God of Destruction

Chapter 4451: Knot domain

Chapter 4457: Dao Domain

"If there were no Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun these two **** to make trouble, perhaps the situation would not be so dangerous, with Yin and Yang Taoists on the sidelines, the demon clan would not have such a change, whether it was Demon Emperor Jun or Eastern Emperor Taiyi, both Not to be liked by the tunnels, the magic way, or the avenue of robbery, all have a huge impact on the prehistoric world, but now the power of the Yin and Yang Taoists is restrained by the red clouds. Fortunately, the Yin and Yang Taoists help the human race so that the human race can fight against the demon heaven. Confronting the'Zhou Tian Star Fighting Array', otherwise we are more difficult now, but now there are more **** watching the Yin and Yang Taoist and Hong Yun!" Regarding Hong Yun, Tai Shang Lao Jun is very dissatisfied, if you change one Time, he would be very happy that this happened, but with the outbreak of Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, Taishang Laojun had to face up to the power of Yin and Yang Taoist!

The Lord Tongtian looked relatively plain, and said softly: "Big brother, this is no way. Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi are hateful, but they are to prove the Dao. Hongyun has mastered the purple energy. If this scene He could not prove the Dao in the calamity, and he would never have the opportunity. He had to work hard, after all, to seize the fortune of the Yin and Yang Taoists. In the same way, those **** hiding in the dark also have the same idea. This is the calamity of heaven and earth. During the calamity, everything is possible, everything is possible, for the opportunity to prove the way on the front line, everyone will desperately, from Lei Ze's shot, this chaos has already begun, and there is no way to stop it!"

Proving the Dao is a big problem that can never be avoided. As long as there is an opportunity to prove the Dao, no one will give up. Hong Yun holds the opportunity to prove the Dao in his hands, and sees the opportunity to do the Dao. How could he give up, even if it is dangerous, Even if there is only a chance, he will try his best, so everything that happens before him is normal. It is normal for those **** who are hiding in the dark to be crazy. This is the general trend. No one can stop in front of the general situation of heaven and earth, and the saint of heaven is also No way.

Yuanshi Tianzun hated such a situation, and said in a deep voice, "No matter how many reasons Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun have, he can't affect the general trend of the heavens, and they can't go against the sky. Their shots make the situation change again and again. , Let this danger go out of control, and make the monster race have such a shocking change, all of this is caused by them. If it were not for the **** of Hongyun, perhaps the monster race would not have the necessary changes, and we would not fall into it. In such a crisis!"

Wouldn't all of this happen without Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi? No, there are others without Hongyun. As long as there are people in the prehistoric world who have the ambition to prove the Dao, there will be a big battle. No one can stop it. Without Hongyun’s chance to prove the Dao, some people will be caught in the hands of the Yin and Yang Taoists. Attracted by the world's authority, the war will still break out, but it's just another person!

The Lord Tongtian shook his head slightly, and did not argue with Yuanshi Tianzun, because there is no need for this. If you have to debate, you will only waste your time and energy. The most important thing at the moment is to resist the demon emperor Jun’s attack and fight the demon. Emperor Jun completely killed him, wiped out the terrible grinding energy on the body of the demon Emperor Jun, and cut off the hand of the demon way reaching into the prehistoric world.

Taishang Laojun lightly sighed: "Okay, don't care about Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi's affairs. We don't need to care if they are dead or alive. Right now we need to work together to kill the demon Emperor Jun. If there are any accidents in the clan, the demon clan cannot have any chance of comeback. Once the demon clan has a new vitality, it means the destruction of the human clan. This is a consequence that we cannot bear, and it is also a result that we cannot accept. The demon emperor Jun must dead!"

A good demon emperor Jun must die. If Sanqing was willing to make an all-out effort before, the demon emperor Jun would have been obliterated by them long ago, and all of this would never happen. Now Taishang Laojun said such a thing again, it is really ridiculous. , It’s just that no one heard these words at this time, so no one would be disdainful of the words of Taishang Laojun!

Yuanshi Tianzun said in a deep voice: "Big brother, it is not easy to kill the demon emperor Jun. First of all, we are obliterating his origin, even the luck of the demon clan. After all, Emperor Jun is the demon emperor. The emperor of the Demon Race, as long as the Demon Race's luck is still there, he will have a ray of life in the catastrophe, and he carries the Demon Race's luck!"

For a monster like Dijun, as the leader of a clan, in the midst of the calamity of heaven and earth, as long as the racial civilization is immortal, there will be a ray of life, and the demon clan’s aura will give him vitality. This is what Yuanshi Tianzun holds. The most important thing to worry about is that now the Demon Emperor Jun has become a demon, and the luck of the Demon Dao has also been integrated into Di Jun's body, making him even more terrifying.

When the Lord Tongtian heard these words, he couldn't help but sighed: "Oh! I don't know why the teacher has not made a move yet. Now even the demon emperor Jun has fallen into the devil, and the hand of the devil has reached into the wild world, and then If we continue, the whole world will collapse. No matter how hard we try, we can’t stabilize the world. The demon clan’s background is too terrifying!"

The words of the Lord Tongtian are very reasonable. The demon clan’s background is truly terrifying. Not only is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi inherited from the Chaos Gods and Demons, but also possesses the Dao of Tribulation, and even Pangu’s Heaven-opening Treasure “Chaos Clock”, and The Demon Emperor Jun also has the inheritance of the Demon Way. If it were not for the Heavenly Dao to make the Demon Race into a desperate situation, Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun’s hole cards would not be exposed, nor would the ultimate power of the Demon Race’s "Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array" be exposed. Coming out, all this shocked the Lord Tongtian.

Sanqing is worried, and Zhunti and the second sage are also worried. The same is true for the Nuwa Empress, but the situation of the Nuwa Empress is much better than them. At least the cause and effect of the Nuwa Empress is better than that of the Sanqing and the Western Second. The saint is much less, but Empress Nuwa is also involved in this catastrophe, and she has to face the terrifying road of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

auzw.com Although the Western Second Sage and the Nuwa Empress are trying their best to prevent the transformation of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, they are giving up their roots and turning to the Donghuang Taiyi under the road of robbery. The change of, already has a trace of the essence of the Chaos God and Demon, although it is only a slight transformation, but it has an amazing breakthrough in strength, and has a terrible killing power.

Under the guidance of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the origin of the Dao of Tribulation gradually condensed into the Dao Domain, the Dao of Tribulation, the Dao of Tribulation was evolved into the Dao Domain by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, making the heaven and earth where he was his home field, and Dao Yu Yicheng has an endless stream of heaven and earth tribulation qi, so that Eastern Emperor Taiyi has endless origins, and is not afraid of war of attrition. Although one is worth three, Eastern Emperor Taiyi is still as powerful as a bamboo, pressing quasi-lifting and receiving, and The three heavenly saints Nuwa Empress.

Yes, although Nuwa Empress has joined, they are still not opponents in the face of the transformed Donghuang Taiyi. After the transformation, Donghuang Taiyi is already terribly strong. If it is in a normal environment, it will be Donghuang Taiyi. Such a transformation will inevitably lead to the punishment of heaven and earth, but now it is the calamity of the heavens and the earth. The amount of the calamity is the home ground of the avenue of tribulation. Even the way of heaven cannot lower the punishment of the heaven. The avenue will not allow this to happen. Under the circumstances, the power of the heavenly saints is unable to suppress the power of the chaotic gods and demons, the power of the source of the road of robbery, and it is even more difficult to shake the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who masters the innate treasure "Chaos Clock"!

When the Dao of Tribulation of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi condensed, the Yin and Yang Taoists who possessed the inheritance and essence of the chaos gods and demons immediately noticed, and the Dao of Yin and Yang immediately felt threatened. Compared with the Dao of Tribulation of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the Taoists of Yin and Yang immediately felt the threat. The yin and yang domains are far apart. This is the essential difference. You must know that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi stands on the top of the world and can fight against the saints, and the Yin and Yang Taoists are just the Da Luo Jinxian, even the perfect Da Luo Jinxian. Can't make up the gap in that realm.

Of course, if the Yin and Yang Taoists are willing to reintegrate the authority of the Netherworld into themselves, master the power of the Netherworld, and have the ability to fight against the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, it is a pity that this is impossible, and a huge price has been paid. The authority of the Nether World was cut out, and only then did they get rid of the shackles of the Nether World. How could the Yin-Yang Taoists throw themselves into the net again, fall into this great cause and effect trouble, and let themselves be bound by the tunnels again, and be constrained by the Nether world!

"The Dao domain, the Dao domain of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the supreme Dao domain condensed by the Great Dao of Tribulation, is this the power of the Chaos Gods and Demons, even if they have already fallen, it can be done with the help of the inheritor of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi? To the extent, it’s a pity that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has lost his reason and no wisdom. If he has wisdom, this realm will be even more terrifying and stronger. Even the saints will fall into it. The Western Second Saints and Nuwa Empress did not follow it at all. The strength of the confrontation, in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, the Dao of Tribulation has spread throughout the entire prehistoric world. It can be said that if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is sober, the Dao of Tribulation can control the entire prehistoric trend!" Although it is only a momentary feeling, But the Taoists of Yin and Yang still saw things that the sages of the heavens did not see. After all, Taoists of Yin and Yang also have the inheritance of the Chaos Gods and Demons, and deeply understand the terrible chaos.

It’s a pity that the current Donghuang Taiyi is still in desperation and lost everything. Even if there is obsession, he is only struggling, and he is still unable to escape. Such a result makes Yin and Yang Taoists very lamented. The strength of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, if he is willing to give up the monster race, perhaps he has already walked out of his own path, but now he is harming himself because of the monster race, but the monster race he valued has come to an end, those monster star gods It is even more selfish enough to ignore the death of the demon emperor's son and demon prince. Such a result is really unacceptable, but this is the true situation of the demon clan.

The changes in the monster race have brought a huge impact to the major ethnic civilizations. There were originally many ethnic civilizations who wanted to learn from the monster race, but now seeing the end of the monster race, they have to give up one by one, and they are afraid that they will step into it. Following in the footsteps of the Yaozu, gathering a group of selfish bastards, a group of **** who do not want to fully integrate into their own ethnic civilization, this will inevitably become a hidden danger. At the most critical moment, it will deal a fatal blow to itself and ethnic civilization, and let everything separate from its own. grasp!

This time, the upheaval of the demon clan above the heavenly court also brought a huge impact to the Yin and Yang Taoist, making him understand that although ethnic civilization can condense a powerful force, it will also become a hidden danger for itself. Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun The ending is enough to explain all this, not all racial civilizations can be united like the human race and the witch race!

It’s a pity that Taoist Yin and Yang didn’t have much time wasting on Donghuang Taiyi. Even if Taoist Yin and Yang wanted to learn more about the Dao of Tribulation from Donghuang Taiyi, the current situation did not allow Taoist Yin and Yang to do so. He had to Face your own enemies, face Hong Yun this **** bastard, and even be careful to hide more enemies in the dark.

Regardless of his own interests or the temptation of Hongyun, it is enough to attract more predecessors. In the entire prehistoric world, I don’t know how many **** who are hostile to me are hidden, and I don’t know how many people are fighting Hongyun. idea!

The Yin-Yang Taoist, who understood his situation, quickly recovered his mind and no longer paid attention to the changes of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. No matter what the outcome of the battle would eventually end, it had little to do with himself, even if it was Eastern. Emperor Taiyi finally won and killed the Western Second Sage and Nüwa Niangniang Town. It is impossible to threaten his safety. In the obsession of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the biggest enemy is not himself, but the sages of the heavens and the heavens. The saint is blocking the progress of the demon race, and it is also the calculations of the demon clan that the saints of the heavens have broken the demon clan’s calculations, pushing the demon clan step by step into the present desperate situation. Not to mention that Demon Emperor Jun is still trapped by Sanqing now.

Compared with the strength of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the Demon Emperor Jun is not so scary. He is unable to suppress Sanqing with absolute strength. Sanqing is not the Western Second Sage and Nuwa Empress. Sanqing is the authentic Pangu school and holds the innate. Zhibao, his strength is also terribly strong, even if the Demon Emperor Jun gets into the demon, he can draw on the origin of the Demon Dao, but he still cannot fight Sanqing!

With the passage of time, Demon Emperor Jun’s strong attack was once again suppressed. Although Demon Emperor Jun broke out again and again because of his bloodline, under the suppression of Sanqing, his explosion did not have a powerful effect, let alone. Threatening the safety of Sanqing, there is the innate treasure'Tai Chi Tu' in hand, with this treasure's defense, no matter how strong the demon source of Demon Emperor Jun is, it is impossible to break the defense of the'Tai Chi Tu', but the Yuanshi Tianzun The treasure in the hands of the Master Tongtian can threaten the safety of Demon Emperor Jun. If it weren’t for the horror and sinister origin of the Demon Dao, the Demon Emperor Jun had already fallen into a desperate situation. He had already been suppressed by the Sanqing’s combined force, and had fallen into one’s hands. The end of the dead soul has already been completely strangled here!


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