God of Destruction

Chapter 4450: Persecution

Chapter 4456: Persecution

"We can't go on like this anymore. We can't use the same refueling tactics like the three brothers to ensure the balance of the'Stars of Zhou Dynasty' and maintain the balance of the sun and stars. We need to take action together. Only we can work together to burn our own source. , So that the sun and stars can withstand the attack of the human luck golden dragon, but we can't cut off the blood of the father god, Xiao Shi, your strength is the least, even if you sacrifice, it will not help the sun and stars much. We will work together. You are sent into the lunar stars, the heaven is no longer safe, those **** **** have betrayed the monster race, they are not worthy of our trust, only a few people in the entire monster race can be trusted, "Zhou Tianxing Dou Perhaps only the demon master Kunpeng can be trusted in the Great Array!"

At this time, the remaining demon clan princes all understand the danger of the situation, and adding fuel one by one will only drag everyone to death. If you want to fight for the last little bit of vitality, only everyone can burn the original source together. The three princes did not sacrifice before, so you don't need to pay such a big price, at least they can save two people, but now they can only save the ten princes, Lu Ya, only by doing so can they win this last vitality.

Time waits for no one, and there is not so much time for the demon clan princes to negotiate. Whether Lu Yatong agrees or disagrees, the result cannot be changed, because this matter has been decided by his brothers, and he can only passively accept it. Under this circumstance, he also understood that even if he struggled, it was useless, and his opposition would only make the situation more dangerous.

Relying on people is worse than relying on himself. At this time, Lu Ya deeply felt the importance of his own strength. If he had enough strength, he would not face such a crisis. He could completely reverse the overall situation with his own strength, but Now he could only accept all this passively, and at the same time he also hated the star gods of those monster races. If it weren't for these **** to be selfish, this wouldn't happen, and his brother would not need to sacrifice.

A sound of golden crows rang, and a golden crow prince began to burn himself, a huge force burst out from the sun and stars in an instant, the mighty force of the sun rose in the'weekly star formation', and the whole sun and stars seemed to be awakened. The same exudes endless light and power, and the frontally resists the power of the human luck golden dragon, but in the brilliance of the sun and stars, nine golden crows are faintly visible, which is the original power of the nine demon golden crow princes. .

"Well, these boys finally understand the danger of the situation. They finally made the most correct choice. Instead of constantly adding fuel to the origin of the sun and stars, it is better to invest the greatest strength at once to protect their brothers, but they understand it too late. , Or at least the two princes can be preserved, but it is not too late, at least the blood of the demon emperor will not be cut off!" When seeing the rays of light erupting from the sun and stars, the demon master Kunpeng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, the worst case scenario It didn't show up at all, which made him very happy!

Compared with the happiness of the demon master Kunpeng, the demon queen's mood is extremely heavy, because such a situation means the death of nine of her children, even if they eventually saved the lives of the ten princes, it is impossible for a mother. Bearing such a shock, unable to accept such a result, the result was such a big blow to the Demon Empress that she almost collapsed. If she weren't still worried about Lu Ya's safety, I'm afraid she could no longer hold on to it. , The origin of the lunar stars almost burst away!

Can anyone change this, can anyone stop it? No, if you say yes, only Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, but now they are trapped by all the saints, they can't take any action to stop all of this, no matter how demon Emperor Jun erupts, no matter how crazy it is, they can't Breaking through the suppression of the Three Qings, while the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was trapped by the Western Two Saints.

When the sun and stars burst out with this blazing light, Donghuang Taiyi seemed to have also felt the changes in the sun and stars. The last assassin he left in his body was activated, and the power of the Dao of Tribulation surged wildly. The mark of the origin of the Dao appeared on his forehead, and the origin power of the Dao of Tribulation finally replaced the original power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The endless heavens and earth tribulations rushed to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi frantically. At this time, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi finally turned into a disaster. Part of the avenue.

When this happens, it’s not that the Dao of Tribulation is too powerful and overwhelms Donghuang Taiyi’s own Dao, but that the Dao of Tribulation has given up struggling and let the power of the Dao of Tribulation replace his own power and let the obsession in his heart. Save it in the Dao of Tribulation, let the power of this obsession influence the Dao of Tribulation, and activate your ultimate killer.

"Damn it, Eastern Emperor Taiyi also has a killer!" When Donghuang Taiyi's body changed, the look of the saint was greatly changed, and the eyes revealed endless fear. Donghuang Taiyi is not the demon Emperor Jun, although the demon Emperor Jun On the surface, he stands on the pinnacle of the quasi-sage with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but the quasi-sages are also superior and inferior. The power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is far greater than that of the Demon Emperor Jun, not to mention that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is now being eroded by the road of robbery, and The Dao of Tribulation is the most powerful force in the midst of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

"Nv Wa Empress, we need your help!" Facing the eruption of Dong Huang Tai Yi, the Saint Zhunti had to ask for help from Nv Wa Empress. The Dong Huang Tai Yi who completely transformed into the Dao of Tribulation was too terrifying, then I am afraid that even the saints can feel the terrifying power of the robbery, and feel the crazy murderous intent from the road of robbery.

The Sanqing forces constrained the Demon Emperor Jun. No matter how the Demon Emperor Jun erupts, they have enough power to protect themselves. However, the two western holy sages, who are Zhunti and Attracted, have no strength, and they have no confidence to hold back a full turn to the road of robbery. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi, not to mention the innate treasure'Chaos Clock' in the hands of Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the threat to them is really too great.

"Damn, we were pitted by Sanqing. These **** deliberately left the huge pit of Donghuang Taiyi to us, brother, if Nuwa refuses to take action, then we will give up everything, let Donghuang Taiyi get out of trouble, we can't sacrifice I, let Sanqing and Nuwa get a bargain!” Although he was asking for help from Nuwa, the saint Zhunti still made the worst preparations, because he didn’t believe in Nuwa and didn’t dare to trust his life and death. Nuwa Empress!

auzw.com At this time, Zhunti has made preparations to leave the field. After the war for so long, there have been so many accidents, but Hongjun Daozu never appeared, which made Zhunti a saint. I was very worried, and now Donghuang Taiyi suddenly broke out such a powerful assassin, all this made Zhunti feel afraid, and made him retired!

When receiving Zhunti's request for help, Empress Nuwa was instantly embarrassed. Although the cause and effect between herself and the monster race had been eliminated, at this time, under this situation, she let herself participate in the strangulation of Eastern Emperor Taiyi. , Empress Nuwa was reluctant in her heart, after all, the strength of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was above the bright side, and she possessed a threat to the saint.

When she saw Empress Nuwa hesitating, a icy chill flashed in the eyes of the saint Zhunti, and a gloomy expression flashed in the eyes of the enticing saint. They were all resigned, as long as Empress Nuwa did not answer. They will inevitably retreat. When the second sage of the West Mengsheng retreated, Sanqing immediately felt a palpitation and instantly understood the reason.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun could no longer bear the anger and roared: "Sister Nuwa, is there any teacher in your eyes? You have repeatedly and repeatedly refused to participate in this battle. Yours Is there any way of heaven in your heart, if you still shirk responsibility like this, you will have to bear all the consequences in the end, and don't use your identity as an excuse again and again!"

Taishang Laojun also nodded and said: "Sister Nvwa, you also know the teacher's intentions and the importance of this catastrophe. Donghuang Taiyi is already on the avenue of tribulation. If you delay and cause an accident, The responsibility is all on you. Think about how to explain it to the teacher. You can't stop the madness of the Donghuang Taiyi by mentioning and guiding the two fellow daoists!"

For Sanqing, if the Second Saints of the West were allowed to leave, the trouble would be great, and even they would be in desperation. With the power of the three of them, they could not stop the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Demon Emperor Jun, and the Eastern Emperor Tai. The Dao of Melting Tribulation becomes a puppet of the Dao of Tribulation. The longer the time is, the more terrifying he will be. The same is true for the Demon Emperor Jun. It is just that the Demon Emperor Jun is himself invaded and part of the Demon Dao. If the Demon Dao is allowed to descend into the wild world, it will be even more terrifying. Will break the balance of the prehistoric world!

Although the heavenly saints are strong, the power of the chaotic gods and demons is stronger. The Great Dao of Tribulation comes from the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao, and it appears in the calamity of heaven and earth. Once the Eastern Emperor Taiyi breathes out the calamity between heaven and earth, Complete the physical transformation and condense the real body of the Chaos Gods and Demons. At that time, even the Heavenly Dao would have to pay a heavy price for this, not to mention the Heavenly Dao Saint, the Demon Emperor Jun is the same. He who has become a demon has now become synonymous with the Demon Dao. , To become a member of the Demon Dao, let him open the connection between the prehistoric world and the demon world, the entire prehistoric world will be invaded by the demon world, and even the demon ancestor may be resurrected in the predominant world. The demon ancestor is a powerful person with the same reputation as the Dao ancestor. But when he descends on the prehistoric world, it will also bring devastating disasters to the prehistoric world.

I have to admit that everyone underestimated the Demon Race, and even more prepared to say that they underestimated the Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. The power they hide is really terrifying. The Six Saints of Heaven came to stop these two lunatics, one can imagine how much pressure they have to face and how shocking the impact.

Although there is a thousand unwillingness and reluctance in my heart, but when I think of Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao, Nuwa Empress has to compromise, and can no longer continue to protect the human ancestral land as an excuse, let alone use her identity as an excuse to shirk her. , Otherwise, once the situation collapses, she really can't bear the terrifying consequences, then Heaven will inevitably punish her, and even strip her of her saint status!

With a thought in her heart, the "Mountain and River Picture" in Empress Nuwa's hand flew out to block the sky above the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, in the cloud that blocked the heavens and the earth to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and wanted to weaken the power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The shot immediately attracted Donghuang Taiyi's vicious look. Although he had lost his sanity, his instinct still made Donghuang Taiyi and Nuwa empresses deeply malicious.

Sanqing couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw the Nuwa Empress, but the second sage in the West sighed. For the Western Second Saint, what they want to see is not the Nuwa Empress’s move, but Refusal, if Empress Nuwa refuses to take action, they have enough reasons to withdraw from this battle. Now everything is in vain, so they have to face the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the attack on the road of robbery. , In the midst of the calamity of heaven and earth, confronting the Great Dao of Tribulation, it must be said that this is a very dangerous thing.

When he saw the sigh of the Second Saint of the West, Lao Jun couldn’t help but sighed softly, “Fortunately, I didn’t give Zhun an excuse to mention and lead these two bastards. Otherwise, these two **** would definitely take the opportunity to get out. We, they don’t have any sense of awe. They don’t care about the teacher’s words. After all, they are just named disciples, and they are also the worst damaged in this tribulation. I’m afraid they’re already right in their hearts. The teacher is dissatisfied."

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and said, "Yes, if you really have to give them an excuse, the trouble will be big. Nuwa is really too willful and too selfish. If she is allowed to continue like this, it will be very detrimental to this catastrophe. We It’s easy to fall into a desperate situation. I don’t know what the teacher is doing now, why he hasn’t shown up. If this continues, we won’t be able to hold on for long. Either Donghuang Taiyi or Demon Emperor Jun, as time goes by, their Our strength will advance by leaps and bounds, but we have to be restricted by the way of heaven. Under the circumstances, what shall we fight against and what will we use to ensure the balance of the prehistoric world!"

Although he was unwilling to admit that he was inferior to the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, when the situation reached such a dangerous level, Yuanshi Tianzun had to admit, after all, this is related to his own life and death. At this time, if he still thinks that Hongjun Daozu is holding back No one would believe that it was authentic and contained the Netherworld, but now Hongjun Daozu did not show up and did not give them the help of these heavenly saints, which made Yuanshi Tianzun's heart very uneasy.

It’s not just the case of Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Guru and Taishang Laojun also have the same worries, but they have nothing to do. Now they can’t get in touch with Hongjun Daozu at all, nor can they escape from this big battle, so they Only if you continue to persist, you can only hope that things will not continue to deteriorate and not get out of control!


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