are more. Such a group of bastards, their own pressure is even greater. Although Empress Nuwa is determined to kill these bastards, when she thinks of the heavy cause and effect, Empress Nuwa can only give up. No matter how dangerous the situation is, she is a saint of heaven. You can't easily take a big shot against the powerful of other civilizations in this great catastrophe, otherwise you will only carry great troubles and cause and effect!

After hesitating, for a moment, Nuwa Empress didn’t know how she should deal with this change and let the situation continue to develop. The human luck would inevitably be damaged even more, and she had to carry a lot of cause and effect because of the big shots of these bastards. , But I don’t have the time and energy to stop myself. Under the blessing of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', the monster army at this time has madly exploded with terrifying power, making the monster race against the human race. Attacks are more brutal, more human race powerhouses continue to fall, and the human race's luck is constantly being weakened. If the human race suffers greater losses due to his own negligence, the luck of the mother of the human race will be weakened. To the limit, you will suffer greater losses!

There is a dilemma. For Nuwa Empress, this is the embarrassment between the human race and the monster race. This is the big trouble between the two races and civilizations. You should know that the tiger has the intention to resolve it and do it. If not, there is no way to mediate conflicts between races, especially this kind of battle between the protagonists of heaven and earth, and the battle of racial civilization and luck.

Just when Empress Nuwa was embarrassed, a dark light flashed from the void, and a terrible murderous intent went to the Yin and Yang Taoist who was trapped in the siege, and there was a faint redness in that dark light. Light, when this ray of light crossed the void, it didn't even cause a reaction from the sages of the heavens, nor was it noticed by the powerful people who were besieging the Yin and Yang Taoists.

The enemy has appeared, the real enemy has appeared! When the killing intent emerged, Taoist Yin and Yang immediately noticed it. Although this killing intent was hidden among the many killing intents around, the appearance of this killing intent immediately caused the palpitations of the Taoist Yin and Yang. The ability to threaten one's own life is far from what other powerful people can compare.

"The power of extinguishing souls and souls, as I thought it was Hongyun this **** bastard, really is the killer of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, but I don’t know if he shot alone this time, or even the immortal. The ancestor's Zhen Yuanzi will also take action!" At the moment when the murderous intent appeared, the eyes of Yin and Yang Taoist flashed endless murderous intent! But at this time, the Taoists of Yin and Yang had to admit that using Hong Yun as a killer was the best choice. After all, Hong Yun had innate spirit treasures such as Sanshou Gourd, possessing the power to truly kill himself, and it was also the most suitable object to control!


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