God of Destruction

Chapter 4467: Section worry

Chapter 4473 Worry

The breath of the magic way is integrated into the prehistoric sentient beings, directly in harmony with the prehistoric, even Hongjun Dao ancestor can do nothing about it, unless the entire prehistoric sentient beings are destroyed, and the world is reopened to breed new creatures, otherwise the demon is destined to merge with the prehistoric. Facing such a complicated situation, Hongjun Daozu sighed lightly. He could only let go of all the drastic changes in front of him, and only let the power of the magic way erode the predecessors, waiting for the future to slowly think about countermeasures.

With the compromise of Hongjun Daozu, this great catastrophe of heaven and earth will have to be much more stable. Without the power of saints to attack, it is just the war of those ordinary strong men. It will not bring too much damage to the prehistoric world, and it is in the prehistoric world. From the perspective of the source, these **** are the best if they die. They can save the source of the prehistoric world and make the prehistoric world much quieter.

Take back the two primordial purple qi, re-wash with the heavenly origin, and then re-select a new heavenly saint? No, after thinking for a while, Hongjun Daozu thought, [At this time, the madmen who participated in the war have forgotten what fear is, and there is only greed in their hearts. If the Hongmeng Ziqi is taken away at this time, it will only attract Even greater trouble, and even the crazy counterattack caused by these lunatics, they will not believe the words of Hongjun Taoist ancestors, let alone believe that all this is just false, the opportunity to prove the Dao is right in front of them, whoever gives up who is a fool, if There is nothing to say if you can't prove Dao by grabbing your hand, but if Hongjun Daozu is easily taken away like this, this is the result that everyone can't accept, and they don't want to see such a situation happen! ]

"Forget it, stay here, together with the remnants of Hongyun that bastard's original source, stay in the prehistoric world, give the predominant people an idea of ​​life, and hope that someone can persist to the end and have the opportunity to break through the catastrophe and become a way!" Hongjun Daozu With a light sigh, he gave up the idea of ​​recovering the grand and purple qi, and gave all the opportunities to the world powerhouse who was in the war. As for whether anyone can succeed, can he prove it as everyone thinks. Holy, it depends on their own destiny.

Good fortune, what good fortune talk about these ignorant and stupid ants in front of them, if they have good fortune, they will not fall into this field, will not be involved in the catastrophe, there are opportunities in the catastrophe, there are also great dangers, those who die Destroyed **** are too ignorant, too stupid, too desperate, always rushing to the front, so they died, died worthlessly in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and now these remaining **** really have the opportunity to prove it. Holy?

It’s a pity that these stupid people in the midst of the catastrophe have never thought about this problem. What they see in their eyes is still benefit, or the opportunity to prove the way, even if so many of their companions have fallen before, and they have been utterly extinct by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Kill, but they still have no vigilance, they are still fighting frantically, fighting frantically for the opportunity of these two great avenues!

No, it shouldn’t be said that there are two ways now. There is also the one left by Hongyun. Although most of its origin has been burned, there are still people fighting for it. Some people still think that it is also an opportunity to preach. Compared with these crazy people, Whether it’s Sanqing or Nuwa Empress, they didn’t make any more moves. It’s not that they didn’t care about these opportunities for preaching, but that they couldn’t do it. Although they didn’t need it, they had disciples, but as a saint of heaven, After the fall of Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, after the origin of the Demon Realm eroded the prehistoric, they deeply understood how deep the waters of the prehistoric land were, what they could do by themselves, and what they could not do. Dao Hongmeng and purple qi staying behind, this must have a profound meaning, to destroy it by yourself, I am afraid that the cause and effect will be serious!

What is the situation of Terran? I have to say that the human race's situation is still very miserable. Although in this great catastrophe, people have repeatedly assisted, but the human race still has not received real shelter, and has endured great impact and damage. This time is the most serious, the crazy ones. The disciples destroyed the layout of quasi-tipping and receiving in order to prove the truth, and directly brought huge disasters to the human race. Most of the human beings fell in this crazy battle, and these people were also full of humanity. Of causal karma!

"Huh, they are still fighting. I really don’t know how to live or die. According to their horrible karma, it would be a big joke if they could prove the Dao, and even if they didn’t figure out their own problems, they wanted to step up to the sky and attain the status of a saint of heaven. Extremely stupid!" Yuanshi Tianzun does not have a good impression of these **** who have repeatedly undermined the general trend of the heavens. If it weren't because of the limitations of the heavens, it was not because the catastrophe was still not over, and he was still in the midst of the catastrophe, and Yuanshi Tianzun had a heart to slap. Damn these bastards!

Taishang Laojun gently shook his head and said, "Well, don't be angry about some ignorant ants. The catastrophe is over for us, and the rest will be solved by these ignorant ants themselves. Let's do it early. Going back is the best, do not continue to stay in the precipice, lest you regenerate incidents, and then involve yourself in the great tribulation, as long as the great tribulation does not end in one day, we can not despise the impact this great tribulation has brought us It's big enough!"

Taishang Laojun was right. The impact of this catastrophe on the three of them was too great. The situation where everything was under control has changed again and again, and the strength of the monster race has been repeatedly affected. Their estimation is wrong, if it weren't for Hongjun Daozu's move, I'm afraid they would be in danger of death in this catastrophe.

Is everything the Yaozu’s fault? Although the old monarch does not have a good impression of the Yaozu in his heart, he also knows that all this is not the fault of the Yaozu. It can only be said that the general situation of the world is not static, and everything in the prehistoric state is not completely controlled by the heavens. The so-called general trends of the heavens are only the heavens. My own arrangement, the world will not be completely welcoming heaven and earth!

auzw.com"The big brother said that this catastrophe has had a great impact on us, and we also need time to think about the future development. This catastrophe is not only the Witch race. Jumping out of the prehistoric world, even the quasi mention and the introduction have also been achieved, although the price they paid is a bit high, but they really have to go out of their own way, we also need to think about our own development!" This battle is for the Lord Tongtian The impact was even greater, especially the arrival of the final demon ancestor Luo Maw. Although it was only a part of the power, it still brought a huge impact to the leader of the heavens. It made the leader of the heavens realize his shortcomings and the defects of the'Zhuxian Sword Array'. .

The "Zhu Xian Sword Array" is not unbreakable. Originally with this sword array in hand, Tongtian Sect Master was extremely happy, but now he is not happy at all. If he faces the Demon Zu Luo Maw, the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" is always there. The possibility of being taken away, even if you refine this treasure yourself, still can’t change all of this. For the Master Tongtian, he is eager to find a new path and walk out of his own way, without being affected by the “Zhu Xian Sword Array”. The influence of'Zhu Xian Sword Array', I still have no fear of powerful enemies!

In fact, in the heart of the Master Tongtian, he vaguely feels that Zhunzi and Jiu are right. It is a clever move for them to abandon the status of Heavenly Dao Sage. Even Zhunzi and Jiuying are learning from the Wu clan. There must be reasons for this, and it is inevitable. There are benefits that I don’t know about. Perhaps it is precisely because Zhun mentioning and receiving saw this benefit that they made such crazy actions in the catastrophe. It is a pity that although I am determined to learn now, the opportunity has disappeared. There is no chance to find out!

Abandoning the heavenly saint status, unknowingly, there is a trace of imprint left in the heart of Tongtian hierarch. If there is a chance, maybe he will really do this, and he will really give up his heavenly saint status, giving up the grand and purple energy, maybe This is the path that suits you best. Only in this way can you get rid of all the shackles and the shackles of yourself.

The Tao of the Lord Tongtian is different from the Yuanshi Tianzun, and it is also different from the Taishang Laojun. The Yuanshi Tianzun is the way to the heavens, conforms to the heavens, and maintains the heavens. The Taishang Laojun is the highest good like water, and the Tongtian Lord is the way to cut the sky. All sentient beings in the world intercept the first line of life. It can be said that in essence, his way is contrary to the heavenly way. His heavenly way saint is really uncomfortable. The existence of heavenly way has always suppressed his own way and has been restraining the master of Tongtian. Let it be controlled by heaven.

Now Zhunti and Receiving have taken this crucial step and opened up the world of bliss. Although it seems that they have not completely freed themselves from the shackles, they have indeed walked out of their own way, and as heavenly saints, Sanqing is good, No matter what the Nuwa Empress, they can all feel the weakness of the Tao origin today, and they can't help but guess in their hearts, but they can't make up their minds for a while to break free from the constraints of the heavens and get out of the constraints of the Tao.

Without the shackles of Hongmeng and Purple Qi, without the suppression of the Heavenly Dao, Zhunti and Receiving will naturally be much easier. After feeling the news from humanity, Zhun Ti and Receiving are not moved by it, and continue to continue. My own plan, when the world of bliss is completely stabilized, and when the three spiritual treasures are completely integrated into the world of bliss, all the creatures that I have taken away from the west will be scattered into the world of bliss, adding to the world of bliss. The last link completely completes the world of bliss. At this time, these creatures are scattered in the world of bliss. Their breath is absorbed by the world of bliss, which is undergoing transformation, allowing them to completely integrate into the world and become one of the worlds of bliss. Primitive creatures in the world are not repelled by the world of bliss.

When the Western creatures are fully integrated into the world of bliss, all the creatures in the predicament can't help feeling a little in their hearts, as if they have lost something, but for those strong, for the saints of heaven like Sanqing and Nuwa Empress They are all angry at it. They feel the weakening of their luck. The Primordial World has lost those creatures in the Western world, and the origin is affected. Originally for the Primordial Humanitarianism, such a change would also cause damage to the Tao, but it is quasi mention and attract The blissful world that was created is dependent on humanity, so although these creatures are free from the shackles of the prehistoric world, they are still in humanity. Humanity has not suffered much impact, and the tunnel is the same. Only heaven is the most damaged.

"Asshole, how dare these two **** **** take away the creatures of the Western world from the wilderness? Are they going to exterminate themselves from the wilderness? Are they not afraid of being rejected by the wilderness all the time?" Yuanshi Tianzun was the first one. I couldn’t help but roared, if it weren’t for Zhunti and Jiuying to receive humanitarian protection, it’s not that this great catastrophe hadn’t ended yet, Yuanshi Tianzun had the heart to enter the world of bliss, and gave Zhunti and Jiu a deep lesson to let them know what. It's the wrath of heaven!

"Forget it, everyone has their own ambitions. We can't manage this matter. It's a matter of heaven and teacher Hongjun. We are not qualified to manage it. We have done this with Zhunti and the lead, which has created cause and effect with the predominant world. We have formed a cause and effect with Tiandao, and there will be a day of repayment in the future. We just need to wait quietly, there is no need to participate in it!" Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun’s anger, Taishang Laojun didn’t care too much. He saw This is just a trivial matter. Even if you have to settle accounts afterwards, it should not be done by them. It is also by the way of heaven and Daozu Hongjun. They only need to wait and see what happens!

Master Tongtian sighed lightly: "Perhaps this is the right way. Although the saint of heaven is strong, but it is a trick, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian may be the most correct direction of practice. I don't know the two brothers are here. What insights did I have during the battle? As far as I am concerned, this battle has too many impacts. It makes me thoroughly understand that the power of the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" is okay for the general strong, facing the devil ancestors. Luohou, the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi have some shortcomings. It is not that their treasures are not under their own control after all, even if they are still refining them. If it is not for Hongjun Teachers to take action, I am afraid that they will face the demon ancestor Luo Mou. Down, the'Zhu Xian Sword Array' will be taken away, and the external force is still an external force after all, and cannot be trusted!"

"Hey! Junior Brother Tongtian, you are serious about this. When you face the Demon Ancestor Luo Maw, the'Zhuxian Sword Array' is not under your control, can you really refine it?" At this time, the look of the Taishang Laojun looked Becoming extremely dignified, this is not a trivial matter, and it is not just a matter for the Master of Tongtian. If the'Zhuxian Sword Formation' in the hands of Master Tongtian will be taken away by the Mozu Luo Maw, then the'Taiji Tu' in his hand is the innate treasure. Will it be the same? This is related to your own safety, so you can't be careless!

When he heard the words of Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun also instantly understood his intentions, his expression became dignified, his eyes looked directly at the leader of Tongtian, waiting for the reply from the leader of Tongtian, if this is the case, he must also You must prepare in advance and prepare for the worst. At least you can't regard the'Pangu flag' as your most important means, the most powerful assassin, or you will be in desperation if there is an accident in the'Pangu flag' at a critical moment. Among them, there is danger of death!


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