God of Destruction

Chapter 4446: The death of Jie Fuxi

Chapter 4452 The Death of Fuxi

Shooting stars fall, it is the struggle of the monster race, it is also the luck of the monster race, it is also the full explosion of the two major races, the duel of luck and luck, the duel between the source and the source, the duel between the rules and the rules, When the situation has reached this point, no one has a retreat, nor can anyone give in. Retreating is destruction and death!

"Hehe, I'm all sacrificing myself, I'm all taking on my own responsibilities, how long can I hide? Although my sister is not willing to let me participate in this battle, do I still have a choice? Is it really feasible to avoid? The power of cause and effect will not disappear with your retreat. I must take on this responsibility, and I must also take on the responsibility that my sister should take. Even at the expense of myself, I can’t let my sister because of the monster race. The great cause and effect of the war, the endless trouble on the back!" Seeing the demon master Kunpeng and the demon queen, even the ten crown princes of the demon clan are desperate, Fuxi feels extremely heavy as a demon clan powerhouse, and understands I can't hide it anymore, or the consequences will be disastrous.

"The secret of heaven evolves, Tian Yan Dao appears!" With Fu Xi's deep sigh, a strong Dao light burst out in the heaven. As a demon god, Fu Xi finally stood up and assumed his responsibility. This day, Tian Yan The light of the avenue appeared, and Fuxi rushed to the golden dragon of human luck with the momentum of the avenue. He wanted to fight for the demon clan, the demon master Kunpeng, and the'Zhou Tianxing Dazhen' to fight for a ray of life, and buy them time to perfect everything. , But he was dying by doing so.

Yes, at this moment, Fuxi is already thinking about life and death, and wants to use her own life as the cost to eliminate all the causality between herself and the Yaozu, and also eliminate all the cause and effect between herself and the Yaozu for her sister Nuwa. Only at the expense of herself can we do it. All of this, so he did not hesitate to make this sacrifice, even if it was possible to suffer the crisis of death and death, he still did it!

"No, brother, don't!" When she felt the light of Yan's Dao in the heavenly court rising, Empress Nuwa's heart trembled instantly, and she immediately revealed that her brother had an accident. When she looked up and saw the light of Yan's rushing from that day When she approached the Human Fate Jinlong, she couldn't help but screamed out, trying to stop all of this, but it was too late. The Tianyan Avenue that Fuxi controlled had already blocked the only way for the Human Fate Jinlong. Can't look back anymore.

At this time, Empress Nuwa can understand her brother’s intentions. This is to help herself eliminate the cause and effect between herself and the monster race. At the same time, she is also eliminating the cause and effect between herself and the monster race. If you want to do all of this, there is only one choice, that It is to buy time for the demon race at the price of her own life, so that the demon master Kunpeng can have enough time to prepare, and the price is too great for the Nuwa Empress, it is too big for her to accept, but this is the case. She can't control everything herself, and she can't control everything. Now Empress Nuwa can only watch her brother Fuxi go towards destruction.

Hearing the voice of Empress Nuwa, a faint smile flashed in Fuxi's eyes. For him, he sacrificed himself in exchange for the freedom of his sister, so that his sister could no longer be bound by the demon race's luck. It’s worth it, what’s your fate, will you die in this battle? For Fuxi, I don’t care. This is the relationship between brothers and sisters. For Fuxi, his sister is more important than everything. , Higher than the Yaozu, as long as he can let his sister live freely, live easily, and not be oppressed, everything is worthwhile, so in his eyes there is only the faint smile, not fear and anxiety!

"Crazy, crazy, even Fuxi has become so crazy, so decisive, at the expense of myself to wipe out the cause and effect of herself and the sister Nuwa and the monster race. This is really terrible. The monster race is a group of lunatics. , A group of lunatics who became mad and horrified everyone, the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, the demon master Kunpeng and the demon empress, and the demon master Kunpeng and the demon queen, now even Fuxi has done this, and the power of attachment in their hearts is too strong. They can do anything crazy under attachment!” When he saw this scene, Yuanshi Tianzun, a self-respecting saint, also came to change his color. All of this shocked him too much, and it was so big that it made him feel like it. Unable to accept time, there was a slight fear of the monster clan, which made him have a strong defensive heart against the monster clan!

"Crazy? Maybe it's a bit, but what Fuxi did is really remarkable. His move completely broke the shackles on Junior Sister Nuwa, and was no longer bound by the fate of the demon race, without the shackles of the demon race, Nuwa Junior sister’s choice is much more free!” When talking about this, Master Tongtian couldn’t help but sighed slightly, feeling a touch of loss in his heart for such a result, and at the same time it also gave him a hint of interest in the monster race. After a shocking change, the behavior of the Yaozu left a deep mark in his heart. Perhaps it is precisely because of this silk mark that there will be a future war of conferred gods!

Regarding Fuxi’s sacrifice, Taishang Laojun did not say anything. Although this result shocked him, Taishang Laojun did not act excessively, as if all this was not in his heart, as if he really didn’t. Care about all this.

Fuxi’s sacrifice also had an astonishing impact on the Western Two Saints. They all admired the Nuwa Empress’s elder brother. After all, not everyone can do this. Facing such a catastrophe, they dare to sacrifice themselves. Come to help his sister get out. This can be seen from Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi. Although Zhen Yuanzi is also wholeheartedly helping Hongyun, he wants to help Hongyun prove the way, but when Hongyun is in desperate situation, he needs Zhen Yuanzi. When Yuanzi sacrificed his life to rescue, Zhen Yuanzi could not do this, and could not sacrifice his own life to rescue Hongyun.

For the Human Race, when they saw the Demon God Fuxi suddenly stand up to block the Human Race’s luck with the Golden Dragon at this time, they had endless hatred in their hearts, because it was related to the life and death of the Human Race. If Fuxi’s move weakened the Human Race’s luck The power of the golden dragon makes the attack of the golden dragon not enough to destroy the monster’s "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array". At that time, the human race will fall into a greater crisis, and the sacrifice of the previous patriarch will be in vain. The Terran is unacceptable.

Relatively speaking, the Taoists of Yin and Yang and Hong Yun did not react at this time. For them, they have no intention to change in the unexpected world. They are all speeding up and strangling the enemies in front of them, clearing out the predecessors, and doing the final thing. The duel, so if they dare to be distracted at this time, they are killing themselves. This is a consequence that no one dares to bear!


In the current battle between the human race and the monster race, how did the witch race react, and how do those ancestral witches view all this? No one pays attention to it. Neither the Space Ancestor Wudijiang nor the Houtu Ancestor Witch has the heart to care about this duel. The most important thing for them is to develop and strengthen themselves. What will be the outcome of the duel between the human race and the monster race. , Has nothing to do with them.

If there is any, it is only against the Houtu ancestor witch. After all, the Houtu ancestor witch needs to suppress the six reincarnations, and is unwilling to see the collapse of the six reincarnations, and the duel between the human race and the monster race will greatly affect the six reincarnations. The stability.

Under the gaze of everyone, the human luck golden dragon collided with the Fuxi demon god, and the terrifying shock wave instantly swept the void. The starry sky outside the heaven was immediately torn apart by this terrifying force, the space was collapsing, the human luck The golden dragon is roaring frantically, and rays of light continue to burst out on the golden dragon's head. It is the power of the human will, the power of humanity, and it also has the power of the avenue of cause and effect. These many powers are madly obliterated. The origin of Fuxi.

With just one collision, the soul of the Demon God Fuxi suffered a terrible impact. The terrible causal power and the terrible humane will caused him devastating damage, causing his soul to be hit hard in the first time, as for himself. The origin is even more dangerous. You must know that he is using the power of one person to fight against the power of the human race, as well as the power of the Netherworld. In the face of the power of the world, even if it is only a part of the power of the world, it is not something that the Demon God Fuxi can fight against. Yes, after all, compared with the world, personal power is not worth mentioning, even if the Demon God Fuxi has the power of quasi-sage!

"No!" Empress Nuwa was shouting again, but it was a pity that she couldn't help her. Under the impact of the human luck golden dragon, Fuxi's light of origin was retreating steadily, and the power of the origin was crazy by the human luck golden dragon. Obliteration, in just a few breaths, most of the origin of the Demon God Fuxi was obliterated, and the human aura golden dragon was not greatly affected, at least in terms of the performance of the human aura golden dragon, it has not changed much. Constantly roaring, venting the anger in his heart.

"It's over, Fuxi is dead, and no one can save him this time!" When seeing this situation, those strong men hiding in the dark sighed for it, and they were all worthless for Fuxi. At the same time, Fuxi's fate Let them be vigilant. No matter what they are doing, it’s best not to fight against big civilizations such as humans and monsters. In the face of the power of racial civilization, they are strong but limited, and even the smallest racial civilization has it. A fatal blow may erupt!

"Roar!" The Human Qi Luck Golden Dragon uttered a terrible roar again. The angry Qi Luck Golden Dragon unreservedly launched an attack on the Fuxi Demon God again. This time Fuxi had no power to fight against the Human Qi Luck Golden Dragon again, even even Lian. There was no chance to react. It was directly destroyed by the human aura golden dragon, and the source of his body was directly wiped out. Only a remnant soul disappeared into the void under the protection of his last source of power. It was just a few moments. While breathing, Fuxi, the giant of the monster race, fell completely and was completely beheaded. This result shocked everyone and made everyone see the horror of the human race.

After beheading Fuxi, the human fortune golden dragon did not stop and continued to rush towards the monster's "Zhou Tianxingdou Array". At this time, the human fortune golden dragon had a huge change from before, and the human fortune golden dragon became incomparable. The violent, the blocking of the Fuxi Demon God inspired the instinct of the golden dragon of human luck, and the cause and effect of the two races of human and demon were thoroughly stimulated.

The Qi Luck Golden Dragon leaped into the sky and slammed into the Monster Race’s “Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array”, and at this moment, the demon master Kun Peng who presided over the “Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array” could not help but sighed. Fuxi’s death had an impact on him too much. It’s big, originally in the mind of the demon master Kunpeng, that this time the decisive battle between the two races of humans and monsters, Fuxi, who is backed by the saint, Nuwa Empress, would not make a move, but everything in front of him made him understand that he was wrong, and that Fuxi was right about him The younger sister Nuwa Empress is very important, and at this critical moment, she would rather sacrifice her life, but also clear all obstacles and all constraints for the Nuwa Empress, so that the Nüwa Empress is not affected by the demon race!

Unfortunately, at this moment, the demon master Kunpeng has no time to think about the problems behind this. The most important thing for him is how to withstand the attack of the human luck golden dragon. From the duel between Fuxi and the human luck golden dragon, the demon master Kunpeng could clearly feel the madness of the human luck golden dragon. The other party didn't want to stop the operation of the'Zhou Tianxingdou Grand Array', but came with the same heart. This was too shocking for the demon master Kunpeng. Let him deeply feel the threat of death!

Fuxi was dead, and there was only a remnant soul left. If it weren’t for the human luck and the golden dragon had no time to chase down, I’m afraid that Fuxi would die and die. This result has brought too many impacts to the entire prehistoric land, and it also brings too much impact. There have been too many changes. When she saw her brother die under the golden dragon of human luck, Empress Nuwa felt very heavy, and she also had a slight hatred for the human race, even if the human race was her child, but Now Empress Nuwa still has a trace of hatred. For her, Human Race shouldn't kill her elder brother. After all, Human Race is not unavoidable to avoid this battle. Human luck Jinlong has the soul of the human patriarch as a guide!

It's no use not to be reconciled, everything has happened. Empress Nuwa can't change all this, she can only endure this pain silently. This is the causal cycle. This is the impact she has to bear, just between a few breaths. The relationship between Empress Nuwa and the human race is even more estranged. Whether it is the Human race or herself, she is deliberately alienating each other. The human race is because of the identity of the demon **** Fuxi, because of the actions of the demon **** Fuxi, and the lady Nuwa because of herself The death of my brother!

Although there is a faint hatred in her heart, Empress Nuwa cannot withdraw and leave at this time, and cannot give up the human race. Although the cause and effect between her and the monster race has been eliminated, the cause and effect between her and the human race has not been eliminated. To go, you will inevitably be backlashed by the luck of the human race. The most important thing is that his brother Fuxi’s sacrifice was wasted. Brother Fuxi paid such a high price to win a bit of freedom for himself. If he gave up because of a momentary impulse Falling, this is disrespect to one's elder brother, and it is even more unbearable consequence for Empress Nuwa!


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