God of Destruction

Chapter 4462: Summon the Devil

Chapter 4468: Summon Demon Ancestor

When Donghuang Taiyi was in desperation, Demon Emperor Jun was even more crazy. Donghuang Taiyi was willing to sacrifice himself to save Demon Emperor Jun. Similarly, Demon Emperor Jun was also willing to sacrifice himself for Donghuang Taiyi. Brotherhood was more important to them. At the time when the demon clan had no hope, the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi both hoped that each other had a ray of life, but now they are both forced to a desperate situation. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu do not give them any vitality at all, and the appearance of Heaven’s Punishment, Let the anger in the eyes of Demon Emperor Jun burn wildly!

"No, the teacher's behavior stimulated Demon Emperor Jun, our trouble is big!" When he saw the look of Demon Emperor Jun, Taishang Laojun was horrified, and he quickly issued a warning to Yuanshi Tianzun, wanting to unite Yuanshi Tianzun first suppressed Demon Emperor Jun, not let Demon Emperor Jun's madness affect their plans, and prevent Demon Emperor Jun from losing control!

It’s a pity that it’s impossible to realize the idea of ​​Taishang Laojun. Although strong men like Demon Emperor Jun have not attained the Dao Dao, their combat power is not weaker than that of the saints. They want to suppress them under madness. This is just a joke, even with the power of the'Zhu Xian Sword Array', it still can't limit Demon Emperor Jun.

"Hahaha, this is the way of heaven, this is Hongjun, all Dao ancestors are just deceiving people, all you do is to make the creatures of the entire prehistoric world become your puppets, let your mercy and burn everything about me , Summon the Demon Ancestor to come to the wilderness, respond to my call, Demon Ancestor Luo Maw, release the power of the Demon Realm to descend on the wilderness!” When the demon emperor Jun’s words fell, the endless demon energy was condensing, his soul, he The origin of his, everything about him was burning and turned into a sacrifice for summoning the Demon Ancestor Luo Maw. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi gave up everything, gave up everything, and the Demon Emperor Jun did the same.

"Inheritor of the Demon Path, my Demon Zu Luo Maw responds to your call!" A misty voice sounded from the void. This is Demon Zu Luo Maw's response. When Demon Emperor Jun made this final blow, he used his own When summoning the Devil Zu Luo Maw, there is no power to stop it. Heaven is not good, Hongjun Daozu is not good, Sanqing is not good, even when the demon emperor Jun’s call is issued, Tongtian Guru master’s “Zhuxian Sword Array” Shaking, the Demon Zu Luo Maw used the power of the Demon Realm to influence the'Zhu Xian Sword Array', and with the help of the origin of the'Zhu Xian Sword Array', he accelerated himself to the wild land.

"Crazy, all **** crazy, what do these **** want to do, do they really want to destroy the wild land?" Facing the sudden change, seeing the power of the Chaos God and Demon descend, he saw Mozuluo again. The power of the throat appeared, and the ancestor Styx was terrified. He did not want to be calculated or involved in this crazy catastrophe, but now he could not help himself. At this time, the ancestor Styx was regretting, and he knew it would With such a series of changes, one should not be greedy for Hongmeng Ziqi, and should not be involved in the catastrophe. Although the sermon is tempting, his life is more important.

It’s too late to regret. At this time, there are too many predecessors regretting, but they are no longer able to withdraw from this catastrophe. They are destined to pay for their actions and for what they have done. All they do pay the price, they can't get rid of the shackles of this great catastrophe, they must face all this, face this life and death disaster!

When the voice of the demon ancestor Luo throat sounded, Hongjun Daozu's expression became extremely solemn, and the matter was beyond his control. He originally thought that he could suppress the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and use the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to frighten everything, but now the Demon Emperor Jun has also exploded. Under such circumstances, Daozu Hongjun needs to make a choice, either to let the Eastern Emperor Taiyi go, or accept the coming of Demon Zu Luohou. No matter which situation is a great threat to Daozu Hongjun, it is a great threat to Dao Dao. , Is a great threat to the entire prehistoric!

"Damn Dijun, how dare he do something like this? Isn't he afraid that the entire monster clan will be destroyed because of him? Isn't he afraid that the Golden Crow clan will be liquidated by the predecessor?" Daozu Hongjun was extremely angry, but everything has happened. It’s not for Hongjun Daozu not to face it, and for him not to face all these outbreaks. In Hongjun Daozu’s heart, he feels that the way of heaven has a huge deterrent to the primordial beings, and his own ancestor can also give a powerful deterrent to the primordial beings. !

However, not all living creatures would do this, nor would all living creatures fear Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor, at least the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi are like this. In fact, if you really carefully count all the creatures in Honghuang, such people are very useful. , It’s just that many prehistoric powerhouses dare not show that they are not as crazy as Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun. The reason why these two demon emperors are so crazy is that everything is forced out by Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, facing them. With ten deaths and no life, they have no choice.

Two evils, whichever is the least! Between the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Demon Emperor Jun, Hongjun Daozu finally had to make a choice, giving up strangling the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, choosing to destroy the Demon Emperor Jun first and cutting off the arrival of the Demon Emperor Luo Maw. After all, Hongjun Daozu had to make a choice. In Jun Daozu’s eyes, the threat of Demon Zu Luo Maw is much greater. Compared with Dong Huang Tai, no matter how crazy he is, it is impossible to break the shackles of the Heavenly Dao, and Demon Zu Luo Maw really has to come to the prehistoric world, and the whole situation will destroy the sky. A land-like transformation!

"Luo Hou, you are too happy too early. You think that with this little power, you can descend into the wild world, the'Zhu Xian Sword Formation' will turn, and Zhu Xian!" At this time, Hongjun Dao Zu didn't dare to delay any, his thoughts moved. , Heaven’s power descended from the void, directly submerged into the "Zhu Xian Sword Array", and directly controlled the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" to prevent this sword formation from being taken away by Luo Hou. After all, this "Zhu Xian Sword Array" was Demon Zuluo. The treasure of the throat, if only relying on the Master Tongtian, it is difficult to guarantee this treasure!

"Hongjun, do you think this will prevent me from coming to the precipice? It's ridiculous, the origin of the demon world moves me, and the demon is in the world!" At this time, Demon Zu Luohu also had to do his best, and the opportunity was right in front of him. Don’t catch it well, once Hongjun Daozu has completed his layout of the prehistoric world, he will no longer be able to descend to the predominant world in the future. The magic way will definitely be suppressed by the Heaven’s Dao, and he will never have a chance to stand up again, just relying on the prehistoric world. Those little inheritors of the magic path in the world, they can't make earth-shattering changes in the prehistoric world, and they can't shake the general trend of the sky!

auzw.com "Luo Hou, I've been waiting for you a long time ago, good fortune jade discs come out, heaven and earth nets, heaven and earth forbidden!" Facing Mozu Luo Maw, Hongjun Daozu had to take out what he had The power of the gods had to use their own treasure of sermons, the "good luck jade disc". When the "good luck jade disc" came out, the power of the three thousand avenues in the prehistoric world was drawn by it, forming a terrifying net of heaven and earth, which directly brought the entire prehistoric world. The heavens and the earth are blocked, and the Mozu Luo Maw is not given any chance to descend on the barren land.

Of course, this alone cannot prevent the descending of the Demon Zu Luo Maw. After all, the Demon Emperor Jun is here. With this sacrifice, Demon Zu Luo Maw can lock in the prehistoric and use the opportunity to mobilize the origin of the Demon Realm to impact the prehistoric world, as long as the Demon Emperor If Jun is not dead, Demon Zu Luohou will not give up, nor can he give up, so for Dao Zu Hongjun, if he wants to break the game, he must first kill Demon Emperor Jun!

"Sanqing, what are you waiting for, don't you want to kill Demon Emperor Jun? Only when he is dead and soul can he remove the imprint of the Demon Dao left in the prehistoric world and stop the coming of the Demon Zu Luo Maw!" In order to be able to fight quickly! To make a quick decision, Daozu Hongjun issued an order to Sanqing to use the power of Sanqing to eliminate the huge hidden danger of Demon Emperor Jun!

What about Donghuang Taiyi? Naturally, the two sages of the West are still resisting. It is a pity that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is no longer the former Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The Western two sages want to stop the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. It is just a joke, and the power of the Chaos God and Demon burst out. Then, the second sage of the West could not help but let out a muffled groan, and his body was thrown up like a rag. In front of the emperor Taiyi, they were not worth mentioning.

No, to be precise, what they are facing now is not the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but the Chaos God and Demon, the power of the Jiezhi God and Demon. Under the attack of the Chaos God and Demon, even if they can get help from the heavens, even if they can get help from the chaotic **** and demon. Still vulnerable, this is an essential gap. There is a huge gap between the Heavenly Dao Saints and the Chaos Gods and Demons, and they are not enough to fight the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

"Asshole, the teacher is too partial. It is clear that the situation is very unfavorable to us. It is obviously that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is more threatening, but the teacher gave up the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and chose to suppress the Mozu Luo Maw. This is too unfair. It is not because Sanqing is a disciple who enters the room, and we are just a named disciple!" Although there are such thoughts in my heart, Zhun mentions and introduces the two sages and dare not say anything. Who makes their strength too weak to face Hongjun Daozu's ancestors. anger!

"Huh, Nuwa can ignore this world calamity, ignore the life and death of the prehistoric world, what else can we take into consideration, Nuwa can stop if she is injured, we can also do the same, compared to Nuwa That point of injury, the injury on our body is more serious, the power of the Chaos God and Demon is enough to severely hurt our origin!" In an instant, Zhunti and the second sage made a crazy choice because of the anger in their hearts. They were not willing to go anymore. To stop the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but to avoid the battle directly, they have a suitable reason, even if Hongjun Daozu can't find the problem, after all, they can't die with the Eastern Emperor!

After several struggles, when they regained their footing, Zhunti and Xiuying's faces were extremely pale, their auras chaotic and terrifying, a muffled grunt sounded from their mouths, followed by a burst of blood, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi's The attack caused huge and serious injuries to them, and they had to retreat, so that they could no longer be able to raise the strength to confront Donghuang Taiyi directly!

Those who are wise will have selfishness, and the same is true for quasi-lifting and receiving! Although the current situation is very dangerous and dangerous to all living beings in the prehistoric world, quasi mentions and guides pay more attention to their own safety. The life and death of other people is not in their consideration. As long as one can survive, even if the entire prehistoric world is destroyed. There is no big deal, after all, there is Hongjun Daozu in front of them, and there is a heaven to stand against them, and there is no need to risk his life to fight Donghuangtai endlessly!

Although he is trying his best to prevent the coming of Demon Zu Luo Maw, he still pays attention to Donghuang Taiyi and Dao Zu Hongjun, and is still observing, seeing Zhun Ti and Lulu being defeated so easily, and seeing them give up. Dao Zu Hongjun was full of anger in his heart when he made the choice. Although Zhunti and Lulu were seriously injured, it is impossible to have no combat power. What the two **** are thinking, Hongjun Daozu knows clearly. They are preserving their strength, they are not willing to fight the East Emperor Taiyi desperately!

Angrily scolding Zhunti and the lead, forcing them to face Donghuang Taiyi, facing Donghuang Taiyi's crazy and terrible attack? No, Hongjun Daozu can’t do this. Once he does it, the consequences will be unimaginable. If Zhunzi and the referee agree to everything, everything will return to his own control, but if Zhunzi and the referee are not the case. Do, but choose to stand by and watch. This catastrophe of heaven and earth is troublesome, and it is terrifying and terrifying. The whole beings in the prehistoric world will be destroyed. This natural disaster is God’s suppression of the predominant world. This is the catastrophe of all beings in the world. , Not only one person, but all the prehistoric creatures!

Hongjun Dao ancestor fits the way of heaven and cannot let all living beings in the wild world suffer, especially for their own reasons. Although they are in harmony with the way of heaven, if the resentment of the whole primordial beings condenses and goes straight to the way of heaven, it is also for Hongjun Dao ancestors. A devastating disaster, fits the way of heaven, you can use the power of the way of heaven, but it is also bound by the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is damaged, Hongjun Daozu can not escape the disaster!

As if feeling the danger of Demon Emperor Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi frantically killed the'Zhu Xian Sword Array'. At this moment, Dong Huang Taiyi completely ignored his life and death, and all his power was blessed by the innate'Chaotic Clock'. On the treasure, the'Chaotic Clock' is pushing the'Zhu Xian Sword Array' with unmatched power. In the hands of the Chaos God and Demon, the innate treasure'Chaotic Clock' bursts with extremely terrifying and terrifying power. The void is torn apart, and the space is full. After being broken, the entire human ancestral land was instantly shrouded in a terrifying space storm. The power of the space storm was destroying everything, pulling the entire human ancestral land into the space cracks.

"Damn the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, how dare he do this!" When seeing the time and space storm, the Western Saints were a little dumbfounded. This is not the result they want to see, but it is also a result they cannot bear. If it is because of them People’s ancestors were drawn into the cracks in the space, and the elites of the people’s clan were dead and souls. The two western sages could not bear such a large cause and effect. Once they were entangled by such a large cause and effect, even if they were God’s way. Saints will also be in danger of death.


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