God of Destruction

Chapter 4449: Sacrifice

Chapter 4455 Sacrifice

The demon master Kunpeng also has selfish intentions, but at least he understands what he should and should not do in the current situation. No matter whether his shot is successful or not, he will eliminate the cause and effect between himself and the demon clan, and will also repay the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang. Taiyi’s cause and effect, of course, is also his responsibility. After all, as a demon master, as a part of the demon clan’s heaven, he must maintain the blood of the demon emperor. It’s a pity that other demon clan star gods did not see this. They were all affected by selfishness, and they all lost their rationality!

"Huh!" A muffled sigh resounded from the mouth of the demon master Kunpeng. This is the impact brought by the shifting star and the battle. With just one blow, the demon master Kunpeng suffered a great impact and damage, and he was completely destroyed at this moment. Injury, this is not only the backlash of the "Stars of Zhou Tiandou", but also the rush of the Human Fortune Golden Dragon. The power of the Human Fortune Golden Dragon is beyond one's imagination!

Trouble! This is the first impression of the demon master Kunpeng. After feeling the fluctuations of the demon clan’s luck and his own injuries, for the demon master Kunpeng, he immediately understood the current situation and understood the danger of the demon clan’s situation and the human luck. The stronger the attacking power of the golden dragon, the weaker the demon’s luck, the more it proves the danger of the demon’s situation. The strength of the human luck of the golden dragon is reflected in the unity of the humans, while the weakness of the demon’s luck shows that In the chaos within the monster race, some people have become rebellious!

"Hurry up!" Regardless of his own injury, the demon master Kunpeng issued a warning to the Demon Empress and the top ten Golden Crow princes, asking them to quickly stop, but unfortunately at this time the top ten Golden Crow princes still did not take this warning to heart, because they The impact was not great. A lot of the power was taken away by the demon master Kunpeng, which made them think that the attack of the human luck golden dragon was nothing at all, leading them to arrogantly think that they have the ability to resist the human luck golden dragon. Attack!

It's a pity that these ten Golden Crow princes were wrong. Their ignorance and arrogance made themselves into desperation quickly. Human luck Jinlong did not give the demon master Kunpeng too much time to prepare, and soon the second When the blow broke out, the golden horn exploded with terrifying power once again, and the power of the human will was madly condensing. The remaining instinct of the human luck golden dragon was summoning the power of the human will, and the human beings were angry. When Yun Jinlong broke out a powerful attack, he also understood the terrible war, and devoted himself to this life-and-death confrontation, and gave his will to Qi Yun Jinlong.

The Demon Empress understands the danger of the situation, but now she can’t get out. After all, she is different from Kunpeng. The Lunar Star is the place where she was born and her dojo. Her life is closely related to the Lunar Star, even if she wants to get out. And it is impossible to retreat, not to mention that if she retreats in this situation, the ten Golden Crow princes who are still insisting, her children will face the disaster of extinction. Although the demon emperor is looking forward to good luck, but will The hope is pinned on external forces. This is a big mistake in itself. What's more, how can the demon race have good luck? The demon race has been abandoned by the heavens!

With a loud bang, the power of the Human Kind Luck Golden Dragon once again blasted above the sun and stars. This time the demon master Kunpeng was too late to help the ten Golden Crow princes, and could not bear part of the power of the attack. The attack of the human luck golden dragon slammed on the sun and stars, directly on the top ten golden crow princes who guarded the sun and stars.

"No, this attack is too powerful!" As the top ten golden crow princes who guard the sun and stars, he instantly understood that he was wrong. The enemy's power was not as unbearable as he thought, but now they have no retreat. In this desperate situation, it is impossible to protect themselves at this time, and they will inevitably suffer a devastating blow.

For the top ten Golden Crow princes, they can only sacrifice themselves to protect others as much as possible, and the first one to stand up is naturally the prince. There is no hesitation, and there is no astonishing language. There is only a burning in silence. The power of one's own origin, put all of one's own origin into the origin of the sun and stars, and enhance the power of the sun and stars.

Soon a golden crow's sorrow sounded, the original source of the great prince was exhausted, and his life came to an end, but the crisis of the sun and stars was not relieved, the power of the human luck golden dragon was still madly bombarding the sun and stars, still threatening With the lives of other demon clan princes, the second prince stood up and started to burn his own origin, taking over the responsibility of his brother, paying his own life for the demon clan, and fighting for the demon clan to the last moment.

At this time, the demon empress’s heart was cut, she was screaming and unwilling, but she could not stop all of this, everything was her own fault, if it weren’t for she hadn’t followed the warning from the demon master Kunpeng, hadn’t made a decision in time, no If you retreat in time, you will not reach this point, and your children will not fall into such a crisis.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand, in fact, the main reason lies in the star gods of the Monster Race. It is their selfishness, that they have not taken on their own responsibilities, have not fought hard for the Monster Race, and made the situation out of control. It was too late now, the luck of the monster race became weaker with the death of the prince, and the situation of the monster race became more dangerous.

When the great prince of the demon race fell, at the moment of his death, the demon emperor Jun, who was far away in the ancestral land of the human race in the prehistoric land, seemed to feel the changes from the sun and the stars, and felt the fall of his child, a horror. The power of Demon erupted from his body. This was the final trump card of Demon Emperor Jun and his ultimate killer. The endless demon intent burst out of him madly, and the demon intent that had been suppressed by Demon Emperor Jun in the depths of his soul finally Under the influence of the outside world, it broke out in an all-round way, and when the terrible magical intent came out, the vitality and inspiration of the entire Human Race Ancestral Witch was threatened with destruction.


"Damn it, this is the most true and pure devil intent. The **** of Demon Emperor Jun wants to die with us!" When seeing the eruption of Demon Emperor Jun, Sanqing's expression changed drastically, and the expression of the Western Two Saints changed drastically. They They all feel the threat of death. Under this true and pure demon intent, even if they are the saints of the heavenly path, they have the possibility of perishing. The power of this demon path is enough to threaten their lives. This is the demon emperor Jun's The ultimate killer is also his ultimate strength.

With such a shocking change, the pressure on Empress Nuwa also doubled. This situation was something she did not expect. She did not expect that Demon Emperor Jun had such a hole card and could burst out such a terrifying devil. This demon intent has completely erupted. It is not only that the heavenly saints have to face the threat of death, but the entire human race will no longer have any vitality. It will be completely strangled by this terrifying demon intent. Even when the demon intent reaches its apex, the demon is Power will descend on the prehistoric land. At that time, the entire world will lose control, and the entire prehistoric world will face the devil's attack.

"Damn Dijun, you hide so deeply and possess such terrible magical intent. It seems that you have got the inheritance of the magic way, but you have not let other people know that this time the problem of the monster race is even greater, you It doesn’t matter if the **** wants to die, but don’t bother me!” The Nuwa Empress was extremely angry at this time. When this horrible devil came out, the first unlucky thing was her Human Mother, the guardian of the Human Race. If the Nuwa Empress couldn’t To protect the safety of the human race, what awaits her will only be the reverse of the human luck. Once all the human beings in the human ancestry are all dead, she, the mother of the human race, will inevitably have only a dead end.

As a saint, he was caught in such a crisis at this moment. It was unacceptable for the Nuwa Empress. Before, her brother Fuxi had sacrificed himself for the demon clan and eliminated the cause and effect between himself and the demon clan, but now She still wasn't relaxed, on the contrary, it was even more dangerous. This result made Empress Nuwa extremely hated the lunatic demon Emperor Jun in her heart.

Before the Empress Nuwa complained, the second cry soon sounded. The second prince of the Yaozu burned his own source and completely sacrificed his life for the Yaozu, and the Yaozu’s luck was shut down faster. The situation of the clan is even more dangerous. Even the two demon clan princes have not prevented the destructive situation of the demon clan, but the attack of the real dragon of human luck has not weakened. This result has shocked the mother of Nuwa, and is horrified by the human race. The shock, but also the helplessness of the Yaozu.

At this time, the third golden crow prince also stood up and took on the responsibility of the historian, burning himself, but the monster star gods still turned a blind eye, and did not have any excuses to let this situation continue to happen. In their eyes, it’s only their own life and death. In their opinion, the sacrifice of the top ten princes of the Yao race is due. This is their obligation, and these Yao race star gods have forgotten an important point. Every prince of the Yao race has There is great luck for the demon race. The death of every demon clan prince is a blow to the demon race's luck and will cause devastating disasters and put the demon race into desperation.

"What do you **** have to wait for, do you really have to watch the demon clan shatter? Do you think you can survive after the destruction of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation?" At this time, the demon master Kunpeng really couldn't stand it. , Roaring angrily, seriously dissatisfied with those ignorant and stupid Monster Race Star Gods. Two Monster Race princes have already died. Soon the third Monster Race prince will also die, and those Monster Race Star Gods chose to ignore it. Just for'self-protection'!

"Damn Kunpeng, he is not willing to sacrifice himself, but at this time he wants to scold us, why doesn't he stand up to stop this if he has the ability!" Facing the roar of the demon master Kunpeng, these demon star gods were not ashamed for the first time , But rather dismissively, but ridiculed. In their opinion, at this time, the demon master Kunpeng should stand up and take responsibility and sacrifice for the demon clan.

These demon clan star gods did not see the demon master Kunpeng’s sacrifice at all, let alone the demon master Kunpeng’s sacrifice. In their hearts, as long as the demon master Kunpeng did not die, they did not pay for the demon clan, they were just preserving their strength. The death of the demon master Kunpeng is to truly fight for the demon race. This is their truest thoughts and their truest state of mind. Selfishness is deep in their bones. They have only themselves in their hearts, and there is no other at all, demon. They didn't care about the sacrifices of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. They also didn't care about the sacrifices of the ten princes of the Demon Race. They only care about their own survival!

"It's a pity that the monsters, if they can unite as one and still have a ray of life, it is that they have cut off their own vitality. A group of selfish **** gather together. There is no problem in normal times. They will unite and cooperate and fight together. Interests, but when a crisis arises, they will only think of their own life and death, not the life and death of the Yaozu. Even if someone stands up and sacrifices, they will not change their minds. This is the Yaozu!" Circumstances, Empress Nuwa couldn't help sighing in her heart. No one knows how the demon race came from. The demon race is just an aggregation of major races. If there is interest, they are willing to fight for the demon race. When in danger, they only care about themselves.

"Perhaps the Demon Race shouldn't exist at all. The Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were wrong from the beginning. It is just a joke to gather other races and condense the Demon Race. From the beginning to the end, the Demon Race is just a piece of loose sand. There are Demon Emperor Jun and Dong. Huang Taiyi’s demon clan still has the possibility of unity. Without the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, the entire demon clan has lost everything!” When she thought of this, Empress Nuwa sighed again. Such a demon clan deserves to go by herself. Do you pay? Is such a demon race worthy of her brother Fuxi's sacrifice? At this time, Nuwa Empress can't help but sigh for the sacrifice of her brother Fuxi's demon god!

Faced with such a group of ignorant and stupid chaos, it is indeed not worth sacrificing. It is precisely because of all this that the demon master Kunpeng will make such a choice, but he is still not cruel enough in his heart, and still can't let go of the demon emperor Jun. His bloodline, he didn’t want to see the Golden Crow line severed, but only relying on his own power couldn’t change everything. Now the demon master Kunpeng has no power to help those Golden Crow princes anymore. He has already done what he can do. all.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the sacrifice of the demon master Kunpeng, and it is precisely because of the demon master Kunpeng's dedication that the demon emperor Jun can fully explode and awaken this ultimate assassin. After all, if there is no demon master Kunpeng's dedication, in the sun and stars The ten Golden Crow princes did not have time to react at all, they would be directly bombarded and killed by the human luck golden dragon. And even with the demon master Kunpeng’s contribution, it still can’t change the general trend. The third Golden Crow Prince also exhausted all of his own source, let out a mournful cry, fell unwillingly in the sun and stars, and his fall caused the whole' Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array is trembling, the origin of the sun and stars is losing balance, and Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array is losing balance.


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