God of Destruction

Chapter 4441: Causal calculation

Chapter 4447: Causal Calculation

With Zhen Yuanzi's help, Hong Yun's murderous aura became even heavier, and the hatred in his heart broke out. At this time, he had fallen into a demon barrier. In his heart, he thought it was these **** ants in front of him. He suffered such a crisis, and he lost the innate spiritual treasure in his hand. In fact, he made a mistake in his calculations. He was too self-righteous and failed to calculate the Yin and Yang Taoists. Instead, he was calculated, but he himself wanted Push all these responsibilities to the enemy in front of you!

kill! Hong Yun, who was trapped in a demon barrier, had no kindness or kindness in his heart for a long time. Perhaps Hong Yun had never had such a sensibility before. For him, the image of the good old man was just a cover, and now he is the real one. In my heart, of course, it is also possible that the red cloud today is truly affected by the great calamity of the heavens and the earth, and is truly corroded by the calamity, and the character has changed! However, no matter what the situation is, Hongyun under the madness is now in a more terrible crisis. This crazy killing intent makes him gradually lose his mind. A person who loses his mind is the craziest and most terrifying, but the same It is also the weakest.

"Give me to die, the strangulation of the cloud!" As a loud shout fell, the crazy killing intent on Hong Yun's body merged with the suffocating aura and the aura of great calamity between the heavens and the earth, and the avenue of clouds erupted to form a terrible killing force. , When this terrifying road of clouds fell, those prehistoric powerful men who were frantically attacking Hongyun instantly fell into this killing magical power.

Yes, at this moment, Hong Yun merged his own killing intent with the road of cloud he practiced to form a terrible killing magical power. As soon as his magical power came out, it enveloped a large area of ​​heaven and earth, trapping those enemies who besieged him to death. live.

"What a powerful killing magical power, is this Hongyun's assassin's skill? It can use its own murderous aura to provoke the evil spirit between heaven and earth to merge with its own road of clouds, forming this unpredictable magical power. It seems that Hongyun's perception of the road of clouds has arrived. Very powerful, maybe he really has a chance to attack the sage of heaven!" When seeing such a sudden change, the eyes of Zhunti saint flashed with a horrible killing intent, that is the killing intent to Hongyun, such a Hongyun Make him feel uneasy!

For the Western Two Sages, Hongyun is the great cause and effect that they carry on their backs. If they are allowed to prove the Dao, they will not be able to repay the original cause and effect in the future, so for the Western Two Sages, they don’t want to see the red cloud proving the Dao. Hongyun proving the Dao will be their greatest oppression. At this moment, they deeply feel the malice from the Dao of Heaven and Daozu Hongjun!

For the Western Two Sages at this time, they all regarded the explosion of the red cloud and the madness of the red cloud as a **** deliberately laid by Daozu Hongjun and the Dao of Heaven, in order not only to conjecture the yin and yang Taoists, but also to their west. It is necessary to use the chess piece Hongyun to directly suppress the West, so that they have no chance to turn over, and they have always been restricted by the way of heaven.

"Brother, Hong Yun will die to death. If he does not die, we will not be safe in the West. Only when he dies can we have the opportunity to be free. Otherwise, we will always be restricted by the way of heaven, and we cannot repay the cause and effect!" With a terrifying killing intent flashing, the Saint Zhunti secretly said to the leading saint that he wanted to kill Hongyun at all costs!

"Junior brother, don’t act in a hurry for the time being. Things have not yet reached this level. Although Hongyun is strong, he is not without weaknesses. Even with Zhenyuanzi’s help, his weaknesses are also obvious. He has lost the innate spirit treasure in his hands. Gourd, his strength has been weakened by three points. Don’t look at him now that he is very arrogant, but under the crazy killing, he will also be carrying great karma. Under that huge karma, do you think He has a little chance of proving Dao, not to mention how strong Hongmeng Ziqi’s temptation to the predecessors is. He can plot against the Yin and Yang Taoist, and other people can also plot against him and seize the great opportunity from him, compared to the Yin Yang Taoist. The opportunity for Hong Yun is the greatest, and there is no strong person in the saint status that can resist this temptation!"

Regarding the eagerness of the sage Zhunti, he must be very calm when attracting the sage. In his opinion, since Hongyun has already appeared, it is the biggest stupidity. He has appeared in the catastrophe of heaven and earth. This is not to make it clear to other great powers. Under the temptation of the saint Daoguo, no one can resist it. This temptation is enough to make any strong man go crazy. The current situation is enough to explain everything, even if Jin Yuanzi helps , This time Hongyun is also dead, unless Hongyun has another killer, otherwise he has only a dead end, the Yin and Yang Taoists will not let him go, and the predecessors who participated in this decisive battle will not let him go, even Even Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth immortal, may also perish.

Is Yaozu a fool? Will the Yaozu turn a blind eye to what is happening in front of them? Although the human race is the biggest threat to the demon race, will the appearance of the red cloud make those demon races above the heaven unmoved? The demon master Kunpeng did not show up in this crazy decisive battle, nor did the demon **** Fuxi, the elder brother of Empress Nuwa, also appeared, and the stars and demon gods. It can be said that the power of the demon race hidden in the heaven is not less than that in front of them. , Perhaps the only ones who are missing are Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun who are truly standing on the top. Once the demon clan above the heaven is tempted, can Hongyun escape this catastrophe? Zhen Yuanzi can bear the demon clan’s Attack?

Impossible. From the point of view of the leading saint, Hongyun could not do it, and Zhen Yuanzi could not do it. When they took the initiative to jump out, there was only a dead end. Maybe Zhen Yuanzi still had a chance to live, but Hongyun was bound to die. Whether he can succeed or kill the Yin and Yang Taoist, there is only a dead end, and the temptation on him is too great.

After a light sigh, the sage said indifferently: "Now we only need to wait for the result quietly. It is not us who are anxious now. Although we owe cause and effect, but Hongyun has not spoken, we can ignore everything. You can watch the changes and wait for his death. If he speaks, it will be even better. We can easily resolve this cause and effect!"

The cause and effect of Hongyun's death disappeared, but if Hongyun speaks, it will be more beneficial to the two sages in the West. They can repay this cause and effect at will and give Hongyun a way of life. But this way of life is not easy to get, Hongyun needs to pay. The price, Zhen Yuanzi also needs to pay, but such a result is difficult to appear, Hongyun is not a fool, and those who besieged Hongyun are not fools, it is impossible to give Hongyun this opportunity, will not let the situation develop to this point. !

auzw.com What use is the living red cloud for the West? Why did you invite the saint to look forward to Hongyun's help? Qi Luck is used to draw the saint’s luck in calculating Hong Yun’s body. As long as Hong Yun speaks, his luck will be affected and part of his will be swallowed by the Second Western Sanctuary. Without the assistance of Qi Luck, Hong Yun will no longer prove the Dao. It is possible that he can only depend on the West. This is a great thing for the West. In an instant, he can get a strong man of the quasi-sage pinnacle!

Of course, if Hongyun did this, it would be tantamount to betraying Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and it would be tantamount to taking refuge in the West. Not only would the original cause and effect disappear, but he would also fall into a more terrible crisis. It is not a good thing to enter the West. After all, the West It's just the named disciple of Daozu Hongjun. The named disciple cannot get the attention of Daozu Hongjun and Heaven. This can be clearly seen from the treasures in their hands. As long as there is a glimmer of life, Hongyun would not be able to do this.

"I hope that these ants can put enough pressure on Hong Yun, and that the lunatic Taoist Yin and Yang can truly threaten Hong Yun's life, and that he can have enough power to overwhelm Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi. Otherwise, such a situation would not happen. !" When he said this, Zhunti couldn't help but sighed, and a faint frustration flashed in his eyes.

Putting hope on others is a huge blow to the saint, but now Zhun said the saint is powerless, whoever makes the current situation too dangerous for them, a slight difference will put themselves in crisis. Just like Empress Nuwa, if you say who is the most passive right now, Empress Nuwa is naturally trapped between the two races of shemales, a dilemma!

"Zhen Yuanzi, he has finally appeared. It seems that he is determined to stand with Hongyun, and he does not hesitate to use his own origin to help Hongyun and create opportunities for Hongyun to kill enemies. Since he has appeared, it means he It’s also my enemy, and the enemy can’t let it go!” Looking at Zhen Yuanzi, the eyes of Taoist Yin and Yang flashed with terrible killing intent, and Zhen Yuanzi was there. If you don’t kill Zhen Yuanzi and force Zhen Yuanzi to retreat, then It is difficult to kill Hongyun, after all, Zhen Yuanzi has mastered the innate spirit treasure of the Book of the Earth.

The book from the earth, the innate spirit treasure of the evolution of the earth's fetal membranes, is also one of the three books. It also has a huge temptation for the Yin and Yang Taoists. After all, this is one of the three books of heaven, earth and people. If you get this innate treasure Lingbao may be able to make the King of Cause and Effect clone a step further, and give the King of Cause and Effect clone a chance to master the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Human!

Is it easy to take treasure from Jin Yuanzi? No, it’s very difficult. After all, Zhenyuanzi is a powerful quasi-sage, and he is a quasi-sage who has mastered the most defensive treasures like the book of the earth. It is not easy to seize the treasure of the innate spirit from such a quasi-sage. , And even if you want to use the previous method of calculating the red clouds, the ground book is different from the Sanshou Gourd. Zhen Yuanzi will not use him to attack, and will not let him leave his hands. After all, mastering the ground book can master the prehistoric The power of the earth.

"How can I seize this Innate Spirit Treasure from Zhen Yuanzi's hands? The previous methods are not feasible, and it is impossible to **** it from the front. Do I need to expose more of my hole cards? Even if it is a book from the ground, is it worth it?" Facing such a situation, Taoist Yin and Yang calculated the gains and losses in his heart.

"It's not worth it, Hongyun deserves to die, Zhenyuanzi deserves to die too, but it is not advisable to expose more of his hole cards to kill them. No matter how good the spirit treasure is, it is not important for its own safety. If you have more information, you will have more life. The sages of the heavens are not decorations, Hongjun Daozu must be more on guard, since the red cloud is on the verge of killing, I don’t need to keep these'ants' alive, cut them off, devour all of their origins, and grow the King of Ending clone Power! Kill!"

After making a decision, the eyes of the Yin and Yang Taoist flashed with endless murderous intent. When the situation reached this point, the Yin and Yang Taoist would not be soft-hearted, but would not be merciful. The dead enemy is the best enemy. For these **** ants ', it’s no longer useful to me. I kept them to attract Hongyun to show up. Now they are no longer useful. The enemy who is useless is better to die. Maybe there are other enemies hidden in the dark, but I want to use it. It was impossible to lure the opponent into action with the previous methods, and the enemy would not be stupid enough to make the same mistake.

Are there still people watching the Yin-Yang Taoist in the dark? Are there still people hitting the Yin-Yang Taoist's idea? Naturally, there are many monsters above the heavenly court, as well as the ancestors of the Styx in the sea of ​​blood, but now the appearance of the red cloud has made them turn their target to Hongyun, after all, Hongyun has such a grand and purple energy. The treasure of sermons has endless temptations for them!

When the yin and yang Taoists let go of their hands and feet, when they frantically slayed those who did not know the time to retreat, those who were smashed by Hongyun could not help but yelled angrily: "Damn Zhen Yuanzi, You dare to plot against us and forge this great cause and effect with us, do you not want to live anymore? Now that you leave, we will not care about you, or else you will break through your five villages in the future and let you repay This cause and effect!"

Facing the scolding of those predominantly powerful people, facing such threats, Jin Yuanzi's face was gloomy and terrifying. Although he knew the consequences of doing so when he assisted Hongyun, he was still caught in front of him. Enraged by this change, he didn't expect that these predecessors would be so crazy, would hate him so much, and even threaten him with the view of five villages!

It is impossible to retreat. Zhen Yuanzi will not do this, because if he stops by himself, Hong Yun will definitely die. Without his own protection, although Hong Yun has powerful attacking magical powers, he does not have strong defenses. There is no doubt that he will die. After all, the temptation of Hongmeng Ziqi is too big, big enough to make the saints tempted, not to mention these prehistoric powerhouses in front of them, I am afraid that all the saints who are fighting against the demon race are watching the red clouds. Every move, if given the opportunity, they will definitely kill the killer!

Zhen Yuanzi could not help but sighed secretly in her heart: "Oh! Hong Yun's previous decision was still a bit reckless, a bit arrogant, and did not consider the consequences of failure at all, so that he was plunged into such a crisis and lost. If you continue with your own innate spirit treasure, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will inevitably fall into a desperate situation!"


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