God of Destruction

Chapter 4465: Elysium

Chapter 4471: Elysium

No matter how shocked the primordial sentient beings, the actions of Zhunti and the enticement are not over, they are still madly outputting their original power, madly opening up the world, I have to say that their madness is shocking, and they also have The witches who pioneered the world were shocked when they saw such a situation. In the eyes of the witches, these are all crazy things. They don’t need the treasure to open up the world and only use their own origin to continuously explode the chaos. This is really crazy, even if Everyone can understand that Zhunti and Recitation are just to open up a small world, but they are still shocked by this crazy technique. Such a situation makes them unacceptable. If Zhunzi and Recitation do not have innate spiritual treasures in their hands, everyone will I wouldn't believe it, but the other party did just that.

"Brother, the endurance of Little Thousand World has reached its limit, we can't continue to expand, or we can not afford it! We need to stabilize the world, and we need to consolidate the foundation of the world!" I feel that Little Thousand World's expansion has reached its limit. At the time, Zhunti opened his mouth to remind him to take the lead. Although Zhunti wanted to go further and wanted to open up the middle-thousand world, the origin of the middle-thousand world on one side was too terrifying, and they could not bear it!

"The Eight Treasure Merit Pools will let me blend into the world, and the world will surely!" With a deep sigh, a treasure of light flew into the chaos, the newly opened world of bliss, directly submerged in the core of the world, and the world. The origins of the gods merged into one, the light of endless merits exploded, and a spiritual pool appeared in this newly opened world of bliss, becoming the origin of the world.

When seeing the Eight Treasure Merit Pool successfully integrated into the Paradise of Bliss, Zhunti did not hesitate, and directly threw out the "Seven Treasure Tree" of his own hand, and shouted in a deep voice: "The origin is returned, the wonderful tree supports the sky!" "Seven Treasure Trees" This innate spirit treasure turned into a giant tree through the sky under the influence of the world of bliss, supporting this world and making the heaven and the earth no longer converge.

"Crazy, you are really crazy. I was led to abandon the best innate spiritual treasure of the Eight Treasure Merit Pond, and Zhunti also abandoned his'Seven Treasure Trees'. It seems that they are really determined. They have to try their best, at such a heavy price, losing these two treasures has a huge impact on their strength!" Facing such an astonishing move, Yuanshi Tianzun was shocked by it, if he changed to stand on his own In the position of quasi-promotion and introduction, I am afraid it is impossible to make such a crazy decision!

It’s a pity that all this is not over yet. When the Seven Treasure Tree has returned to its origin and turned into a giant tree that can support the entire world of bliss, the leader continued to shout in a deep voice: "The twelve-grade meritorious golden lotus comes out, blends into the world, and protects the common people. Melt it for me!"

"What, the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus was also taken by this lunatic and abandoned. They really had to pay such a heavy price to open up this world of bliss. The three treasures are a great price for the entire West. They Don’t you really worry about your own safety, or worry about losing your Lingbao’s strength and being severely weakened?” At this moment, Master Tongtian couldn’t help but lose his voice. After all, what happened before him was too terrifying and shocking, except for the quasi mention and the quasi mention. These two lunatics, he didn't think that others would dare to learn from these two lunatics, the treasure they abandoned was just to protect the origin of the world!

Daozu Hongjun shouted in a deep voice: "Okay, good one to mention, good one to lead, you are cruel enough, in order to guard against my teacher, you made such a sacrifice, but you think that you can escape the shackles of heaven. It is ridiculous to think that this will be able to avoid the crisis. You forgot that the humanity has been suppressed by the heaven now. Even if you can succeed, it will be useless. As long as the heaven controls the humanity, your little thousand world that rests on the humanity is still there. Under the control of the Dao of Heaven, your life and death are still in the hands of the Dao of Heaven. No matter how hard you struggle, it is useless. You can't break it. This is your calculation!"

Hongjun Daozu wanted to control the humanity. As long as the humanity is controlled by the heavenly way, the world of bliss is still in the hands of the heavenly way, and the quasi-promotion and reception will still be bound by the heavenly way, unless they can prove the Dao Jinxian, and they can abandon the bliss. The world, otherwise they still have to surrender to the Dao of Heaven, but it is difficult to say whether the Dao of Heaven can successfully control the humanity!

As the lord of the Witch Clan’s world, Emperor Jiang Zuwu saw the blissful world that was undergoing crazily transformation, and he couldn’t help but sighed softly: “Eight-Treasure Merit Pool, Twelve-Rank Merit Golden Lotus, and Seven Treasure Trees. Take the lead, and really use limited resources to create a complete Little Thousand World, a Little Thousand World with unlimited potential, with origin, defense, and pillars that support the world. They are really two terrible lunatics, in such a short period of time. I made such a decision within a short period of time. It's amazing. It's really amazing. In contrast, our Wu Clan's success is nothing at all!"

Although the world of the Wu Clan is a mid-thousand world, all of these are not perfected by them, nor are they designed by them. Everything is successful with the help of the Yin and Yang Taoist’s plan and with the huge background of the Wu Clan. There is no amazing background, and the time is so short, but they have made the most correct choice. They truly have a small world with infinite potential, even if this world is still undergoing transformation, but the foundation has been laid. , As long as there is enough time, perhaps the potential of this world of Bliss will not be much weaker than that of the Witch World!

This is the realm and vision of the sage. If you don’t make a move, it’s amazing. For many people, the price of quasi mentioning and receiving is a bit too high. They have abandoned three innate treasures, but in Dijiang. The Lord of the Witch World doesn’t think so. Such abandonment is worthwhile. When the world completes its transformation, both Zhunti and Receiving can get the world’s backfeeding, and both can take the opportunity to gain the power of the world. Gaining all the insights from the transformation of the world is of great benefit to their future practice, and even this insight is more precious than the three innate treasures!

There is an essential gap between the perfect world and the incomplete world. It is better to open up the world as a perfect small world than the incomplete Zhongqian world. To make up for the incomplete world, it takes too much time and background, and a perfect small world. The Thousand Worlds can easily evolve and transform into the Middle Thousand Worlds as long as they have time and resources. The two people's caution in quasi-promotion and introduction let Di Jiangzu Wu Gao take a look at them, and he is extremely optimistic about the evolving world of Elysium!


"Junior Brother, let's go!" When the world of bliss was transformed into a critical moment, the receiver did not hesitate to pull up Zhun Ti and left the prehistoric world directly, entering the bliss world that was undergoing transformation. They had to complete the last step, Incorporate one's own breath, one's own origin, and the Western creatures collected from one's own spiritual treasure into the world of bliss, thereby completing the final transformation of the world of bliss. The world with creatures and the world without creatures are qualitative. The gap, being able to perfectly integrate all living beings into the world also has a different result. It is precisely because of knowing all this that we can take action and take action!

"Hunyuan Daluo's way of the golden immortal, it seems that Zhunti and attracting have really embarked on this path, can it be said that the Hunyuan Daluo's way of the golden immortal is really stronger than the saints of heaven, and it is worth their sacrifice!" With the quasi-promotion and guidance from the prehistoric world, the eyes of the ancestor of Styx at this time flashed a faint doubt and a trace of hesitation.

Now that the two cosmic and purple qi are in front of you, if you let go and have a chance to win a sermon with your own combat power, but after seeing the madness of Zhunti and Liying, the ancestor of Styx can't help but hesitate. When I got up, I vaguely felt that perhaps the opportunity to prove the Dao in front of me was a big trap, and jumping into it by myself would probably be overwhelming.

For a moment, the ancestor Styx gave up his greed for Hongmeng Ziqi. The existence of the sea of ​​blood itself protected the safety of the ancestor Styx. If the saint of heaven is really inferior to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, perhaps he really should choose this A road, the Wu clan opened up the world of the Wu clan and is pinned in the tunnels, but now Zhun Ti and Jiyin have joined forces to open up the world of bliss, pinned in the humanity, can they also use the power of the Nether Sea of ​​Blood to open up Your own blood sea world?

For an instant, Ancestor Styx had this thought in his heart. It was just that he was in the midst of the catastrophe. The cause and effect on Ancestor Styx was too heavy. Even if he did it deliberately, he could not bear the backlash of cause and effect. After all, he I did too many stupid things before, and left myself too many troubles. Now I am determined to open up the world of blood, but when I move this thought, a crisis will come out of my heart, warning myself not to act rashly. And the crisis induction of the mind is the power of cause and effect!

"Damn it, how could this happen? It seems that the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth cannot easily set foot in it. Now even if you are willing to practice Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is impossible to open up your own blood sea world. You need to resolve your own cause and effect first. The trouble is big!" At this time, the heart of the ancestor Styx is extremely solemn, and the general cause and effect is nothing, but the cause and effect with the Yin and Yang Taoists, and the cause and effect with the Netherworld make the ancestor Styx a headache, if Hun Yuan is big Luo Jinxian needs to open up the world, and his troubles are really great.

In fact, the ancestors of Styx thought a bit too much. Opening up the world is not a necessary condition for practicing Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The Wu Clan did this to break free from the shackles of the Heavenly Dao, so that the entire Wu Clan was free from the calculations of the Heavenly Dao. The same is true for the two of them. They don’t want to see that the disciples they have managed to win over are calculated by the heavens, and they end up in a dead end, so they open up the world of bliss. Of course, opening up the world also has great fortune, great merit, and has a great effect on self-cultivation. Great help. The first question is that you have this strength and the conditions. The ancestors of Styx have the strength and the conditions. It’s just that they have done too many stupid things before, so that the karma of karma greatly restricts themselves, which makes Stygos. The ancestors were very distressed and unwilling.

There is an essential difference between having one's own world and not having one's own world. The Wu clan has opened up the middle-thousand worlds and placed it in the tunnels. If the tunnels are immortal, the Wus will always be affected by the tunnels. The same is true for refuge, quasi mention and reception, but they choose humanity, and humanity still exists, they have always been sheltered by humanity and luck. They have great merits and great fortune. The ancestors of Styx want to open up the world of blood. It must be placed in the tunnel, but he has a great cause and effect with the tunnel, so he is rejected by the tunnel and replaced by a strong person who has no tunnel and has a cause and effect. Everything is different. To blame, I can only blame the ancestors of the Styx for miscalculations. , Did something that shouldn’t be done, so he now needs a headache and needs to find a way to eliminate this cause and effect, but now the ancestor of Styx thinks too much, thinks too much of cause and effect, thinking that he needs to resolve all causal karma force!

Just when the ancestors of the Styx River were in distress, the other greedy people had already made a big move, rushing madly to seize the opportunity of proving the way, and at this time, the quasi-raising and receiving in the world of bliss Yin and the two have also begun their final perfection. The origins of each person rushed out of their bodies madly, merged madly into the world of bliss, and were in harmony with the world of bliss, and their minds were also in harmony with the world. The transformation and evolution of the world.

Opportunity, great opportunity, this is a great opportunity. No wonder the Twelve Ancestral Sorcerers have been hiding in the world after the Wu Clan opened up the world. It turns out that opening up the world will get the backfeed of the world's origin, and can more clearly understand the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and accelerate itself. The metamorphosis and evolution of the witches, these **** of the Wu clan are really deep enough, and their power is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Every world has a master of the world, and a world created by itself is easier to integrate with itself. The master of the world has the ability to directly prove the Dao, proving the status of a saint, but I don’t know how many ancestral witches among the witches have achieved this. If there are saints in the tunnel, I am afraid that the origin of the tunnel will be stronger and more perfect!

After getting in touch with the origin of the Elysium, both Zhun Ti and Diaoyu understand the existence of the Lord of the World, and understand the benefits of the Lord of the World. However, if one of them inherits the status of the Lord of the Elysium, they will have the opportunity to become a saint of humanity. The position can strengthen the origin of humanity and strengthen the power of Tao to resist the erosion from the Tao of Heaven.

It’s a pity that although the humane saint’s attainment status is good, and the world’s lord’s attainment status is good, they don’t have such an idea of ​​quasi mention and reception. They are unwilling to let themselves be restrained by humanity anymore. It is not much different from the heavenly saints, but the saints of the humane do not have as many constraints as the heavens. After all, there is no such kind of person as the Hongjun Daozu in the humanity. There is no such person, and the humanity is naturally bound to be bound. It is very small, and there is much freedom, but no matter how free, there are still restrictions. Maybe now the restrictions are not strong, but if humanity continues to grow, it will be different!


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