God of Destruction

Chapter 4445: Responsibility

Chapter 4451 Responsibility

The human race's counterattack, the eruption of the Yin and Yang Taoists, and the madness of Hongyun erupted at this moment. As if there was a tacit understanding between them, they all chose to make a big move during this time. Such changes made the prehistoric world surging, and the world was surging. The catastrophe has become more violent and terrifying. The endless cloud of evil spirits surges up and down, and the endless evil of heaven and earth is tumbling. There are also countless creatures involved in this disaster of heaven and earth. Those who are weak under the cloud of evil spirits surge. The creatures were eroded by evil spirits before they had time to react, and unknowingly fell into this crazy catastrophe.

Countless creatures have been eroded by the aura of calamity in this drama of heaven and earth. For these weak creatures, except for a few lucky ones who can survive, others will die in the calamity, which will exacerbate the universe. The eruption of the catastrophe aggravated the destruction of the world, and those who caused all of this naturally have to bear immense causal karma.

Zhen Yuanzi is also unlucky. For Hongyun, his friend, let him fall into this kind of cause and effect. If he knows that such a shock will happen, I don’t know if he will regret it in his heart. If he is asked to make another choice, Will you just give up Hongyun this scam product? If you don't say it, you will hurt others!

Such a crazy battle is not the most terrifying. The truly terrifying power has not yet exploded. For the prehistoric world, the truly terrifying calamity does not originate from the red clouds, the human race, the yin and yang Taoists, but the monsters who are fighting against the saints. Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, although they were suppressed by all the saints for a while, there was no way to burst out terrifying lethality, but with the eruption of the heavens, with the madness of the demon clan, Donghuang Taiyi and the demon emperor Jun would become It is even more terrifying, especially the power of Donghuang Taiyi, who has the great inheritance of calamity, the more terrifying the calamity of heaven and earth, the more powerful his power!

Although the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun are now in crisis, and even their spiritual consciousness is sinking, but if they really will continue to do this, the Yin and Yang Taoists will not believe it, and even the heavenly sages will not believe it, or else Sanqing, Nuwa Empress and Western Second Sages will not always have to preserve their strength. They are worried about the sudden outbreak of Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun. If these two demon emperors have never thought of the worst situation. , Will not be prepared for the worst, they will not believe it!

Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Tai are holding what assassins in their hands, what power is it that keeps them hidden, or that they still have the possibility of regaining their sanity, and even they have left a mark in their own souls, leaving behind Once the external situation meets the conditions they have set up in advance, it is possible to inspire the killer skills they have left behind, which will turn the situation again and make the Yaozu reversing the trend again, and even be able to jump out of the crisis!

Even the human race can control the ultimate fight with the golden dragon of Qi Luck. As a monster with a huge background, will there be no assassin, will it just behave like this? Who will believe this? At least the Yin and Yang Taoists will not believe it, and the heavenly sages will not believe it. Everyone is waiting for the demon clan’s ultimate assassin. Maybe Nuwa really needs to know the demon clan’s methods, otherwise it won’t be delayed like this. , She wouldn’t do nothing, it’s not good for her, the demon clan’s assassin must have the power to scare the saints!

Under the tacit cooperation between the Yin and Yang Taoists and Hong Yun, the predecessors in the Dao realm have suffered a devastating blow, and they are all in desperation, but the most terrifying thing is not the battle on the Yin and Yang Taoists. It's the confrontation between the human race and the monster race above the void. When the human race patriarch drove the golden dragon of luck to the sky at the expense of his own soul, everyone was shocked by the human assassin. In the wild land, the human race’s The Qi Luck Golden Dragon did not show incredible power, but when the Qi Luck Golden Dragon rushed out of the prehistoric world into the void, endless clouds of vitality poured in, making the Qi Luck Golden Dragon swell in a short period of time. Ten times, endless causal karma floods into this air luck golden dragon. If it is normal, this air luck golden dragon will suffer a devastating blow and will be eroded by that huge causal karma, but Human Race The Golden Dragon of Qi Luck is different. It is controlled by the soul of the patriarch of the human race, and has the will of the human race, and even has the power of cause and effect given by the Yin and Yang Taoists. The causal karma not only caused no harm to it, but turned into a nutrient to grow it. Good luck golden dragon!

"Damn, is this the power of the Cause and Effect Dao? This is the power of the Netherworld. It can cause such a shock. It can make such a earth-shattering change in the golden dragon of human luck. It is no wonder that the **** **** of Yin and Yang will ignore it. The dangers of the prehistoric world, dare to appear in the predominant world, he is confident that he can retreat with his whole body!" When seeing the change of the human luck and the golden dragon, Zhen Yuanzi's expression changed again and again, and his eyes could not help but show. A trace of pain and regret.

This is the power of cause and effect, the power of the Netherworld, and the power of the Yin and Yang Taoists. The Causal Path absorbs the cause and effect of heaven and earth, and absorbs the cause and effect of the human race to condense the scales of the golden dragon of luck. It can be said that the golden dragon of human luck has changed and no longer It is a pure Qi Luck Golden Dragon, but has the power of cause and effect, and the power of cause and effect has become another driving force of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon.

Of course, this kind of method is not arbitrarily used. If the human clan chief sacrifices himself, blood sacrifices to the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon has undergone transformation, and there is the cohesion of the human will. Such a situation is impossible, and it is causal. As soon as the power is integrated into the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, an abnormal change will occur, which will cause the Qi Luck Golden Dragon to burst. The Qi Luck Golden Dragon can be controlled. It is mainly sacrificed, and it is the patriarch of the human race. Such sacrifices cannot be done by anyone. .

People only saw the strength of the human luck golden dragon, saw this powerful change, but did not see how much the human race paid for it, if they were replaced by a quasi-sage power like Zhen Yuanzi, let them sacrifice themselves and let They sacrificed their blood to the golden dragon of gas and luck, and their souls are in harmony with the golden dragon of gas and luck. Are they willing to do this? Obviously it is impossible. They will not sacrifice themselves. If Zhen Yuanzi is willing to sacrifice himself at this time and abandon the innate spirit treasure of the Book of the Earth, he is fully capable of breaking the Taoist domain of Yin and Yang, but he is not willing to do so. After all, this sacrifice was too great for him to accept, but the patriarch of the human race did it, sacrificing his life and everything for the survival of the human race, for the dignity of the human race!

auzw.com Not only did the Human Race do such crazy things, but the Yao Race also did it. The Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi paid a heavy price for the survival of the Demon Race. It happened in front of them, but everyone just sighed when seeing this situation. It was impossible for them to sacrifice. Just like Zhen Yuanzi, although he had a life and death relationship with Hongyun, he really let him sacrifice himself and let him He used his life to fight for that ray of life for Hongyun, he couldn't do it!

"A good luck golden dragon, it condenses the human luck, condenses endless cause and effect, takes the human will as the front, and the human patriarch's soul is the core. I have to admit that the human heart's heart to break is extremely terrible. This time we are in great trouble. Now, once the human luck golden dragon has defeated the Yaozu’s "Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array", the huge cause and effect is enough to overwhelm everything, we need to think of a retreat, not to let ourselves be involved in this terrible storm of cause and effect!" With the sudden explosion of Qi Luck Jinlong, the old man, the leader of the cult, could not help but sigh. He was deeply shocked by everything in front of him, and was also shocked by the terrifying cause and effect of the human race, if not early A little bit of retreat, once this battle is over, one's own troubles will be great, boundless cause and effect will fall on himself, the leader of the human race, who allowed himself to be the human race, and when the human race was desperate, he did not have the whole heart. Help people!

It’s not just the Taishang Laojun who is dumbfounded. The Nuwa Empress is the same. As a mother, she didn’t protect her children and allowed the enemy to persecute her children. Now her children need to sacrifice themselves at the expense of burning their own children. Everything, the golden dragon of human aura for the final fight, this cause and effect is equally astonishing.

Under the gaze of the prehistoric beings, the Human Clan Qi Luck Golden Dragon rushed to the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array', no matter how strong the power of the stars rules by the Monster Clan’s'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array' exerted, it would not be able to stop the Qi Luck Golden Dragon. Rising into the sky, it was impossible to stop the Human Clan Qi Luck Golden Dragon's impact on the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array'. The closer the Qi Luck Golden Dragon came to the heavens, the more the Demon Race felt the terrible impact, and the demon master Kunpeng presided over everything. Can feel the shock of that horror.

"Damn, how could this be? The Human Race can condense such a terrible blow. Is this the mighty power of the Human Race? This is the ultimate strength of the Human Race. If it can't stop its impact on the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, the Demon Race will definitely Will suffer a devastating blow, and all star gods will face the threat of death!" Feeling the impact of the human luck golden dragon, Kunpeng’s eyes flashed with crazy expressions, he was thinking about countermeasures, since there is no way out, he You need to learn from Human Race, from Demon Emperor Jun, and from Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and you will have to pay a heavy price for this battle.

"Manny, I need your help. I need someone to turn on the power of the sun and the lunar yin. I need the power of the two stars to bless me. I need to fully unlock the ultimate power!" Facing the threat of death, the demon master Kunpeng finally After making a decision, as a demon master, this is when I have to stand up, and this is my responsibility.

Responsibility, this is such a heavy topic. At this moment, it is not just the demon master Kunpeng who has to bear the responsibility, but also the demon emperor, and the ten crown princes of the demon clan. They all need to take responsibility for the demon clan. This is them. Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi sacrificed themselves for the survival of the demon clan. How could the demon master Kunpeng escape? The same is true for the demon emperor and the prince of the demon clan. The same is true for the demon clan’s prince. Take the responsibility of the Yaozu.

In the face of such a crisis, the demon queen is struggling. The demon master Kunpeng chose to sacrifice for the demon clan. As the demon queen, she also has to bear this responsibility. She does not resent this, but if she lets her children , Let the prince of the Yaozu also bear this responsibility, this is something she is unwilling to accept, but the current situation must have someone to stand up and sacrifice.

"We don’t have much time to waste, so hurry up and make a decision. If the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array is broken, the entire monster race will inevitably face the impact of death, and all the Star Gods will suffer a devastating blow. What else does the demon clan have?" Seeing the demon empress's hesitation, the demon master Kunpeng shouted in a deep voice, reminding the demon emperor of the importance of this matter!

As the high-level of the monster race, everyone is shouldering their responsibilities. As the prince of the monster race, how can it be an exception? If they retreat at this time, what awaits them is the backlash of the luck of the monster race. Maybe they will Save their lives, but they will never grow again in the future. They will be entangled by the great cause and effect of the monster race that day, and will be trapped by that endless cause and effect for their entire lives. If this cause and effect are not eliminated, they will never grow. Possible!

After enjoying the benefits of the demon clan’s luck, you must take on this cause and effect. No one is exception. The demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi have demonstrated, and now it is the demon master Kunpeng and other demon powerhouses. At the time of sacrifice, after all, the Yaozu had reached the point of life and death, and they could not help but retreat. The Yaozu had no retreat.

"Hey!" A light sigh sounded. Although she still felt reluctant, the demon empress understood that this was a responsibility she had to face. With this sigh, the lunar star burst out with a strong light, and then the sun The stars also burst out endless rays of light. As the ten princes of the monster race, they control the sun and stars at the same time, and dominate everything about the sun and stars. The power of the two stars of the lunar and the sun is fully opened, and the power of yin and yang is rotated and blessed on the body of the demon master Kunpeng. Let him, as the ruler of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, obtain the power of authority of the stars, and let him truly master the power of the rules of the stars!

"The Avenue of Stars is now, the law of my palm, the strike of the perishing star!" With the power of the rules of the stars, the demon master Kunpeng did not hesitate, and immediately activated the power of attacking the Avenue of Stars, and the stars were like meteors to the human race. The golden dragon smashed down, every star is above the void, the origin of the Zhoutian star formation is condensed, every star is the rule expression of the Star Avenue, is the explosion of the origin of the Star Avenue, is a monster race The burning of luck is also the burning of the origin of the stars! This kind of burning puts great pressure on the entire monster race. The star gods in each star are consuming their own origin. For them, every blow is a squeeze of their own origin, but they have no choice. This is their responsibility!


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