God of Destruction

Chapter 4457: Conspiracy

Chapter 4463

A great catastrophe made all the predecessors fearful, and countless people were worried, but Hongjun Daozu, who was the layout, never showed up. Perhaps this is the result he wants, this is the result Tiandao wants. To make all the prehistoric creatures fear the Dao of Heaven, but the situation today is not as good as thought. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi is almost out of control, and the saints have been unable to contain him. This is a great threat to the Dao of Heaven and the Primordial World. Once the two saints in the West Let go, the situation will be reversed in an instant, Heaven may have to pay a heavy price for this, and the human race will face an extinction!

Time waits for no one. No matter what those powerful people are thinking, they can't stop the change of heaven and earth, and they can't stop the continuation of the catastrophe. As time goes by, the whole world is changing, and the battle is also changing. Yin Yang Taoist and Hongyun Facing the attack of the power of Heaven, the eyes of Taoist Yin and Yang flashed with endless madness. The power hidden in Hong Yun finally appeared. This is his own opportunity! Sermon? No, the yin and yang Taoists don’t want to use the magnificent purple aura on Hongyun’s body to prove that the saint’s status, but to swallow it, to swallow this trace of the original treasure with his own world-killing great mill. The origin of the Tao of Heaven, complete the final transformation, if it succeeds, the clone of the King of the End will complete the gestation, and his strength will increase a bit, even in the face of Hongjun Daozu, he has the ability to protect himself!

The power of the primordial world is respected. Only the power that is hot enough and strong enough to be qualified to talk about freedom, talk about the general situation of the world, no power is just like an ant, and can only be manipulated by the world, whether it is the human race or the monster race, they All of this is enough to illustrate this point. Strength is the root of everything. If the monster race has enough power, if the human race has enough power, this scene will not happen now, everything will be different.

Speaking of the demon clan, the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi are too ambitious. If they give up some illusions that shouldn’t be there, things won’t be like this. If they explode in the first place, even the six saints of heaven will take action. , It can’t stop the demon clan’s strangulation of the human clan. Unfortunately, it’s too late now. Now Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun are both affected by the environment of heaven and earth. Don’t look at them now are very powerful, if time goes by As time goes by, everything will come to an end. No matter what kind of calculations Hongjun Daozu has, no matter what he is calculating, it is impossible for the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to lose control, and it is impossible to watch the two sages in the west fall. Once the saints fall, it will strike the Dao of Heaven. It is huge, and it will shake the confidence of all prehistoric creatures in the way of heaven!

The power of the heavens rests on the prehistoric creatures. Once the prehistoric creatures lose their confidence in the heavens, the power of the sages of the heavens will be infinitely weakened, the prehistoric world will also usher in drastic changes, and the power of the heavens will no longer be able to dominate the prehistoric world, and now With the eruption of the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, as the careerists continue to jump out to make trouble, the influence of the Heavenly Dao on the prehistoric lands is rapidly declining. All of this is developing in a direction that is unfavorable to the Heavenly Dao. When will it be cleaned up? No one knows when Jun Daozu will take the shot, and no one knows when it will end everything.

"No, the power of Heavenly Dao is beyond my imagination. It seems that Daozu Hongjun made the move!" Just when all the predecessors were thinking about when Daozu Hongjun would take the shot, the Yin-Yang Dao realm appeared to fluctuate. The power began to erode the origin of the Yin-Yang Dao of the Yin-Yang Taoist, and this power is obviously not from the red cloud. Although the Hongyun is a quasi-sage, it has no ability to corrode the origin of the Yin-Yang Taoist. After all, the original power of the Yin-Yang Taoist has the essence of the chaos **** and demon.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun attacked the Taoist Yin and Yang, and by the hand of Hongyun, and without disturbing other creatures in the prehistoric circumstance, he intruded into the Yin and Yang Dao area silently. This kind of method, this kind of power is not other people. It can be done. Even the Six Sages of Heaven cannot do it. Only Hongjun Daozu. His shot immediately put the yin and yang Taoist who had the advantage into a crisis. Although there is the'yin and yang bell', the original treasure of the body, but Still can't resist the erosion from the power of heaven.

"Damn Hongjun, as I expected, once he waits for the time, he will inevitably kill me in the first place. It seems that from the beginning, Hongyun is in his grasp, Hongyun this The stupid **** didn't realize that his soul had a big problem at the beginning, and he was eroded by Daozu Hongjun. From the beginning, Daozu Hongjun and Tiandao did not absolutely believe in Hongyun, or else they would not have left behind. Assassin!" Facing such a crisis, Taoist Yin and Yang felt extremely angry, but this was the great calamity he had to face. In the great disaster of heaven and earth, as long as he was caught in the calamity, he had to face all this, and Taoist Yin and Yang did not. Exception, since he wants to seize the opportunity from the catastrophe, he has to face this heavy murderous opportunity!

After taking a deep breath, the Taoist Yin and Yang thought of fighting to death, and he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "You can't continue this way, and let the origin of the heavenly Dao continue to erode, and the origin of my Yin and Yang Dao will inevitably be damaged. Once the origin is damaged, my own gods and demons will be in crisis and can no longer be fulfilled. It seems that I have to use my trump cards. Fortunately, there is the Yin and Yang Dao realm. Even the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors cannot probe my body. In the situation, as long as the origin of the Heavenly Dao can be destroyed in one blow, and the power of Hongjun Dao Ancestor remaining in the origin of the Heavenly Dao can be destroyed, he can continue to hide the power of his clone of the King of End, without revealing his own. The great mill of destroying the world will not be aware of this power by Heaven!"

"Yin and Yang revolve, Zhong Zhen Tiandi, kill it for me!" With a burst of shout, the blood on the Taoist Yin and Yang erupted crazily, the origin erupted crazily, and the powerful road of Yin and Yang turned crazily, eroding and eroding itself. The power of Heaven's Dao, and all this is just an illusion, it's just the yin and yang Daoist in order to cover up the aura of ending the Dao.

Amidst that roar, the body of Yin-Yang Taoist exudes terrifying power of ending, the aura of extinction, the original treasure of the world-exiting great mill appears in the body of Yin-Yang Taoist, directly locking the power of the heavenly Tao, Locked on the back of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, when the power of the end of the Great Moment came out, the power of Heaven's Path that eroded himself felt threatened, and he wanted to leave the body of Daoist Yin and Yang, but at this time Daoist Yin and Yang himself had already Being sealed by the source of Yinyang Avenue, the power of heaven has lost its way of retreat.

"The Great Grinding Out of the World, Annihilating the World, Ending All Souls, Extinguishing!" The voice of the Great Dao sounded in the body of the Yin and Yang Taoist, and the Origin of Ending directly suppressed the power of the Dao of Heaven, pulling it into the origin of the Great Grinding of the World In the most precious treasure, the origin of the end is running frantically, wiping out the power of heaven, the power of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and the power of Hongyun!

"No, there was an accident. The Yin and Yang Taoist had a killer skill that blocked the power of the Heavenly Dao. Could it be that the Tunnel had already planned everything, and I knew that Tian Dao and I would take action against the Yin and Yang Taoist, and wanted to borrow the body of the Yin and Yang Taoist. Swallowing the origin of the heavenly path? If this is the case, from the beginning, the yin and yang Daoist is a trap, leading me and the heavenly path into the game!" When his original power was wiped out by the power of the end road, Hongjun Daozu instinctively felt the threat and felt it Danger, make him uneasy!


To prevent this from happening? Daozu Hongjun wanted to do this very much. He wanted to suppress the yin and yang Taoists, but there was the existence of the yin and yang Dao domain, and the origin of the yin and yang avenue came. At this time, Hongjun Dao ancestors should also take care of it. The little Dao Jinxian, the big Luo Jinxian, will surely provoke the rules of the Dao to counterattack. The most important thing is that the Yin-Yang Daoist’s body is likely to have authentic origin power and even authentic authority, otherwise it is impossible to suppress himself instantly. The power of Heaven suppressed the power of the Dao of Heaven, so that Hong Yun had no chance to resist. Facing the threat of authenticity, Dao Ancestor Hongjun also had to be jealous!

When Hongjun Taoist ancestor hesitated, the Yin and Yang Taoists were frantically exploding all their powers. Although the ultimate treasure of Destroying the World was shot, they still did not complete the obliteration of the origin of the Dao of Heaven, and time waits for no one, leaving time for himself. Not much. Not only the Dao of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu are calculating themselves, but also those **** great enemies. The time that the Yin and Yang Dao domain can support is limited, and I must complete the devouring of the origin of the Dao in a limited time. This is the only way. Only then can we keep our secrets!

"Burn it for me!" In such a desperate situation, in such a danger, the Yin and Yang Taoists have no other choice but to burn their own origin. Although this will cause harm to themselves, it is more than exposing their own secrets. A little damage is nothing, as long as it can obliterate the origin of the heavenly path, everything is worthwhile. As long as the King of End clone completes the transformation, it is worthwhile to pay no matter how great the price is. Isn't it the reason why you are in the catastrophe? !

Burning the origin, for the Yin and Yang Taoists themselves, is to reduce the control of the Yin and Yang Dao domain and weaken the defense against the powerful enemies. When the defensive power of the Yin and Yang Dao domain is weakened, those powerful enemies are excited one by one. Seeing the chance of success, this greatly stimulated them and made them even crazier, and at this moment other prehistoric powers were also a little unbearable.

Zhen Yuanzi, who was in the Wuzhuang Temple, couldn't help but hesitated at this time, and wondered in his heart: "What should I do? Now Daoist Hongyun is in crisis. If I don't take action, he will only have a dead end. , But if I can really save his life, so many powerful enemies, even if I have a book in my hand, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist their attack!"

I have to say that Zhen Yuanzi really has a deep friendship with Hongyun. At this time, he is still thinking about Hongyun’s safety, and there is a hint of wanting to help. This is not what other powerful people can do, it's just this. At that time, if he enters the calamity again, I am afraid that he will not be able to protect himself. After all, he will be entangled in the calamity when he enters the calamity. What's more, the human ancestral land has become the center of the entire world and earth. All of the battles are revolving around the ancestral land of the human race!

"Stop me, leave the red cloud to me!" A deep drink sounded from the sea of ​​blood, and two sword lights instantly pierced the void and pointed directly at the Yin and Yang Dao domain. Yes, at this moment, the ancestor of the river finally couldn't bear it. Lived, facing the temptation of Hongmeng Ziqi, facing the temptation of the sermon, he once again committed the robbery alone, and once again made a big move. He wanted to seize the opportunity to seize Hong Yun's body before everyone else, he just shot it. Directly using his own treasure of killing and cutting, Yuantu and Abi's two swords of killing and cutting swept everything!

Feeling the horrific murderous intent from the sea of ​​blood, Lao Jun's heart was even more furious: "Damn, it is the ancestor of the Styx River. He can't bear to take it anymore. It seems that the human race is in danger, Nuwa, you are still waiting. what?"

At this time, Taishang Laojun remembered the Nuwa Empress again, and wanted Nüwa Empress to stand up again to stop this disaster, but the current Nuwa Empress is powerless, in order to be able to defeat the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. After getting out, she was seriously injured. Faced with this sudden situation, Empress Nuwa could only sigh!

"Damn Styx, you want to grab our chance, really dreaming, explode me and poison the common people!" After feeling the attack from the ancestor of Styx, the poison **** finally exploded with all the power, and the path of poison is no more. Without any consideration, it broke out frantically, the endless source of poison was madly obliterating everything, so that the entire human race was shrouded in this terrible road of poison!

Not only the Poison God is madly exploding everything, but the other predecessors are doing this. They have the opportunity in their hearts. Once this opportunity is missed, there will be no possibility of preaching again, so they are desperate, everyone They were frantically attacking the Yin-Yang Dao domain, and cracks appeared in the Yin-Yang Dao domain under such a frantic attack, and they could no longer withstand this terrifying attack.

"Damn, just give me a little bit more time to wipe out the power of the Dao of Heaven and the strength of Dao Ancestor Hongjun. This group of **** is really damned!" Facing such a crisis, Daoist Yin and Yang was filled with endless anger, with Endless killing intent, if one's own King of Cause and Effect clone did not suppress humanity, it might be able to prevent all this from happening, but now everything can only be blocked by one's own power, and can only rely on one's own power to resolve all these crises!

"It seems that I'm going to be crazy again. Since you **** don't want to give me life, let me use your power to strangle the power of the heavens, reincarnation of yin and yang, swallow the world, and swallow it for me!" When he persisted, the Taoist Yin and Yang instantly made a crazier idea, directly swallowing the attacks of these powerful enemies, and directly channeling the attacking power into the body of the deity, directly attacking the power of heaven and attacking directly. The power of Hongjun Daozu.


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