God of Destruction

Chapter 4456: Festival contention

The fourth thousand four hundred and sixty-second chapter

"Damn if you wait like this, the war of that **** of Hongyun will be over, and the so-called chance will disappear from your eyes!" Watching Donghuang Taiyi's great power, feeling the terrifying road of human ancestors, some prehistoric times. The hearts of the strong are roaring, and they are not reconciled to watch the opportunity slip away from their eyes!

"No, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again. This is the only opportunity. If I miss this time, I will never have the opportunity to prove the Tao. The world is full of crises. If I even have this danger I dare not face it and talk about proving the truth. Isn’t it because the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is there? I am not targeting him, nor against the demon clan. What is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's repeated strength to do with me, I kill Hongyun, kill It must be a Taoist of Yin and Yang!" Soon some people changed their minds. They were hypnotizing themselves one by one, trying to convince themselves that Eastern Emperor Taiyi was not his enemy, and would not stop him from seizing opportunities!

Is this really the case? No one knows what the result will be. After all, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has already lost his reason, only instinct is left, and he is now a puppet of the Great Dao of Tribulation, for him the entire prehistoric world is his own enemy!

"Kill, don't miss it!" With a deep cry, a stream of light flashed from the void and pointed directly at the yin and yang domains laid by the yin and yang Taoists. This stream of light was filled with endless aura of destruction, no, more accurately it was poison. The aura of poison, it is obvious that this is a prehistoric man who practices the Dao of Poison, and his goal is directed at the Daoist of Yin and Yang, and the Dao of Poison instantly spreads over the entire Yin and Yang Dao!

"Damn it, it's the poison god, this **** is the first to take action, how dare he do it, isn't he afraid of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?" Some eager predominant powerful people were shouting, and for them the sudden attack of the poison **** disrupted them. They couldn’t accept the plan of Poison God. They were worried that the Poison God would successfully rush into the Yin and Yang Dao realm. After all, the Poison God’s Poison Avenue was too weird. Once the Poison God used the Poison Dao to erode the Yin Yang Dao realm, Yin Yang The Taoist must die without a doubt.

Yes, in the eyes of many people, they don’t think of Yin and Yang Taoists. After all, the realm of Yin Yang Taoists is too low. Although the Yin Yang Tao domain has a very strong defense, it will rise in the face of the weird path of poison. Is it a defensive role? Can the Yin and Yang Taoists resist the erosion of the Poison Avenue? Once there is a slight mistake, there is only a dead end waiting for him!

"No, you can't let the **** of Poison God take the lead. Once you let him succeed, no one can stop him with the horror of the Dao of Poison. Today the Poison God is crazy, even the human beings in the Yin-Yang Dao realm. You can ignore it, and don't care about the backlash of human luck. It seems that in order to seize the opportunity of Hong Yun's body, he really has nothing to do!"

In the eyes of these people, the poison **** has nothing to do with him. Once such a poison **** succeeded, no one could stop him from leaving. This situation caused another wave of people to jump out of the dark, and a stream of light pierced the void. When they descended on the ancestral land of the human race, at this time, for the opportunity to prove the way, they did not care about the life and death of the human race at all!

"Poison God, stop me. This is the ancestral land of the human race. You don't want to kill yourself, but don't involve the human race!" For these shameless people, although they don't care about the life and death of the human race, this does not affect them. Take the human race as an example, directly use the human chess piece to crush the poison god, and find a reason for yourself to act against the poison god!

"Damn bastards, what do they think of our human race, can the collapse of the golden dragon really be for the human race, can they act wantonly against my human race?" Seeing these crazy and unconcerned great powers, the Ren Zusuiren clan couldn't help but whisper. Roar, although he is unwilling, he is stronger than humans. Today's Human Race really has no power to fight against these crazy predecessors. Even if you know that these **** don't care about Human Race's life and death, Human Race cannot act rashly. Human Race is now No longer has the energy to provoke the enemy, and the ability to fight against the predecessors. Now the Human Race can only rely on the ancestral land to protect itself and resist the impact of the monster army. You must know that without the protection of the Nuwa Empress, the Human Race really got extremely good. Time of crisis!

The human race is in danger, and the old monarch is instantly annoyed. Although he had expected such a situation in his heart, he did not expect that these **** would choose this time to take action, and would take action when his own heavenly saints could not protect the human race. Once the human race is destroyed, all of their heavenly saints will be subject to humane backlash, especially his leader of the human cult, will be even more subject to humane backlash, this is the result that the Taishang Lao Junqi cannot accept.

Once it is backlashed by humanity and luck, human education will inevitably be shattered. It is conceivable that the Taishang Laojun who uses human education to prove the way will end up. If one is not careful, he will be backlashed by the holy way and directly fall into the status of saint. It's too serious. Thinking about the tragic situation of the Nuwa Empress before, the too high old gentleman is even more annoyed, and he has stepped into this extremely dangerous situation without knowing it!

Taishang Lao Jun is angry, and Nuwa Empress is not angry. Originally, Nuwa Empress just wanted to use Donghuang Taiyi to get herself out of this battle, but she did not expect that her departure would cause the human race to fall into it. In such a crisis, I did not expect that those **** careerists would directly ignore the life and death of the human race, and were determined to seize the opportunity to prove the way in Hongyun's hands, especially the poison god. The poisonous road of this **** is too threatening. As long as there is such a little mistake, the entire human race's ancestral land will be turned into a jedi, will be destroyed by his poisonous road, and all races will die!

"No, the human race can't be destroyed no matter what, I can't bear the backlash of the human luck, I can't bear the backlash of the humanity, the'mountain and river map' is given to my town, the mountain and river is a town!" With an angry shout, a stream of light fell from the void to The ancestral land of the human race, those human races who have fallen into the land of the human race to resist the attack by the monster army, the Nuwa Empress still can't help but make a move!

After auzw.com made the move, Empress Nuwa couldn’t help but sighed in her heart: “This is the teacher who is forcing me to make a choice. With the help of these bastards, I am forced to break with the monster race. Once I took action, I could no longer get the approval of the monster race, and the human race also separated from me. Teacher, what are you going to do, why are you driving me to this desperate step by step, can you really not tolerate me?"

At this time, Empress Nuwa was filled with endless resentment and anger. In her opinion, all of this was done by Daozu Hongjun, all for the purpose of forcing herself to break with the monster race. Perhaps her teacher had already seen her through. With his heart, he knew that he had to withdraw from the catastrophe, that's why he was so cruel to himself!

"Is the monster so unloved by the heavens? Anyone that can threaten the general trend of the heavens will be cleared by the heavens, but why can the witches break free from the shackles of the heavens, but the monsters can't. Is the strength of the monsters not strong enough?" Empress Wa is reflecting on everything about the demon race. It is not that the demon race is not strong enough, but that the demon race is too greedy. If the demon race is not so greedy, perhaps they can also break free from the shackles of the world. It is a pity that the demon race deliberately wants to dominate the prehistoric world. , And did not leave a retreat for itself, unlike the Wu Clan. When the Wu Clan saw the retreat path given by the Yin and Yang Taoist, he did it without hesitation. There was no opportunity for Tian Dao to counterattack, and it was not blocked by Tian Dao. Opportunity, so they succeeded, but the monsters were too ambitious. Whether it was Eastern Emperor Taiyi or Demon Emperor Jun, they did not leave themselves a way out!

It's crazy to bet everything desperately, at least it's crazy in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. It is delusional to unify the prehistoric world in a battle, and even encroach upon the authority of humanity to contend with the way of heaven. It can only be said that the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi think too much. Now, even though they all retain their hole cards, they are still not enough to hold in front of Heaven's Dao.

Although she helped the human race, the Nuwa Empress did not attack the Yao race because of her heart, and she did not cut off her identity as a Yao race saint. She could have felt threatened and made her unwilling to cut her identity as a Yao race saint. , After all, the human race is no longer in his control, and the luck that the Mother of the human race can get is not as great as imagined. After all, the human race still has the cult leader Taishang Laojun, and other saints are eyeing!

If you give up your identity as a demon saint, you can get all the luck of the human race, and you can regain control of the human race in your own hands, the Nuwa Empress is naturally willing, but today's human race has already become very unforgettable, and is no longer in my knowledge. That human race, under this circumstance, it is not suitable to risk gambling everything about yourself in the Yao race.

The hesitation of Empress Nuwa, although the race can breathe, but the situation of the human race has not been fundamentally changed. If the human race wants to survive this world catastrophe, the first thing the human race has to face is the army of the monster race. There are those **** prehistoric and powerful people, their threat is too great, any change may ruin the future of the human race, and everything that is buried in the human race.

When they saw that Empress Nuwa did not take action against them, the poisonous gods were relieved one by one. They all worried that Empress Nuwa would kill them under their anger. It seems that Empress Nuwa will kill them. The injury suffered was much heavier than I thought. At least now I am unable to interfere with my actions. This is an opportunity. No matter how much the price is paid, I must take everything I want before the Nuwa Empress recovers. Take down Hongyun and Yin Yang Taoist!

After seeing the weakness of Empress Nuwa, these predecessors were even more crazy, and even more desperately attacked the Yin-Yang Dao domain, and the Yin-Yang Taoists and Hong Yun in the Yin-Yang Dao domain also felt this terrifying killing aura. It's just that they can't stop now, and their battle has reached a critical moment. At this time, even if they want to make peace, it is impossible. Everyone is afraid that if they stop, they will give the other party a chance to seriously injure themselves. Such serious consequences are unacceptable. of.

"War, death fight! You must kill the Yin and Yang Taoist before the Yin and Yang Dao domain is destroyed, and take away his origin and luck!" In the face of such a terrible crisis, Hong Yun became crazy again, this time he began to burn his own. Essence, to burn his own essence and blood, to make the last fight, this battle Hongyun never retreats, betting on everything he owns!

For Hong Yun, the burning of the origin is a means to damage his foundation, and the burning of his essence and blood even affects his own body, but Hong Yun is really nowhere to go. The power of the Yin and Yang Taoist is beyond his imagination, and the more the enemy's power is. Out of the range that I can bear, if I don’t bet on all of this, I will not see any vitality at all. I have been deceived, deceived by heaven, deceived by the Taoist Yin and Yang, although the Taoist Yin and Yang is just a big Luo Jinxian, but The background is too terrifying, even the quasi-sage cannot be compared with it, and the quasi-sage can't fight against the Da Luo Jinxian, the Yin and Yang Taoist.

Hong Yun sighed secretly in his heart: "Perhaps this is the path of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Only the practice of the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can accumulate such a terrifying background and be able to cross the realm to kill enemies. Yuanta Luo Jinxian Road, the source of such accumulation is too terrifying, the prehistoric world simply cannot support such consumption! And this is my last chance, only such a terrifying background can make up for my own losses. It may allow me to take a crucial step in the preaching, which will give me the opportunity to preach, instead of being trapped in the realm of quasi-sage!"

Every saint needs a huge foundation. The Sanqing is the authentic foundation of Pangu, which is naturally strong. The Nuwa Empress has great merit in creating human beings. The Western two saints ask for help from the heavens, and they owe the great cause and effect of the heavens. It can be said that their proof Tao has great resources, and Hong Yun has nothing, no, Hong Yun does not have such a huge background. He can only take risks when he wants to prove the Tao. He can only put all his ideas on the Yin and Yang Taoist. It is a pity that he did not succeed, on the contrary he himself Fall into a crisis.

The battle on the Terran Ancestral Land is getting more and more terrifying and more dangerous. An existence like the Old Ancestor of the Styx can't help but become impatient. There is only one chance. They can't ignore the temptation to prove the Dao, although There is a huge danger in this temptation, but the danger is nothing compared to the harvest. Now they are just worried about whether this will be another conspiracy. You must know that the ancestors of Styx have suffered a loss and don’t want to do it anymore. After the second loss, is Empress Nuwa really seriously injured?

Yes, for the ancestors of Styx who continue to hide, they are worried about the Nuwa Empress, worrying that this is still a game, a game for themselves, so they dare not act rashly, but this situation is again. It was out of control, the changes in the Yin-Yang Dao realm were too fast, Hong Yun was desperately making them nervous, and they had to worry about another change!


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