God of Destruction

Chapter 4464: Festival breaks the ground

Chapter 4470

In the great calamity of heaven and earth, without the power of saints, quasi mentioning and receiving need to protect themselves, and they need to protect themselves from the threats of those enemies, and they must protect themselves under the calculations of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. Strength, tunnels have Yin and Yang Taoists, and only humanity is the most suitable for them. Moreover, they abandon the grandiose and purple qi and get the gratitude of all living beings. This is perfect for them to open up a small thousand world that entrusts humanity, as long as they can There is a chance of success if you open up the world!

Time waits for no one, and no one knows what will happen in the next moment. For the two of them, the longer the time is, the more dangerous it is and the more disadvantaged it is for them. It's just their own injuries now. It’s very serious. If you want to open up a world, open up a small world, you will inevitably make your own injuries worse, will affect your subsequent recovery, and even affect your own interests. The catastrophe of heaven and earth is a crisis and an opportunity. If you don’t have enough power , The opportunity is in front of you can only sigh with excitement!

There will be gains and losses, and there will be gains if you pay. How to choose depends on the decision of the quasi-promotion and the introduction. What decision will be made will have the result, how much gain can be obtained, if you want all the benefits Take all, in the end there will only be nothing. Only when you make a choice can you gain. It's just difficult to make a decision based on mentioning and quoting!

"Junior brother, the catastrophe is a real chance, but it is also a crisis. Now we have lost the protection of the saints. The most suitable thing for us is not to seek the unknown chance, but to retreat and protect ourselves. Only by protecting ourselves can we have the ability to go. Think about other things, otherwise, even if you think about it more, it’s just a mirror image. To open up the world, you must do the same even if you aggravate your own injuries. If your chance is lost this time, you can pursue other opportunities in the future, if you lose your life. , Everything is completely over!" When he said this, Jiuying sighed involuntarily. Although he said so, there was too much unwillingness in Jiuying's heart, but this was something he had to face. , And must accept, this is the great calamity of heaven and earth, this is the helplessness of the weak, for the weak there cannot be so many choices, the weak must know how to advance and retreat!

"Yeah, this is a life-and-death decision. We can only get through the difficulties with our full strength. If we are lucky, we will only end in failure, and the result of failure will be destruction. God will not let us go. Daozu Hongjun will not let us go. Even Sanqing and Empress Nuwa will act against us in order to show loyalty to Dao Dao Hongjun!" Although Zhunti is unwilling to admit his weakness, the fact lies in the facts. I couldn't help but avoid it. I was a high-ranking saint before, but now I have so many worries and worries. I said that the impact was a bit big, and it was a bit unacceptable for a while!

"Let's give it a go, there is no choice. This is our real situation, brother, don't hesitate, time is running out!" When Zhunti said these words, there was a trace of determination on Zhunti's body, and he would become benevolent if he didn't succeed. , When the crisis comes, I can’t help thinking too much by myself. Sometimes thinking too much will become my biggest hidden danger!

"Well, since the younger brothers have such ideas, we will try our best to open up our own Little Thousand Worlds. Now we will leave here, leave the human ancestors, and return to the West!" Since we are going to open up the Little Thousand Worlds, it belongs exclusively to us. In their own world, Zhunti and Diaoyan can only return to the West. Only the West is the most suitable for them. After all, it is impossible for them to place the small thousand world they opened up on the ancestral land of the human race. This is not only for themselves. The threat is even more disrespect for Human Race!

For an instant, Zhunti and Jiuyan exuded strong fluctuations. When they saw this situation, they thought that they were going to counterattack Donghuang Taiyi, but the next moment the result was disappointing for everyone. Zhunti and Jiuying both Disappearing in front of them, retreating directly from the ancestral land of the human race, not caring how much impact this will bring to themselves!

"Damn, how dare these two **** do this, how can they ignore the great catastrophe of heaven and earth!" At this time, Empress Nuwa was angry, not because of how important she thinks of these majestic beings, but by quasi mentioning and attracting. All the pressure to leave will fall on herself. This is too shocking and troublesome for the Nuwa Empress, but she has chosen to do so, and the other party also has sufficient reasons. The other party is in order to protect the entire empire. All sentient beings have abandoned even the saint status, can everyone still ask each other to pay more? At least the prehistoric sentient beings didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the actions of raising and receiving them.

Compared with the anger of Empress Nuwa, Sanqing's eyes showed a faint unwillingness. They all understood why Zhunti and Jiu made such a move at this time. This is to be separated from the heavens and Hongjun Dao ancestors. Making the final cut, from the time when Zhunti and the introduction gave up the saint status, they no longer stood with Tiandao. They did not want to continue to be calculated and manipulated by Tiandao and Hongjun Taoist ancestors. They had to start again and choose again. Own way!

Sanqing wanted to do the same, and wanted to find his own freedom, but they didn’t have this opportunity, and there was no such possibility. Since the group of lunatics of the Wu tribe jumped out of the calculations of the Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu are very much towards Sanqing. Paying attention to it, it doesn’t give them any chance to get out, not to mention that the monster race is also frantically jumping out of the calculations of the heavens, and the two **** who are quasi-producing and receiving have added another fire. At this time, if Sanqing dare to do so. Do, I'm afraid that what is waiting for them will be death. Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu will not allow anyone to jump out and break the trajectory of Heavenly Dao, and let Heavenly Dao get out of control!

The Human Race did not have any bad optimism about the departure of quasi mentioning and receiving. After all, the price paid by the other party was large enough. Although the image of quasi mentioning and receiving was not good before, after they made such sacrifices, It completely reversed the Human Race's bad view of them, at least in the Human Race's view, not all saints can do this, and can abandon the saint status!

It’s a pity that everyone’s shock is just the beginning. After returning to the West, Zhunti and Liao didn’t hesitate to gather all the creatures of the Western world. This time they wanted to open up a world of bliss that belongs exclusively to the West. They don’t have the background of the Witch. Therefore, both of them said that all living beings in the Western world are precious resources, and there can be no loss.

Although auzw.com has lost the mighty power of the saints, the realm of Zhunti and the enlightenment of the two are still in the realm of understanding, and they have been in the West for endless years, and they know the whole of the West well. With all their strength, all western creatures were gathered together, and the two of them were admitted into the congenital spiritual treasure space, waiting for them to open up the world and then plunge into the new world of bliss, and become the creatures of the bliss world. , The origin of growing the world of bliss, as to whether this will affect the development of the prehistoric world, this is not in the consideration of quasi mention and introduction, after all, they must first protect themselves!

"It's a pity that we don't have the magical treasure. Otherwise, it is not too difficult to open up a humane world. Now we can only use our own power, and we can only use Western origin. But we are different from the Witch Clan. The huge background allows them to do whatever they want, but we can’t. To open up the world requires a treasure to support the world, and this is what we don’t have. Therefore, we need to choose the treasure that is most beneficial to ourselves and the world, and to support the world. It is not a trivial matter. It is related to the future potential of the world. I decided to use the combination of the "Twelve-Rank Merit Golden Lotus" and the "Eight Treasure Merit Pond" as the pillars to support the Paradise of Elysium, so that the Eight Treasure Merit Pond can gather the source of nourishment. Second-rank merit golden lotus', merit golden lotus can support the world again!"

Hearing this, Zhunti immediately objected: "No, brother, you will lose a lot by doing this, and most of your body's origin will be dissipated. I still use my body as the pillar of sky support. Since then, we two If you share the burden and pressure of the world, if you still have your strength alone, it will seriously affect your future practice!"

Su Ying sighed, shook his head and said: "This is what I have to do. If we two bear the pressure and consumption together, we will not have the power to protect ourselves. Just me alone, so that the younger brother will have the power to resist foreign enemies. , To protect the Elysium from external forces. After all, today’s humanity is not strong enough to give us much help!"

Zhunti shook his head lightly and said, "This is still wrong. Although the'Twelve-Rank Merit Golden Lotus' is good, it does not have the ability to support the world. Its function is to defend the world. It is best to support the world with trees. I The body of is not usable, but I can return my'Seven Treasure Tree' to its original source, and use the opportunity of opening up the world to evolve it into the pillar of the world that supports the world, so the combination of the three will make the entire world of bliss more solid, and there are eight treasures in it. The pool condenses its origin, with the defense of the'Twelve-Rank Merit Golden Lotus' on the outside, and the'Seven Treasure Trees' in the middle to support the world. This is the most ideal result, and by doing so, we will not lose too much, and the pressure will be limited. , Will not affect one's own practice, and can guarantee the safety of the world!"

Although you want to stop the referral, time waits for no one. There is not much time to waste in the debate. The most important thing is that the suggestion of Zhunzi is really the best choice, and it has the most beneficial development for the world of bliss. Has the greatest potential.

"Okay, just do it, you and I work together to create a world, Junior Brother, are you ready?"

"Okay, there is nothing to prepare. Given our current situation, we don't have so much time to prepare, let's take action, brother!" Facing the enquiry, Zhunti smiled lightly and said what he felt, too. Their most true portrayal. Under such a situation, they had no choice or anything to prepare for. The previous battle had a huge impact on them. At this time, they had no choice but to try their best.

"Open the world and the earth!" A low voice sounded from the summit of Mount Xumi, Zhunti and Lulu broke out all their power into two giant dragons rising up into the sky, directly tore apart the emptiness and the chaos. There is no Heaven-opening Treasure, and there is no conquering the Treasure. The quasi-promotion and access can only use their own origin as the power to open up the world. This will have both pros and cons for them. The advantage is that using their own origin to open up the world will be integrated into the brand. Entering the newly born Bliss World will make their own avenues fit into the world, but the disadvantage is that the price paid is too great, and the source of consumption is too great.

"Open the world, **** it, quasi mention and lead this is to break away from the heavens, to break free from the shackles of the heavens, they want to open up a blissful world belonging to the West like the Witch Clan, and want to get rid of the constraints of the heavens!" When the horror of the West Sumi Mountain peak As soon as the breath of Hongjun came out, Daozu Hongjun immediately understood the other party's sinister intentions, and understood the calculations of these two bastards!

The choice of quasi mentioning and receiving leads to open up the world at this time. Obviously, they don’t want to give themselves a chance to stop them, and they don’t want other people to interfere with their actions. Once they succeed, the West really has to break free from the shackles of the heavens, and the heavens will prevail again. Once frustrated, such an impact was unacceptable to Hongjun Daozu, but he was powerless.

Tired of the heart, this is the first feeling of Hongjun Daozu. At this moment, he is really tired. After calculating the endless years, he has finally brought the general trend of the heavens into the right track, so that the heavens have the advantage, but this is a calamity. At the beginning, everything changed, everything became so crazy, beyond the control of oneself, and beyond the grasp of heaven.

"It's a good one to mention, a good one to lead. I can't make such a choice in this situation. I'm not as good as them. They are really crazy!" Faced with such a situation, the old gentleman couldn't help but sigh secretly. The impact of the changes in the West was too great for him. Zhunti and the introduction can abandon the status of saints and everything, but he has not jumped out of the shackles of heaven.

"Perhaps I should also make a change. If I continue, I will always be bound by the heavens and be suppressed by the heavens. Although the saints of the heavens are good, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is stronger. Maybe I really need to give up the human race. No matter how good the leader is, the luck of the human race is no matter how important it is, but it is all bound to myself and bound to my own avenues. I have already forgotten the foundation of my practice and my beliefs!" It was just a moment, the elder monarch. There are too many insights, so that I have moved my mood, let me see my own shortcomings, and see my own mistakes over the years! Practicing the cultivation of the mind, if even your own state of mind is dusted, what is the future on the path of practice, and now you should polish your state of mind again and let yourself go on the right path again, instead of competing with others for that one. Little chance!


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