God of Destruction

Chapter 4454: Jie Zhu Xian Sword Array

Chapter 4460: Zhuxian Sword Array

Staring at each other, for fear that a distraction will make you fall into a desperate situation. This is the true portrayal of Yin Yang Taoist and Hong Yun. Originally, Hong Yun thought that he had the absolute initiative, and his realm and strength could be overwhelmed. Daoist of Yin and Yang is a junior, but when he really confronted Daoist of Yin and Yang, he found that he was wrong, and he was wrong. He had never seen the strength of Daoist of Yin and Yang. Although the opponent was only Da Luo Jinxian, but Da Luo Jinxian of Yin Yang Daoist. With the power to fight against the quasi-sage, the power of the Yin-Yang Dao domain is constantly obliterating its own power, and in the Dao domain, Hong Yun finds that his power is constantly being swallowed by the opponent, and the existence of the Dao domain is the largest Yin Yang Daoist. Of threats!

"Damn it, how can a younger generation condense such a terrifying Dao realm and limit the power of other people? Is this the power of authority in the Netherworld? Is the origin of a world really so powerful?" Feeling the constant weakening of his own power, Hong Yun His mood was extremely heavy, but he couldn't show it. Otherwise, the Taoist Yin and Yang would seize the opportunity to attack him and make him lose the initiative, which Hong Yun was unwilling to accept.

"It would be fine if San Pang Gourd is still there, and I don't have to endure such a crisis. Even if this **** junior has the power of Dao domain to help him, he can't affect him, but now it's too late. From the beginning, I Falling into the calculations of this **** junior, maybe I was really wrong at the beginning and shouldn't be so careless!" At this time, there was a trace of regret in Hongyun's heart, but it is a pity that everything has happened now, and regret has also changed. He can't control everything in front of him, he can only face all the pressure!

Inferiority, although Hong Yun is unwilling to admit it, he is really in a disadvantaged position now. If this situation continues, it may not be long before he has no power to resist, and he will be completely suppressed by the Yin and Yang Taoist. At this time, he I can't help but doubt the intentions of Daozu Hongjun and the malice of the Dao of Heaven. Do I really have a chance to prove the Dao? Could this so-called opportunity be a trap deliberately planted by Tiandao, just to use himself to test the emptiness and reality of the Yin and Yang Taoists, or to be more precise, to test the emptiness and reality of the Netherworld, the authentic emptiness and reality, and he was an abandoned son from the beginning !

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't calm down in Hong Yun's heart, and the more evil thoughts grew, not only against the **** enemy of Yin and Yang Taoist, but also against Hongjun Taoist ancestor and Tiandao. However, Hong Yun had no ability to resist, this kind of aggrieved. The influence of his mood on him is so great that the evil thoughts in his heart gradually overcome his reason without knowing it.

When his own evil thoughts control his body, this is a dead end for Hongyun. The power of the evil thoughts does not only come from his heart, but also comes from the temptation of the great calamity and heaven. It can be said that in the case of losing his reason, Hong Yun's situation was even more dangerous, but he didn't have any consideration, nor any fear, it was just crazy greed.

"Kill!" With a roar, Hong Yun attacked the Yin-Yang Taoist like a beast. Killing Yin-Yang Tao has become his instinct. At this time, Hong Yun can no longer see a little sense of reason, let alone a little peace. It had to be only the murderous aura that could soar to the sky, and it was only the crazy malice. Today Hongyun can’t see anything normal. At this time, Hongyun’s primordial spirit is the power to control him, and it is also the power to inspire all his evil thoughts. All this comes from heaven!

"Come well, what I am waiting for is this moment, the power of heaven, you finally can't bear to attack me, with the help of Hongyun's body, I want to see how much power you can burst, come on, let us fight Life and death, let me kill your origin!” Facing Hongyun’s crazy attack, the Yin and Yang Taoist eyes exuded endless warfare. This is another confrontation between himself and the heaven, and it is also his own attack against the origin of the heaven. This time, if he can kill Hongyun and take everything from him, the origin of heaven will be completely seized by himself and turned into its own nourishment. If you use this origin of heaven to nurture your own King of End The clone may be faster and stronger!

For Yin-Yang Taoists, there is never lack of madness, and there is no lack of courage. Since Tiandao used the hand of the red cloud to kill him, what else can he take into consideration, and what is there to fear? Crisis is also an opportunity, a catastrophe of heaven and earth. There are dangers and opportunities. Hongyun is his own opportunity, his own opportunity to grow rapidly, his own opportunity to end the King's clone.

The King of Ending clone is the most stressful for the Daoist of Yin and Yang. After all, the environment required to breed the clone of the King of Ending is too restrictive. Now that there is such a great opportunity, how can the Daoist of Yin and Yang not be able to grasp it properly, if it is a normal source of heaven Naturally, it cannot be used to breed the King of Ending clone, but the origin of the Heavenly Dao in Hongyun's hands is not normal. Some are just crazy evil thoughts and evil intentions, and some are just killing and plunder. This is suitable for the King of Ending who breeds Yin and Yang Taoists. Avatar.

"Daoyu is suppressed, Yin and Yang Dao is visible!" In the decisive battle, the Yin and Yang Taoists dare not be careless. Although the red cloud now looks very abnormal, this is not the reason for me to despise the other party. No matter how the opponent is the same Quasi-sage, and still a quasi-sage controlled by heaven, for such an existence, one can't be too careful!

With a deep drink from the Yin and Yang Taoist, the power of the Tao was aroused. The innate treasure of the suppression, the "Yin and Yang Bell", burst out with a terrifying light, and the two qi of Yin and Yang turned into shackles and continuously attacked the red clouds, constantly eroding them. Hong Yun’s crazy attack, even though the opponent has no innate spirit treasure in his hand, Hong Yun, who hasn’t taken care of it, is still terrifying. Every blow has the power to destroy the world, and at this time, Hong Yun gives the Yin Yang Taoist the feeling that there is something. An endless source of origin is supporting it, and this origin comes from the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven is constantly supplying its origin through the Hongyun Ziqi mastered.

"The **** heavenly way, it cheated like this. Although Hongmeng Ziqi is the treasure of the Dao, there are countless hidden dangers. A quasi-sage like Hongyun is controlled by the Dao in such a short time. What will happen to the saint after the Dao? I don't know how they would feel when they saw Hongyun?" When thinking of this, the eyes of Yin and Yang Taoist showed a trace of sarcasm.


Although the Dao of Heaven is strong, it is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, this is a prehistoric world, and the situation as arranged by Dao today is not astonishingly general. Even the Six Saints of Heaven cannot solve the demon race in a short time, and solve the problem of Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the demon. Emperor Jun, as long as the two demon emperors are still there, how much help will Heaven be able to give Hong Yun, and how can he be able to do it!

The power of the Heavenly Dao must support the Six Saints, and it must not allow Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun to lose control, especially Demon Emperor Jun. When the nine princes died, the impact on them would be too great. The destruction made him even more crazy, and the demon intent on his body was heavier, because after the death of the monster star gods, their origin did not dissipate, did not return to Zhoutian stars, but was absorbed by the monster emperor Jun, so many monster star gods The source of the demon emperor Juntian nourishment, making his power even more violent.

If the eruption of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had a terrible impact and oppression on the Western Second Sage and Nuwa Empress, now as time goes by, as the origin of the demon clan star **** is continuously absorbed by the demon emperor Jun, Sanqing’s situation It's not easy. The stronger Demon Emperor Jun is, the more terrifying the pressure they face, and the more dangerous their situation.

"Big brother, we must cut off the connection between the Demon Emperor Jun and the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array', and can't let him absorb the origin of the Demon Race Star God's destruction like this, or he will eventually exceed ours. Controllable range!” At this time, the Master Tongtian couldn’t bear it. After all, the stronger the Demon Emperor Jun, the more he threatened his own safety. The Master Tongtian had to face the threat of death, even as a saint. Master Tongtian is not willing to see such a situation happen.

"Okay, it really doesn't work anymore. Of our three brothers, only your "Zhu Xian Sword Array" can do this. Now all the pressure is borne by me and Yuan Shi, Tongtian, you quickly set up the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" comprehensively. Cut off the demon emperor Jun’s connection with Zhou Tianxingchen, and cut off his connection with the Demon Realm!” Facing such pressure, Taishang Laojun did not hesitate to directly agree to the suggestion of the Master Tongtian, although doing so would be both for himself and Yuanshi Tianzun. It is said that the pressure is greater, but this is the only way to solve the problem. As long as the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" of the Master Tongtian can cut off the connection between the Demon Emperor Jun and Zhou Tianxing, and cut off his connection with the Devil Realm, the origin of the Demon Emperor Jun will be Will be consumed little by little, and will be wiped out by them little by little!

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun did not fight with the Tongtian leader. There is no need. If you don’t do this, it will be a great trouble to wait for them to Sanqing. For your own safety, Yuanshi Tianzun can only give in, let alone this for Yuanshi Tianzun. It's not a concession. Among the three, only the Master Tongtian has the ability to do this. After all, the'Zhu Xian Sword Array' is not a display!

After receiving the support of Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, the Master Tongtian no longer cared about it. With a thought, the four swords of Zhuxian flew together, and a formation fell, and then the terrible killing aura spread, four swords The goalkeeper Donghuang Taiyi was enveloped, and the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" stood! In an instant, the ancestral land of the human race was shocked by the terrible murderous aura, making all the inspirations threatened by death, and felt the threat from the congenital killing path. Even if the Zhuxian Sword Array was just a leak of breath, it would affect the human race and other creatures. It's all a huge impact, it's all a huge damage!

"What a Sanqing, what a Tongtian leader, what a'Zhu Xian Sword Formation', when the'Zhu Xian Sword Formation' comes out, even if the Demon Emperor Jun has the means to reach the sky, he can't escape death. It seems that San Qing is really anxious, demon. Emperor Jun's madness completely forced them to attack with all their strength and had to come up with their ultimate killer!" When they felt the power of the'Zhuxian Sword Array', the sage sighed involuntarily, and a trace flashed in his eyes. Unwilling and resentful, Sanqing has a treasure in his hands, but he and Zhun Ti have no treasure in his hands. If he also has a treasure in his hands, why not be afraid of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

At this time, Empress Nuwa couldn't help sighing: "I hope that Senior Brother Sanqing and the others can quickly solve the Demon Emperor Jun and free their hands to help us, otherwise our trouble will be great, and the Demon Emperor Jun will be'punished by the immortal sword formation'. Shrouded, cut off the connection with Zhou Tian and the stars, cut off the connection with the demon world, but we do not have the power to restrict the connection between the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth does not end in a day, his power It will increase rapidly, and the crisis we have to face will be more terrifying!"

Putting one's life and death on others, and on Sanqing, this has to say that it is a great pressure on Nvwa Empress, I am also a heavenly saint, and compared with Sanqing, it is very different, which makes Nvwa empress her heart. Not reconciled, but this is the fact that strength cannot be faked. Without the innate treasure in her hands, Nuwa Empress is also powerless, and she inevitably resents her teacher Hongjun Daozu for being too partial, giving all the benefits to Sanqing.

Is all this really the partiality of Hongjun Daozu? No, this is not partiality, but cause and effect. Sanqing is the authentic Pangu. There is Pangu Kai weather and luck. The heavenly treasure should have been inherited by them and the Wu clan. Hongjun Taoist ancestors used Taiji diagrams and Pangu banners. There is also the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" given to Sanqing, which is the return of things to the original owner, eliminating the cause and effect of oneself and Pangu.

Zhunti Sage sighed softly: "Nvwa Empress, we can't put our hope on Sanqing. Even with the'Zhuxian Sword Array' in hand, it is not easy for the Master Tongtian to kill the demon emperor Jun. Others may not know'Zhuxian' The origin of "Sword Formation", I still know the senior brother, the "Zhu Xian Jian Jian Formation" is the most precious treasure of the Demon Zu Luo Maw. It can cut off the connection between Demon Emperor Jun and Zhou Tianxingchen, and absolutely cannot cut off the connection with the Devil Realm. We You can only rely on yourself. Let’s use all your strength. Don’t expect Sanqing to save us. It’s better to expect Sanqing to show up. But after the war for so long, Teacher Hongjun never showed up. Perhaps the teacher was also affected by external forces. Contained, we can only rely on ourselves!"

When Zhun mentioned the saint's remarks, Empress Nuwa sighed involuntarily. Although she wanted to refute, she was speechless, because this is the fact, Hongjun Daozu can't count on it, let alone It was Sanqing. Although the "Zhu Xianjian Sword Formation" was strong, it couldn't save himself, and even if Sanqing had the ability, would they really help? I'm afraid it's impossible. After all, Sanqing is not a kind person, and both himself and Zhunzi have had disputes with Sanqing before.


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