God of Destruction

Chapter 4440: Jie Zhen Yuanzi

Chapter 4446: Zhen Yuanzi

Either you don’t make a move, and one move is a killer move. The power of Sanpaku Gourd is that it can directly attack the soul and directly strangle the soul. For the innate gods who have mastered the power of the world and the power of the world like the Yin and Yang Taoist, this is the most direct. It is also the best means of strangulation. From this point of view, the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu are very good. As for whether there will be other assassins behind Hongyun, will Zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of the immortal, make a move. , This is nothing!

"What a congenital spirit treasure, it is suitable for me to use as the source of gestation and termination, and to nourish the nutrients of the'destroying the world'!" When he felt that the congenital spirit treasure of San Po Gourd was attacking him, the Taoist Yin and Yang I also made a crazy choice to seize this innate spirit treasure and use it to nourish the original treasure of the King of Ending clone, the Great Mould of Destruction!

How can we achieve this? How can we directly seize the hand when Hongyun has no time to react, without giving Hongyun a chance to come back, we must know that it is not easy to seize a refined innate spirit treasure. , Especially now that there is a clear realm gap between Yin Yang Taoist and Hong Yun, this is even more difficult, and one who is not careful will be calculated by the other party!

Not as good as a tiger's lair, a rare tiger! In an instant, the Yin and Yang Taoist thought frantically, and soon he thought of a crazy idea, but this method was too crazy and too dangerous, and if it made a mistake, he would be severely injured, and he would even die. But in the Yin Yang Taoist view Coming here is the best way and the most likely way to succeed.

What is the way to make Yin and Yang Taoists hesitate? You must know that Taoist Yin and Yang has always been crazy, and he has done all kinds of crazy things, but now he is hesitant in his heart. From this alone, he knows the madness and danger of this method. Does Taoist Yin and Yang want to do his own life and death? Was it a surprise to kill Hongyun at its own expense?

Yes, that's the case. This is the way the Taoist Yin and Yang thought of. Faced with Hongyun’s sneak attack, he pretended not to find anything for the time being, and let the innate spirit treasure attack his soul and directly take this innate spirit. Bao is placed in his soul, and then uses his two avatars in his soul to suppress it with all his strength, and then uses the power of'destroying the world' to obliterate it, absorbing the origin of this innate spirit treasure, and strengthening himself The Great Road of Ending and the Great Mould of Destroying the World!

Crazy, this is indeed too crazy. Taking the enemy’s innate spirit treasure into one’s own soul and allowing one’s own soul to withstand the attack and killing of this innate spirit treasure. This kind of coping method is unacceptable to anyone who is a little bit sensible. , Because this is too dangerous, as long as there is a problem, there is only one dead end. The price paid is too great, and the gain is too small. The pay is obviously not proportional to the gain. Even if you want to strangle the real enemy of Hongyun, there is no need to risk Such a big danger.

If possible, Taoist Yin and Yang do not want to do this, nor do they want to gamble with their own lives, but time is not waiting, Taoist Yin and Yang do not know whether there are other enemies behind the red cloud, in order to be able to have greater vitality, this It is the only solution, but also the fastest solution, able to deal with greater crises.

The heart is not as good as the action. After thinking for a while, the Taoist Yin and Yang made a decision. To do this, use this craziest method to kill Hongyun, perform that one-shot move, and use the shortest time to solve this life and death enemy, let I can quickly get out of this duel and deal with the next crisis, even strangling these'ants' who are frantically besieging themselves!

"Come on, let me take a look at the impact of Hongyun’s assassin, whether it can break the defense of my original treasure, the "Yin Yang Bell". If he has this power, I can only say that I have overestimated my own power. It can only be said that my fate should be like this and should be killed by Hongyun!" Facing such a situation, Taoist Yin and Yang decided to give it a go.

After making the decision, the Taoist Yin and Yang did not pay attention to the innate spirit treasure that was quickly approaching him hidden in the dark. He still entangled and fought with other powerful people, as if he did not find anything unusual at all. Ying let Hongyun, who had always been a little nervous, breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, this was the opportunity for him to kill the assassin. As long as he could kill the Yin and Yang Taoist and seize his origin, he would surely be able to realize his own proof. The last key to Tao is to be able to break through the bottleneck of oneself with a condom in one fell swoop, to be able to achieve the status of a saint of heaven, and to truly refine the cosmic purple energy in his hand!

Yes, at this time Hongyun was deeply caught in the temptation to prove the Dao. In his heart, he believed that as long as he could kill the Yin-Yang Taoist and take away the luck of the Yin-Yang Taoist, he would definitely be able to prove the Dao. , There is no longer any power that can stop him, this is his obsession, this is his persistence, even if he is in the midst of the catastrophe, he will not hesitate!

As for whether he will succeed in the end, Hong Yun does not think that he will fail. After all, in his eyes, the Yin-Yang Taoist today is in desperate situation. As long as he exerts a little effort, he can beheaded and take the life of the Yin-Yang Taoist. .

The more critical the moment came, Hong Yun became more nervous. You must know that the more accidents occur at this time, the more likely it is to expose yourself. However, when Xiaoqin's innate spirit treasure was approaching the Yin and Yang Taoist, the other party was still not aware of it. This made Hong Yun very excited, thinking that all the energy of today's Yin and Yang Taoists was constrained by those ignorant and stupid'ants', and could no longer be distracted to guard against other people's sneak attacks. This was the opportunity she wanted!

"Die me!" With a deep cry, Hong Yun finally broke out his own long-standing attack. Innate Lingbao Sanpaku Gourd directly killed the Yin and Yang Taoist's head, directly trying to end the Yin and Yang Taoist's soul, from Destroying the Yin-Yang Taoist at the most fundamental level, without giving him any chance to come back, completely kill the life and death enemy in front of him.

auzw.com It’s a pity that Hong Yun didn’t know that all of his actions had been sensed by the Yin and Yang Taoists. The Yin and Yang Taoists waited for this moment. When the attack broke out, the Yin and Yang Taoists’ primordial spirit broke out. With a burst of suction, Hongyun’s attack was directly incorporated into his own soul, San Po Gourd was directly submerged into the body of the Yin and Yang Taoist before he had time to react!

"Damn it, how could this happen!" The sudden outbreak of accident made Hong Yun instantly feel the crisis. All this was different from what he thought. Although he wanted to kill the Yin and Yang Taoist from the soul, he did not think of his own innate spirit. Baohui was directly submerged into the body of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and he never thought of strangling the Yin and Yang Taoist from the flesh.

Just when Hong Yun couldn't wait to take back his innate spirit treasure, the aura on the Yin-Yang Taoist body changed, and a powerful force of Qi and blood rushed into the sky, and that huge Qi and blood instantly turned into a hard shield to turn Yin and Yang. The Taoist guarded him. When the blood rose, Hong Yun was dumbfounded. At this time, he couldn't feel his innate spirit treasure, and the connection between himself and San Po Gourd was severed!

"It's Hongyun. He can't help but jump out to kill the Yin and Yang Taoist. It seems that the power of the Netherworld's authority is really crazy to the extreme. Even a good old man like Hong Yun can't bear this temptation, but at this time, his shot is really good. Will there be a result?" Seeing the sudden emergence of the red cloud and feeling the sudden outbreak of attack, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of Saint Zhunti.

The leading sage nodded and said: "It is indeed an accident. Even Hongyun made a move. Is this the assassin prepared by the teacher? Is this the method used by the heavens to strangle the Yin and Yang Taoists? It just seems that Hongyun's attack has failed. Even his innate spirit treasure fell into the hands of the Yin and Yang Taoist and was banned. The attack that had been accumulated for a long time was defeated. It seems that the Yin and Yang Taoist was more cautious than we thought. Preparation!"

For the Second Sage of the West, although Hongyun’s sudden shot shocked them and surprised them, it was more joy in their hearts. They hoped that the Taoist Yin and Yang could take this opportunity to kill Hongyun. If Hongyun died, the West The cause and effect that owed Hongyun disappeared, but can the Yin and Yang Taoists who are currently under siege be able to do this? More importantly, Hong Yun is not alone, he also has a strong friend Zhen Yuanzi.

"Hehe, someone has jumped out again. Last time it was Lei Ze, this time it was Hongyun. I don’t know if it’s Zhen Yuanzi or Styx next time. If they all jumped out in this catastrophe, it will be fine. This opportunity will clear them all!" Seeing the appearance of Hongyun, Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes flashed with endless killing intent. Yes, Yuanshi Tianzun really had to kill them, because he saw the Hongyun’s purple energy and thought. To seize the opportunity of this sermon.

The appearance of Hongyun is not only shocked by all the saints, but also by the wild and powerful people who are fighting madly, but when they are shocked, it is endless joy. A yin and yang Taoist has made them crazy, making them desperately wanting Taking the opportunity from his body, even Hong Yun jumped out now. This is a greater opportunity. In an instant, many powerful people turned their eyes to Hong Yun's body, and their eyes showed naked, naked greed and killing intent.

If a yin and yang Taoist is not enough for everyone, now there is a red cloud, which makes some prehistoric powerful people instantly change their eyes. Although the opportunity of the Yin and Yang Taoist is attractive, it is not worthy of comparison with the grand and purple energy of Hong Yun. Mention, you must know that Hongmeng Ziqi is the foundation of Dao Demonstration. Many powerful people think that the reason why they are unable to prove Dao is because they lack Hongmeng Ziqi, not their own strength. Now the opportunity is here, how can they not be crazy.

For a moment, Hong Yun also fell into the siege, no better than Yin and Yang Taoist, even more dangerous, who makes him more temptation, such a sudden shock is Hong Yun has never thought about it, because from Yi From the beginning, Hongyun didn’t think that he would fail. He believed that as long as he acted, he would definitely be able to kill the Yin and Yang Taoist, and he could take away his origin and luck, allowing him to prove the truth in an instant, but the current situation has changed in an instant. Not only did his sneak attack fail, but he fell into a desperate situation and was besieged by those crazy ants.

Hong Yun wanted to scold these "ants" very much, and even wanted to counter-kill the group of "ants" who prevented him from chasing the yin and yang Taoists, but he couldn't do it, because at this time Hong Yun had lost his greatest support and no innate spirit. For Hong Yun, Baosan Soul Gourd was greatly weakened. At this time, he himself didn't have the confidence to kill these enemies who were besieging him!

Seeing Hong Yun plunged into the siege instantly, a sneer flashed in the eyes of Taoist Yin and Yang. This was the result of greed. Hong Yun had to pay a heavy price for his greed, and this price was his life. These "ant" enemies besieged and killed Hongyun, creating opportunities for the Yin and Yang Taoists, giving them time to wipe out the hidden dangers in their souls, and completely destroying Hongyun's innate soul treasure San Po gourd. Own nutrients.

With a heart move, the avatar of the King of End of the Yin-Yang Taoist moved. Little by little, he began to extract the source of the banned Congenital Spirit Treasure, and wiped it out bit by bit, turning it into the nourishment of the "destroyed world", although The Taoist Yin and Yang has acted, but from the outside, he has not changed at all. He is still the target who was besieged by a group of ants. He has been in danger all the time, as if he could fall down at any time. The ants' besieged and killed!

When the red cloud was caught in a crisis, when he was likely to be strangled by the group of enemies like ants at any time, a light of the earth rose, and the origin of the earth burst into a powerful wave. The strong earth aura fell on Hong Yun's body, protecting him, and the emergence of this earth essence directly resolved Hongyun's crisis.

Yes, Zhen Yuanzi took action. As the ancestor of the earth immortal, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but help Hongyun, or was dragged into this world catastrophe by Hongyun, and let herself be enveloped by the catastrophe! Of course, it does not rule out that from the beginning, Zhen Yuanzi had the heart to participate in this catastrophe of heaven and earth, and everything was within his expectations.

Zhen Yuanzi’s shot was a great shock to all the saints. The arrival of Zhen Yuanzi made the situation even more uncontrollable, making the situation even more beyond their imagination and grasp. With the help of Zhen Yuanzi, the red cloud really has In order to threaten the abilities of all the saints of these days, after all, Zhenyuanzi has the book of the earth, an innate spirit treasure that evolved from the earth’s membranes, standing on the earth and invincible innately. There are people who can compete with Zhen Yuanzi for the power of the way of the earth. Only the Houtu ancestor witch of the Wu clan is the only one, but the Houtu ancestor witch is now in the nether world, suppressing the six reincarnations, and it is impossible to appear in the wild land!


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