God of Destruction

Chapter 4458: Big cause and effect

Chapter 4464: Great Cause and Effect

"Broken, the yin and yang domain is broken, red clouds, leave me here!" When seeing the destruction of the yin and yang domain, no one cares whether this was cancelled by the yin and yang Daoist himself, and the powerful enemies locked in the first time Hongyun, Hongyun is the most important thing to them, and other things can be put aside for the time being, Hongmeng Ziqi is their goal!

"Huh!" When the Yin-Yang Dao domain was destroyed, the Yin-Yang Taoist could not help but let out a muffled hum, his body was involuntarily shaken back, and withstood the attacks of all the powerful enemies, this was a huge impact for the Yin-Yang Taoist, even he The real body of the gods and demons could not dissolve all the impact, and a **** arrow spurted out from the mouth, as if it was because of the destruction of the Yin-Yang Dao realm and received the backlash from the source, but in fact, this was the impact from the body. It was caused by internal injuries.

"Damn yin and yang Taoist, this **** is really insidious and cruel enough, and with the help of the enemy's power, he wiped out the power of the heavens in one fell swoop, and wiped out the trace of my origin!" When the yin and yang Taoist realm was destroyed, Hongjun Daozu felt instantly When it came to the real situation of the Yin and Yang Taoist, the hidden dangers in the Yin and Yang Taoist body were completely eliminated at this moment, and the era of the world and the end source were instantly converged. Even Hongjun Taoist did not feel the Yin and Yang Taoist's end source.

"It's all these **** bastards. If it weren't for their greed, how could it be possible for the Taoist Yin and Yang to obliterate the origin of the heavens and the power of my origin in such a short time. This is a big trouble, this group of **** have to do it for themselves? The behavior of Hongjun pays a price!” In an instant, Hongjun Daozu’s anger migrated to these wild and wild powerhouses, who allowed their ignorance to ruin Hongjun Daozu’s major events and the calculations of Heaven’s Dao. If you let them go like this , How can Hongjun Daozu calm his anger!

Although the Taoists of Yin and Yang are adventurous, Taoists of Yin and Yang have not forgotten the human races in the Dao realm because of his madness. When he withdrew from the Dao realm, the'Yin Yang Bell', the treasure of origin, immediately took away those human races. , Let these human races avoid the terrifying shock wave, and retain the fire of these human races!

"Cause and effect have been established, I hope you can survive this great catastrophe!" After suffering a terrible blow, the origin of Yin and Yang Taoist has been exhausted to the limit. At this time, Yin Yang Taoist knows that he can no longer stay in the wild world. , Otherwise, when Hong Yun's body dies, that's when he falls, those **** **** will not let go of this opportunity!

"The two worlds are divided, time and space are transformed, and the ghost appears!" Without hesitation, the Yin and Yang Taoist immediately released the trace of the original power left by the king of cause and effect. This is the source of the world of the ghost, the power of the world. When the origin bloomed, the Nether Passage appeared in front of the Yin and Yang Taoists, and the power of the Nether World descended on the wild land.

"No, the yin and yang Taoists are going to flee!" Those predominantly powerful people who were fighting for the red cloud instantly felt the origin of the nether world, and immediately realized the intentions of the yin and yang Taoists. By the time they wanted to stop all of this, it was too late. Now, the body of the Taoist Yin and Yang has been submerged into the Nether Channel, and the origin of the Nether World is pulling the Taoist Yin and Yang back to the Nether World!

"Stop him, don't let him escape, he has the authority of the Netherworld!" Some of the predominant powerhouses are anxious at this time. Although Hongyun's body has the opportunity to prove the Dao, for so many people, A cosmic purple energy is a drop in the bucket. It would be different if you can leave the Yin and Yang Taoists. You might have the opportunity to gain the authority and power of the Netherworld!

The living beings in the Great Tribulation are all affected by the qi of the heaven and the earth. These people are in the tribulation, abandoned by the heaven and the earth, abandoned by the Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and evil by the saints. They have no chance to survive, just for a moment. After being eroded by the tribulation of heaven and earth, he lost his reason again, and madly shot the yin and yang Taoist in an attempt to keep the yin and yang Taoist!

These ignorant people don’t know that their attacks are not worth mentioning in the face of the power of the Netherworld. If it is normal, the Netherworld will not care. After all, such an attack will not affect the essence of the Netherworld. , But now it’s the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. During the Great Tribulation, the Netherworld is attacked. This is to forge a great cause and effect with the Netherworld. When they do this, the Origin of the Netherworld will imprint the origins of these people, and they will be affected. The abhorrence of the Nether World, their own Qi Luck will be suppressed by the Nether World, in the midst of the Great Tribulation, the Qi Luck is suppressed, one can imagine what the result will be for them.

If the prehistoric creatures die in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, they will enter the nether world and enter the six reincarnations to regain their vitality, but for these ignorant and stupid predecessors, once they die, they will either die or die, and completely dissipate. Between heaven and earth, either enter the nether world and be suppressed by the eighteen layers of hell, unless they can eliminate the cause and effect with the nether world, otherwise it is difficult for them to want to reincarnate, and eliminate the cause and effect with the nether world, this is not them What can be done, it can be said that once they are dragged into the world of Netherworld after death, they will always be imprisoned in the eighteen layers of **** and never exceed life. This is really better than death. This is cause and effect. This is the world of Netherworld. The scary thing is that the Netherworld is more terrifying than the heavens, and more cruel than the human world!

"Ignorance, how can this **** be so ignorant, at this time dare to act on the origin of the Netherworld, let alone their power, it is impossible even for our saints to stop the Netherworld, the power of the world is not as simple as they think. With such a big cause and effect with the Netherworld, they will be miserable after they die!" When he saw such a drastic change, even though the Lord Tongtian presided over the'Zhu Xian Sword Formation' and was cutting off the connection between the Demon Emperor Jun and Zhou Tianxing, he was still caught in front of him. All this is shocking. They are all quasi-sages. They shouldn’t be aware of this problem, but why they made such a big mistake and cut off their chance of reincarnation. This is unreasonable. Can it be said that this is a big The impact of robbery?

Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t have the energy to care about all this. They just shook their heads when they heard the words of the Master Tongtian. The life and death of these people has nothing to do with them. On the contrary, in the heart of Taishang Laojun, I want them to get up early. The dead soul is gone, so as to reduce your own pressure. With such a group of bastards, the old man needs to be distracted at any time to pay attention to the safety of the human race. This greatly affects the energy of the old man, and the old man has to bear more pressure!


"Hmph, ignorant and stupid bastard, I have written down this cause and effect. I hope you will be able to survive this catastrophe, otherwise the Netherworld will teach you a profound lesson and let you know what the world is. Wrath!" At this point, the Yin and Yang Taoist glanced at the crazy predecessors with disdain, and then disappeared into everyone's sight!

When the figure of the Yin and Yang Taoist disappeared, when the passage of the Nether World disappeared, for an instant, the predecessors who attacked the passage of the Nether World shuddered involuntarily, and a fearful thought gushed from the depths of their souls, in an instant They understand what a big mistake they have done, and how much trouble and cause and effect they have caused for themselves!

Regret, endless regrets gushing from the hearts of these prehistoric and powerful people, but it is too late. They have formed a great cause and effect with the Netherworld. With this cause and effect, even if they can live through this In the great calamity of the world, you will be suppressed by the cause and effect of the Netherworld for the rest of your life. Unless you repay the cause and effect, otherwise your future cultivation will never increase, and once you die, you will fall into the Netherworld and reincarnate. No chance!

"Bastard, this **** of Yin and Yang Taoist is actually yin to us!" These predecessors, who were so embarrassed and angry, immediately shifted all the responsibility to the Taoists of Yin and Yang. This act of hiding their ears and stealing the bell is very ridiculous, regardless of whether they admit it or not. The cause and effect are there, they cannot deny it, and they have no ability to deny it. If it weren’t for them to be too greedy, how could they not be aware of the power of the Netherworld’s origin, how could they not know how troublesome it is to cause cause and effect with the Netherworld, all to blame, they can only blame themselves for being too greedy and too crazy, this is them Responsibility to be taken!

For these ignorant people, I can only say that they are too stupid. Don't Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao want to leave Yin and Yang Taoists? Don't all the sages of Tian Dao want to leave Yin and Yang Taoists, especially Nuwa Empress? They all want to do this, but they all want to do it. Knowing how great the cause and effect are, even the saints can't bear the backlash from the Netherworld, and dare not face the backlash from the Great Dao.

Although Taoist Yin and Yang walks very easily and is very chic, in fact, when entering the Nether Passage, Taoist Yin and Yang is already a little unable to suppress his own injuries. After the combined force of these people, no matter how strong his body is, Even if his body already has a trace of the essence of the Chaos Gods and Demons, he still suffers heavy damage and needs time to recuperate. Fortunately, this time the adventure of the Yin and Yang Taoist succeeded, and the origin of the heaven and the origin of Hongjun Daozu were wiped out and turned into nourishment and nourishment. With his clone of the King of End, the price he paid was worth it, but at the moment he entered the Netherworld, Taoist Yin and Yang could no longer suppress the terrifying internal injuries, and a blood arrow spurted out again, in the blood arrow Pieces of broken viscera are caught in it.

"It's a terrifying blow. If it wasn't for the origin of the Great Moment to absorb most of it in time, I'm afraid that my physical body will be directly destroyed. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is indeed cruel, even if I have made so many preparations, it is still They are all in danger of death, but fortunately, this calamity is finally over. Even if Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao are not reconciled, it is useless. Now they are afraid that they are extremely regretful, and they have been intercepted by my'ant'. With the power of their origin, my clone of the King of the End will be more complete, and the ultimate treasure of the'destroying world' will have endless potential, and it is no worse than the'yin and yang clock'!"

When talking about this, the Taoist Yin and Yang couldn't help showing a hint of joy. Originally, it took too long for him to conceive the King of End clone, even if he was in the tribulation of heaven and earth, there was endless calamity as a nutrient. , But it still takes a lot of time, but now because of the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu, he has greatly saved his precious time, and he has directly perfected his own "Destroying the World", the original treasure that carries the end of the Dao. You must know that this is The purest trace of the heavenly origin is also the purest killing intent of the Dao Ancestor Hongjun. With this nourishment, the Great Moment of Destroying the World will be even more powerful! The Taoist Yin and Yang wanted to grab a few pieces of the Killing Spirit Treasure to make tonics for the Great Mill, but now they don't need it anymore.

Now with this great opportunity, the Yin-Yang Taoist no longer has to worry about his clone of the King of End. It only takes a little time, and his clone of the King of End will conceive Consummation on its own. Now what he needs to care about is his other deity. Doppelganger, it's just that it's a great calamity now, it's far from an opportunity. Although there is a great opportunity in the great disaster, but with my current power, I can no longer participate in the great disaster, otherwise it will only cost my life.

"Now is the time to cultivate and rejuvenate. The Netherworld has the king of cause and effect. There will be no major problems. Even if the catastrophe continues to erupt, it will not affect the Netherworld, even if the human race in the predominant land is in this world. All deaths in the catastrophe will not cut off the luck of the human race. The human races in my hand will be the continuation of the human race!"

Speaking of this, a faint joy flashed in the eyes of the Taoist Yin and Yang. With these human races, I no longer have any worries. The clone of the king of cause and effect that suppresses humanity will be much easier, but now I don’t have time to take care of these human races. , I don’t know how long it will take to recover from this injury.

With a thought, the Taoist Yin and Yang threw the "Yin-Yang Clock" in his hand. This original treasure turned into a stream of light and entered the six paths of reincarnation, and fell into the hands of the King of Cause and Effect clone. The Taoist Yin and Yang handed over this big trouble. After he became the King of Karma, he entered the eighteenth hell, closed the dead, and slowly recovered from his terrible injury.

In the Netherworld, only the eighteenth-layer **** is the safest. The eighteenth-layer **** has an authentic origin, and the eighteenth-layer **** possesses powerful power. Even if a saint descends into the Netherworld, it can’t be shaken. Eight levels of hell, retreat in the eighteen levels of hell, no one can find Yin and Yang Taoist except for the King of Karma!

After entering the eighteenth level of hell, all the vitality of the Yin and Yang Taoist was swept away by the power of the eighteenth hell. No matter how many traces of origin were imprinted on the body of the Yin and Yang Taoist by the enemy, in the origin of the eighteenth **** Lixia was cleaned and swept one by one. When the Yin and Yang Taoists entered the eighteenth hell, countless powerful men were sighing, and Hongjun Taoist ancestors were also sighing. They all lost their sense of the Yin and Yang Taoists!


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