God of Destruction

Chapter 4442: Festival Human Decision

Chapter 4448: Human Decision

For Zhen Yuanzi, he also wanted to let Hongyun leave and get away from this battle, but this idea simply didn't work. Today Hongyun is already a bit mad, and it is impossible to persuade him to stop. Unless Hong Yun can kill the Yin and Yang Taoist and take away the luck and opportunity from the Yin and Yang Taoist, otherwise Hong Yun will not leave.

Kill the yin and yang Taoist? Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but shook his head secretly, Yin Yang Taoist is not so easy to kill, the other party is obviously prepared, otherwise it is impossible to complete the counter-kill against Hong Yun instantly, and directly take away the innate spirit in Hong Yun's hands. Bao, Hong Yun didn’t even have a chance to react. This is enough to show the other party’s insidious and cunning. To kill such an enemy, you can’t do it without careful preparation and strong enough power. Even if you can do it, you will have to pay a heavy price. The price, and the price is his own, and Hongyun can't afford it. If you really have to do this, they will definitely die here.

There is a dilemma. This is the situation of Zhenyuanzi now. If it is just Zhenyuanzi, he doesn't need to worry about anything, he can just get out, but the existence of red clouds makes it difficult for Zhenyuanzi to get out, and Zhenyuanzi cannot watch. Hong Yun died here, and Zhen Yuanzi also knew more about the cause and effect and the pressure on Hong Yun's body.

This battle is Hongyun’s only chance to prove the Dao. If Hongyun cannot succeed this time, only death is waiting for him. Heaven and Hongjun Daozu gave him this opportunity. If he can’t catch it, it means Hongyun has lost his chance and lost it. After all, this is a test given to him by the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu. Only by doing so can he be recognized and have the opportunity to prove the Dao.

"This is a deadly battle, an endless decisive battle. Hong Yun has no way of retreating, and does he still have a way of retreating?" At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but sigh secretly. After everything is out of control, it is also for Zhen Yuanzi. A great deal of pressure, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, not a trifling matter. It is impossible to turn around after stepping into the catastrophe, and everything can't be controlled by yourself.

Regret it? Speaking of regret, Zhen Yuanzi has a little bit in his heart. After all, this is his own mistake and Hongyun's mistake. With the support of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, what he thought was a tenable thing, but ended in failure after he shot it. It greatly frustrated Zhen Yuanzi's mood, and also greatly affected his state of mind. Cultivation is not a trivial matter. This time the frustration has had a huge impact on Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun, and both left a deep mark on their hearts. , If you can't kill the Yin and Yang Taoists, if you don't eliminate this hidden danger in your heart, they will eventually come to an end in their cultivation, and there will be no possibility of enhancement.

Why is Hongyun so crazy and so caught up in it? It is precisely because he understands in his heart how dangerous his situation is, but once this time he misses his hand, what he waits for will be death, destruction, and the desire to survive there. Under the influence of Wang, Hongyun will appear in such a state, and will kill at all costs.

In contrast, although Zhen Yuanzi's mood was also frustrated, his soul was also traumatized, and even he was dragged into the catastrophe, but with the book in hand, Zhen Yuanzi's situation is better than Hongyun. It's much better, but Zhenyuanzi himself understands his own situation, how could he not have any thoughts of regret at this time, but now he has no retreat.

There is only one way to resolve the crisis, and that is killing! Killing the yin and yang Taoists completely, perhaps killing all the besiegers in front of them, plundering the luck of these prehistoric powerhouses, allowing Hongyun to break through his own bottleneck in one fell swoop, and being able to prove, but this probability is very small, after all, these predominant powerhouse The air luck on the body is not strong, and it is too far behind the Yin Yang Taoist!

The appearance of Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi intensified the battle between the ancestors of the human race, and also increased the burden of the Nuwa empress. Their appearance made the situation of the race even more difficult, and the luck of the race was once again dampened, and the human race was strong against these prehistoric people. The resentment of the human race is heavier, and the stronger the resentment of the human race, the more terrifying the heaven and earth tribulation aroused, the more shocking the pressure one has to bear. It can be said that the human race has also fallen into a cycle of evil without knowing it. I felt that I had pitted myself.

This is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. The Great Tribulation cannot be controlled by anyone. No matter who you are, whether you are a saint or a mortal, you will be affected by the Great Tribulation. The calamity that comes, but this is their own calamity, and it is also a test of humanity. If the human race wants to become the protagonist of the prehistoric world, they must have enough ability. The test they must face now is also a disaster. This level cannot be passed. Human race also has no way to talk about the protagonist of heaven and earth, nor can it be in harmony with humanity, and what awaits them is destruction.

"Ancestor, we can't continue like this anymore. The power of the monster race is beyond our ability to bear. The heavenly saints seem to have been helping us all the time, but they have not done their best. If this continues, our human race's background will be Being obliterated, once all the background is obliterated, the human race will also completely lose the ability to resist, and will become the **** of all the saints of the heavens, and will no longer be able to break free from the shackles of the saints and the heavens, let it go, let us bet on all of us Life, bet on the luck of the human race, and make the final fight to the death, even if it is destroyed, we cannot lose the dignity of the human race!"

Faced with such a tragic situation, the patriarch of the Terran Ancestral Land spoke his own aspirations as well as the aspirations of all the human race troops. The human race has so many backgrounds. If it is wiped out bit by bit, the human race will be lucky in the end. Successfully resist the attack of the demon race and become the protagonist of the heaven and earth, what do they use to fight against the saints of the heavens, the human race will eventually be a **** in the hands of the saints of the heavens, and will only be controlled by the saints of the heavens, and lose all freedom. And this is an unacceptable result of Human Race!

"You have all thought about it. Once you have made this decision, Human Race has no chance of turning back. It is not impossible to try your best, but you must be prepared for the worst. Once you start, you will never have a chance to turn back. There will be no peace for the two races of humans and monsters?” Although the human ancestors have long ignored the matter of the human race, at this time they still have to remind the human race patriarch, after all, this is related to the life and death of the human race, and it is also related to the luck of the human race. .


The human clan chief said in a deep voice: "Think about it. If we don’t do anything, the last bit of vitality and heritage of the human race will be wiped out. These **** are not here to help us resist the attack of the monster race. They are asking for it. It's just benefits, just want to get the benefits they want from this catastrophe. The life and death of the Human Race is not worth mentioning to them. The Human Race is just a **** in their hands. In that case, we have nothing to hesitate, even if we pay. No matter how great the price is, we must resist and let them know that the human race is not easy to provoke, and even if the heavy price is paid, we still have to give them a fatal blow!"

Once such a decision is made, someone must sacrifice. As the head of the human race is naturally the first one. It can be said that when the head of the human race speaks, he is ready to sacrifice and sacrifice himself for the survival of the human race. When the human race is in crisis, he will also follow the footsteps of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the demon emperor Jun, and sacrifice himself for the survival of racial civilization!

Ren Zusui sighed: "You are the leader of the human race. You decide the direction of the human race. Although we are in danger, if we make a mistake, we will destroy the race, but we will not compromise. Everyone will listen to you. Command, you decide everything about the human race!"

After getting the consent of the Ren Zusui family, the patriarch of the human race also breathed a sigh of relief. If the situation were not too dangerous, if the luck of the human race was not in crisis again, as the patriarch, he would not make such a decision. Terran is not good.

The patriarch of the human race took a deep breath and said: "Human Ancestor, now the human race is on the verge of destruction. If it weren't for the power of the nether world before, I am afraid that the luck of the human race has collapsed, and now these **** **** are still crazy. They do not care about the life and death of the human race. Since they dare to do so, they must bear the anger of the human race. Even if we are defeated in the end, we cannot give in at this time. The human race has no room to retreat. All the powerful people just want to To **** blood from the human race can only get human luck, but they have never treated us sincerely."

For a moment, the patriarch of the human race sighed: "Perhaps only the Houtu Ancestral Witch in the Nether World and the Six Paths of Reincarnation has such a little bit of sincerity to our human race. He doesn't want to see our human race decline due to this battle, and gave us There is a ray of vitality, but the support they can give to our human race is limited. Ultimately, the survival of the human race is in our own hands. We must fight with all our strength and fight for the final vitality with our own strength. Even if we die, we must die vigorously. !"

It’s right for the Human Race to have such an understanding. No matter whether it’s the heavenly saints or other powerful people, no one has really paid much attention to the Human Race. In their eyes, the Human Race is just a tool that can be used. As long as they get everything they want, the Human Race Their life and death have nothing to do with them. If they have to forcefully say that some people value the human race, only the saints, after all, they want to use the human race to change the prehistoric world, and they want to use the human race power to master the power of humanity, to control the humane luck, and provide them Practice yourself.

The human heart is the heavenly heart. When the human race changes, when the human race decides to let go of a battle, the saints Sanqing and Nuwa Empress and the western two sages immediately noticed that the human heart has changed, the human luck has changed, and the human race has changed. It is to break with them. Such a sudden change will have a great impact on all the saints. They did not expect that the human race will suddenly make such a change, suddenly give up everything, and do the ultimate life and death. Give up all their support!

It would rather die in battle than be manipulated by others to become the puppets of all the saints, so that the human race will never have the chance to stand up again. This is the determination of the human race and the will of the human race, and this is what the heavenly saints did not expect, and they have repeatedly wanted to borrow The machine destroys the human race's heritage, and repeatedly shirks responsibility. Such irresponsible practices directly provoke the human race to anger, and the dissatisfaction in the human race's heart burst out!

One wave is not settled, another wave rises, whether it is Sanqing or Nuwa Empress, they are instantly dumbfounded. They repeatedly shirk their responsibilities and are unwilling to assume their obligations. Obviously they have obtained huge benefits from the human race, but they don’t. Undertaking due obligations, always wanting to shirk all responsibilities to others, this kind of performance completely disappoints the race and completely loses the hearts of the people. Relatively speaking, the situation of the two sages in the West is much better. After all, the West and the human race are now in a better position. The relationship is not close, and there is no benefit from the human race. Even if the human race makes such a break, the impact on them is not too heavy!

"Human luck Jinlongning, I, as the lord of the human race, should master the power of humanity, and the sword of luck will come out!" Under the shock of those heavenly saints, the head of the human race cried out, and the luck of the human race condensed in an instant. There was a dragon whistling over the ancestral land of the Human Race, and a nine-clawed golden dragon appeared in the eyes of everyone. This is the golden dragon of Qi luck. When the golden dragon of Qi luck came out, the entire prehistoric world was shaken, because the human race was desperate. Out means that the human race has taken out the last strength to fight the enemy to the death. After the golden dragon of Qi Luck appeared, the patriarch of the human race had a sword of fortune in the hand. This is the ultimate treasure of the evolution of the human will, condensing The power of luck and will of the entire human race.

The emergence of the golden dragon of air luck is the last power and the ultimate power for a racial civilization. Once the golden dragon of air luck comes out, it will condense the power of the entire racial civilization. There is no possibility of easing the human race. Civilized life and death will be the final fight at the expense of life and death. Life and death are in this battle, and there is no other possibility.

"It's crazy, it's really crazy, and the human race is so crazy. You don't need to fight so desperately, but you want to do it. It seems that the human race really has to break with us completely. This is a big trouble!" Jun instantly turned pale, as soon as the golden dragon of human luck came out, and the sword of luck came out. Although the human race had not swung this sword yet, the human education and the human luck separated instantly from the human race, and the human race abandoned the human education and abandoned him. The leader of the human religion, establishing a religion based on the human race will inevitably be countered by the luck of the human race.

Of course, the Nuwa Empress is not much better than the Taishang Laojun. The Taishang Laojun, as the leader of the cult, was backlashed by the human luck. The Nuwa Niangniang, the virgin of the human race, has inherited the incense and luck of the human race since the birth. Naturally, she has to pay a heavy price. In an instant, the human luck also blew her back, making the Nüwa Empress’s breath instantly chaotic, and her strength was weakened. Fortunately, the Nüwa Empress is different from the Taishang Laojun, although Nüwa Niangniang is a human race, but Nuwa Niangniang is the Virgin of the Human Race anyway. She created the Human Race by herself. Although she has luck, she is much better than the Taishang Laojun.


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