God of Destruction

Chapter 4461: Festival shock

The fourth thousand four hundred and sixty-seventh chapter shock

Houtu Zuwu, the master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, panicked. The pressure faced by the Xuanming Zuwu who suppressed the witch human Dao suddenly increased, causing her, the witch human Dao Master, to withstand tremendous pressure, and the witch human Dao began to tremble. Now, among the six reincarnations, only humanity and witch humanity are suppressed by the strong, and even the witch humanity has problems. One can imagine how dangerous the situation in the entire six reincarnations is!

Panic? No, this is not panic, but excitement. After a little gasp, Houtu Ancestral Witch's heart ignited endless fighting spirit, just because the influence of the six reincarnations did not burst out, and the changes of Houtu Ancestral Witch directly affected The stability of the Six Paths of Reincarnation directly affected the Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming and the King of Cause and Effect!

"Houtu ancestor witch, calm down quickly. Have you forgotten your responsibilities? Do you want the six reincarnations to collapse? Do you want the Wu clan to suffer destruction because of your reasons? If the six reincarnations collapse, the Wu clan It is bound to bear the great karma of karma, and there is no chance of turning over again!" At this time, the King of Karma clone had to stand up and advise the Houtu Zuwu, and had to preside over the overall situation, not to let the six reincarnations collapse, once the six reincarnations When it collapses, the Netherworld will inevitably be hit hard, and the tunnel will also be hit hard. Once this happens, the deity is in danger of death. After all, the deity is now in retreat in the eighteenth hell!

Calm down, how can you calm the Houtu Ancestral Witch? That is the aura of the Chaos God and Demon. As the authentic Wu Clan of Pangu, how can you calm down? If you don't sense the aura of the Chaos God and Demon, but once you feel right For the Houtu ancestor witch, it was a serious provocation, which would arouse the war intent in the heart of the Houtu ancestor witch, and make the Houtu ancestor witch forget his own responsibility!

When the voice of the king of cause and effect fell, the Houtu ancestor witch instantly awoke from his excitement. Although the witch clan is important, the six reincarnations are more important. Although his situation is very dangerous, he is not enough to let go. In the situation of fighting, even if there are chaotic gods and demons coming to the world, they should not be resisted by themselves. There is the way of heaven and the ancestor of Hongjun. Now the entire world is in their control, and the responsibility of resisting foreign enemies is also on them. .

"Is this an accident? Or is it a normal response to being an authentic Pangu?" When she calmed down, Houtu Zuwu was thinking about this problem for the first time. If it was an accident, it would make her unacceptable. As the master of the six reincarnations, It is impossible for an accident to happen to me, but if it is Pangu’s authentic reaction, it is a mark imprinted in his bloodline, why Xuanming has not changed? If it is because I sensed this breath, is it because I am in the prehistoric world? Sanqing among them had the same reaction?

The Houtu ancestor witch really wants to understand all of this, but it is a pity that she has no time and no opportunity. She is in the six reincarnations, the first thing to do is to keep the six reincarnations safe, and everything else can be put aside for the time being. Regardless of whether there is any conspiracy behind all of this, at the moment when the Great Tribulation of the Sun and Earth is over, I will understand that as long as I don’t step out of the six reincarnations and enter the prehistoric world, there is no power that can count on myself, and I will definitely be able to wait until things come to light. Moment!

"Perhaps everything will be clear after the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is over. I only hope that the situation will not be harmful to me and the Wu Clan at that time. After all, there are too many variables in this Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, I am afraid that even Hongjun Daozu himself Did not grasp the general trend!" When thinking of this, the Houtu Zuwu sighed and took back his heart and energy to stabilize the six reincarnations. At this time, the Houtu Zuwu understood the other Taoists in the six reincarnations. It can't be delayed any longer. If he hasn't perfected the six reincarnations before the next heaven and earth calamity arrives, perhaps what is waiting for him will be a backlash!

Regarding everything in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Houtu Ancestral Witch does not want to rely on the help of the Lord of the Netherworld, the King of Cause and Effect. Although the King of Karma is not malicious and has no calculations, he is the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. I don’t want my dojo to accept the help of external forces and always receive the help of the King of Cause and Effect. If you continue to do so for a long time, you will owe great cause and effect. This will be very detrimental to your future practice, and even affect yourself even more. further!

Above the path of spiritual practice, everything must be retreated. This is the case with the killing of the wild land. The same is true for the Houtu ancestral witch in the six reincarnations. This is the nature of human beings. No power can change it. In fact, everything about the six reincarnations, The King of Karma is also not willing to participate too much. After all, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is not his own, and it involves too much with it, and it is not good for his own practice!

Although for the king of cause and effect, cause and effect does not affect his own practice, the six paths of reincarnation are different. They are related to the safety of sentient beings in the world and the operation of the prehistoric world. Too much involvement with him will only change in the future. For a chain of shackles, he locked himself in the Netherworld, and this Qiaqia is not a result that the King of Causality can accept. The deity must transcend the world and attain the Great Path of Hunyuan. The King of Causality has the same idea now. Everything is just his own compromise, the compromise of the prehistoric world, the tunnel, and the nether world, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, all of this will be changed!

When the Houtu ancestor witch gathered his mind and ignored the changes from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the origin of the six paths of reincarnation stabilized, and the Netherworld also returned to calm, but the tunnel was not stabilized as expected, and it was still constantly fluctuating. Obviously, the emergence of the Chaos God and Demon is also a threat to the tunnel. The tunnel is unwilling to see the Chaos God and Demon appearing in the prehistoric world. Perhaps for the three ways of heaven, earth and man, they are unwilling to accept the appearance of the Chaos God and Demon. Change is a great threat to the prehistoric world, threatening the stability of the predominant world, and is rejected by the predominant world.

Unfortunately, the king of cause and effect is not the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. It is not clear that the true situation facing Eastern Emperor Taiyi at this time is whether it has been rejected by the entire prehistoric world. It is impossible to judge how much pressure Eastern Emperor Taiyi is facing. If it is replaced by yes Can I withstand such pressure? If the deity completes its transformation, will such rejection also appear on the deity?


When Hongmeng Ziqi burned to its limit, Donghuang Taiyi finally broke free from Hongjun Daozu's suppression, and finally was no longer completely imprisoned. He sneered and said: "Hongjun, your conspiracy is impossible, you want to take the whole All sentient beings in the primordial world are pawns, you do more than anyone else, you want to imprison me, want to conceal all the secrets, but unfortunately you failed, you manipulated the heaven and earth catastrophe, you want to use the heaven and earth catastrophe to cleanse Everything, perhaps since the era of the fierce beast, you have been calculating everything, one after another, it is the result of your continuous calculation of the sentient beings in the world, this time you failed, the Wu Clan jumped out of your calculations, and my Monster Clan Although you didn’t succeed, you still don’t want to conspiracy to succeed. The human race is also the result of your calculations. You want to use the power of heaven to master humanity, make people surrender to heaven, let the earth surrender to heaven, and heaven to replace the will of the wild. , To become the master of the prehistoric world, you are too insidious, you are in your way. The way of saints seems to be beautiful, but it is a big trap. What is really suitable for all beings in the world is the way of Hunyuan, Daluo and Jinxian, but you are Nothing was said in the preaching, you are afraid that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will appear, threatening your mastery of the prehistoric world!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi calmly said such words, and when his words fell, the entire predecessor world was shocked. They were all shocked by these words, although there are still many creatures who doubt Eastern Emperor Taiyi. They doubted whether these words were true, but these words still left a deep mark in their hearts, making them doubt Hongjun Daozu and Heavenly Dao in their hearts.

Of course, for the six saints of heaven, their hearts are extremely heavy, because they all know very well that Donghuang Taiyi at this time does not need to deceive everyone. All of this is true. It may be a mistake to attain the status of saint of heaven by yourself. Perhaps he was really misled by Daozu Hongjun and made a mistake in his path of practice!

Question Hongjun Daozu? No, the Six Sages of the Heavenly Dao dare not do this, because they are deeply afraid of the power of Hongjun Daozu, worry that they will be hated by Hongjun Daozu, worry that they will be calculated by Hongjun Daozu and follow in the footsteps of Hongyun. Death has caused too many shocks to them, leaving them with too many vigilance and anxiety in their hearts!

"Don’t confuse people. You have been controlled by the power of the Chaos Gods and Demons. Everything you say is just the conspiracy of the Chaos Gods and Demons. The Eastern Emperor of the clan, you are already a puppet of the Chaos God and Demon. Everything about you is the calculation of the Chaos God and Demon. Now you are delusional to use this ridiculous language to confuse the predecessors and influence the general situation of the predecessor. You are too self-righteous. No matter what, your conspiracy will not succeed. Disappear under the wrath of Heavenly Dao. You have to pay for your own mistakes!" To Donghuang Taiyi's counterattack, Hongjun Daozu did not panic, and still retorted indifferently. , Did not put Eastern Emperor Taiyi in his heart at all, as if everything was like everything he said, all of which were just the conspiracy of Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the conspiracy of the Chaos God and Demon.

"Hahaha! Do you understand the conspiracy in your heart, the primordial beings understand, the six saints of heaven understand, no matter how you explain it is useless, in the end everything will be seen through by everyone, come on, let me see what else you can do, It depends on how you can stop me from burning the primordial purple energy, cut off your tentacle, cut off the calculations of the heavens, you have to pay for your actions, no one can calculate my demon race, my Eastern Emperor If Taiyi doesn't pay the price, neither can you Hongjun!” Said Donghuang Taiyi was laughing crazily, with a crazy look in his eyes. At this time, he was already fearless of everything, fearless of death and destruction!

Facing a madman who is determined to die and has no fear of death, even Hongjun Daozu will have a headache, not to mention that this madman has a strong power. All this makes Hongjun Daozu a headache, but no matter what Heartache, Hongjun Daozu must face all this, must resolve the threat posed by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and restore the original trajectory of the prehistoric world!

"Well, since you want to die, I will fulfill you. No matter how crazy you are, you can't change the general trend of the world. In the face of the general trend of the world, everything you do is in vain. I originally wanted to give you a little bit of life and give you A way to survive, it’s a pity that you are looking for death by yourself, no wonder my teacher hates it, no wonder the way of heaven, destruction, punishment!" As the voice of Hongjun Dao ancestor fell, there were horrible fluctuations in the void, endless thunderclouds. , Heaven’s punishment came, and under the anger of Heaven, even the origin of the Great Tribulation Condensed by the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth was shocked by it, and the roots of the Great Tribulation were trembling!

Yes, in order to save everything, in order to be able to suppress the influence to the lowest, Hongjun Daozu would rather bear the backlash from the Dao, and must destroy the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in one fell swoop, and completely destroy the Eastern Emperor Taiyi in one fell swoop, leaving no hidden dangers, and not giving him. If there is any chance of turning over, with the help of this destruction, other creatures will be deterred, making them even more afraid of heaven and not dare to have strange thoughts!

Perhaps this is also a warning to the Six Sages of Heaven. After all, Dao Ancestor Hongjun has concealed other creatures from the primordial realm, but he cannot hide it from the Six Sages of Heaven. It is natural for the Six Sages to know whether Donghuang Taiyi’s words are true or false, as long as the Six Sages of Heaven. The saint is still in his control, and the general trend of this prehistoric world will not change. The monster race has to pay for its own stupidity, and the witch race will return to the grasp of heaven in the next calamity, even if it is authentic. Shelter, it is impossible to resist the oppression of heaven!

The madness of Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun completely took Hongjun Daozu into consideration. Originally, Hongjun Daozu did not want to stop their development too much, and did not want to rush to control it again. Under heaven, everything is different now. With the profound lesson of the Yaozu, Daozu Hongjun is unwilling to see the Wuzu becoming a new hidden danger and trouble!

Of course, to do all of this, we must first suppress the tunnel, suppress the nether world, suppress the humanity and the human world, and completely control the humanity and the human world under the heavens. Only in this way, the heavens and the Hongjun Taoist ancestors have enough power to face each other. For tunnels, facing the Wu Clan and the Wu Clan world, it is possible to complete the vision in his heart and to regain control of the entire prehistoric world!

The idea is good, but it’s not an easy task to do all of this. Let’s not talk about the reaction of the humanity and the human world. Just the human race already has its own ideas. This time the world catastrophe has caused too much. Too many shocks made the whole world and the general situation have long been out of control. Hongjun Daozu wanted to regain control of everything under the heavens. It must be said that it was too difficult. The exposure of all the secrets had an impact on the heavens and Hongjun Daozu. too big!


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