God of Destruction

Chapter 4448: Disappointment

Chapter 4454 Disappointment

sorrow! At this moment, the demon master Kunpeng suddenly felt that his sacrifice was not worthwhile. The sacrifices of the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were not worthwhile, and the sacrifices of the demon queen were not worthwhile. For such a group of stupid and ignorant bastards, it was really not worth sacrificing yourself. After all over again, the demon master Kunpeng will never choose this kind of confrontation anymore, he will turn around and leave directly, because these **** are not worth guarding at all. They have never put the life and death of the demon race first in their hearts. There is always only oneself, even when the monster race is alive and dead, they are not willing to sacrifice themselves!

Facing such a **** group of bastards, it’s no wonder that the demon master Kunpeng is so pessimistic. Looking at the human race and then looking at the demon race, it’s really not on the same level. Although the human race is facing a desperate situation, the human race can work together and some people continue to stand up and sacrifice. In the monster clan, only the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, the demon queen, the ten princes of the demon clan, and his own demon master with huge cause and effect, although the demon **** Fuxi was sacrificed for the demon clan on the surface, in fact Fuxi was sacrificed for the demon clan. The demon **** cares more about the Nuwa Empress, his sacrifice has great selfishness, while the other demon clan giants are more selfish and terrible one by one, they have never thought of sacrificing themselves.

Yes, at this moment, the demon master Kunpeng thought that he had clearly seen the situation of the entire demon clan and the mentality of the demon clan. At this time, the battle has been going on for so long, how difficult is the situation of the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi? It’s impossible for the monster army that followed the demon king to attack. Why didn’t the monster giants in the army stand up and sacrifice? If someone sacrifices, can the human race really resist the edge of the monster army? The saint has always stopped the demon race, but those demon gods can sacrifice themselves and focus on the survival of the demon race, and none of this will happen at all.

It’s no longer useful to hate these selfish demon gods in my heart. The demon master Kunpeng has really given up on the demon clan. He only needs to do his fulfilment to the full. What will end in the end? It doesn’t take him anymore. Wasting energy to think, for this group of selfish bastards, I don't need to care about their survival.

Even at this moment, the demon master Kunpeng had a crazy thought in his heart, he wanted to pull the demon queen and the ten crown princes of the demon clan to retreat, ignore the life and death of these demon gods, and ignore the life and death of the demon clan, just his body. The cause and effect made the demon master Kunpeng had to give up, after all, the consequences of doing so were too serious, so serious that his demon master could not bear it!

Time is life. Someone can stand up and sacrifice themselves to block the fatal blow of the human luck golden dragon, and can buy time for the change of the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array", so that the demon race can have vitality and have the opportunity to turn over. But now such a situation will never happen. Under such a serious situation, what can the demon master Kunpeng do!

Unfortunately, now the demon master Kunpeng cannot notify the demon queen, nor can he notify the top ten princes, otherwise he will not allow this situation to continue, and will not allow the demon queen and the top ten princes to be in danger, and for the sake of this group Damn it, sacrificing yourself, but in the current situation, the demon master Kunpeng can’t tell the strength. If you are distracted at this time, it is very likely that the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' will collapse prematurely, not just to face it. For the impact of death, both the Demon Empress and the Ten Crown Princes had only one dead end.

At this time, the demon queen and the top ten princes in the lunar star and the sun star are all suffering a great impact. After all, in the lunar star, the sun star is the core of the "Zhou Tian Xing Da Array", which is the ultimate attack of the human luck golden dragon. When locking them, they naturally have to withstand a huge impact. In contrast, the pressure on other stars is very small. However, those stars that stand in front of the ultimate attack by the human luck golden dragon have to face destruction and death. There is no escape. If these star gods can stand up and make sacrifices on their own, they will still be alive for the monster race. Unfortunately, they still have illusions in their hearts, and this illusion destroys not only them, but also There are the entire monster race, all the star gods in the entire'Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array'!

Under the frenzied attack of the Human Kind’s Qi Luck Golden Dragon, the Star Gods are constantly falling. They are all strangled directly by the power of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon. The true spirits and souls are destroyed, and there is no vitality. But that’s it, there is still no Yaozu’s. The star gods stood up, they still had that ridiculous fantasy, and they still believed that it would not take long for the human luck golden dragon's attack to dissipate. The deaths of the previous star gods were enough to offset most of the human luck golden dragon attacks, but they Forget, the human luck golden dragon is not an ordinary power. It is the will of the human race. The two races of humans and monsters never die. The two races of humans and monsters are truly opposites. Every time a demon **** is killed, it is of great benefit to the human race. There is great luck, it can be said that every time a star **** falls, the luck of the human race will be stronger, and the attack of the human luck golden dragon will not be weakened, on the contrary, it will be stronger!

Because the attack of the human aura and the golden dragon will actively devour the demon’s aura. Although the power to swallow is not too much, it is enough to offset the loss of itself, and it will strengthen itself a little bit, and it is yin and yang that causes all this. Daoists endow the human race with the causal power of the golden dragon, and under the effect of causality, this is a huge threat to the monster race.

For the monster race, the death of every star **** is the weakening of luck, the weakening of its own strength, and the backlash of the origin of the'Xiantian Star Fighting Array'. After all, the'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array' has taken over. The law of stars, when the law comes, how can the many star gods who are blessed by the law not be backlashed, but the most serious nature is the sun and the lunar stars, and the purple stars, and these three stars are in the top ten of the monster race In the hands of the Prince, Demon Empress, and Kunpeng, they suffered the heaviest backlash.

Of course, the sun and stars are borne by the top ten princes. Although the pressure is high, it is much better to have ten people to share the burden. Naturally, the demon empress bears it by himself. As for the demon master Kunpeng, he was originally the master of the stars. , It’s just that the Lord of Ziwei Stars has been taken over by the Demon Race, and Kunpeng will be the presiding officer for the time being. That’s how the Demon Master Kunpeng is able to run the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array'!

"This group of **** bastards, do they really have no idea at all? They really don't know anything about the situation of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array? They really want to be defeated by the law of stars and die?" Facing this Under the circumstances, the demon master Kunpeng's heart is extremely heavy. Every star god's fall will have a huge backlash against the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and Kunpeng will not be able to hold on for long, and the demon empress can't hold on for much, and the top ten princes also Can't hold on for too long!

auzw.com everything has a degree, once the "Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array" can endure to the extreme, there is only a dead end waiting for everyone, and those star gods have absolutely no chance of survival. Even the ignorance of these **** will cause the demon master Kunpeng and the demon queen, and the ten princes to be destroyed, and this is what the demon master Kunpeng does not want to see.

"You can't go on like this anymore, you must find a way to break the game, otherwise you will really be killed by these **** bastards!" Although the demon master Kunpeng has to take his own responsibility, this does not mean that he is willing to face death. He wanted to give these star gods a chance to choose and give them a chance, but he really couldn't do it. This group of **** is too hateful, too selfish, and too ignorant. Standing with such a group of **** is his greatest sorrow!

Give up the connection between yourself and the Ziwei stars, pay a little price, and bear the cause and effect of the Ziwei stars at the price of a little soul of your own! In an instant, the demon master Kunpeng made such a decision. It is impossible to not pay any price. After all, you must have the power to preside over the overall situation of Ziwei Star. If you want to completely cut off cause and effect, you naturally have to bear the price.

With a thought in his heart, the demon master Kunpeng quickly cut a piece of his own soul, let this soul blend into the Ziwei stars, let him replace the position of the master of the Ziwei stars, and let him take on the role of the star of Zhou Tian. The responsibility of the formation has allowed the demon master Kunpeng himself to escape from this disaster. Of course, the demon master Kunpeng paid not only his own soul, but also his own origin. Only in this way can he be foolproof. Able to get yourself a chance to get away.

The demon master Kunpeng felt the crisis and quickly made a decision. Would the demon queen and the ten princes be in charge of the two stars of the lunar sun, would it not feel at all? No, they all felt the changes in the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' and felt the intense crisis, but they couldn't reach the level of the demon master Kunpeng, and couldn't let themselves get out because they were worried about the demon emperor. The life and death of Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, once they did this, they might be able to escape themselves, but the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array would directly collapse, and the entire monster clan’s last assassin was completely shattered. At that time, the monster clan’s Qi luck will inevitably collapse. Di Jun and Tai Yi, who are the demon emperor, will inevitably suffer the backlash of the demon clan’s luck and will directly fall into desperation. This is the result that they are unwilling to accept!

Consider, yes, this is the concern of the Demon Empress and the ten princes, and it is also the worry in their hearts. They dare not give up the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' even if they can hold on for a while, they must do their best to pay, but they Doing so is at the cost of his own life, and doing so may not save the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

I have to say that the Demon Empress and the top ten princes are taking their own responsibilities, while other demon clan powerhouses have not done so. It is the selfishness, stupidity and ignorance of these demon clan powerhouses that make the demon queen and the top ten princes also fall into In the desperate situation, the last of the demon clan's luck was wasted by them. Without the demon queen and ten princes, could the demon clan still survive?

"Quickly give up, don’t do that meaningless struggle. No matter how persistent it is, there will be no results. We are defeated. We are defeated in our own hands. We are defeated in the hands of those ignorant and stupid companions. Don’t want to stand up again. This is Impossible!" Seeing that the Demon Empress and the Top Ten Princes were still insisting, the Demon Master Kun Peng Teng immediately issued a warning to them.

Unfortunately, although the demon master Kunpeng was kind, he did not get the approval of the demon queen and the top ten princes, and even hated them. After all, the demon master Kunpeng's retreat has seriously affected the strength of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and it is also serious. Affected Yaozu's luck. Can you blame the demon master Kunpeng for all this? No, it's not that the demon master Kunpeng did not act, but that these star gods of the demon race are too ignorant and too selfish!

When the demon queen and the top ten princes did not answer, the demon master Kunpeng sighed and muttered to himself: "Perhaps this is the destiny. The destiny of the demon clan is really unchangeable. I have already done what I can. Everything I do is worthy of the Demon Emperor and the Eastern Emperor, and what the end will be in the end is beyond my control. I am worthy of my conscience!"

As soon as the words of the demon master Kunpeng fell, the power of the human aura golden dragon had already passed through the outer stars, and went directly to the sun and stars, as the core star of the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array'. The stars from the Demon King’s background are most valued by the Human Fortune Golden Dragon, and are most likely to be locked in by the Human Fortune Golden Dragon. When this power appears outside the sun and stars, the Demon King’s ten princes are dumbfounded, and the Demon Empress is also dumbfounded, Human Race The attack of the Qiyun Jinlong came so quickly, which they did not expect. At this time, even if the top ten princes want to get out and want to shake the pen, the sun and stars have been attacked by the human Qiyun Jinlong. Force locked, that terrifying power directly cut off their chance of escape!

"It's over, the ten princes are over, why don't they listen to the advice, they have to fight to the end, facing the desperate battle of the human race, can they afford it? I can't watch the last blood of the demon king die and burn me Right, the origin erupts, move the star to change the battle, open!" When seeing the ten great princes in desperation, the demon master Kunpeng had to stand up again, burning the origin of the purple stars, burning his own origin, and opening the stars. The power of rules, the power of moving stars for stars directly transfers part of the power of attacking the sun and stars to the purple stars, and it is up to you to take on this cause and effect.

I have to say that the demon master Kunpeng is still a good demon. At this time, in such a dangerous situation, he was able to sacrifice his own interests and also to protect the blood of the demon emperor Jun. This is not a trivial matter. The pressure and impact he endured was extremely shocking, but he did so, really sacrificing part of his strength, blessing a bloodline for the demon emperor Jun!

Moving the stars and changing battles, this is a great supernatural power, great power, the demon master Kunpeng did this, and he suffered a lot of backlash, but he did so, and when making such a decision, the demon master Kunpeng's heart was also extremely This was not the result he wanted, but he had to do it. In contrast, the other monster star gods turned a blind eye and let the crisis erupt!


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