God of Destruction

Chapter 4463: Discard

Chapter 4469 Abandoned

"Damn it, is this Hongjun Daozu's calculation? He calculated us to the limit and didn't give us any chance to retreat. He insisted on forcing us to face the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and forcing us to block this catastrophe. In his eyes, we are really just pawns that can be thrown away at will. We really have no position at all. This heavenly saint is so ridiculous!" At this time, whether it is to attract a saint or a quasi-sage, they are extremely annoyed, and their hearts are full of Hongjun Dao ancestors. Endless resentment!

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed! For the sake of his own calculations, Daozu Hongjun had to let Zhunti and the enlisted two holy sages bear this terrible calamity. This was unacceptable. Although Daozu Hongjun had the grace of preaching to them, this kind of preaching grace could not be accepted. To force them into death, to repay the cause and effect with death, not to mention that the cause and effect of preaching in the hearts of Zhunti and the two saints is not so great. There is no need to sacrifice your life and everything for this. !

In the face of repeated oppression, the leading saint finally got angry, and could no longer bear the anger in his heart. He was completely devoted to the Dao of Heaven and Dao Hongjun: "Perhaps we should really do a break, so entanglement will continue, eventually Only ourselves will suffer. Hongjun Daozu has been oppressing us in this way. Our repeated retreats will only make us fall into a desperate situation of destruction step by step, and there is no possibility of breaking free. The Wu clan can find the right place through the catastrophe of heaven and earth. We can do the same if we get out of the way, but the price we have to pay is much greater than that of them. Now that we have no retreat, let's give it a go, abandon all our worries, and abandon those who don’t belong. Our stuff!"

After accepting this divine idea, the sage Zhunti showed a faint smile on his face, and lightly clicked: "Yes, we should indeed make a choice. Compromise is not the way, no matter how we compromise. No matter what we do, we can’t change the cause and effect that we bear. Since we can’t see the way forward, we completely abandon this path that does not belong to us!"

Not everyone has this determination, and not everyone can be so indifferent to quasi mentioning and receiving. After all, this is the status of a heavenly saint, but now quasi mentioning and receiving really have to give up it. For them, this is originally It should not belong to me. It is the result of my calculation by Hongjun Daozu and Heaven. Rather than continue to compromise and continue to be patient and see no way forward, it is better to give up at this time and use the power of the catastrophe to make myself better. Get out!

For an instant, Zhunti and Jiuying two sages looked at each other, and they saw a trace of indifferent and decisiveness in each other's eyes, and then the second sage nodded gently, and said in a deep voice: "The great road is up, and now the world is magnificent. In a crisis, humanity is dangerous. For the safety of humanity and for the safety of all beings in the world, I must mention that I will take the reason to abandon my own status as a saint of heaven, use the status of saint of heaven to bridge humanity, and resist with the status of saint of heaven. Space storm, protect all living beings!"

As soon as the words of Zhunti and the introduction of the two sages fell, the two Hongmeng Ziqis were directly cut out by them, and they were directly extracted from the soul. This move was completed without hesitation and the introduction. Because they were worried that the Dao of Heaven would stop it, Dao Ancestor Hongjun would stop it, and once they were blocked by the Dao of Heaven, it would be impossible for them to separate themselves from the Dao of Heaven!

When these two cosmic purple qi appeared between the heaven and the earth, the entire prehistoric world was shaken by them, and the two of them who lost the quasi-lift and the lead of the cosmic purple qi were directly knocked down to the status of saints, and their own Dao origin was affected. The two primordial purple auras fell on the crazily torn apart space cracks above the void under the guidance of the quasi-lift and the lead, and together fell on the ancestral land of the human race, guarding the human race. The ancestral land is not affected by space storms.

Today’s human race is humanity, so guarding the human race’s ancestral land is to guard the safety of humanity. However, after making this decision, although it looks very good to the prehistoric sentient beings, it will temporarily protect them from the impact of space storms. It’s not the final result. These are the two grandeur and purple auras, which can prove the chance of sanctification. The two of quasi-promotion and enticement can be discarded, but I don’t know how many powerful people want to get them. In other words, they don't care about the life and death of those'ants', they only care about themselves, only their own interests!

'grab! 'The Hongyun’s purple qi before has caused great turmoil in the sky, but now there are two ways in the wild world, and they are in front of everyone, which makes those wild and powerful people who were originally in the sky above the ancestral land of the human race. How to be able to endure, faced with such a temptation, those predominantly strong people lost their minds in an instant, and went crazy toward the two grand and purple auras!

If they were afraid of the Western Two Sages before, they were sages after all, but now these prehistoric powerhouses have no fear at all. In their eyes, there are only benefits, and there are only great and purple qi, as long as they can get the great and purple qi. They can ignore everything and give up everything. To them, the preaching is more important than everything!

When Zhunti and Jiuyin stripped of their own grandeur and purple energy, and accomplished everything with such great justice, Hongjun Daozu's expression was even more gloomy. For all living beings, they believed that Zhunti and Jiuyin were great compassion. , Is sacrificing oneself for the prehistoric ancestors, but in Hongjun Daozu's eyes, these are all just excuses, they are just excuses for quasi-promotion and introduction in order to get rid of the shackles of the heavens, in order to break free from the shackles of oneself, there is no Hongmeng Ziqi without After entanglement with heaven, acting with such righteousness can not only repay the great cause and effect that the preaching owes to the heaven, but also reap the gratitude of all living beings. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. In this case, even Hongjun Dao ancestors Don't dare to stop it, or if there is a problem with the primordial beings, this is a big cause and effect, a big trouble, it will bring huge hidden dangers to oneself, and also cause great obstacles to oneself.


"What a quasi mention, a good lead, I really have to underestimate you. You can have such a determination and be able to make such a decisive choice. It seems that you really don’t have the heart to fear, and the way of heaven is just for you. Restraint and oppression!" Although his heart is unwilling, Hongjun Daozu can only let this happen. After all, with the action of receiving and quasi-raising, at least I will buy myself and Tiandao a little bit of time. I have time to suppress the power of Mozu Luo Maw!

For the always strong Daozu Hongjun, this series of changes is the last thing he wants to see, but now Daozu Hongjun can’t stop all of this. As for Sanqing, there is also the Nuwa Empress, Hongjun Daozu also does not hold it. Hope, Sanqing seems to be very careful, but in fact there is too much selfishness, not to mention the Nuwa Empress, the reason why the situation has developed to this point, a large part of the reason lies in her, it is her. First calculate the quasi-drawing and receiving lead, and then make the situation out of control!

"Kill!" A deep voice sounded, and the'Good Fortune Jade Plate' strangling the Demon Zu Luo Maw with all its strength, time waits for no one, Hongjun Daozu does not have much time to waste, and there is not much time to stay in the wild land. , He needs to end this world catastrophe as soon as possible, return to the Zixiao Palace to fit the way of heaven, and fully reverse the trend of the prehistoric world, and restore the collapse of the situation to the original trajectory, and can't let the situation continue to be out of control, can't Let this catastrophe completely ruin the general trend of Heaven.

It is precisely because he understands what he needs and what he wants to do, Hongjun Daozu did not pursue the responsibility of Sanqing and Nuwa Empress at this time, and even Zhunti and the introduction of these two **** who betrayed the heavens did not think about it. To punish them, time does not allow Daozu Hongjun to do this. After all, things have priorities. At this time, the most important thing is to stabilize the general situation of the Heavenly Dao, and everything else can be put down for the time being. As long as the general trend of the Heavenly Dao returns to normal, even a small price will be paid. It's worth it!

When he saw that Daozu Hongjun didn't stop him, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief: "Huh! Fortunately, Daozu Hongjun didn't care about this gain or loss with us, and didn't stop it because of our betrayal. Once we succeeded, but the price is also very high. No matter what the outcome of this great catastrophe, we are evil to Heaven and Hongjun Daozu. We have only one way to go, and that is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If we can’t As soon as possible to prove Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, in the end, it is still impossible to escape being liquidated by the Dao of Heaven and the Daozu of Hongjun. After all, we are not a Taoist of Yin and Yang, and we have no tunnel to rely on!

Although the plan was successful, the feelings of the two of them were not very happy, the pressure on them was not less, on the contrary, the pressure was even greater, but this time their success allowed themselves to break out of the original shackles and let themselves Seeing the way forward, you are no longer trapped in the cause and effect of heaven as before, it is difficult to have any hope!

"The current situation is indeed not very good for us. Although we took this opportunity to strip the Hongmeng Ziqi and give up the heavenly saint status, we also hated the heavens and the Hongjun Dao ancestors. Then we will always be affected by the heavens. Suppression, being suppressed by Hongjun Daozu, this is the biggest difficulty. I even worry that we might follow Hongyun's footsteps and become the target of those ignorant "ants". The reason why Hongyun was in desperation before was not him. There is a problem with my own state of mind. The most important thing is the calculations of the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. If the two grandiose and purple qi that we have stripped fall into the hands of other people, the brother thinks it is possible that we will become the target of the other party’s hunting. The excuse is very simple, our luck!" Although Zhunti said these words very plainly, there is endless pressure and endless danger in this plainness.

Such a situation is not impossible, but it will definitely happen, whether it’s Heaven’s Way or Hongjun Daozu, they may not be able to openly target the quasi-promotion and reception, and target the West, but they can rely on these powerful forces in the predicament. The person, with the help of Hongmeng Purple Qi to secretly kill the killer, just like Hongyun, step by step is calculated to death by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Dao ancestor!

"Time, the most important thing for us is time. If we have enough time, we can restore our own Taoism, restore our own origin, even if we are no longer a saint, but our realm and Taoism are still there, those'ants' Even if there is Hongmeng Ziqi, we can’t do it, and it won’t pose any threat to us. It’s just that Hongjun Daozu and Heaven’s Dao won’t give me this time, and we can’t create enough time ourselves. Maybe we should go crazy again. , With the help of the power of the great catastrophe, with the help of this heavenly secret, learn from the witches, combine the power of the two of us to open up the world, and use all of our heritage to open up the western world of bliss that is pinned on the wild land and on the humane!" said When he got here, the eyes of Xie Yin were shining brightly. If this plan can be successful, it will naturally enhance its own heritage and resolve its current crisis.

It is not an easy task to open up a world that is the same as the world of the Wu clan. What's more, now that the reference and introduction are no longer saints, and their origins are also damaged. At this time, it is not an easy task to open up a world in a thousand worlds. Possibly, the world of the Witch is not as simple as it is on the surface, and the foundation of the Witch's world is not something that the two of Zhunzi and Lijiang can have!

"Senior brother’s idea is good, but our existing foundation and strength cannot do it. One of the worlds of Zhongqian with evolutionary potential is not something we can open up now. If we didn’t give up the status of heavenly saints before, There is still a chance. Now there is no chance at all. Unless we can continue to endure and wait until our original origin is restored, this is unrealistic. The enemy will not give us this time. If we want to learn from the Witch Clan, we must as soon as possible. Take advantage of Tiandao and Hongjun Taoist ancestors, and Sanqing and Nuwa Niangniang have no ability to stop them, so for us, a small world is the most suitable. As long as we have evolutionary potential, this is enough. After all, we What is needed is the origin of the world, not the fruit position brought by the world!"

Zhunti’s remarks are very reasonable. For the two of them, what they need is the origin of the world, not the fruition status of the world lord. They don’t need to rely on the world lord to achieve the saint’s status. The goal is Hunyuan Daluojinxian. It is necessary to walk out of their own avenues and achieve their own avenues. For them, the perception of the origin of the world is the most important, and to open up a small thousand world, trusting the humane small thousand world will be strengthened. The power of humanity will protect themselves under humanity. As long as humanity is not completely swallowed up and mastered by heaven, they will have the power to protect themselves. This is the most important thing. Nothing is more important than their own lives. At such a big price, they just want to survive.


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