God of Destruction

Chapter 4443: Solar term luck golden dragon

Chapter 4449

"Fortune backlash, hahaha, it's ridiculous that all the saints of the heavens have been backlashed by the fortune of the human race. This is really what they deserved. They obviously got the benefit from the human race, but they were unwilling to pay for it. Now they finally eat When it comes to suffering, you will have to pay as much as you get. Proving the truth with the human race but disregarding the life and death of the human race. Whether you are the Virgin of the Human race or the leader of the human race, you will have to pay a heavy price. This is your cause and effect!" At such a panic, the eyes of the Yin and Yang Taoists showed a sneer of sarcasm, which was a mockery of the saints of heaven.

Of course, Daoist Yin and Yang also has a trace of worry in his mind about this crazy decision of the Human Race. Although he is no longer a Human Race, he is already an innate **** and demon, but in the heart of Taoist Yin and Yang he still has a trace of concern for the Primordial Human Race. At this time, this Under such circumstances, it is really dangerous for the human race to condense the golden dragon and make a life-and-death fight. As soon as the golden dragon of fortune comes out, the human race and the demon race are endless, and only one side can end the war, and the power of the human race is far from the demon race!

The Zhoutian Star Battle Array of the Monster Race is not a display. Even if there is no Donghuang Taiyi and the Monster Emperor Jun presiding over the battle, its power is still not the human race can resist. Although the human luck golden dragon is strong, it is with the Yao race. Compared to still vulnerable to a single blow, once locked by the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', the human fortune is likely to collapse in one blow, and the entire human fortune will be completely shattered.

If Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress are willing to help each other with all their strength, Terran may not fall into this field and will not be forced to fight to the death, but there is no if in this world. Terran has already made a decision, and the patriarch of Terran has already Burning his own soul and everything he owns, he is aligning himself with the golden dragon, making the final fight. No matter whether he succeeds or not, there is only a dead end for this human clan chief. He sacrificed everything of himself for the sake of Terran fights for the last ray of life.

It's no wonder that the human race is so desperate, everything is because of the shirk of the Taishang Laojun and the Nuwa Empress, none of them did their best to pay, they did not try their best to stop the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, but the monsters are also crazy.' The power of Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array is fully deployed, and the demon race's fortune is all weighed on the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array'. Human race can resist this kind of attacking power for a while, but cannot stop it for a lifetime, for a long time. The Terran will be defeated. Instead of being obliterated by the power of the Monster Race's'Stars of Zhou Dynasty', it is better to give it a go. If it succeeds, it may be able to inflict heavy damage on the Monster Race and let the'Stars of Zhou Dynasty' The strength is weakened, and the human race has a ray of vitality. As for the price paid, it is not worth mentioning the life and death of the entire human race.

"Kill, give you flesh and blood with my true blood, and use my soul to control the spirit of the golden dragon, and the sword of luck will turn into dragon horns!" With this deep cry, the human clan chief's body instantly exploded and became physically. In order for the blood and light to merge into the void, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, the original Qi Luck Sword in his hand has also turned into the Golden Dragon’s horns, and the soul is directly integrated with the Golden Dragon’s Spirit.

'expensive! 'With a sound of a dragon's ring, earth-shattering changes have taken place in this human race's fortune golden dragon. The human race patriarch uses his own body to evolve the true body of the golden dragon, and uses his own soul to control the spirit of the golden dragon, and the human race's sword of fortune It turns into a dragon, exudes endless sharpness, as if there is the power to break through the void and smash everything at any time.

"Crazy, as the leader of a clan, he directly sacrificed to the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck, and he had to control the Golden Dragon of Human Qi Luck at the expense of his soul, and to do the final fight, the Human Clan was really crazy!" Seeing this change, too Shang Laojun's expression changed drastically. Although the backlash of his luck made him angry at him before, but now he doesn't dare to think of it anymore. The human race is completely mad, and the leader of the race can sacrifice himself, so to speak. Today's Human Race Qi Luck Golden Dragon condenses the will and strength of all races.

Empress Nuwa was also lost at this moment. When the Human Race sacrificed the golden dragon with her body and blood, she felt that she had lost a bit of strength in an instant. It was the loss of Human luck, not just Empress Nuwa. The same is true for the elders of the Supreme Beings. When they are unable to help the human race wholeheartedly, when they still have selfish intentions, and want to take the opportunity to weaken the human heritage, there will be a rift between themselves and the human race, and the human luck will naturally be lost from them.

"I used my body and blood to sacrifice the golden dragon and the avenue of air luck. Unexpectedly, the human beings would have realized the avenue of qi luck. They would sacrifice their body and blood to transport the golden dragon and master the avenue of air luck. This is the resistance of humanity, and this is the last killer of the human race. Is it?" Compared to the worries of Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Niangniang, the Yin and Yang Taoists saw what they did not see from this change, saw the real avenue of luck appearing in the human race, and saw The trajectory of Qiyun Avenue!

"Well, since the human race is so desperate, I also give you a strength, the power of the human book, the gift of cause and effect, and the scale of the law!" With the yin and yang Taoist cry, the power of the human book'life and death is thin' appeared. His hand, as the sound fell, merged into the golden dragon of human luck. This is one of the three books of human power and the power of cause and effect in the nether world. It also has the last point of human race in the hearts of Yin and Yang Taoists. Perseverance, the light of human nature!

"Ah!" The Human Clan's Qi Luck Golden Dragon uttered another dragon roar. In the sound of the dragon's roar, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon had a new change. There were more laws of light on the flesh and blood body, and in this law Condensed into pieces of dragon scales under the light.

"The thin power of human life and death, the power of the law of cause and effect, the Yin and Yang Taoist has acted. He is helping the human race, and he is in danger, but he has helped the human race, giving the human race the power of luck and the golden dragon causality. What does he want to do? I can really ignore the siege of those prehistoric and powerful people!" Zhen Yuanzi, who has been watching the Yin and Yang Taoist, discovered the methods of the Yin and Yang Taoist at the moment when the Yin and Yang Taoist took action. After all, he mastered the book from the earth. When the power of the book'life and death is thin' appeared, the book from the ground changed in an instant, making Zhen Yuanzi feel the change and the action of the Yin and Yang Taoist.

"It can't be delayed any longer, and the situation will become even more out of control if it is delayed. These **** ants should give them a ride. The yin and yang avenue is displayed, the yin and yang clock is out, the two realms are divided, and the yin and yang time and space are condensed!"

auzw.com The madness of the human race makes the Yin and Yang Taoists feel the crisis and feel the pressure. If they don’t attack with all their strength, more changes may occur, which will make everything more out of control. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. , A slight difference will have the worries of life and death, and will be in desperate situation. Although he intends to take advantage of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth to condense the origin of the King of End and condense the origin of the world, the ultimate treasure, but no matter how good the clone is, the origin is the most treasure. No matter how good it is, it is not as important as your own life.

With a loud noise of "Clang!", the avenue of Yin and Yang fell from the void and turned into a law. The golden wheel fell on the Taoist of Yin and Yang. The original treasure of Yin and Yang clock flew out of the hands of Taoist of Yin and Yang in an instant, turning into a stream of light to blast towards those who don’t know. As the yin and yang clock strikes, the entire void is turbulent and ups and downs. With the sound of the bell, the world where the yin and yang Taoist stands is instantly separated from the predominant world. The origin of Yin Yang Avenue condenses a small space, a small world.

Dao domain! This is the Dao realm that the Yin-Yang Daoist comprehend. The Yin-Yang Dao realm divides the two worlds with the Yin-Yang Dao, which separates this void from the wild world, so that all the creatures in this space and time are suppressed by the Yin-Yang Dao. It was only aimed at those prehistoric powerhouses who besieged him, but also dragged those predominant powerhouses who besieged Hongyun into the yin and yang domain. Of course, Hongyun did not escape the pull of the yin and yang domain and was also swept away. Come in.

"Not good!" As soon as the Yin-Yang Dao Domain came out, Zhen Yuanzi was shocked instantly, because the power of the Yin-Yang Dao Domain separated him from Hong Yun, and his earth origin could no longer be blessed on Hong Yun's body, Yin-Yang Dao Domain Isolated his connection with Hong Yun.

It's dangerous. Without the protection of the Book of the Earth, without the protection of the origin of the earth, Hong Yun's situation is very dangerous. A slight difference may cause death and death. After all, Hong Yun has no defensive power, and it is easy to be broken by people.

Without thinking about it, Zhen Yuanzi wanted to rush into the Yin-Yang Dao realm condensed by the Yin-Yang Taoists. He wanted to break the barrier of the Yin-Yang Dao realm with the help of the great power of the book from the earth. He wanted to rescue Hong Yun, but it was a pity that he underestimated it. The defense of the Yin and Yang Dao Region, even if it was his full blow, would have broken the barrier of the Yin and Yang Dao Region, and even the root of the Yin and Yang Dao Region was not shaken.

The Book of the Earth is indeed very powerful. As a prehistoric fetal membrane, it can mobilize the power of the prehistoric earth, but no matter how strong it is, it is only an innate spiritual treasure, and the Yin-Yang clock in the hands of the Yin-Yang Taoist is the original treasure of the Chaos Gods and Demons. I am afraid of breaking and standing, still possessing the essence of the treasure, even the essence of chaos. Even if the strength of the Yin-Yang Taoist is not strong enough, it cannot be broken by Zhen Yuanzi with a single blow. It cannot break the Yin-Yang Dao domain, and Hongyun will end naturally. It is conceivable!

This is the power of the supreme treasure. The power of a supreme treasure is far beyond the congenital spirit treasure. Even the best congenital spirit treasure such as the book from the earth is far from it. What's more, the yin and yang Taoists are now in harmony with their bodies, which has moved the avenue of Yin and Yang. Coming, there is the blessing of the golden wheel of the law, and the companion treasure "Yin Yang Zhong" is absolutely undefeated in a short period of time!

"Hong Yun wakes up!" In the case of unable to break the yin and yang domain, Zhen Yuanzi could only shout loudly, wanting to make Hong Yun wake up from that madness and make timely adjustments so as not to be tricked by the yin and yang Taoists. At this time, Zhen Yuanzi was stupid to understand that from the beginning, Hongyun fell into the calculations of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and fell into a disadvantage, and even his shots were within the expectations of the other party. It can be said that from the beginning, he has fallen into the calculations of the yin and yang Taoists. With Hongyun, I lost the opportunity and everything!

The battle of the Great Dao is endless. When the situation reaches this point, it is impossible to intercede. The Taoist Yin and Yang and Hong Yun are endless, and now Hong Yun is facing the threat of death, facing the most terrible crisis in his life.

"Well, what a Yin-Yang Dao, what a Yin-Yang Daoist. I didn’t expect that when the Human Race was most difficult, the innate **** and demon bred by the tunnel would turn out to be his innate **** and demon. These selfish and predominantly powerful people, the Yin and Yang Taoists are much better, and the human race owes him great kindness!" Under the division of the two realms, a part of the creatures in the human race land were sheltered by the Yin Yang Taoist domain, and the Yin and Yang Taoists before Taking action to give the human race the greatest support, how can this not make the Zusui people happy, but also make the people strong and happy!

With the existence of the yin and yang domain, the human race has a little bit of confidence, and there is no need to pin all hopes on the unreliable Nuwa empress. As for the life and death of Hongyun and the predecessors, this is not in the consideration of the human race. In the eyes of the human race, the Taoists of Yin and Yang dare to do this. They are absolutely sure that they can kill all enemies, otherwise they would not do it. You must know that once you miss it, this is self-defeating, not trapping the enemy. , But trapping oneself.

"Daoyu! Just Da Luo Jinxian can condense the Taoism and trap the quasi-sage Taoism. We all underestimated the Yin and Yang Taoist. His perception of the Yin and Yang Dao exceeded everyone's imagination. He is not incapable of it. Assaulting the quasi-sage realm, he has been suppressing the breakthrough in his own realm. He is consolidating the foundation, and his ambition is beyond our imagination!" Seeing the eruption of the power of the yin and yang Taoist, the sage Zhunti could not help but sigh softly. The appearance of such a situation was far beyond his imagination. He originally thought that he could clearly see the Taoist Yin and Yang, but when the Taoist Yin and Yang broke out again, he realized that he was wrong again!

The Yin-Yang Dao domain is 10%, and it is based on the “Yin-Yang Bell”, the original treasure, as the core of the Dao domain. Who can break the defense of the Dao domain in a short time, Jin Yuanzi’s attack is impossible, wait for him to break the road. Everything was over at the time of the domain, and Hong Yun was afraid that it had already fallen under the collective strangulation of everyone, and even had already been taken away by others' luck and chance.

"Hongyun is dead. At this time, even if he asks for help, we can't make any more moves. Even if we are a saint, we have to give in. I can watch Hongyun die in the realm of Yin and Yang, and I am worried that even if we take action, Hongyun’s death will not be prevented. All of this has long been calculated by the Yin and Yang Taoists. This new born **** and demon has a sinister beyond our imagination. Cunning!" Although he is unwilling to accept such a result, he cannot be changed by attracting saints. This is the fact that the yin and yang Taoist who enters here are already invincible. Whoever dares to break through the yin and yang domain will not only offend the yin and yang Taoist. It will even offend the human race to death!


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