God of Destruction

Chapter 4444: Festival clearance

Chapter 4450 Clearance

When the yin and yang Taoist pulled a part of the human race into it, the existence of the yin and yang dao domain protected this part of the human race. At this time, whoever dared to break the yin and yang dao domain would immediately arouse the anger of the human race, that is Zhenyuanzi was too impulsive, too worried about Hongyun’s life and death, and did not notice this, otherwise he would not dare to act rashly. After all, it was not a good thing to have such a big enmity with the human race, even if he is the ancestor of the earth immortal, Also be careful.

The human race is the amulet of the Yin and Yang Taoists, so that the heavenly sages dare not act rashly, and even Hongjun Taoist ancestors are also taking care of it. After all, the human race is the foundation of humanity. If the human race is destroyed, the entire prehistoric humanity will be shaken, even if it is in harmony with the Tao. Dao Ancestor Hongjun will also suffer the backlash of humanity and pay a heavy price. As for other enemies hidden in the dark, let alone, as long as they are not affected by the calamity of the heavens and the earth, and are not eroded by the atmosphere of the calamity, they are not. Dare to act rashly, at least for the ancestors of Styx in the current blood sea, he does not dare to act rashly. Although he also wants to seize the power of world authority in the hands of the Yin and Yang Taoists, he understands that this time is not an opportunity to do it by himself. Can't afford the big karma that day!

Of course, not all the strong in the entire prehistoric world are as sensible as the ancestors of Styx, able to maintain a calm mind, be able to see the current situation clearly, be able to know advances and retreats, and there are still such a small number of strong ones in the dark. Staring at the Yin and Yang Taoists, staring at Hongyun, they don't care about the life and death of the human race, let alone the cause and effect of karma. At this time, they only have that crazy and terrible desire and hope, but they don't want to do it yet. They want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and they want to wait for the Yin and Yang Taoist and Hong Yun to fight for both losses, and then they will shoot all of them to take the greatest advantage.

The idea is good, but the reality is extremely cruel. Such a plan sounds very good, but it is not an easy task to realize it. The Yin and Yang Taoists have been calculating Hongyun from beginning to end, and they all have the initiative. He would not have thought In the dark, there will be people who want to calculate themselves, want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, as long as the Yin and Yang Taoists can think of, there must be a way to deal with it, an accidentally hidden enemy will still throw themselves into the net and jump into this place. In a crazy trap!

trap? This may indeed be a big trap. At least for those heavenly sages, there is a little bit of anxiety in their hearts, and they are not willing to act rashly. Even if there is no such big trouble as the human race, they have not figured out the Yin and Yang Taoists. Before all of the methods, he would not act rashly before, nor did he dare to make a big move, and plunge himself into this difficult situation that is difficult to see!

The Taoist power of Yin and Yang is indeed beyond the imagination of all saints. They didn't take the Taoist Yin and Yang too seriously in their hearts. After all, Taoist Yin and Yang was just a small big Luo Jinxian in their eyes, but now they have to Paying attention to the Yin and Yang Taoists, they have to continue to observe the strength and methods of the Yin and Yang Taoists. They also want to prevent all of this from happening, but now they can't do it, and even they dare not do it. This frustration is too great for all the saints. Uncomfortable.

"Die me!" Under the pressure of Dao Yu, Hong Yun continued to be crazy. He did not see the Yin and Yang Daoist who had threatened his life and death in his eyes. Instead, he continued to vent his anger on these enemies who besieged him. To use his most powerful force to strangle these enemies, devour their origin, devour their luck, so that he can take the most critical step, for Hong Yun such a crazy choice, he can only say that he thinks too much. Even if these enemies can be killed, it's just that these enemies can really give him enough luck to break through the realm of saints and make him proving to be holy?

This is a joke. All the saints of heaven don’t think so. No one knows how difficult it is to prove sanctification. Especially Zhun mentions the saints, which is the most direct experience. In order to prove sanctification, he and the guide However, they owed the great cause and effect of the heavenly Dao to make up the merits of preaching the Dao. It is just these ordinary quasi-sages, even if they have luck, how much they can have, so they did not regard Hongyun’s madness as the same thing, on the contrary. It seemed to them that Hongyun would die sooner and harder!

"It's over, Hong Yun is really finished this time. He has completely lost his reason. He lost his reason for proving the Dao. He can only say that he is too self-righteous and too arrogant. If he can be more cautious, there may be a chance to prove the Dao. Now the last chance is also away from him, and there is only a dead end waiting for him. At this time, the two **** will be extremely happy to mention and attract them. When Hongyun is dead, they don't have to repay the cause and effect!" Seeing the changes in front of him, watching the reaction of Hongyun in the Dao realm, the old gentleman sighed involuntarily. Such a result was something he didn't want to see.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect Hong Yun to be so ignorant. As a strong man at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, he lost his mind in the big battle. At the beginning, he fell into the calculations of a big Luo Jinxian and directly lost his innate. Lingbao, this is really a big joke. Now he really has no possibility of turning over. This **** has nothing to do if he is dead. Who makes him stupid, but now he is giving Zhen Yuanzi miserable, and he has to endure it all at once. With great causal karma, even if Zhen Yuanzi can retreat from the whole world in this calamity, there will be no more chance to prove the Dao because of the causal karma caused by this war!" Tongtian guru who has been watching coldly all the time At this moment, he couldn't help but sighed slightly. It was a pity for Zhen Yuanzi to be so miserable by his friends, I am afraid that Zhen Yuanzi was also lost for a while, and he also had endless regrets.

Yuanshi Tianzun sneered and said: "This is the price they should pay. When they start to calculate the Yin and Yang Taoists, he undoubtedly has to be prepared for failure, but by looking at the reactions of Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun, they know that they have not had it from the beginning. With such preparations, they all believe that they must be the winner and that they will be able to kill the Yin and Yang Taoists. Therefore, they have paid a heavy price for their ignorance and stupidity. This is their due end!"

Although Sanqing all looked down on Hongyun, they were all lost in their hearts. If Hongyun fell, no one would be able to threaten the lives of the Taoist Yin and Yang, and even the great purple energy in Hong Yun's hands would fall into the Taoist Yin and Yang. In the hands, this is very unwilling to them. After all, it is an opportunity to prove the Tao, and it falls into the hands of the Yin and Yang Taoists. This is an enemy!


"Oh! All of this was caused by Nuwa. If it weren't for Nuwa to disobey the master and stop the demon clan, all of this would not have happened. It is too late to say anything. I don’t know if the teacher has any other preparations. Will he watch the Hongyun’s grand and purple energy fall into the hands of the Yin and Yang Taoist!” Although there are many complaints and dissatisfaction with the Nuwa Empress in my heart, it’s at this time Yuan Shi Tianzun still did not say these words. After all, Nuwa Empress is a saint. If he speaks these words at this time, it will inevitably arouse Nu Wa's dissatisfaction, and even make them feud with Nu Wa Empress, making the situation even more uncontrollable. , Making this catastrophe even more difficult to control!

Is everything really the fault of Empress Nuwa? No, it can only be said that Yuanshi Tianzun is shirking responsibility. In their Sanqing's eyes, the Nuwa Empress made a big mistake, and her refusal to obey the command has caused the current predicament, but in fact their own selfishness is too heavy. If they did not calculate Nv Wa Empress's thoughts, the situation will not fall to this point, and there will be no such shock!

In the unwillingness of Sanqing, the Golden Dragon of Human Fortune, under the control of the patriarch of the Human Race, rushed to the heavens frantically, no matter how the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array broke out, let the power of the rules of the stars continue to weaken. The human luck golden dragon, dare not to suppress the human luck golden dragon, can't stop the air luck golden dragon from rising up in the sky, neither can stop the impact of the luck golden dragon on the monster race.

In order for the human race to seize a ray of life, and for the human race to escape this slaughter, the human patriarch sacrificed himself. His goal is not the heaven, but the "Zhoutian Star Fighting Array" above the void. The human patriarch needs to use his own life. At the price of the Human Race’s Fortune Golden Dragon, to blast through the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', only the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' that truly destroys the monster race can have a ray of life and be able to survive this crazy big There is a ray of life in the decisive battle!

This choice is indeed crazy, and it has a huge impact on the human race, but the human race has no choice. Apart from this one method, they don’t know what method they can use to destroy the'Zhou Tianxing Star Array' that is controlled by the demon race's air movement. To end the killer of the monster race, the human race has to work hard, only to make such a trade-off, this is the first line of life for the human race!

"Damn, how could the Human Race find the weakness of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array in such a short time, and sacrifice the life of the patriarch to destroy the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. Could it be that a traitor has emerged from the Monster Race? , Let people know the flaws of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array', although all the star gods can unite all the star gods to unlock the most powerful attacking power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array' at the expense of the demon clan’s luck, but there is no demon. The emperor presides over the great formation. Without the power of the two demon emperors, the'Zhou Tianxingdou great formation' has a strong attack, but its defense is very weak. Facing the human race, this fatal blow will bring a devastating blow to the star gods. !" At this moment, the eyes of the demon master Kunpeng flashed with doubts and worries. The occurrence of such a thing was the result that he did not expect. Originally in the calculations of the demon clan, even if a war broke out, no one would see through the demon clan' Zhou. The illusion and reality of the "Sky Star Dou Great Array" did not dare to easily attack the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', but now it proved that they were wrong, the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' suffered a fatal counterattack from the Human Race!

How to do? At this time, the demon master Kunpeng was thinking about countermeasures frantically, but for a while, he could not think of a way to resolve the crisis. Whoever made this happen so suddenly, so that the demon master Kunpeng had no time to react, and the human race would not give them a reaction. Time, just for an instant, the Yaozu was in crisis and was about to face the terrible death shock!

Yes, this is a death shock. Once the Jinlong makes people's luck and luck successfully attack the Yaozu’s "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array", I am afraid that half of the star gods in the presiding Great Array will be destroyed, and they will all be affected by the "Zhou Tian". The impact of the "Star Dou Great Array" will be disastrous, and their spirit and will will collapse. After all, all the demon clan star gods are now devoting themselves to the'Star Dou Array of Zhou Tian'. , The destruction of the Great Array, they have to withstand the backlash for the first time, only relying on the Demon Empress to balance the backlash of the'Zhou Tianxing Dou Great Array', this is just a joke, even the Demon Queen will be destroyed by the backlash in the first place!

escape? The demon master Kunpeng's heart couldn't help but flashed through the thought of fleeing. He didn't want to destroy with the demon race, nor did he want to be dragged by the **** **** of the human race, but now he can only think about it, not at all. Dare to do this, even if he has the ability to break free from the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation' and able to get rid of the current crisis, but once the Yao Clan's'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation' is broken, the entire Yao Clan must suffer a devastating blow, he As a demon master, you will inevitably be backlashed by the demon clan's fortune, and you will also endanger your life, and you will not see your vitality. After all, the demon clan has offended too many people!

At this time, the Yin and Yang Taoists did not know how dangerous the crisis of the Heavenly Demon Race was, nor did they know the feelings of the demon master Kunpeng. After the Dao domain was expanded, the Yin and Yang Taoists themselves were also under great pressure, and they attracted so many powerful people in an instant. Even in his Dao realm, even if there is the'yin and yang clock' this treasure suppressed, he still has to withstand a huge impact!

"I have to fight quickly, not to delay for too long, otherwise there will be accidents, Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao will not give me too long, but once the time is long, more powerful enemies will inevitably jump. Come out, the power of Dao domain is not all I rely on, kill!" With a thought, the Daoist Yin and Yang frantically started killing. This time Daoist Yin and Yang did not attack Hongyun, but was killing other powerful people, as if they were fighting Hongyun had a tacit understanding to clean up all foreign enemies before the decisive battle!

Clearing the field, Hongyun is clearing the field, Yin and Yang Taoist is also clearing the field, the two enemies of life and death are clearing the field tacitly. Whether this is a tacit understanding between them or for other reasons, no one knows, and no one cares. At this time, everyone cares. It’s a life-and-death showdown between the Yin-Yang Taoist and Hongyun. Who can have the last laugh? After all, not everyone can have the vision of the saints of the heavens, and they will think that Hongyun is dead, and it is still hidden in today’s prehistoric world. There are a lot of powerful enemies. Will they be killed at the end of the clearing and enter the realm of the Yin and Yang Taoist, hit the other side by surprise, and let the situation reappear in a new forum. It is no one knows. Yes, no one can guarantee, after all, the temptation is too great!


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