God of Destruction

Chapter 4459: Journey to death

The fourth thousand four hundred and sixty-fifth chapter

The departure of Taoist Yin and Yang did not stop the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. His departure only aggravated the outbreak of the Great Tribulation. Without the temptation of Taoist Yin and Yang, all careerists once again aimed at Hongyun. For them, Hongyun was already It has become their last hope, especially those careerists who are contaminated with the cause and effect of the Netherworld. They can’t wait to kill Hongyun. Only by seizing the opportunity of Hongyun, and only by gaining the saint’s avenue, can they eliminate themselves and The cause and effect of the nether world can ignore the threat of the nether world, and can make oneself live in a relaxed and unrestrained manner!

Of course, all of this is just what they have guessed in their hearts, and no one knows whether it can be realized. For these careerists, this is just their own ideas, which only exist in their own minds, and they also have a trace of external influence. , Perhaps these careerists have been affected by the tribulation of heaven and earth, and they have been tempted by the heavens!

kill! A group of powerful people are screaming frantically. They are venting their fear and anxiety. For them, he can only eliminate the fear in his heart by killing Hongyun and gaining a chance. So for a moment, Hongyun once again In the midst of heavy siege, and once again in desperate situation, facing the attack of so many enemies, the origin of Hongyun has reached a critical point. After such a long battle, his power has been consumed by most, and he has been unable to break free. Of bondage.

There was no way out, and there was no hope of proving the Tao. When the Yin and Yang Taoist escaped, Hong Yun completely awoke from his madness. He instantly understood his situation, and Hong Yun was unwilling to his own miserable situation, but he could do nothing. , He understood that he was calculated, calculated by the heaven, and became the chess piece of the heaven, the chess piece of the Hongjun Dao ancestor, but he did not fulfill the responsibility of the chess piece, did not kill the Yin Yang Taoist, let the Yin Yang Tao escape back to the nether world, and The origin of his own Heavenly Dao and the origin of Hongjun Dao ancestor were also obliterated, and it was just this way that Hong Yun was able to wake up, but it was too late for himself to wake up, and he had no way of retreat. Fortunately, he did not turn his friends. Zhen Yuanzi was dragged into a desperate situation.

Hong Yun sneered disdainfully in his heart: "Hehe, what proving Dao, what great opportunity, Hongmeng Purple Qi is just a trap, just a game, Sanqing, Western Second Sage, and Nuwa Empress are all disciples of Hongjun Daozu. The protection of the heavenly way can naturally prove the way to be holy. What can I use to prove the way? Since there is no chance to survive, and since I have been calculated by the heavenly way, I am not without a counterattack. Today we follow the heart of the heavenly way, come on, let This storm is coming more violently, let all the **** jump out of the dark, I will use my life to clean up all the cause and effect, and let all the cause and effect disappear!"

In fact, Hongyun can still ask for help from the second sage of the West. After all, Zhunti and the lead owe him the cause and effect. At this time, they must help out when they ask for help. Otherwise, they will only be backlashed by the world. However, Hongyun did not do this. It was not that he did. How kind, but Hong Yun knew in his heart that after he failed, neither the Dao of Heaven nor Dao Ancestor Hongjun would let him live, and would not let him reveal the secrets of Dao Dao and Dao Zu Hongjun, and that they lived. Hidden dangers.

"Quick mention, take the lead, I hope you will not disappoint my good intentions, don't be restricted by the heavens, and be able to break free from the shackles of the heavens. Now I will eliminate all cause and effect and burn it for me. My origin, my blood, I The soul of my life, at the cost of my life, provokes the punishment of the heaven and the earth, the thunder destroys the heaven and the earth, and explodes me!" With Hongyun’s roar, everything in his body is burning, and his origin conjures the punishment of the heaven and the earth, the endless thunder Punishment fell on the ancestral land of the human race in an instant, blasting all enemies frantically!

"Damn it, Hongyun, this lunatic actually wants to pull us to death!" When the thunder punishment came, those greedy ambitions only discovered the threat. They wanted to break free from the lock of thunder punishment, but it was too late. The power of thunder punishment had already exploded. Falling down, all causal greedy people were locked in by the thunder penalty and were attacked by the thunder penalty.

Of course, there are exceptions, that is, Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, or the creatures of the two races of shemales who participated in the war. After all, they are the protagonists of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. Although the luck of the two races of shemales is severely damaged, or even collapsed, as long as they As the protagonist of this calamity, they will not be attacked by thunder punishment. As for the Sanqing and the Western Two Saints, how can they be attacked by thunder punishment as saints!

"Hahaha! Don't you want me to seize the grandeur and purple qi in my hands? Today I will give you this opportunity, come on, come on, as long as you can survive thunder punishment, you will have a chance to get it!" During the thunder punishment, Hong Yun laughed frantically, and his laughter was filled with endless resentment, which was resentment towards Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu.

finished? No, everything is not over. Although Hong Yun has burned everything about himself, his origin has not been completely burned out. Moreover, Hong Yun has even crazier revenge. In his heart, he does not just want to give the Western Second Sage a little help. He wanted to help the monster clan even more, and wanted to help the monster emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi out of the catastrophe.

Yes, there is such a crazy idea in Hongyun's heart at this time. Since he was calculated by the heaven from the beginning and he has no way of life, when he dies, give him a counterattack to the heaven and the Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and let them Knowing that although he is a "ant", the "ant" is not at the mercy of others, nor is it left to their calculations, and they have to pay for it.

"Brother, what is Hong Yun doing? He is really crazy. He actually took the initiative to relieve the cause and effect with us. This is really unbelievable. What he is going to do is actually destroying himself!" Facing the sudden drop from the air Good thing, feeling the dissipation of the cause and effect between himself and Hongyun, Zhun mentioned that the saint’s heart can't help but feel a little worried, a little scared, this is too abnormal!

The leading saint sighed softly: "He is revenge, revenge on the Heavenly Dao, revenge on Hongjun Taoist ancestor, Hong Yun has sobered up, has understood his situation, and now he is unable to retreat, there is no vitality, he is not reconciled It was calculated to death in this way. He wants to fight back, he wants to fight back to Heavenly Dao, to Hongjun Daozu, and we are his means to fight back!"

auzw.com At this time, the enticed saint can understand Hongyun’s feelings, but unfortunately, the enlightened saint is unable to help Hongyun, let alone stop all of this, although his own cause and effect is dissipating , But there is no peace of mind in attracting the saint. On the contrary, he has more astonishing worries in his heart, fear from the depths of his heart, Hong Yun has even crazier actions!

Yes, the introduction of the saint felt threatened in an instant. It was Hongyun who brought his threat. Now Hongyun obviously has a mortal heart. How can he pose a threat to himself? This makes the introduction of the saint very puzzled, but now The leading saint didn't have time to think, after all, he had to face the lunatic Donghuang Taiyi and the attack of the innate treasure'Chaotic Clock'.

Regarding the introduction of the saint, he can only hope that things are not what he thinks. The threat of Hongyun is only the shock wave generated by him trying to pull the enemy to the end. It will not affect the overall situation and will not affect the Donghuang. Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun will not bring changes to the Demon Race, nor the Human Race.

It’s a pity that the idea of ​​attracting the saint was wrong. Hong Yun Qiaqia wanted to do this, to make drastic changes in the two demons, to reverse the general trend of the world, to give heaven and earth, to Hongjun Dao Ancestor a big'surprise', and let heaven and Hongjun Daozu paid a heavy price. As for whether he would hurt the second sage of the West, and whether he would pose a huge threat to Hongtiandi, this is not in Hongyun's consideration. After all, Hongyun has a life and death ambition. What can the madman of the heart have to consider.

"Damn Hongyun, he has such a vicious heart. He wants to use thunder to destroy all enemies and pull all enemies to death. He can't let this bastard's plan succeed, or else my previous efforts will be wasted and given to myself in vain. Provoked a great cause and effect!" Facing the bombardment of thunder, the ancestor of Styx had endless killing intent in his heart. If it weren't for the changes of the Taoist Yin and Yang, he gave Hongyun a chance. I'm afraid I've already succeeded, but now The ancestor of the river was caught in thunder punishment!

For Hongyun, not only the ancestors of the Styx River are watching, but there are other strong people who also have the same state of mind. It can be said that as long as they can withstand the attack of thunder punishment and can guarantee their own safety, they all have the same in their hearts. All the thoughts of Hong Yun were thinking of Hong Yun's idea, and they wanted to kill Hong Yun with a single blow, and directly took the opportunity from him, and then fled!

If you say who among the crowd has the greatest chance and who is most likely to retreat, the ancestor Styx is undoubtedly in the forefront. After all, the ancestor Styx is different from the other powerful people. The ancestor of the Styx has the origin of the sea of ​​blood. The body, the sea of ​​blood is immortal, and the Styx is immortal. This is not to say, as long as the ancestors of the Styx can seize the great and purple energy from Hongyun and return to the sea of ​​blood, even a saint in the sea of ​​blood can't help him. , So the ancestors of the Styx have the greatest ambition and the heaviest murderous intention. They are truly unscrupulous!

If the six sages of the heavens were not restrained by the demon emperor Jun and the eastern emperor Taiyi, the ancestors of the ancestor Styx would still take care of it. After all, the power of the sages of the heavens is not a decoration, but now the ancestors of the ancestors of the sage don’t need to care so much, there is no saint The yin and yang Taoists also disappeared into the prehistoric world, and the Wu Clan even left the prehistoric world. In this predecessor, the ancestor of the river Styx didn't think anyone could threaten his life, so this time he is bound to win!

"Come on, let the thunder punishment be more violent. Only the most violent thunder punishment can stimulate the primordial world and induce greater variables. Only the violent thunder punishment can stimulate the power of the grand and purple energy. Let me separate it completely. Whether it’s the Hongmeng Purple Qi for the Demon Emperor Jun or the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, it will bring earth-shattering changes, and it will make Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors pay a heavy price, and give Heavenly Dao a fatal one. Hit!" The crazier he became, the calmer Hong Yun became, and the more he could see through the many secrets behind this catastrophe, and he could understand the terrifying situation.

If you let Eastern Emperor Taiyi, or Demon Emperor Jun, prove the Dao and prove the Dao of Saints, I don’t know how Tian Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestors will react. Dong Huang Taiyi is now clearly dominated by the Dao of Chaos Gods and Demons, and Chaos Gods and Demons. The essence of occupies everything, and the demon emperor Jun is directly involved in the devil, whether it is the chaotic **** or devil or the devil’s path, once there is a proof path, it will be an earth-shaking change for the entire prehistoric world and will give all The sentient beings in the heaven and the earth will bring a terrifying impact, and will even directly change the general situation of the heaven and the earth, defeat the calculations of the heaven and earth, and make the heaven, the earth and the human three realities have amazing drastic changes!

Of course, it is impossible for Hong Yun to see all this. At that time, he was already dead and soul disappeared. When he stripped off his own grand and purple qi, Hong Yun would inevitably be backlashed by the heavens, and would inevitably die. It is even more likely that he would be dissipated directly. The cause and effect on the body is so amazing. Not only did it form great cause and effect with the real way, but also form great cause and effect with the realm of heaven and humanity. The three realms of heaven, earth and man have been offended by myself. Under this situation, I will still have a great cause and effect. Is it alive?

It is precisely because he understands his own situation, so Hong Yun does not do it. If he does it, he will definitely kill him. He will fight back with the idea of ​​dying together. He believes that as long as he succeeds, no matter what God is, or Hongjun Daozu will be affected. Qi Luck Backlash, Origin Backlash, will pay a heavy price, this is the result I want, and the ending I am most willing to see!

"Death to me!" Just as Hongyun continued to calculate everything, the ancestor Styx finally completed his momentum, and once again launched a mortal blow to Hongyun, and this blow condensed the avenue of killing of the ancestor of the Styx. Yuantu and Abi's two slaying spirit treasures burst out their full power. The origin of the Slaughter Avenue was inspired by the ancestors of the Styx River, and the Slaughter Avenue completely broke out!

"Hahaha! Good come, Styx, this is the result I want, come on, break me!" Facing the fatal blow of the ancestor of Styx, Hong Yun was not only not surprised, he did not dodge, but on the contrary Endless joy emerged, and endless madness was revealed in the eyes, and the ancestor of the Styx was directly facing the killing blow!

"Damn it, what's going on, Hongyun, what the lunatic wants to do, does he want to die?" Facing this sudden eruption, the ancestor of Styx felt uneasy in his heart. He wanted to stop and avoid Hongyun. This madman, for fear that this madman will pull himself to death, will directly blew himself into a crisis and fall into a state of eternal disaster, although he has a blood sea protection, but facing a quasi-holy like Hongyun, blew his own soul. , Will cause devastating damage to oneself, and will cut off one's own future!


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