God of Destruction

Chapter 4452: Evil thoughts

Chapter 4458: Evil Thoughts

Compared with the endless origin of the Dao of Tribulation, although the power of the Demon Dao is strong, although the Demon Realm is constantly eroding into the primordial world, the Demon Emperor Jun’s own strength is still not enough to shake the defense of the Sanqing, and not enough to complete the suppression of the Sanqing. However, the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation above the heavenly court was constantly deteriorating, and the prince of the demon clan was rapidly sinking into desperation.

After burning most of their original power, those demon princes who regarded death as home made a deep cry, and the entire sun and stars burst out with more blazing light. The nine golden crows that burned the original origin were roaring, and the ghost of the big golden crow condensed into a large formation. , Linking the entire sun and stars. When the origin of the sun and stars is activated, a channel appears between the sun and the lunar two stars. This is the effect of yin and yang. When this channel emerges At that time, the tenth prince Lu Ya was instantly sent into the magic circle, and a terrifying space force burst out. In an instant, the tenth prince Lu Ya, who was originally in the sun and stars, disappeared. Wait for everyone to feel Lu Ya carefully. When he pressed his breath, he found that Lu Ya had already appeared among the stars of the lunar dynasty, and the six demon clan princes had completely plunged into the origin of the sun and stars, burning everything in themselves.

The nine golden crow princes died, merged into the sun and stars, and turned into the spirit of the sun. The obsession of the nine golden crows condensed into a solar constellation, causing the entire sun and stars to explode with endless divine power, opposing the human luck golden dragon. Although the obsession of the nine golden dragons is supporting the sun and stars, no matter how persistent they are, the sun and stars cannot fight against the destructive power of the human luck golden dragon, because the human heart of the demon clan is scattered, and the demon clan’s Zhou Tian Xing Dou The Star Gods of the Great Array have no fighting intent. Although the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array has not collapsed under the guidance of the demon master Kunpeng, it has no longer the previous divine might, and the human race is sincere and sincere, working together. Fully support the fatal blow of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, even if the patriarch of the human race has died, but the will of the human race is immortal!

gap! This is the gap between the Human Race and the Monster Race. If the Monster Race can achieve this, the Monster Race will not fall into such a predicament. Unfortunately, the Monster Race cannot do it. There are too many members of the Monster Race. When the monster emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi fell into a disadvantage, the monster clan powerhouses all had strange thoughts and wanted to betray the monster clan.

At this time, whether it is the demon queen or the demon master Kunpeng, they all want to prevent everything from happening, and they don’t want to see the spirit of the sun and stars evolved from the nine golden crow obsessions being defeated, but they can’t do it, Yaozu As soon as the hearts of the people dispersed, the'Xiantian Star Dou Great Array' couldn't explode with the strongest power, and without the strongest power, it would not be able to stop the human luck golden dragon's blow.

"It's defeated. I didn't expect that the general trend of the monster race would be lost in the hands of these **** bastards, and their selfishness would make the final luck of the monster race fall. Now that the situation is set, there is no need to stick to it. These **** have Different hearts, then fulfill them, let them know how tragic the end of betraying the demon race!" In an instant, the demon master Kunpeng's heart was cruel, and he wanted to teach these star gods who betrayed the demon race a profound lesson. Pay a heavy price for their actions, and the price is their lives. They are blind to the life and death of the monsters because they are afraid of death, then erase their lives and completely wipe them out with the help of the human luck golden dragon. Even if it is ruining all the hope of the Yaozu, I will not hesitate!

In his heart, Kunpeng left Ziwei Stars and directly teleported to the Taiyin Stars through the power of the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Array to see the Demon Empress. After all, to do this, the demon Empress’s cooperation is needed. The most important thing is the cooperation of the demon queen, the demon master Kunpeng has a ray of life, and the tenth prince of the demon clan, Lu Ya, will also have a ray of life.

When the demon master Kunpeng appeared in the lunar stars, the demon queen was not surprised. Although there was endless sorrow in her heart, the demon queen remained calm. My heart is all messed up, so what else can I use to fight against the enemy, and what else to use to ensure the life of my last child.

The demon queen said softly: "Demon master, you are here, presumably you have also seen that the demon clan has come to an end. After this battle, the name of the demon clan will be completely defeated. Maybe there will be the name of the demon clan in the future, and there will be no more demon. The reality of the clan is true. Those **** **** have completely betrayed the demon clan, and there are even people above the heavenly court who have escaped. I did not expect that we paid such a high price and paid so much effort, and in exchange it turned out to be a betrayal. It's destruction!"

Although the demon queen’s words are very gentle, the demon master Kunpeng can hear endless resentment in this gentle voice. The reason why the demon race has fallen into such a fate is caused by the betrayal bastards, but now the demon race They haven't collapsed yet, these **** have not yet suffered the backlash of the demon clan's luck, and have not paid the price for their actions.

The demon master Kunpeng sighed: "Yeah, we paid so much, but in the end it was betrayal. I gave up Ziweixing and gave up the control of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array'. I just wanted to discuss with the demon queen how to deal with it. At this most dangerous moment, no matter how high the price is, these betrayal **** will have to pay a heavy price, letting them know that after betraying the monster race, they will not get the result they want, and they have to pay for it. The price of life!"

The Demon Empress gently nodded and said: "Okay, you can just say if the demon master has any thoughts. As long as I can teach these bastards, I will be willing to bear the high price, even though the demon emperor and the east emperor will explode again. , But the general situation is over, the monster race has no hope anymore. The Eastern Emperor has died and became a puppet of the road of robbery. The monster king has become a demon. The luck of the monster race has come to an end. The only worry in my heart is Lu Qian. My child, presumably the demon master will do everything to help him!"

The Demon Empress had no choice but to directly entrust Lu Ya to the demon master Kunpeng. At least in the entire demon clan, only the demon master Kunpeng can still be trusted. Compared to others, they can’t believe it. Maybe now they promised to keep Lu Ya, but When they die, these **** will surrender to the heavenly saints at the cost of Lu Ya's life, completely destroying the last blood of the Demon King!

"Prince Lu Ya's safety is easy to say. In fact, the Demon Emperor has already made arrangements for the ten princes and made the worst plans, but it is a pity that the Demon Emperor did not count those **** **** who would betray the Demon Race, even though the sun and stars are today Being stared by the human luck golden dragon, but the sun and stars are the pillars of the entire week and it is impossible to be destroyed. As long as the human luck golden dragon retreats, Prince Lu Ya can sneak back into the sun and stars, waiting for this amount of heaven and earth. The robbery is over, but the demon queen’s help is needed to complete all this. I need to completely detonate the entire'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array'. Since the human luck and golden dragon are going to pull us to death, we will use the power of the'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array' completely. Destroy the human luck golden dragon, let the heavenly saints pay the price, and let the **** star gods pay the price!" When this was said, the eyes of the demon master Kunpeng exuded endless killing intent!


Crazy, this is really crazy, the demon master Kunpeng actually wants to detonate the entire'Xiantian Star Fighting Array'. Once the big explosion explodes, all the Star Gods participating in the'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array' have only a dead end, and there is no way to survive. As for the human luck golden dragon, it will also be destroyed by the power of the'Zhou Tianxing Star Fighting Array'. The collapse of the human luck golden dragon will be a fatal blow to the human race. At that time, the heavenly sages related to the human race will be destroyed. Will pay a heavy price for this. As for whether the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi can take this opportunity to get out, whether they can get rid of the current predicament, it is difficult to say, after all, the demon master Kunpeng also does not know the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang. The true situation of Taiyi does not know whether the heavenly saints have the power to trap them!

Although from beginning to end, the demon master Kunpeng did not mention the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, but the demon empress understood his intentions and did everything that should be done. As for the end of the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, everything is up to them. No one can help them, even the demon master Kunpeng and the demon queen can't do it. After all, they don't have the strength to fight against the heavenly saints!

After a moment of contemplation, the Demon Empress nodded and said, "Okay, I will ask the Demon Master for everything. I will buy you enough time!"

Although it was just a very plain sentence, it was like thunder in the ears of the demon master Kunpeng. He understood that the demon empress was already determined to live and die at this time and wanted to use his own life as the price to promote all this, and to teach all enemies a profound lesson. , Let them pay a heavy price for everything they did, and let the entire prehistoric sentient beings know that the demon race is not easy to provoke.

After the demon master Kunpeng and the demon empress reached an agreement, the heavenly saints and the other powerful people could not help but feel palpitations. Everyone felt the fear and uneasiness from the depths of their hearts, as if there was a big danger about to erupt.

"Damn it, how could this happen? At this moment, the mind suddenly warned. Could it be that Demon Emperor Jun has other assassins that can threaten my life or death?" Yuanshi Tianzun's face changed when he felt the warning from the mind. It was extremely gloomy and terrifying, and was repeatedly and repeatedly hit his own soul by a little quasi-sage. This was the result that Yuanshi Tianzun could not accept!

Sanqing regards the psychic warning as the eruption of the demon emperor Jun, while the Western Second Sage and Nuwa Empress are different. When the psychic warning appeared, they first thought of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who believed that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had a killer. , Can threaten their life and death, although it is only a momentary spiritual warning, but the western two sages and the Nuwa Empress both noticed the change of each other’s look, and they knew that the other party had the same spiritual warning as their own. This situation made them feel Extremely heavy.

"It's a big trouble. This time I was really miserable by Sanqing. The **** of Donghuang Taiyi has hidden so deeply. At this time, there is still hidden power that has not erupted. What method should I use to be able to fight this battle? Get out of here!” Yes, at this moment, the Western Second Sage and the Nuwa Empress also gave birth to the idea of ​​leaving. As for the consequences of doing so, this is no longer in their consideration, after all, their own lives. It is more important than everything, even if it would be evil to do so, it would make Hongjun Daozu angry, they would not care, they were unwilling to face death.

Under the madness of the Demon Race, what changes will happen to the Human Race. All the creatures of the Human Race felt a strong killing intent at this moment, and this killing intent came from the void, from the Demon Race Heavenly Court, or to be more precise. Coming from the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, the monster race is desperate, and this power has threatened the life and death of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon.

Although the golden dragon of human luck has disappeared, only one golden horn is left, but this golden horn has a great connection with the human race. When the change of the demon clan appeared, the golden horn of human luck golden dragon felt threatened. , Is a warning to the human beings!

Before the eruption of the demon clan, or the demon master Kunpeng launching this fatal blow, in the ancestral land of the human race, the yin and yang Taoists and the Hongyun had a life and death duel. When nine of the ten golden crows died, the yin and yang Taoists Yu Hongyun had already beheaded the enemies around him, and only the two of them were left in the entire Yin-Yang Dao realm.

When all the enemies were beheaded, the Daoist Yin and Yang and Hong Yun were facing each other. They stared at each other and saw the strong killing intent in their eyes. At this time, their fighting intent was erupting frantically, and the killing intent was even more terrifying. To the extreme, immortality is endless, this is the true portrayal of them, there is no second possibility for them.

Seeing the hostile Yin-Yang Taoist and Hongyun in the Yin-Yang Dao realm, Zhen Yuanzi, who had always wanted to break through the Yin-Yang Dao realm, suddenly trembled and felt a strong crisis. In an instant, he immediately thought of the problem. The predecessors hiding in the dark finally couldn’t bear to show up, and I’m afraid I’ve been targeted by these **** bastards, because I’ve always been on Hongyun’s side, and my own existence is for them. Hidden danger!

"Assholes, how dare these **** do this? Don't they know how much impact this shot will bring to the world, and what a change it will make the world!" Zhen Yuanzi cursed in his heart. But no matter how angry he is, it’s useless. He can’t stop all of this, and even he himself is in absolute crisis. If he doesn’t come up with a solution quickly, I’m afraid he hasn’t waited for Hongyun and the Taoist Yin and Yang to be born and die. First, they were strangled by the powerful people hiding in the dark, and ended up in a dead end. For those bastards, they don’t care about destroying their own hidden danger before seizing the opportunity. Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi’s The mood is extremely solemn, this is the disaster brought about by oneself in the great calamity, is this the crisis in the great disaster?


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