God of Destruction

Chapter 4466: Festival

Chapter 4472

The three ways of heaven, earth and man are different, but in order to strengthen oneself, in addition to perfecting the origin of the law of one's own avenue, there is also strengthening the sacred position of one's own avenue. The heavenly way originally has six sages, which is the greatest help to the heavenly way. The capital of Taoism, and today the Tao has lost its quasi-tipping and receiving two sages. This is a huge damage to itself. As for the tunnel, because of the appearance of the Yin-Yang Taoist, the Netherworld has the Lord of the World, and the Six Paths of Samsara also has the Lord of Reincarnation, and even There are more witches in the world, and there are more authentic saints, Emperor Jiangzu witches. This pair of tunnels is greatly enhanced, and it is just that the strength of the tunnels gradually balances with the weakening of the heavens, and the power of the heavens is only so much stronger than that of the tunnels. A little bit, and now humanity has also changed. The two of Zhunti and Receiving opened up the world of bliss, pinning them in humanity. This is also an enhancement of the power of humanity, but unfortunately no one of them continues to be the lord of the world of bliss. At fruition level, otherwise there will be a humane saint in humanity, which will greatly increase the power of humanity!

Although there is no saint in humanity, the strong origin of humanity combined with the power of tunnels has caused amazing changes in the three ways of heaven, earth, and humanity. It was originally the way of heaven itself suppressing tunnels and humanity. It can be said that they are suppressing two ways together. For example, the way today is unable to do so. So strong, the tunnel broke free, and the humanity also showed such signs. If the catastrophe continues and there are accidents, perhaps the origin of the heaven will be absorbed by the humanity and the tunnel bit by bit, and the general trend of the prehistoric world will be reversed! All this was something that Hongjun Daozu did not expect. Hongjun Daozu only saw the power of heaven, but did not know that the opening of the world was very important to the three realms of heaven, earth and man. Humanity had a subordinate world, and natural luck increased greatly. Not to mention, after all, the tunnel is attached to the Middle Thousand World, and there are authentic descendants of Pangu like the Wu Clan, and the luck they get is even more amazing!

Although Tiandao also has the authentic Pangu Sanqing as saints, Pangu Sanqing is only three saints, and the Wu clan is a race. Although the saints are strong, they are not as good as the luck of a racial civilization. After all, the Wu clan There are also saints, as well as the Lord of the Six Ways of Reincarnation, and the Lord of the Witch of the Six Ways of Reincarnation. Such a powerful help directly increases the origin of the tunnel!

The opening up of the two of Zhunti and Jiuying not only brought opportunities for themselves, but also affected this great catastrophe. The power of humanity was strengthened, the origin of heaven was weakened, and the power of Hongjun Daozu was naturally affected. , This gave the Demon Zu Luo Maw a chance. Although there was the blockade of the great purple qi and the suppression of the jade disc of good fortune, but there were more greedy people in the predicament, and they would not pay attention to the general situation of the world. There is only interest in the eyes.

A series of crazy attacks were bombarding the Hongmeng Ziqi left by the two of Jiuying and Zhunti, constantly weakening the power of Hongmeng Ziqi, but at this time Hongjun Taoist ancestor was also affected by the Dao of Heaven, and could not completely control the demon. The power of Zuluo Maw was shielded from the prehistoric world, and the combination of the inside and the outside caused a new change in this war. It was a change that Hongjun Daozu did not expect, and it has already recovered. The situation has changed again!

"The origin of the chaos will explode for me, destroy the sky and the earth, and destroy the common people!" It was Eastern Emperor Taiyi who broke out again. When the situation changed, Eastern Emperor Taiyi's last bit of remnant thoughts also broke out, directly Affected his own body, directly exploded the power of the gods and demons who had descended on the prehistoric world. The great path of robbery instantly detonated this body. The origin of endless calamities violently impacted everything, destroying everything, and capable of destroying everything. Everything that is destroyed is destroyed.

If it is possible, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi also wants to explode the innate treasure "Chaos Clock" that he has mastered. It is a pity that this is the heavenly treasure. Even if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has this heart, he can't do this. After all, open the sky. The Heavenly Treasure has unimaginable power and amazing fortune. At the moment Donghuang Tai died, this innate treasure'Chaos Clock' instantly escaped, disappeared into the wild world, and directly plunged into the chaotic space crack. in.

As long as those greedy **** can be a little cautious and can put a little pressure on Donghuang Taiyi, they will not let such a situation happen, and will not give Donghuang Taiyi a chance to explode. Of course, if Nuwa Empress can be a little bit The same can be done at the expense of their own interests. Unfortunately, these people have not done so. They all have selfish intentions and want to seize the greatest benefit. You also calculate it, and he also calculates it to make the situation again. Out of control, out of control!

"Assholes, this group of **** **** actually gave Donghuang Taiyi a chance to blew himself up, and let the situation get out of control again, they all deserve to die!" Facing the sudden change, Hongjun Daozu was angry, and this badly hurt him. Originally, there was the sacrifice of quasi-promotion and introduction, and the two channels of Hongmeng Ziqi were blocked. The situation is turning to the favorable side of Hongjun Daozu, but because of these ignorant and stupid bastards, Hongmengzi is directly weakened. The power of qi directly gave Donghuang Taiyi the opportunity to blew himself up!

It's a pity that Daozu Hongjun is useless no matter how angry, everything has already happened, and even if he has the intention to settle accounts, he can't find many people. Under the self-destruction of Donghuang Taiyi, these ignorant **** are directly blown up to death. Most of them died directly under the explosion of the road of calamity without touching the corners of the purple qi. The origin of the calamity directly destroyed them, the real gods were wiped out, and the road of robbery directly obliterated them. The mark of life has completely disappeared in the wilderness!

Of course, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was also dead, and the gods were also destroyed, but he wanted to die, and those greedy people were blown to death by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi blew directly to the frontier. The defense of the heavens and the earth once again plunged the race into a crisis, the cosmic purple energy that sheltered the human beings was directly exploded, and the human race was directly exposed to the impact of the road of robbery!

The death of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi made the entire prehistoric world mourn for it, and the demon clan's luck was also cut off in an instant. The death of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi left the demon clan without the treasure of suppressing the luck, the'chaos clock'. Leaving directly from the demon race, such a shocking change caused the demon race’s situation to fall into a terrible desperate moment. The endless karma fell on all the demon races. This is the punishment of the demon race, and it is also the demon race. The cause and effect that must be endured.

auzw.com "Ha ha ha! Hong Jun, this is the result you want, ok, it’s really great, explode to me and destroy the world!" When the Eastern Emperor Taiyi blew himself up, the devil Zu Luo Maw did not hesitate anymore, nor did he have the idea of ​​continuing to descend into the prehistoric world. Because he couldn't do it, he had to do so forcibly. The price he had to pay was too great, and Mozu Luo Maw was unwilling to accept it. The important thing is that because of the death of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the origin of the demon mastered by the demon ancestor Luo Maw was affected and was impacted by the Great Dao of Tribulation.

Since you can't descend into the prehistoric world, you naturally have to choose the side that is beneficial to you. In an instant, the demon ancestor Luo Maw blew himself up, and the origin of the demon's avenue exploded directly on the "good fortune jade disc", directly tearing open the defense of the predominant world , Letting the strands of demon energy flow into the prehistoric world, brought great trouble to Hongjun Taoist ancestor, because the first time the demon energy poured into the prehistoric world, it blended into the origin of the prehistoric world, into the prehistoric world. Among the souls of many creatures.

"Damn Luohou, how dare you do this!" Seeing that the devilish energy eroded the origins of the primordial land and the primordial creatures, Dao Ancestor Hongjun showed endless killing intent. Everything was out of his control, and everything changed. , I miscalculated, Tiandao miscalculated, they all underestimated the cruelty of Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, and the madness of Demon Zu Luo Maw. They would rather sacrifice part of their origins and erode the devilish energy into the prehistoric world. Among them, unless Heaven can destroy all the creatures in the prehistoric world, otherwise the magic road will remain in the prehistoric world forever, the road rises, the demons rise and the road disappears, the Mozu Luo Maw has fulfilled his promise.

If it is said that the civilization of the race in the prehistoric world is most affected by the magic way, it is naturally the human race in front of us. A large part of the demonic energy is integrated into the human race. Who will let the human race lose the shelter of the grand purple aura at this critical moment? Also lost the protection of the saint, the origin of the demon world naturally quickly merged into it.

In this short period of time, the two big monster races were all dead, and all died for the monster race. Once they died, the monster race army was also impacted, and it became the place where all the saints vent their anger. Just waved the treasure in his hand and dealt a devastating blow to these monster races, because the madness of the two demon kings completely brought them huge troubles.

Although the monster army is struggling desperately, wanting to resist, even wanting to learn from the two demon kings to blew up, and all the human races will die together, it is a pity that their strength is too weak and they are vulnerable to the saints, and they have not waited for them to do it. , Was directly beheaded by Sanqing, fell directly into the ancestral land of the human race, and was completely strangled.

With the destruction of the monster army, a terrible energy descended from the void. The power of this heavenly way, the sky was angry, and the monster clan caused such a big impact on the prehistoric world and brought so many disasters to the prehistoric creatures. , Tiandao was angry, and came down with anger, that terrible aura turned into a horrible shackles and fell in the bodies of the entire prehistoric monster creatures, in their souls, and in their blood. All monsters were affected by this. The shackles were trapped, and they were abandoned by the heavens. They will have to face the heavenly tribulation every further step in the future, and they will have to be tested by the heavenly tribulation, which is a fatal blow to the monster race.

It’s not that Heaven’s Dao didn’t want to destroy the Demon Race and completely wiped out the Demon Race from the prehistoric world, but Heaven’s Dao couldn’t do it. Too many, if they were swept away, it would be a devastating disaster for the prehistoric world, and the consequences would be unbearable by God.

"The chains of heaven, what a heaven, what an ancestor of Hongjun Dao, what a vicious heart, with this yoke, the demon race will never have a chance to stand up again, the entire prehistoric world will have no place for the demon race, although they do not Destroying the demon race to the extinction, but fundamentally restricts the environment in which the demon race can survive!" Facing such a heavy pressure, the demon master Kunpeng’s face revealed endless anger and unwillingness, but he was unable to resist. Not daring to confront, even Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun were killed in battle, what can a demon master in his mere demon do, let alone confrontation with Heaven, even confrontation with Sanqing is a dead end. It’s even more impossible to expect Empress Nuwa to protect the demon race. Empress Nuwa is also hating the demon race. Who made the two demon kings do nothing this time? The demon race offended all races in the entire primordial land. !

Under this general situation, the demon master Kunpeng sighed, looked back at the demon clan heaven, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the Bei Minghai, returning to his own dojo, endless karma, The endless cause and effect is that the demon master Kunpeng's practice is firmly locked. As long as his own karma is not cleared for a day, the demon master Kunpeng will never have the opportunity to prove the Dao. The huge causal karma even makes him go to Hunyuan University. Luo Jinxian's road is impossible, unless he is willing to change to the road of cause and effect, turning his karma into his own nourishment, and this is also impossible. The demon master Kunpeng has no way to understand the road of cause and effect!

The Yaozu lost, is the catastrophe over? No, no, although Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun died, the great catastrophe did not end because of this. The scattered devilish energy and the explosion of the road of the catastrophe caused a huge impact on the prehistoric world, making it more Many creatures were caught in a frenzied killing, making the entire prehistoric situation even more chaotic.

If these creatures caught in **** and slaughter are strong, either Sanqing or Nuwa Empress can take action to remove them, but these creatures are very weak, and even many of them don’t even have Golden Immortal cultivation. Sanqing and Nuwa Empress are restrained, as heavenly saints, they dare not arbitrarily kill weak creatures!

"Mozu Luo Maw, is this the back hand you left behind? Is this your method of eroding the prehistoric? It is indeed crazy, very sinister and vicious. Now the strong in the entire prehistoric have been killed and injured more than half, and the rest are also Frightened by the horror of the Great Tribulation, and some of them are also entangled in karma and controlled by the Qi of the Tribulation. Under these circumstances, the Demon Dao is given a chance to be born. It is easy to calculate and vicious!" He sighed lightly. In fact, it was not the Mozu Luohu, but the six saints of heaven that caused all this. It was their selfishness that caused the great trend to collapse. It was their selfishness that caused the situation to change in a chain, and finally evolved into such a shot. The unmanageable situation, of course, a large part of this also has the cause and effect of Hongjun Daozu. After all, Hongjun Daozu also has selfish intentions and calculations in this great catastrophe, which also led to the collapse of the situation!


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