God of Destruction

Chapter 4455: Shocked

Chapter 4461 Shocked

The Sanqing is unreliable, and the Western Two Saints are equally unreliable. Don’t look at the fact that Nuwa Empress and Western Two Saints are working together to fight the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but if there really is a crisis, the Western Second Saints will give up being an outsider in the first place. It can be said that Empress Nuwa is the most dangerous in this war, because Empress Nuwa has no companions and no real allies to rest assured. This is a great danger. Once a crisis occurs, the most unlucky thing is absolutely. It will be the Nuwa Empress!

Taking a deep breath, Empress Nuwa's heart was extremely heavy. Although she knew her situation was very dangerous, she couldn't get out of her way. She had to face this catastrophe, face the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and even It is to face death.

"It's a pity that I haven't contacted Zhen Yuanzi before. If I can win Zhen Yuanzi, maybe my situation will not be so dangerous. Although Zhen Yuanzi is not a saint, he is in the wild land with a book in hand. It’s an unparalleled defense!” For a moment, Empress Nuwa thought of Zhen Yuanzi, but it’s a pity that Zhen Yuanzi has escaped and returned to his old nest, Wuzhuang Guan. It is impossible to support Nuwa Empress, as for others, Nüwa Empress But I can't believe it, although there are many prehistoric and powerful people hidden in the dark, such as the existence of the ancestor of the Styx, it is impossible for them to stand up and face the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

Empress Nuwa is also wishful thinking. Even if she wins over Zhenyuanzi, Zhenyuanzi has to agree to it. In the face of such a terrible crisis, he has to have the courage to do it. Don’t look at him daring to cooperate with Hongyun and help Hongyun. He came to plot against the Yin and Yang Taoist, but let him plot against the Yaozu and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Zhenyuanzi did not have the courage, let alone the ability, Nuwa Empress could trust him, but Zhenyuanzi could not believe in Nuwa Empress. For the weak, Zhen Yuanzi does not have the strength to fight against Nuwa Empress, not to mention that Nuwa Empress was born in the demon clan. As a demon saint, this can be said to be a dispute within the demon clan. He is an outsider who participates in this is not seeking death. Once caught in such a big trouble, it is absolutely dead and dead, and the demon clan's vitality backlash is enough to inflict heavy damage on him, and even drive him into a place where he cannot be recovered.

It’s better to rely on yourself. Nuwa Empress also deeply understands this. After giving up the fantasy of Sanqing, Nuwa Empress is reflecting on herself. At this time, Nuwa Empress gradually has a sense of understanding, which is desperate in these poems. Under the circumstances, Empress Nuwa began to understand all this, she really had to be calculated, not only herself, even her brother Fuxi was in the calculation of the other party, it seemed that the sacrifice of her brother Fuxi resolved her and the monster race. The causality between, but does he really have no connection with the Yaozu? No, it’s not like that. I’m still a demon saint. As long as I’m a demon saint, how can I cut off all the causality and all connections with the demon clan, unless I give up this identity, and giving up means I will give up most of the original source? Power, this is something I cannot accept. I am just a **** from beginning to end, and my brother Fuxi is also a pawn.

Who is playing chess? Naturally the ancestor of Hongjun Dao! When I think of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, Nuwa Empress’s heart is extremely heavy. Facing Donghuang Taiyi, she has no ability to confront with it. What's more, Hongjun Taoist ancestor who fits well, the most important thing is that she is a disciple. There is no ability to resist, and there is no reason to resist, even if she knows that Hongjun Daozu is calculating herself, but Nuwa Empress cannot resist, because she has great cause and effect with Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu! The cause and effect of preaching is not so easy to repay, as long as the cause and effect are not repaid, Empress Nuwa can only be at the mercy of her!

The more I thought about it, the more I was frightened, the more I thought about it, the more I felt fear, and the heavier I was. What is in the heart of Teacher Hongjun, this Taoist ancestor? Is the so-called closed disciple being manipulated like this? What is the purpose of Teacher Hongjun doing all this? Is it just to eliminate the demon race, to suppress the demon race, and to give the human race a chance to occupy the prehistoric world?

I don’t believe it, Nuwa Empress doesn’t believe that Hongjun Daozu Society only has such a little calculation, but she is not qualified to learn more, and knowing too much of many things is not good for her. Without strong strength, she knows too much. Duo will only make oneself die faster, no matter what calculations are behind this, Empress Nuwa doesn't want to participate! It's a pity that it's not a question of whether Empress Nuwa wants to participate, but a question of Donghuang Taiyi's willingness to let him go!

Although the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was left with instinct and was controlled by the Dao of Tribulation, the aura of the Nvwa Empress made Eastern Emperor Taiyi angry, so in this battle, most of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's power was facing each other. Nuwa Empress left, and the Western Second Sage did not bear too much impact and pressure. It can be said that the longer the time is, the more disadvantaged it is for Nüwa Empress!

"You can't go on like this anymore. If you continue to be stared at by Donghuang Taiyi, the lunatic, the consequences will be disastrous. No matter what calculations Mr. Hongjun has, no matter what secrets are behind the demon clan, what is the purpose of this calamity of heaven and earth? You must withdraw and retreat, and you can't continue to fall into this terrible trap!" At this moment, Empress Nuwa thought of withdrawing, but it is not easy to do this, she needs an excuse, and she needs time.

There was no danger, she just got out and left. Empress Nuwa did not dare to do this. She could not bear the anger of Hongjun Taoist ancestor and Tiandao. As a sage of Tiandao, she would be restrained by Tiandao, and could not go against the will of Tiandao and wipe out Dongdong. Huang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun are the will of Heaven, and Empress Nuwa has no ability to resist.

"Two fellow daoists, don't keep your strength anymore. If you continue like this, I alone will not be able to resist the attack of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. If you do this again, the consequences will be disastrous!" With a heart move, Empress Nuwa looked on. The two sages, the two great saints, called and Zhunti with a deep voice, warned. You must know that Empress Nuwa has endured most of the attacks by herself. This is beyond the range that she can bear. If she continues, she will be in desperation. .

Facing Nuwa Empress’s warning, the Western Two Sages did not pay attention to it. They still did their own way, as if they had not heard these words. For them, the more Nüwa Empress was hated and chased by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The less pressure they put on, the safer they will be. They naturally refused to do anything. They were unwilling to draw the anger of Donghuang Taiyi, a lunatic, to themselves. Stupid things like getting angry and burning their body would not happen to them. They believed Empress Nuwa can hold on for a longer period of time, she can get more rest, and she can have plenty of time to prepare for the worst!

auzw.com "Huh! Sure enough, these two **** are unreliable, but you are unkind, so don’t blame me for being unrighteous. You asked for all this. I gave you the opportunity, but you didn’t cherish it. , Don't blame me for being cruel!" For such a result, the Nuwa Empress had expected it as early as, and such a result was more in line with Nüwa's heart.

"Damn, do you know what you are doing? What good will I do for you to fall down?" Seeing that the second sage of the West still did not help, Empress Nuwa continued to roar, and at this moment Empress Nuwa had to take her own spirit Bao’s “Mountain and River Map” stood up and blocked himself, using the power of “Mountain River Map” to fight against the “Chaotic Clock” in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the innate treasure, to ensure his own safety. You must know the “Chaos” Zhong' is the innate treasure, a weapon to open the sky, and defeat Wushuang!

"Junior brother, something is wrong. Empress Nuwa shouldn't be so weak. Why can't she hold on for such a little time? Could it be said that the innate treasure of'Chaotic Clock' is really so terrible, and it can make you have the best? Even the Nuwa Empress who is protected by the innate Lingbao can't fight it?" Seeing that Nuwa Empress was defeated by the attack of the'Chaotic Bell', the introduction of the saint was a little puzzled!

"No, we all know the strength of Empress Nuwa, she can't just hold on for such a small amount of time, can it be said that the destruction of the demon race's luck still affected her, affecting her strength, but Fuxi Didn’t you sacrifice yourself to relieve Nuwa’s cause and effect with the Yaozu? What is going on?" Zhunti frowned and said in a low voice to the leading saint. There was a look of suspicion in his eyes, it was obvious. Zhun mentioning is suspecting the Nuwa Empress!

Just when the sage Zhunti was suspicious, the "Mountain and River Picture" in front of Empress Nuwa was directly knocked into the air by the "Chaotic Bell" in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi. When a muffled groan sounded, Empress Nuwa's body was thrown again. As soon as the attacking power of the'Chaotic Bell' hit her firmly, a **** arrow fell in the void, and Empress Nuwa was injured!

"How is this possible!" When seeing such a situation, they must have been dumbfounded, and the introduction of the saint was also dumbfounded. They never thought that Empress Nuwa would be so embarrassed that they could not even stop the attack of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. It made them horrified, and they hurriedly increased their attacks to fight for the Nuwa Empress to get away. They would not be attacked by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Unfortunately, it was too late for a blow!

When Donghuang Taiyi saw the Nuwa Empress being thrown up, and when the blood fell on him, the fierce light in his eyes was great. The blood stimulated Donghuang Taiyi's murderousness, and saw him throw away'Chaos' easily. The bell turned into a stream of light and directly chased the tossed-up body of Empress Nuwa, when the bell rang, Empress Nuwa was hit again, and another blood arrow spurted out, and the aura on her body instantly became extremely weak, good. Before the'Chaotic Clock' hit her body, Empress Nuwa retracted the'Mountain and River Map' in front of her, and at this time the best innate spirit treasure of the'Mountain River Map' was also hit hard!

"It's over, Nuwa can hurt us miserably. We knew that her strength was weakened by the backlash of the demon race's fortune. We shouldn't count her. She should also say it earlier, so this situation won't happen!" When this result was reached, Zhun could not help but yelled in anger, and pushed all the responsibility on Nv Wa Niang Niang again, feeling that everything was caused by Nu Wa Niang Niang concealing her own situation and causing such serious consequences, so that she and her brother made a calculation error. This will happen!

In just a few breaths, the goddess of Heavenly Dao Nuwa was severely injured by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Her breath was weak to the limit. From the breath, it was obvious that Nuwa Empress had lost the ability to continue fighting with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and would fight again. There is only a dead end.

"Zhunti, take the lead, this is the result you want, I was seriously injured, and you are satisfied!" The Nuwa Empress looked at Zhunti and the lead two sages with resentment, and then did not wait for them to speak, but she thought of "Shanhe" Pictured'This innate spirit treasure leaped into the sky, tore open the void and took the Nuwa Empress and disappeared directly from the human ancestors.

Yes, Empress Nuwa left. After being seriously injured, she had to give up the confrontation with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in order to protect herself. Such a result made the Western Two Saints dumbfounded again. Empress Nuwa left without With the help of Empress Nuwa, Donghuang Taiyi's attack fell on them again, and the pressure on them instantly increased several times.

This sudden change not only brought tremendous shock and pressure to the Western Second Sage, but also annoyed Sanqing, who was suppressing the demon emperor Jun. Before Nuwa Empress, they all heard that the West When the two sages were unable to confront the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, everyone together forced the Nuwa Empress to take action and suppressed the Nuwa Empress together, but now the two **** of the Western Second Sage actually messed up the matter, and they ignored the girl for that little selfishness. The danger of Empress Wa directly caused the situation to collapse.

"Asshole, what do these two **** want to do so that such a good situation can collapse directly. Once the East Emperor Taiyi gets out of trouble, even if we have the'Zhu Xian Sword Formation', we cannot suppress Demon Emperor Jun, and cannot obliterate Demon Emperor Jun. These two This **** has broken our major events and the major events of heaven, and they have to pay for it!" Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help yelling with anger in his heart. He paid such a big price and consumed so much effort, obviously immediately We must see the hope of victory, but the situation collapsed because of the selfishness of the two of us, Zhunti, and their ignorance of the Nuwa Empress!

At this time, the predecessors who had always been hidden in the dark were dumbfounded. They originally thought that the monster race could not have a chance to turn over. Everything was under the control of the six sages of heaven, but who knew that the situation collapsed in an instant. , The Eastern emperor was out of power and directly beat the Nuwa Empress into serious injuries, and had to withdraw and retreat in order to protect herself. When this situation came out, the predominant and powerful men who had been ready to move had to give up. Scolding the Second Sage of the West, thinking that the selfishness of the Second Sage of the West has ruined their own good deeds. Obviously, the opportunity is right in front of them. However, they dare not act rashly after such a change. They are afraid that they will be targeted by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. No one wants to Being targeted by a lunatic Donghuang Taiyi, even Nuwa Empress is not a rival, who dares to fight against her!


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