God of Destruction

Chapter 4468: Mission of Heaven

Chapter 4474 Heavenly Mission

Master Tongtian nodded lightly and said, "Really, this is a very real thing. If this hadn't happened, I didn't know that the already fully refined "Zhuxian Sword Formation" in my hand would still be like this. Fortunately, there is a teacher in this battle. If there is no teacher to take action, the consequences are really disastrous!"

When talking about this, Lord Tongtian paused slightly, took a deep breath, and continued: "Since it is a treasure with hidden dangers forever, it is better to just give up and choose a new path, Donghuang Taiyi I believe that I also have the ability to do things that I can do with the Demon Emperor Jun. Only by letting go of this burden in my heart can I go further!"

The Master Tongtian mentioned Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, but in fact he thought of Zhun mentioning and receiving. Although Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun were also very good, they did not succeed, but failed. Or, the Lord Tongtian doesn’t want to be a loser, let alone let himself fall into an unforgettable place, let himself die!

"Junior Brother Tongtian, since you did this, you must have already planned in your heart. I don't know what you want to do and how to get out of your own path. Do you also want to learn how to mention and lead, abandon the status of the heavenly saint, and go to the Hunyuan? Daluo Jinxian Road? Don’t forget, the teacher will not allow this to happen, and you can’t fight against Heaven!” Yuanshi Tianzun stared at the Lord Tongtian, trying to see the face of Lord Tongtian. Seeing something, it was a pity that he was disappointed. The Master Tongtian had not changed anything, and was not affected by these words at all!

Taishang Laojun also nodded and said: "Junior Brother Yuanshi said that, Junior Brother Tongtian should be clear. This is not a trivial matter. Although there have been too many accidents in this battle, you can't make fun of your life. The power of heaven is not something that you and I can fight against. The wave of the Great Tribulation has passed, and the demon race has fallen, and all opportunities have disappeared at this time!"

Master Tongtian smiled indifferently and said: "Thank you for reminding the two brothers. Actually, I didn't want to give up the Heavenly Dao Sage's status. I just wanted to give up the previous path, abandon the'Zhuxian Sword Array', and pick up my own road again. Perhaps the most suitable thing for you should be your own treasure of the Dao, perhaps it is the power you can really rely on!"

Although they are both Sanqing, the leader of Tongtian dare not say all the thoughts in his heart. It is not that he has any bad thoughts, but when the leader of the sky deliberately said it, the soul is warning to himself. As long as he speaks it out, it will definitely happen. Bringing a devastating threat to itself, this made the Master Tongtian had to be cautious and had to abandon his previous plan.

Taishang Laojun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's fine. After all, the'Zhu Xian Sword Formation' is not the treasure of your own sacrifice. No matter how you refine it, you will not be able to eliminate the Demon Zu Luohuo in the'Zhu Xian Sword Formation' The remaining mark of the Dao, only the treasure of the Dao is the most reliable. There is only one possibility to truly get the "Zhu Xian Sword Array" without any hidden dangers, and that is to destroy it and recast it, and learn from the lunatic Taoist Yin and Yang, he The idea of ​​"is the most correct. We have all gone the wrong way. No matter how good the treasure is, it is not our own. The original origin road brand remains in the treasure, which will become a hidden danger for us!"

When talking about the Yin and Yang Taoist, both the Lord Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun sighed lightly. It was not that they did not want to learn the Yin and Yang Taoist, or that they did not want to recast the "Zhuxian Sword Formation", but because they did not have the ability to do it, and wanted to recast the "Zhuxian". The sword formation' first completely destroys it, and this is not something that the Master Tongtian can do, at least not now, unless he can also have the opportunity and ability of the Yin and Yang Taoist to mobilize the origin of the heavens and directly destroy the'Zhuxian Jianjian' !

Although the Lord Tongtian is a sage of Heaven, he can mobilize the power of Heaven, but the power of Heaven is not really controlled by him, but by Dao Ancestor Hongjun. To destroy the "Zhuxian Sword Formation" is too costly for Heaven, Hong It is impossible for Jun Daozu to allow the Master Tongtian to do this, consuming the origin of the heavens in vain, except for the power of the low heavens!

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed and said: "Big brother, you know this is impossible. Although we are the saints of the heavens, we cannot determine the origin of the heavens. If we could do this, Teacher Hongjun would have done it a long time ago. We can only do something else. Find it!"

Master Tongtian smiled indifferently and said: "Actually, the two brothers don’t need to be too nervous. What Mr. Hongjun gave you is the treasure of Kaitian, the treasure left by God the Father, who is naturally closely related to our Sanqing, even among the treasures. It will not become a fatal threat if you leave the original mark of the road, but I am different. The "Zhu Xian Sword Array" is sacrificed by the Mozu Luo Maw. This is the biggest hidden danger. Since it can't be destroyed, it is better to give up. For me There is only one way to go!"

The words of the Master Tongtian sounded very reasonable and correct, but the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun were not willing to accept it, because the innate treasure in their hands was not directly passed down from the father, but by Hongjun. Given by the teacher, they don’t know if there is a back hand of Teacher Hongjun among the treasures, whether there is any hidden danger, be careful to make the Wannian Ship, they don’t want to follow in the footsteps of Donghuang Taiyi, Demon Emperor Jun and Hongyun, so they Take care of the treasure among natural opponents!

Can arouse his own spiritual warning, it is obvious that either he has a problem, or the two seniors have problems, especially Yuanshi Tianzun, who practiced the Suntian way, if he speaks by himself, it is easy to cause his hostility. After all, he is rebelling. Going to heaven, for the sake of his own life, Master Tongtian had to be cautious. Who made Hongyun die too miserably in this battle, and was calculated too badly, so that Master Tongtian now has lingering fears, and they are all right to heaven, right? Hongjun Daozu is wary!

At this time, the Sanqing had their own minds and different ideas. It can be said that the impact of this great catastrophe on them was too great, and it has shaken their beliefs. This is very serious for the saints. The consequences of this, but this influence has penetrated deeply into their hearts and souls, leaving them with lingering fears!

auzw.com The demon race has fallen, the human race is disabled, and the West has been swept away by the two of quasi-promotion and introduction. Today’s prehistoric world has changed a lot, although there are all kinds of uneasiness in my heart. , But Sanqing didn’t have much time to savor it, and before the three of them could express their thoughts, the will of Heaven soon came, whether Sanqing or Nuwa Empress all felt the task of Heaven, no Let them continue to intervene in this great catastrophe, but let them heal the damage of the prehistoric land and restore the vitality of the prehistoric land in this battle. As soon as this task came out, Sanqing and Nuwa both frowned!

Restoring the vitality of the prehistoric land is not something that can be accomplished overnight, nor can the four saints of them do it. It requires a huge amount of time and energy, as well as a huge amount of manpower and material resources. No, originally Nuwa Empress still had this ability. After all, she is a demon saint, but now the demon clan has fallen, and she is not treated by the demon clan. After all, in this catastrophe, the Nüwa empress has Did not stand on the side of Yaozu!

The Human Race is also a choice, but unfortunately, the Human Race is now crippled. A battle with the Demon Race, coupled with the wanton behavior of these **** **** right now, the Human Race has no power at all to do all this, and it is already very difficult to barely survive. , After all, the ancestral land of the human race has been hit hard, and the high-level human race has suffered heavy casualties, and the strength of the human race has been weak to the limit.

Don't obey the order of heaven and resist this arduous task? No, Sanqing and Nvwa did not dare to do this. They did not have the courage. Whoever allowed them to be controlled by the heavens and defy the orders of the heavens would be punished by the heavens at any time. Before they had no ability to fight against the heavens and have no ability to protect themselves, They can only endure the oppression of heaven in silence.

After thinking about it, Sanqing only thought of a way to "accept the disciples" and ask his disciples to execute the order of the heavens to repair the damage of the wild earth and restore the vitality of the wild earth, so that he can get out of this trouble, but now It’s not easy to accept apprentices in the big environment. First of all, it’s hard to find apprentices. You must know that they are not ordinary apprentices, but capable apprentices. Most of them died, and the rest were ambitious!

Trouble, this is really a big trouble! Sanqing all sighed and looked at each other. They all saw the heavy pressure in each other's eyes. Facing such a situation, they were all intentional and powerless. If the strength of the demon clan survives, they can collect a portion of it. The demon race is a disciple, let them contribute their efforts to restore the original origin of the wild land, but the demon race does not have this power, the most important demon race's potential is also suppressed by the heavens, they want to cultivate to face many difficulties.

"Brother, now we can only count on the human race. Only the human race can help us complete this task. It is just that it takes too long for the human race to re-development and growth. Their losses are too great. Brother, you are the leader of the human education, I don’t know. Do you have any good ideas?" At this point, Yuanshi Tianzun turned his attention to the Supreme Master, hoping that the Supreme Master could have a good plan that would allow everyone to complete the heavenly mission and be able to get rid of the pressure!

Taishang Laojun lightly nodded and said, "I have one idea for my brother, but this requires the cooperation of Junior Sister Nuwa. We go to find her. This is not our Sanqing's business, and Junior Sister Nuwa also has to bear the responsibility! "

What method did the Taishang Lao Jun think of, to ask the Nuwa Empress to cooperate, and what is going on, is it the guidance of the heavenly way, is it the calculation of the heavenly way? It is a pity that Yuanshi Tianzun and Master Tongtian have no mind to think, at least they don't have such mind now. For them now, they need to complete the task of heaven as soon as possible, get themselves out of the way and think about new practices!

The Empress Nuwa was not surprised by the appearance of Sanqing. Everything was in her expectation. The mission of Heaven is a great pressure for the Four Sages, and Empress Nuwa, who is the mother of the human race, naturally She also thought of Human Race, and she thought more about it than Taishang Laojun, but to do so, she also had some worries in her heart. After all, what she did would affect her, human race, and even the general trend of the entire prehistoric world. Affect the future!

Without waiting for Sanqing to speak, Empress Nuwa said first: "The three senior brothers must come to me for the mission of heaven. I don't know if the three senior brothers have a good plan?" With this opening, she pushed all the responsibility to three. Qing's body allowed herself to be taken out of the task, at least to make herself a lot easier, who made her the smallest disciple and the weakest saint!

Hearing this, the old gentleman couldn’t help but frowned, and was very dissatisfied with Niu Wa Niang Niang’s move. At this time, Nu Wa Niang Niang would still play scheming and still care about it. This is not a good thing, it will be greatly affected. It affects everyone's actions and the speed of completing the heavenly missions, which is unacceptable to Taishang Laojun.

"Sister Nuwa, now we need to be in the same boat and face this heavy task together. If everyone has selfishness, never want to complete the task. I don’t know what Nu Wa has prepared, but for us Sanqing, It’s because we can’t bear the wrath of God. After all, in the previous catastrophe, everyone carried a huge burden. If the juniors and sisters are unwilling to cooperate, we can only act separately, and we will take the responsibility of restoring the origins of the primordial world. !"

Acting separately and breaking down the tasks is very unfavorable for the Nuwa Empress. The Three Cleansing Ones, they can work together to solve the problem, but they have to bear all the pressure by themselves. Once they have made such a decision, The pressure on myself will increase, and things will be troublesome. This is not the result that Empress Nuwa would like to see.

"The big brother laughed. If we really do this, none of us will be able to complete the task, and we will all be punished by Heaven. Now our only choice is Human Race. The three senior brothers must also come for Human Race. What do the brothers think? Please speak frankly!" Faced with the threat of the Taishang Laojun, Empress Nuwa could only give in!

Taishang Laojun lightly sighed: "Yes, now we can only choose the Human Race, but the Human Race has been hit hard in this catastrophe, and the vitality of the Human Race has also been greatly affected. This situation Below, I can only ask for help from Junior Sister Nuwa. After all, you practice the path of good fortune and know how to make people grow quickly and get rid of the current crisis. Only when the human race grows can we have a way to resolve the crisis and eliminate our own cause and effect. The cause and effect of heaven and earth is also a huge trouble for us. It is very important for us to get rid of it early!"


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