God of Destruction

Chapter 4460: Fatal madness

The fourth thousand four hundred and sixty-sixth chapter: fatal madness

"Hongyun, you madman, get out of me, I don't want to die with you!" Faced with such pressure, the ancestor of Styx could not help but yell at Hongyun, wanting to avoid this danger, but his thoughts are good Yes, but the reality is cruel. Since participating in the Great Tribulation, we have to endure the impact of the Great Tribulation and face the test of the Great Tribulation. Hongyun Qiaqia is the test of the ancestors of the Styx, and it is also the one of all sieges. People’s test, since they have dealt with Hongyun, they must face Hongyun’s counterattack!

"Humph!" With a muffled cry, the origin of the killing of the ancestor of the Styx directly blasted Hongyun's body, and the two killing swords penetrated directly through Hongyun's body, and at this moment Hongyun's face showed a strange smile. , That smile made the ancestor Styx feel numb, and all the predecessors who besieged Hongyun couldn't help but lose their minds, and for a moment they didn't know what to do!

"Styghe, thank you for your help. Without your power, I can't achieve my wish. Don't worry, I will not kill you or pull you to death, but what you want is impossible. If you get it, Hongmeng Ziqi will give me points, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, I will give you the opportunity, I hope you don’t let me down, your soul will burn, and the stars will move!” As the voice of the red cloud fell, Hongmeng Ziqi disappeared into the red cloud instantly. Flew into Donghuang Taiyi's hands!

I was dumbfounded. At this moment, the ancestor Styx was dumbfounded. He did not expect that Hong Yun would do things so terribly that he would directly send Hongmeng Ziqi to Taiyi, who was irrational and controlled by the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, which made him unable to do so. Accept, Hongyun’s typical act is detrimental to others, and is deliberately adding a blockage to all of them, so that all of them have to face the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the monster race!

"Damn Hongyun, how dare you do this? How could you send Hongmeng Ziqi to the lunatic Donghuang Taiyi!" Countless people were yelling at Hongyun. Everyone thought that Hongyun was going to explode and used the most brutal means to pull everyone out. They died together, but now they finally understand that they were wrong. Hong Yun didn't blew himself up, but did things even more absolutely, forcing everyone to fight the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

At this moment, not only the ancestors of the Styx River, but also the Six Sages of Heaven were also angry. In their opinion, even if Hongyun wanted to die and wanted to send the grand and purple energy in his hands, he should not give it to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. This is not clear. Are they in the pit? But Hong Yun did just that, so that the Six Sages of Heaven did not even have a chance to solve their hatred, and died directly under the attack of the ancestors of the Styx River!

At this moment, Hongjun Daozu, who has always been hidden in the dark and has always been behind the scenes, also finds it difficult to accept. This is not the ending he wants. How dare Hongyun destroy his calculations, how dare to add obstacles to himself, but all this happened. In front of his own eyes, he didn't even have a chance to stop it, and Hongmeng Ziqi fell into the soul of Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

At this time, Hongjun Daozu naturally understood that Hongyun must have seen everything and understood the calculations of Heaven and his own arrangements on him. It was precisely because Hongyun understood everything that he had undoubtedly made such a crazy counterattack under his own death. The most direct and craziest method is to teach God and teach yourself a lesson.

Yes, it is a lesson. It is a great shame for Dao Hongjun Daozu. The saint who fits in with his own body has been given a plaque by a younger generation, and he was so miserable. Donghuang Taiyi got the grandiose purple energy. , This is a big trouble, once it is really necessary for the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to prove the Tao, what a hidden danger is a saint who is in charge of heaven and earth measuring calamity, the most important opponent is a saint who may become a chaos **** and demon. Jun Daozu is unacceptable.

"These people can't count on them anymore. If you want to rely on them to complete this catastrophe, it will only make the situation uncontrollable. Although there are also my plaque mistakes, I underestimated the Yaozu, and underestimated it. After the Wu Clan and the Yin-Yang Taoists, but in the end Sanqing, Nuwa, the introduction and the Zhunti were not in harmony. They did not work together, and they did not really follow the arrangements of their own teacher. They all have selfish intentions, which led to the current situation. In this situation, you can’t give Donghuang Tai any more time, or else the trouble will be really out of control, and it will really endanger the balance of the heavens and make the entire prehistoric situation out of balance!” When he said this, Hongjun Daozu couldn’t help but sigh. With a sigh of relief, for Hongjun Daozu, being fit to the Dao of Heaven represents the Dao of Heaven. He personally took part in the calamity. This is a provocation to Daozu, but now Daozu Hongjun has to do this.

"Forbidden!" A deep shout sounded in the void. This was the voice of Daozu Hongjun. When this voice fell, Donghuang Tai was instantly frozen. Originally, after Hongmeng Purple Qi entered his body, Donghuang Taiyi His sanity began to recover. With the help of Hongmeng Ziqi, the suppressed self was released, but before the emperor Taiyi could understand what was going on, Hongjun Daozu shot and directly imprisoned him on the spot. A terrifying force fell directly from the void.

"Damn it, this is the power of the heavens. Daozu Hongjun has intervened in the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. Isn't he afraid of the avenue backlash? I am the Eastern Emperor of the Monster Race!" When he felt the threat from the void, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's heart was roaring, a pity No one knows what the Eastern Emperor Taiyi thought at this time. The power of Hongjun Daozu appeared to surprise Sanqing and the second sage of the West. They finally breathed a sigh of relief, but it was for the Nuwa Empress. The joys and sorrows were mixed, Hongjun Daozu's shot made her faintly disturbed!

In everyone’s minds, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had already lost his reason and turned into a puppet on the road of robbery. Even if he had the grandeur and purple energy, he could not recover. But in fact, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was not the emperor of the monster race. The Yaozu is the protagonist of this era, and he must have atmospheric luck. When he gets the grand and purple qi, it immediately arouses the atmospheric luck in his body, making it easy, and directly recovering his spiritual consciousness from the loss. There was a slight opportunity for him to temporarily get rid of the control of the Dao of Tribulation. It is a pity that when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was sober, it was also when Daozu Hongjun couldn’t bear to attack him, so he didn’t even have the opportunity to speak. He had no chance of breaking out, and he was directly imprisoned by Hongjun Daozu.

"As the demon emperor, he launched a race war for his own benefit, destroying countless races and civilizations, and colluded with the chaos gods and demons to chaos the world, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi should be destroyed!" Soon the ruling of Hongjun Daozu resounded in the void, For Hongjun Daozu, he didn’t want to give Eastern Emperor Taiyi any chance to break the game. Since he made the move, he would directly obliterate Eastern Emperor Taiyi and eliminate all hidden dangers. Even if he had to bear the backlash of the Great Dao, he had to do the same. No chaos, no chaos in the heavens, any chaos in the heavens should be destroyed, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi must die, he can't afford Hongjun Daozu to be uneasy!


"Hahaha, brother, we are finally equal to the teacher's action, this time Donghuang Taiyi is dead!" When he heard the ruling of Hongjun Daozu, Zhunti Sage's eyes showed endless joy, facing Donghuang Taiyi like this The heavy pressure brought too much pressure and too much impact to Zhun Ti. Now that Donghuang Taiyi is finally about to be terminated, how can he not let Zhunti be happy!

A smile appeared on the face of the Sage Sage at this time. All this is thanks to Hong Yun. If Hong Yun hadn't given Hongmeng Ziqi to the East Emperor Taiyi, how could Dao Zu Hongjun make a move? The Sage Sage and Zhun Ti still hate it before. Hong Yun's shamelessness, now they are happy for Hongyun's actions, without Hongyun's sorrowful operation, how could they get out of danger so quickly.

"No, I'm not reconciled, Hongjun is shameless!" Donghuang Taiyi's heart was madly roaring, but it was a pity that no matter how hard he struggles, he couldn't break free from the imprisonment of Hongjun Daozu. He couldn't even make his voice. This made Donghuang Taiyi was terrified. Although he knew the destiny of the demon clan and his own destiny for a long time, Donghuang Taiyi was still a little angry and unwilling to face it.

"No, I can't give in anyway, I can't give up. If I give up, my eldest brother will have no life anymore. This time we really took it for granted. We were all deceived by heaven. What's the trend in the monster race, this These are just traps. Even if I die, I must fight for my eldest brother to survive, and I can’t let the demon clan’s final luck be shattered!” In the face of such a crisis, Dong Huang Taiyi became crazy about it once again. For a madman who is not afraid of death, there is no power that can stop his pace, even the power of heaven is not good, nor is Hongjun Daozu!

"Hongjun, if you don't give me a way to survive, and you don't give a way to the monster race, then don't blame me for hating my hand, the original brand is shattered, the original source burns, my soul burns, burns everything I have, burns everything I have, and summons the chaos gods and demons. The power of the tribulation is coming, and the gods and demons of the roar appear!" In the frenzied roar, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi completely burned everything about himself. When he made such a crazy choice, even the grand and purple energy that Hongyun gave him was lost. It burns, there is nothing to burn under the fire of the robbery!

In an instant, everything turned into the power of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, motivating the origin of the gods and demons of the robbery that remained between the heavens and the earth. In an instant, a terrifying force came from the void. It was the power of the gods and the robbers. This is the calamity of heaven and earth, the avenue of robbery dominates the prehistoric, and now with the sacrifice of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the **** and demon of the robbery return to the prehistoric heaven and earth, although it is only a trace of remnant thoughts, but under the madness of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, in the great emperor and purple Under the burning of Qi, the God of Jie is returning!

When the power of the God and Demon of Tribulation returned, Daozu Hongjun was immediately furious. The return of the God and Demon of Tribulation affected the general situation of the prehistoric world and the general trend of the heavens. This is something Hongjun Daozu could not accept. He only shouted angrily: "Dong Emperor Taiyi, you are looking for death, the chaos gods and demons are not allowed to appear in the prehistoric world, you are in the absolute prehistoric world!"

It is really crazy to use Hongmeng Purple Qi as fuel to summon the Chaos Gods and Demons. If this Hongmeng Purple Qi is completely burned, then it is really possible for the Gods and Demons of Tribulation to return from the long river of time and space. Once the God of Tribulation returns, it will be a huge blow to Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and it will be a terrifying impact on the Dao of Heaven, and the entire Dao of Heaven will be chaotic because of this!

It is a pity that Donghuang Taiyi is still unable to speak at this time, burning everything about himself, which is completely self-destructive for Donghuang Taiyi. Facing Hongjun Daozu's angry accusation, Donghuang Taiyi's face showed a touch of faintness. Sarcastically, he was ridiculing Hongjun Daozu's shamelessness, and he was also laughing at Hongjun Daozu's countless years, but in the end he still failed, letting the situation exceed his grasp.

When the aura of the **** of robbery came from the void, the yin and yang Taoist in the nether world instantly noticed it. This is the instinctive induction between the chaotic gods and monsters. Although the yin and yang Taoist is not a complete chaotic **** and monster, but You can still feel the arrival of the gods and demons of the robbery, which is a great impact for the Yin and Yang Taoists, and it is also a great pressure!

"Damn it, how come the Chaos God and Demon come, can it be said that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has completed the final transformation and turned into the God Demon of Tribulation. If it is so troublesome, Hongjun Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao will have to pay a heavy price. The return of the Chaos God and Demon, even if it is the incomplete Chaos God and Demon, is enough to give Dao Ancestor Hongjun a big'surprise', enough to shake the whole world!" When thinking of this, Yin Yang Taoist's face could not help but reveal a hint of sarcasm. Smile.

Compared with the indifference of the Taoist Yin and Yang, the Houtu Ancestral Witch of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is under tremendous pressure. The coming of the aura of the chaos **** and demon is too shocking for the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It makes her worry about it. If the situation continues Deteriorating, maybe I really don't have the power to guarantee the safety of the six reincarnations. The power of the chaos **** and demon is too terrifying, and it has exceeded the limit that the six reincarnations can support. Once a war breaks out, perhaps the six reincarnations will collapse directly.

Of course, the Houtu ancestor witch is also worried about the safety of the witch clan. In the prehistoric world, only the eastern emperor Taiyi can inspire the power of the chaos gods and demons. As one of the demon emperors, the eastern emperor Taiyi is the great enemy of the witch clan. If you let this **** focus on the Wu clan, I am afraid that the situation of the Wu clan will become very dangerous. However, now the Hou Tu Zu Wu can not make any move, nor can he contact the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu and the others to discuss countermeasures. The earth witch can only hope that everything is not too crazy.

The Houtu ancestor witch did not expect that he would have such an idea, nor did he think that he needed to pin his hopes on external forces, but the current situation is so dangerous, and the Houtu ancestor witch was unable to break free from all the shackles, even Houtu. The ancestor witch is still in this situation. You can imagine how other prehistoric creatures will react, and you can also imagine what kind of impact the witches in the witch world will suffer at this time. If there is a problem in the witch world, it will affect the witches. It will be a devastating blow for the clan. The Wu clan that has just established a foothold may suffer a natural disaster, and under the chaos of the heart, the Houtu Zuwu witch has more difficulty in mastering the six reincarnations, and the entire six reincarnations begin to tremble. , As if unable to withstand the impact of this external force!


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