God of Destruction

Chapter 4447: Festival desperately

Four thousand four hundred and fifty-three chapters desperately

"How many Star Gods will survive after this battle?" The demon master Kunpeng secretly wondered in his heart. The current situation has had too much impact on him. He can't see the hope of the demon clan's victory, although the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Taiyi The demon clan army led by Demon Emperor Jun still dominates, but the demon clan’s luck is constantly weakening, and the lower level of the demon clan’s confidence is collapsing. Once the little monsters cannot withstand such a shock, the demon’s aura Luck will inevitably collapse, and then the monster race will really be over!

After a while, the demon master Kunpeng sighed softly: "I can only do my best. I hope everything goes smoothly. I hope that the demon king and their followers can save the demon clan's general trend and fight for the demon clan's vitality. Today's Nuwa Empress is no longer affected by the demon race's luck, this greatly affects the demon race's survival and the overall situation of the demon race!"

Now the demon master Kunpeng can only do his best, but in this battle he is really not optimistic that the demon clan can withstand the impact of the human luck and golden dragon, holding the human clan who has come to the end, they have no consideration in their hearts, but for the demon clan. Many star gods, they may not be able to live and die with the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. They must have selfish intentions. Once one person’s belief is shaken, the entire monster race will be affected by it, and the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array will be affected by it. His ignorance, his stupidity collapsed!

Although the demon master Kunpeng really wants to prevent this from happening, he has nothing to do. He can't do this. After all, the demon heart is unpredictable. At this time, under this situation, saying anything is redundant, and he will talk too much. It will affect the general trend of the monster race even more. Instead of wasting energy on these star gods, it is better to fight with all strength. As for the life and death of the star gods, the survival of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, everything depends on luck, everyone's good fortune, life and death. By fate!

It seems that the demon master Kunpeng's mentality is a bit negative, but this is the fact. When the situation reaches this point, the demon master Kunpeng has no other way. He has done everything he can do, and the power that the demon race can use has been used. , Even the Demon Empress and the top ten princes of the Demon Race are all out. It can be seen that the power of the Demon Race has reached its limit. Under this situation, the Demon Master Kunpeng can only resign to fate. As for other Demon Races, their strength is too weak. It has no effect at all in this battle.

Both Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were able to sacrifice themselves for the demon clan at all costs, could it be said that there is no other such powerful person in the entire demon clan, and no one will stand up and sacrifice himself for the demon clan at this critical moment? ?

No, indeed not. Even the most loyal monsters will not do this. They are unwilling to accept death. They can fight for the monsters, but they have no idea of ​​sacrificing their lives for the monsters, if not The fortune of the monster race has bound them to death, making them afraid to bear the backlash of the fortune. I am afraid that some powerful monsters have already escaped. For those powerful monsters, many people have only benefits in their hearts. , When the demon race is not worthy of staying, they all have the idea of ​​betrayal in their hearts, but they can't break away from the shackles of the demon race's luck on themselves!

At this time, under this situation, the monster clan is on the verge of collapse. As long as there is a little more power, the monster clan will disintegrate directly, and most of the little monsters will break away from the control of the heavenly court, and will run for their lives alone, right. For these little monsters, there is no loyalty. They are invested under the Yaozu only to protect themselves. They have backers not to be bullied by other races, but now the monsters themselves cannot protect themselves. They naturally have to find another way out, and naturally they have to find a way out from the Yaozu. Get out.

For these little demons, they don’t care about the backlash of the demons’ luck, because they don’t get too much benefit from the demons themselves, or even no benefit at all. What they have is just giving, so if they get away from the demons, The backlash suffered by the clan is very small. In contrast, the monster clan giants have to deal with this disaster carefully and carefully. When the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi did not fall, before the heaven was destroyed, they all To stand in the camp of the demon race, not dare to escape easily, otherwise the great cause and effect, great trouble will fall on their heads, and they will pay a heavy price.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Human Clan Qi Luck Golden Dragon finally accepted the Yao Clan’s "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array", and at this time, under the command of the demon master Kunpeng, the power of the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array" also completed the final Condensation, the origins of the two great stars of the lunar sun are completely activated, the endless sun is real fire, and the cold waves of the lunar cold are condensing crazily, and they are in conjunction with the'Stars of Zhou'. The clan princes are desperate, they all understand that this time is the calamity of the demon clan, but also their own calamity, enjoying the endless years of the demon clan's luck, now is the time to pay the price.

Similarly, the demon master Kunpeng is also desperate, the power of the two stars of the lunar sun is concentrated on him, and the pressure on the demon master Kunpeng is huge, but he must persist, must bear, this is the cause and effect that he must bear, who will let himself As a demon master, enjoying the boundless luck of the demon clan, now is the time to pay for it.

"Come on, let us fight for life and death, Zhou Tian stars appear, stars fall, destroy the sky and destroy the earth!" With a deep cry from the demon master Kun Peng, the origin of the entire'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array' was fully aroused, the origin of the stars. The power was ignited crazily, and there was no reservation at all. In order to be able to block the attack of the human luck golden dragon, the demon master Kunpeng made a crazy decision to sacrifice the background of the stars to obtain the most powerful attacking power. , After World War I, Zhou Tian's star battle formation will be abolished, and Zhou Tian's stars will be greatly damaged, but the demon master Kunpeng has no choice. This is the only vitality.

When the demon master Kunpeng made a frantic attack, the human fortune golden dragon was also erupting under the guidance of the human patriarch’s soul, and a dragon roar resounded throughout the world, and the creatures outside the human race could not hear the dragon chant. The meaning of human race, but the human race heard this dragon chant, in this dragon chant is the command issued by the human patriarch to all races.

"Human will condense!" Under this command, all the human wills are condensed to the Qiyun Golden Dragon, and all the creatures of the human race are giving their will to the Qiyun Golden Dragon, so that the Qiyun Golden Dragon can condense with the power of this will. The most powerful attack, under the cohesion of the will of all races, the dragon horns of the human luck golden dragon emit a dazzling light, and the terrible aura radiates from the dragon horns, and this is not all the attacking power of the Qi luck golden dragon. This is just the beginning.


Soon, when the dragon horn exudes a powerful aura, another dragon chant sounded. This time, the dragon chant was not issuing an order to the human beings, but was burning the source of power given to it by the yin and yang Taoists, burning the source of cause and effect. The power, the terrifying causal power condensed on the Qiyun Golden Dragon, began to burn frantically, and the pieces of dragon scales were burned frantically, turning into a terrifying force of attack and once again condensed on the dragon's horns, it can be said Now the human luck golden dragon is doing the final fight.

At this time, the Human Kind Luck Golden Dragon gave up its own defense and concentrated all its power on the attack. Just as the demon master Kunpeng felt, the Human Kind Golden Dragon did come with a heart of retribution, without thinking at all. For the human clan chief, it is worthwhile to sacrifice himself in exchange for the vitality of the human race. Perhaps this battle will greatly damage the human luck, or make the human race into a desperate situation, but he does not regret it. Because this is the only counterattack force of the human race.

"Desperate, the human luck golden dragon is desperate, the human clan chief must burn all the cause and effect at the cost of his own soul, in exchange for strong enough power, to make a final fight, hoping that he can achieve his wish and can give the monster a fatal With one blow, it can break through the Monster Race’s “Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation”, and be able to take these Monster Races to death. If the demon master Kunpeng dies in this battle, the Demon Empress will also fall, which will be for the entire demon race. A devastating blow!" When the human luck golden dragon burned everything frantically, the Yin and Yang Taoists felt the changes in the road of cause and effect, and felt that the human luck golden dragon had reached the final battle.

Although the thoughts of the Yin and Yang Taoist people are used to strangle the enemies in the Dao realm, they are desperately taking the lives of these predecessors and their luck, and not giving Hongyun the opportunity to strengthen himself, but when he is a human luck golden dragon Under the guidance of the patriarch of the human race, when he was going to fight to the death with the "Zhou Tian Xing Da Array" of the demon race, the Taoist Yin and Yang still involuntarily raised his head and looked towards the void, wanting to know whether the human luck golden dragon can pull the demon clan’s "Zhou Tian Xing Da" Array' to die together!

"Use my soul to burn everything, turn it into the strongest attack, the golden horn cracks the sky, kill!" As the last deep shout fell, the original flesh and blood body of the human luck golden dragon disappeared, and the human clan chief’s The soul burns away, and the origin of cause and effect burns away. All power is concentrated on the single horn of the Qiyun Golden Dragon. This is the aggregation of all powers and the final attacking power of the Human Qiyun Golden Dragon. This cohesion is the will of the Human Race. , Condensing all the power.

When the voice fell, when the human luck golden dragon completely disappeared, the dragon horn cut through the void and directly slammed into the monster clan’s "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array". I have to say that this time the human clan chief had enough fun. Jue, after burning everything, when the Qi Luck Golden Dragon disappeared, the demon master Kunpeng led the attacking power of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' instantly wiped out most of it.

Without that huge body, the attack of the Monster Race's "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array" naturally failed from the original lock. It will take time to re-lock, and at this moment, the dragon left by the human luck golden dragon Jiao had already exploded in the final attack, the terrifying Long Jie directly tore open the defense of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and directly rushed into the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array!

"Damn it, how could this happen? Even if you are desperate, you can't fight to the death from the beginning!" The madness of the human luck and the golden dragon made the demon master Kunpeng feel the world's deep malice, even if the two races of shemales and monsters never die, it has never been like this. Desperately, he blew himself up as soon as he came up, and directly fought to the death, without even a chance to relax, so that many of the strengths he prepared were wasted, and he was plunged into crisis and disaster again!

At this time, I want to have enough time to prepare again. It can only be said to be a joke. The demon master Kunpeng has no time to complain. When faced with this crazy blow, when the defense of the Zhoutian Star Dou Array was torn apart, The demon master Kunpeng can only work hard, and all the star gods can only work hard, otherwise there is only a dead end waiting for everyone, there is no second possibility.

Before the demon master Kunpeng counterattacked, the power of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon had torn apart the origins of the first few stars, directly causing the star gods of these stars to die and soul, and even the remnants of the soul were not left, the real body The dead soul disappeared, such an amazing lethality made other star gods terrified, and made them feel uneasy from their hearts!

Now someone needs to stand up again, someone needs to bear the responsibility of blocking the attack of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, someone needs to sacrifice again, but no one can stand up now, if the demon master Kunpeng has this ability, but now the demon master Kunpeng needs to host' The overall situation of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, if he sacrifices, the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array will collapse instantly. No one else can guarantee the operation of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and the demon queen and the demon clan’s top ten The prince must stabilize the origins of the two stars of the lunar sun, and other star gods are unwilling to sacrifice themselves. After all, when facing death, everyone is afraid!

"It's over, this group of stupid **** are still holding such ridiculous selfishness at this time. If no one comes forward, eventually all the demon gods will be backlashed by the'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array'!" At this moment, the demon master Kunpeng's heart He was extremely heavy, but he couldn’t change all of this, because those **** Star Gods had illusions in their hearts, and they didn’t think that the final blow of the Human Fortune Golden Dragon would completely destroy the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array'. You won’t die without being attacked directly!

The attacking power of the Golden Dragon of Human Clan’s Qi Luck is directed there. It is the two stars of the Lunar Sun, because among these two stars, there is the biggest Qi Luck of the Monster Clan. Although the patriarch of the Human Clan has burned all the souls, this final attack The instinct of slashing will target the biggest enemy of the human race by itself, and the top of the'Stars of Zhou Dynasty' is not the demon master Kunpeng who presided over the'Stars of Zhou', but the demon queen and the top ten of the monsters. Prince, are the two stars of the lunar sun.

How to do? The demon master Kunpeng's heart was extremely embarrassed. At this time, no one stood up to stop the attack of the Golden Dragon of Human Fortune. The entire'Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation' will be plunged into the greatest disaster, and everything is blocked by the Fortune of Humanity to attack the Lunar Sun. The stars in front of the two big stars will be torn apart, and when the Human Race's Fortune Golden Dragon rushes into the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', the Yao Race loses its initiative!


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