God of Destruction

Chapter 4453: End of the same day

Chapter 4459

There is something that I dare not do in the disaster. Even Zhen Yuanzi has been involved in the disaster and is willing to pave the way for Hongyun. How could other powerful people ignore the temptation of Hongyun and the Yin and Yang Taoist, and Zhen Yuanzi is now It’s a dilemma. I can’t break the yin and yang realm alone, cannot merge with Hongyun, let alone help Hongyun, and outside the realm, I have to face the threats of other careerists. If I don’t retreat, it will be inevitable to wait for him. It's crazy killing.

Zhen Yuanzi's situation is very bad. He knows this, but he really needs to let him go. Zhen Yuanzi is unwilling to do so, but if he does not let go, he has to face the threat of death. This is pressure for Zhen Yuanzi. It’s too big. Although Zhen Yuanzi wants to think about countermeasures, time is not waiting for others. The catastrophe does not leave him more time to think about countermeasures. If he can’t make a quick choice, the consequences will be unimaginable, or he will save himself. Immediately stop and retreat, or continue to stay to face the enemy's attack hidden in the dark.

Although there is this innate spirit treasure in hand that can mobilize the power of the earth, Jin Yuanzi is not confident that he can protect himself in the next battle, because he does not know how many enemies he will face, and does not know how many enemies he will have. How powerful, if you make a mistake by yourself, the result must be death, and this is unacceptable for Zhen Yuanzi.

"Forget it, I can only apologize to Fellow Hongyun, it's not that I don't want to help with all my strength, but that I am powerless. At the moment of miscalculation, from the moment when the Daoist of Yin and Yang is calculated, no matter it is me or Fellow Hongyun. Already in a crisis, it’s a pity that Fellow Hongyun didn’t care and didn’t make the right choice in time. Now I have to leave!” After making this decision, Zhen Yuanzi’s nervous mood suddenly calmed down. Before making a choice, his heart was extremely depressed, and now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and finally can relieve all the burdens in his heart.

Time waits for no one, and Jin Yuanzi doesn’t know how long the hidden enemy can endure, so when he makes a decision, he immediately takes action and puts away the ground book in his hand, without giving the hidden enemy any chance to attack. Split the void, return directly from the ancestral land of the human race to Wuzhuang Taoist Temple, completely withdraw from this crazy battle!

I was dumbfounded. All those careerists who were ready to attack were dumbfounded. They never thought that Zhen Yuanzi would be so decisive this time. They hadn't waited for them to be fully prepared, and they left without securing a good opportunity. He gave up Hongyun, and when such a situation came out, those careerists couldn't help frowning.

"Damn Jin Yuanzi, how could he escape like this? Does he still have Hongyun, a life-and-death friend in his eyes? This **** pulls away and leaves, and the trouble I have to face is big. There is this **** hiding in the dark. Who can guarantee that he will not take action in the next big decisive battle, but it is unrealistic to want to kill this bastard. Wuzhuangguan is Zhenyuanzi's lair, and no amount of manpower can break the defense!" Hidden in the dark, the careerists thought of things in the worst direction one by one, thinking of Zhen Yuanzi as the most vicious bastard, so he hesitated every moment.

Zhen Yuanzi's departure naturally did not escape the Yin Yang Taoist and Hongyun's induction. Although the two were facing each other, they were both watching the changes in the outside world secretly. When Zhen Yuanzi left, Hong Yun couldn't help but wrinkle. Raised his eyebrows, the result made Hong Yun feel uneasy. He is the person who knows Zhen Yuanzi best. If it is not for the moment of life and death, Zhen Yuanzi would not be able to leave. In this way, the changes in the outside world are very big and dangerous. The situation is very dangerous.

At this time, Hong Yun couldn't help but have a hint of retreat in his heart, but this retreat was immediately suppressed by Hongyun as soon as it emerged. The opportunity to prove the Tao is right in front of him. How can he give up the opportunity to get it because of a little change in the outside world? If you let go at this time, you will no longer have the possibility of preaching. This is the result of Hongyun Fufa's acceptance.

"Kill, I can't wait any longer. The longer the time delay, the more disadvantaged it is for me. As long as I can kill the Yin and Yang Taoist before the enemy appears, and take away his luck and opportunity, I will definitely be able to prove Dao. After proving the Dao, who is still my adversary!" Soon Hongyun strengthened his determination and stopped paying attention to Zhen Yuanzi's departure, and decided to share life and death with the Yin and Yang Daoist!

When he saw the change of Hongyun, Taoist Yin Yang couldn't help but said in a deep voice, "It seems that you have made a choice. Then let me see your methods. Without the innate spirit treasure, what else do you have? Let's show all the killer's tricks, don't say I don't give you a chance, let me see how powerful your puppet of heaven is!"

When the words of the Yin and Yang Taoist fell, all the strong who watched here were shocked, and then they were shocked, the puppet of the heavens, the appearance of the word brought a huge impact to them, and in an instant, all of them The careerists looked at it. They didn’t doubt the Taoists of Yin and Yang, but they thought carefully that Taoists of Yin and Yang didn’t need to lie, but if this was true, they would still have a chance to seize the opportunity of proving the Dao in Hong Yun's body, and also have the opportunity to take advantage of the great world. Jie Zhengdao?

"Damn it, how could this be? How could this **** Hongyun have something to do with the Dao of Heaven? Could it be that there was a problem with the mechanism of the Dao in his hands, or that Hong Yun was controlled by the Dao of Heaven from beginning to end? If this is the case, you can make sense of this bastard. Why do you rush out to target the Yin and Yang Taoists? This is the calculation behind Tiandao. Tiandao wants to use the hand of the red cloud to seize the power of the Netherworld, and it wants to erode the origin of the tunnel!" In a moment, all careerists have their brains made up. The relationship between Hong Yun and Yin and Yang Taoists was discussed, and this brain supplement made them feel more fearful and uneasy in their hearts.

Let go? No, it is very difficult for these careerists. After all, the opportunity is right in front of them, and these words are just a comment from the Yin and Yang Taoists. As long as they have greed in their hearts, these careerists will always have a trace of excellence. Fortunately the psychology. Ask them to stop directly and give up the great opportunity in front of them, they can't do it.


Compared with those careerists, Sanqing, the Western Second Sage, and the Nuwa Empress had set off a huge wave in their hearts. If Hongyun is a puppet of the heavens, does this mean that Hongyun is the means of Teacher Hongjun, and Teacher Hongjun He didn't help them, but let Hongyun target the Yin and Yang Taoists and weaken their power. Why?

Suspicion, for an instant, all the saints of the heavens could not help but doubt their teacher's intentions, and together with this suspicious thought, their hearts could not help but a little retreat, but now they are all unable to retreat, they have been Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were restrained, even if they were deliberate, it would be impossible for them to stop. Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi locked them.

Let the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi release water to give them a chance to break free from their difficulties, and let these two **** target the prehistoric world? In an instant, such a crazy idea came into the hearts of all the saints of heaven. It was not that they were cold-blooded and ruthless, but that they wanted to protect themselves. They didn't want to be calculated by their own teachers and carried the great karma of that day.

Just when the sages of the Heavenly Dao were uneasy and doubtful, there was a loud noise from the Heavenly Court. The attack of the Jinlong of Human Qi Luck completely collided with the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', and at this time Human Qi Luck What Golden Dragon faced was no longer a normal attack, but the self-destruct of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array'. Yes, the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' exploded. Under the guidance of the Demon Empress, he did not hesitate to directly confront the human spirit. Yun Jinlong’s attack came to an end, and all the star gods in the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array suffered a devastating blow. They were all backlashed by the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, and only the demon master Kunpeng At the critical moment, he rushed out of the storm created by the self-detonation of the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' with the Ten Prince Lu Qian, and the Demon Empress directly stayed among the lunar stars, using her own power as the source to give the human race a golden dragon. The fatal blow also dealt a fatal blow to the Monster Race Star God!

When this loud noise came, when the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' was destroyed, the demon emperor Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi uttered terrible screams. Although they had already lost their sanity, their instinct and obsession made them think of'Zhou Tian'. The destruction of the Star Dou Great Array, the collapse of the demon clan’s luck, and sadness. Under this sorrow, the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi's auras are even crazier and more terrifying. They really have to work hard, and the influence of obsession The next madness was erupting, and they could no longer see a look in their eyes. It was just the meaning of indifferent and ruthless killing. For them, there was no more consideration in their hearts, only killing.

"It's a bad thing, the **** of the monster race actually took the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array to the end of the human luck and the golden dragon. These **** want us to die!" When he felt this sudden change, Yuan Shi Tianzun Renren The anger in my heart couldn't help swearing, this kind of shock has seriously affected their plans and also affected their safety!

Yes, now the Six Sages of Heaven’s Path are in great trouble. The demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi who are angry are extremely terrifying. Without all the emotions, only the crazy killing is left. The impact is too great for them. Sanqing is fortunate to say that at least they have the ability to stop the demon emperor Jun’s counterattack, and they can also have the power to protect themselves. After all, they have the treasure in their hands, but the situation of the Western Second Sage and the Nuwa Empress is very dangerous, especially the females. Empress Wa, not only had to face East Emperor Taiyi’s pursuit, but also the backlash of human luck. The destruction of the human luck golden dragon caused devastating damage to the human race, and the vitality of the human race fell to the bottom in an instant. If it weren't for the suppression of the king of cause and effect in the humanity of the six reincarnations, it would lock the last bit of vitality of the human race, I am afraid that the human race at this moment has already suffered countless deaths and injuries, and they have all been eaten back to death by the luck.

Of course, the situation of the Taishang Laojun is not good. After all, he is the leader of the human religion. The collapse of the human luck is more impactful to him, and the cause and effect between him and the human race is heavier, but the Taishang Laojun has Pangu luck. In addition, there are treasures such as'Taiji Tu' and'Xuanhuang Pagoda' in your hand, which can suppress your own qi luck and will not fall into desperation in an instant!

"Teacher, what exactly do you want to do? Watching everything happen, watching the collapse of human luck, if you don’t show up again, I'm afraid we are really unable to resist the attack of the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. The Human Race really can't keep it!" At this time, Empress Nuwa couldn't help but ask Hongjun Daozu. Under such a heavy pressure, she really couldn't hold on. After all, she had to face the backlash of Human luck and Taiyi at the same time. The chase!

Compared with the embarrassment of the Six Saints of Heaven, the careerists hidden in the prehistoric world were shocked one by one. They were all stunned by what happened before their eyes. This result was something they had never thought of before, and the human race was cruel enough. , Can condense the human luck golden dragon and the demon race to the death battle, and the demon clan is also ruthless, directly blew the'Zhou Tianxing star battle array', directly pulled the human luck golden dragon to the end, and did not give the human luck a chance to turn over, and completely took the human luck When it fell to the valley, it was just a moment, whether the human race or the demon race, their luck fell into the abyss, and they were all plunged into crisis.

Opportunity, this is a great opportunity, a great opportunity to seize the protagonist of heaven and earth. Some racially civilized powerhouses can't help but want to make a big move to seize the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth before the heaven and earth can't respond, grab the luck of heaven and earth, and seize the humanity. Attainment, you must know that this is the best opportunity, it would be a pity if you missed it.

Achievement of humanity, protagonist of heaven and earth, this is an irresistible temptation for any racial civilization, and now this temptation is in front of them, as long as a little bit of effort can be achieved, in contrast, Hongyun is better, No matter the yin and yang Taoists, although they also have a huge temptation, it is not easy to seize opportunities from these two bastards!

In an instant, those hidden careerists have shifted their targets. Of course, not all careerists are like this. It is only those giants with ethnic civilization behind them that make the changes. Although only some people have shifted their targets, it has been greatly reduced. The pressure on Hongyun and the Yin and Yang Taoists greatly reduced the danger they had to face.

With such a change, it is also an opportunity for the Taoists of Yin and Yang and Hongyun. It is their chance for a decisive battle. Without the huge pressure from the outside world, they can safely fight a decisive battle without worrying about the outside attack. After all, there is Yin and Yang. The Dao domain is here, and there is no strong enough power to cause harm to them. This is their best chance for a decisive battle. In this battle, they will fight for life and death and will do their best to pay. Whether it is Hongyun or Yin and Yang Taoist, they will burst out endlessly. The fighting spirit, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. Not every time there is this great opportunity, there can be such a good thing!


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